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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7793737 No.7793737 [Reply] [Original]

I have worked for my dad for 20 years.
This is what it has come to.

>> No.7793793

Are ya quitin son?

>> No.7793808

what happened

>> No.7793847

You lil faggot ! Com here blaimin' ya old dad because you fight like a pussy !

>> No.7793857

Bitching about money.
Many years working and giving my all for a poverty level wage 40k
I have 3 kids

>> No.7793859

you look fine

>> No.7793873

Looks like he sucked on your bottom eyelid

>> No.7793883

>2018.. Getting your ass kicked by your ole man... kek

>> No.7793900

This is what biz looks like?

>> No.7793915

I didnt hit him at all I just took the punches

>> No.7793970
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In the animal kingdom, once the male is old enough he would challenge the alpha and lead the pack if he wins. Which means he has access to all the females.

Tell me /biz/ are you too beta? Why havent you killed all your male siblings yet and your dad, and then fucked your mom and take your position as the Alpha?

>> No.7794007

>having any kind of personal interaction with boomers under any circumstances

you're asking to get fucked over

>> No.7794015


You must be feeling all kinds of emotions.

Do you have an exit plan? (Money, job prospects, change of location, etc).

>> No.7794022

name one animal that does this

>> No.7794047

are ya winnin son?

>> No.7794051


Because I really don't want to kill my dad and brothers.

>> No.7794052

dude wtf, why not? he was testing you, you failed. not ready to call the shots if you can't even punch your dad.

>> No.7794056

Definitely not niggers, the dad usually leaves the pack before his niglings are born

>> No.7794069

yes, the absolute state

>> No.7794075

Lions, for one. Almost every mammal, actually.

The new pride leader will kill the previous leader's cubs and fuck lion bitches to produce stronger heirs.

Do you even animal planet?

>> No.7794088

ur dad is gay OP

>> No.7794092


Net worth 60k tied up in silver gold and crypto no cash on hand but I will be moving back to wisconsin
This has been a long time coming just wish I was better prepared

>> No.7794095

sorry anon i cant relate, i bullied my dad as soon as i was big enough, earned his respect and now we love eachother a lot

>> No.7794123
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My condolences to your dad for raising such a little bitch of a son

>> No.7794124

pretty much all mammals you brainlet

>> No.7794153

i beat the shit out of my dad when i was 18 for pulling some faggot shit like this on me

>> No.7794165

> white people

>> No.7794168

This, if he hits you you're supposed to beat the shit out of him. Then he'll either fire you or retire and give you the company.

>> No.7794207
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>> No.7794211

They don't kill their own dad you retards

>> No.7794221

Sorry this happened to you op. I hope your coins moon & respect to you for not fighting back.

>> No.7794250

My dad is a psychopath, I have 3 siblings and only one talks to him yet. The other 2 do not.
Hes a control freak and always has to be right. He married a phillipeno gold digger.
It hurts sometimes seeing papers drawn up a year ago and shares of the company in his and her name only.
The story runs long and deep, uninteresting to most people so i will spare you guys it just sucks that my dad is a real peice of shit.
I actually never knew him until i was 13 years old.

>> No.7794264

>having 3 kids when on a 40k salary

Scooby dooby doo

>> No.7794286

why would you have 3 kids if u only make 40k

>> No.7794294

you need to put your tail between your legs, keep your head down, and ask for forgiveness. you got the job in the first place because you are his son. you would be on the streets otherwise.

>> No.7794305

shoud've at least gut punched him

>> No.7794311

do you mind i'm trying to post here
can you not post the exact same thing before me

>> No.7794318
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Their dad is usually the Alpha, whom the usurp. So yeah.

>> No.7794340

You look like... somebody... but i can't put my finger on it.

>> No.7794349


>> No.7794422

No, once a male lion reaches adulthood he will seek to usurp the alpha of another pride, not the one he's already in. His dad will probably make him fuck off before he's big enough to try anyway

>> No.7794423

tell us the story anon!

>> No.7794460

shitty man!

>> No.7794490

dude can i just say? you look like a massive fucking pussy.
what kinda leaky ass vagina comes to /biz/ to talk about this shit? are you fucking serious?
you ugly big nosed pussy ass faggot, i am literally ashamed to be accessing the same website as you.
unironically kill yourself, your children will be better off if your wife finds a husband that is a gaping fucking twat.

