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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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778900 No.778900 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK do you deal with golf culture? Why are business people and men in general obsessed with golfing? Golfing fucking sucks

>> No.778985

It gives them a day of fucking off from work. A lot of deals/networking happen on a golf course. Deal with it and start hitting the range

>> No.778988

It's an expensive and elitist hobby.

>> No.778990

>dress like a pimp
>drive a buggy
>smash sticks at little balls
>drink beer
>talk shit

What the fuck is wrong with you OP

>> No.778993

Fucking annoying me too.

I know im losing deals and business by passing on it though, golf is like some perverted tax on working with rich people.

>> No.778997

Golf is sort of boring to watch, but it's great fun to play if you improve your golf skills over time

>> No.779001

It's to separate the men from the plebs. Golf is a mental game and it shows if someone can keep his emotions in check or not.

>> No.779004


you don't have to golf.

most suit money will be up for hunting, boating, lounging or whore hopping.

new tech money will be up for whatever.

problem is that most lower management is so beta they'll go with whatever the trend dictates. but you can generally steer most people away from golf with affordable alternatives.

>> No.779009

Fucking wish I had someone to play golf with.

>> No.779036

Can we see your boobs?

>> No.779049
File: 49 KB, 624x467, Cedar_Ridge_Golf_Course_-_Cedar_Ridge_331525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a theory in evolutionary psychology that men love golf courses so much because they mimic the savannah environment we evolved in.

The golf course with its open fields bordered by brush and trees is basically an emulation of the hunting grounds of early humans.

It is said that men, the hunters, are more predisposed to such fields while women, the forest gatherers, are more predisposed to like sheltered, closed spaces. This is supposedly also why men have lawn culture and women have garden culture. Women like pretty bushes to hide amongst, but men want to traverse grassy fields.

tl;dr you're a bitch

>> No.779090

> first job was being a night shift working apprentice baker
> the guys there are basically all high school grads or worse, complete bogans
> all of them play golf, want me to join them

Does the lower class think it'll become more respectable by playing golf?

>> No.779146

I work in a bank and after i finished my apprenticeship our CEO (Little bank, only 1,5 Billion) invited us to play golf with him.

Was funny as fuck, especially if you park your little old shit car next to all the ferraris, porsches and audis

>> No.779148

Tennis is a much better old people sport but it'll fuck up your knees and arms a lot faster so that's probably why a lot of them play golf instead.

>> No.779159

No, it's just a fun way to spend time
>wake up early morning
>grab a case of beer
>head out to the course with the bros
>hit a ball with a metal stick to make it go as far as you can
>banter with the lads while you throw back some brews
>go to the bar to banter and drink even more

>> No.779271

I feel your pain OP. I HATE golf, but it's pretty much the standard recreation of the business man. Not playing can def harm your biz career.

Just take about 10 lessons from a pro one summer.

It's def much more fun when you understand how to properly swing a club.

But yeah it Is def elitist and a traditional way of keeping wealthy whites on top.

> mfw i wish to God basketball was the standard recreation of business...

>> No.779273


You totally made that up fag

>> No.779468

>not going fishing

>> No.779476


>he thinks business people go to play golf because they like playing golf

>> No.779506

If this is about evolutionary hunting then explain why the fattest, oldest men like golfing the most.

>> No.779515 [DELETED] 

>Does the lower class think it'll become more respectable by playing golf?

there's plenty of pretentious white trash running around thinking a hobby or two makes them magically rich

>> No.779537


>> No.779540

Even going to a batting cage seems more fun

>> No.779557


I need to learn to play golf. It's actually pretty fun to smash the shit out of something.

Anyways, it's a place to make business deals. It's not like you can talk about business playing basketball or football.

>> No.779582

I always thought golf was the most boring thing on the earth. Until one day I was talked into getting a lesson. First of all, even hitting the fucking ball was hard. And after an hour of lessons, I hit one "good" shot, and I was completely hooked. Shortly after I took a trip up to cape cod and took more lessons. The course and scenery was just beautiful and I was even more hooked.

I'm still awful at golf, but I kind of get it now. Its a very leisurely game you can play as you age and still improve. You can play all over the world. Mostly drinking, talking, enjoying the outside, and then you hit a ball once and again.

I never found golf to be that expensive. Grab a cheap set of used clubs and clean them up a bit. My local course is like $8 for the large bucket at the range, and less $30 to play the course outside of prime time hours.

>> No.779612

I used to work at a large golf course as a landscaper. All I recall is a bunch of middle-age fucks dressed like dorks hitting the ball and then cursing loudly or making noises not unlike how neckbeards do when sperging over getting fragged in Call of War or whatever game is hot at the moment. Golfers are literally gaymer tier.

>> No.779616


>cultural marxist leaning anthropology/sociology

>> No.780001

have a google m8

>> No.780409

This is one of the funniest threads I've read on /biz/

>> No.780434

> mfw i wish to God basketball was the standard recreation of business...
Unfortunately it'll never happen. I think one of the advantages golf has is that due to all of the down time (waiting for others to tee up, walking to your ball, walking/driving to the next hole, etc.) gives plenty of time to bs and gives you enough time to bring the conversation towards whatever thing you're trying to negotiate.

Other sports have downtime too, but there's usually so little of it that if you have something specific you want to discuss, you're forced to just blurt out what you want instead of giving yourself enough time to finesse your way into the negotiation.

>> No.780434,1 [INTERNAL] 

hey, I'm engaged into golf and I would like to find more about golf irons. Does anyone know where can I find it?