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7791106 No.7791106 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin sucks.

>it's decentralized
Bitcoin Core team. Chinese mining farms.

>it's anonymous
Everything you ever do is logged forever in the blockchain. Perfect for governments to track their ants.

>it's free
I pay 50 euros if I want to move money from my laptop to my cellphone. Never had to do that with "filthy FIAT" before.

>be your own bank!
More like let Coinbase be your new bank. It also conveniently closes down whenever it's a good time to buy or sell.

>USD is built on thin air!
At least it doesn't keep me up at night in fear it will drop 70% within a few hours.

>> No.7791264

Like usual, I will get no real counter arguments, because Bitcoin is kind of like flat earth and young earth creationism. Almost a religion, or a deep feeling. Nothing rational to it.
Just people praising Satoshi's delusional vision and blaming I'm too dumb to understand it.
Maybe a pajeet reference too.