>> No.7794525

Post a pic of yourself.

>> No.7794536


>> No.7794546

I didn't say "beat the shit out of" did I faggot?

Just punch back, you'll both get some wounds you can bond about over a beer later. No punches just makes you look like a pussy to him, no fucking way he's going to listen to your business ideas after that.

Trying to play the remorse card by not defending yourself, hoping he feels guilty later about hitting you. Playing this card is ultra-feminine passive-aggressive shit, i.e. not a great strategy at all, particularly because not everyone even feels remorse.
Such as psychopaths. If he's been this much of a piece of shit to your whole family your whole life, I really don't know what to say if you couldn't even hit him once. Who are you willing to hit? If the answer is nobody, then work on your communication so you don't start fights.

>> No.7794568

I can relate anon I'm from a family business where I wasn't paid for years because I was somewhat new and incompetent and my dad would pay for my car insurance and phone etc. I didn't need much money at that time
I got lucky with crypto and neet it up all day now but I wish the best for you and you kids

>> No.7794629

>I got lucky with crypto
I found exploit on a bitcoin gambling site a few years ago and made about 70 coins and since traded up to 200 and sold 40 along the way

>> No.7794690

I am a skilled tradesman/carpenter and skilled in many other areas getting a new job is not the problem.

>> No.7794692

Ben Afflec? Reminds me of his look in The Town

>> No.7794764


At least you've got something to liquid, if you need to.

I hope things get better for you.

>> No.7794777

You have to establish dominace or you will always be his bitch.
Turn him over and fuck him in his ass, that's when he knows you're not a little faggot anymore.

>> No.7794781

Im going to pull a mcafee on you and tell you to say this to my face.
1286 wears valley rd pigeon forge tn

>> No.7794809

>trips of truth
OP better deliver

>> No.7794815


>> No.7794829

Severely underrated

>> No.7794836

as it turns out, you're also retarded

>> No.7794895

So now you want to find some random idiot from 4chan because he said a few mean words, but you won't punch your complete asshole of a dad that is ruining your life.

Now I know you're just a retard/troll, and I'm taking your dad's side. Your kids would be better off with a better father. Hope your wife realizes this soon.

>> No.7794918

>we wuz lionz and shiiet

Found the carnie cuck lol. Bet you think your canines are for tearing meat off bones.

>> No.7794934

sounds like you both are equally retarded
>waaaahhhhh my dad punched me
>i'm 30 fucking years old yet i'm still basically a baby

nobody gives a shit about your autistic situation faggot. Grow the fuck up

>> No.7794970


Boundaries senpai. Obviously not many are set up. It also sounds like dad got issues. Better off on your own sounds like. GL

>> No.7795009

Thx bro

>> No.7795072

I knew 4chan would eat this up.
>tfw wanted to see how many replies i could get
Seriously though guys thx for the support

>> No.7795085

You are hard working Western man with dignity and moral qualities who helped his Dad for 20 years. You already proven to be a man.
>what the fuck are you even doing here taking advice from all this biz cancer here

>> No.7795112


>> No.7795137

Thank you

>> No.7795149


>> No.7795226

>>7793737 OP's dad here. the little shitter has been drinking beer all afternoon during working hours. also beats up his three little children when gets home drunk. gave him a little slap as a warning. do this shit one more time and you're fired sonny.

>> No.7795360

>lives in an actual trailerpark

>> No.7795376

Be proud that you have 3 kids. Not ashamed.

>> No.7795389

Christ this is so pathetic that I hope to god that it is a larp.

>> No.7795461

Can't believe you stuck it out for 20 years. Don't go back anon. GL

>> No.7795470

This is the face of a complete pussy

First, you barely got hit quit crying, second stand up to your dad

>> No.7795498


got a little booboo, honey :( poor little thing. my poor little baby boy. come here and let mommy kiss it better. *smooch*

>> No.7795517


>> No.7795563

I know it was dumb to post this here but I thought I could use a few laughs.
You anons are always good for those and no I do not live in a trailer park the address I gave was not my immediate residence.

