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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7789565 No.7789565 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.7789938

I'm switching my lambo for a BMW. Holy fuck this is BIG.

>> No.7789971

it's already dumping faggot, no reason for the price to moon until june

>> No.7789984

Thanks for killing that moon, anon

>> No.7790012

$100 EOY I hope, will make me my first million.

>> No.7790246

We're still going up, anon.

>> No.7790279

>anons see multiple 100% gains in a day
>anons get excited over 10% "moon"

its over innit?

>> No.7790288

Salted Walter

>> No.7790298

Its a bear market you fucking retard

>> No.7790316

You'll make it anon. Just don't let the fud get you. Hold

>> No.7790428

Sunnnnnnny is the saviour

>> No.7790443

>BTC up 50% in last week
>its a bear market

yeah I guess its over
look forward to 10% moon missions now

>> No.7790477

Waltonchain does not write data directly to the blockchain through their RFIDs. No matter what the moon boys tell you that isn't a true statement. It is proven false in AMAs and the white paper itself.

In fact, BOTH waltonchain and vechain write the block-hash to the RFID chip at the end of manufacturing before a human even interacts with the chip. Why? Because it's not hard and such things could have been done more than a decade ago.

There is nothing unique about Waltonchain's claim here and them saying they are "first" is ignorant or a lie. VeChain has been doing this for three years under BitSE well before Waltonchain was even an idea, ico, or company..

>> No.7790495

Cant tell if youre trolling, a newfag or a fucking retard.

>> No.7790508


>he gets that defensive when somebody threatens his fantasies about getting rich from internet meme monies

>> No.7790524


Fuck off just buy LINK.

>> No.7790584

> december 2017 must happen every month or else its over!!!!
Youre a newfag idiot