>> No.7795567

i kno u got a family and shit but i would all in on crypto and pull out in december if i were you

>> No.7795568

I genuinely do not understand the mentality that causes people to not fight back when attacked by family. What the fuck is that loyalty worth? Do you really need their attention or perceived love so badly? I would have no limit to how far I would go to defend myself against them if necessary.

>> No.7795636

I thought about why I didnt hit him and came to the conclusion that I respect him enough not to physically hurt him.

>> No.7795659

I learned from an early age if your dad doesnt seem to want you to have a better life than him leave. They will sabotage you, steal, lie, then act like they know better because their "your father".

If my dad punched me I would sleep that old faggot though OP you should have more self respect / self reliance you look old as fuck to be being smacked around by daddy.

>> No.7795670

that sucks. you'd think he would at least give you some shares in the family business for working that cheap, or set you up for a bigger role or to take it over. not sure if you have any bargaining power with him (e.g. if your role is easily replaceable), but stay calm and ask for what you think you deserve, if not, then leave. probably best to leave his sphere of influence anyway, it might take you a few years to get over it and become your own man. best of luck.

>> No.7795672

Respect is the last thing you should give him

>> No.7795676

that sounds like a bad reason desu

>> No.7795720

they why fist your father when you could get a new job?

>> No.7795811
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>> No.7795818

My dad owns a construction company too. worked for him all through childhood learning everything he knows. Then being officially on his payroll for 3 years of doing more work than him and he was acting like giving me 15 an hour was doing me a favor. He charges his clients 80-100 an hour for not even being there and sent me to do his actual job. Go get a job with an actual company and you will be happier and better paid.

>> No.7795877

Hey Ben, I think you're a bit lost. Let me help you out >>>/tv/

>> No.7795885

man, when i first heard that and thought it was genuine, it sent shivers down my spine.

>> No.7795932

Sorry man. I've had a somewhat strained relationship with my father, but we never hit each other (came close a few times though). Props to you for not hitting back. My advice is to leave, find a new job, family&business don't mix.

>> No.7796006

You need to "apologize," OP.

Tell him you were wrong and just hungover or something.

Tell him you want your job back.

Tell him you'll work harder, OP

The second he turns his back steal every nickel you can and get the fartcicle out of there

>> No.7796542
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>clean your fucking room

>> No.7796583

will he and his brother hang soon?

>> No.7796816

Your old man is upset right now having failed you as a father. The only solution is to fuck your mom.

>> No.7796835

I've got a boomer dad and have had to deal with a lot of the same shit most anons with boomer dads have dealt with. (narcissism, random outbursts, purposely fucked me over from time to time) But the reason my life isn't that bad is because I usually just mouth off to my dad when he gets to uppity for me. I've also swung at him a couple times lol, nothing to serious but enough where he was taken back. slammed him into the couch a couple times as more of a joke, but still letting him know what's he's dealing with.

I have no idea what other non boomer parents are like, but I feel every son needs to let his Dad know he's not a total cuck and fight back

>> No.7796869

Just returned from my MMA workout. You make me laugh OP. PUSSY FAGGOT.

>> No.7796889

Judging by your face it wasnt the first time suck it up

>> No.7796931

>1286 wears valley rd pigeon forge tn
whats this sick slide?

>> No.7796950

Did you try to shill him your link bags?

>> No.7796992

I don't get the people who thinks you win the respect of your fucking dad by hitting him. Maybe if your father is a complete psychopath, but generally a son hitting his father is in bad taste.
I would consider that only if he hit me first, and I frequently fought with him verbally, often very harshly. I mean it's not some fucking cuck from your school, it's your fucking father, he doesn't want to beat you into submission, he wants you to succeed, unless he's very mentally ill.

>> No.7797030

obviously you are a beta who cant deal with the immediate source of your anger in your life so you blow smoke and try to take it out on random people on the internet to feel like you are in control
nice low iq poor fag

>> No.7797119

*takes deep breath*


>> No.7797166

Punch his lights out

>> No.7797301

Its a mini rollercoaster type deal that goes into the mountain side.

>> No.7797442

Thanks just reported you to gov for PnD and got 100k.

>> No.7797515


>actual white person posting on /biz/
nice LARP faggot pajeet

>> No.7797739

Mike Cernovitch?