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778894 No.778894 [Reply] [Original]

Millenials aren't buying the boomers' overpriced houses. Are you ready for the housing liquidity crisis?

>> No.778901

>Boomers and Gen X can't sell house houses.
>Instead lease old homes to stupid Millennials at ever-increasing rent prices
>Boomers and Gex X continue making mad bank
>Millennials confirmed for worst generation ever

>> No.778934

>Instead lease old homes to stupid Millennials at ever-increasing rent prices

This. Rent prices in my city have increased 8% per year (compounded, obviously) every year for the last decade or so. My girlfriend lives in an apartment complex with 18 tiny fucking 3 bedroom units. Their rent prices have increased 12% per year, every year, since they built the place 4 years ago. They're paying $4000 a month for about 1000 square feet. Those fuckers are making $72,000 a month gross, almost $900,000 a year. I think it cost them about $3,000,000 to build.

God I fucking hate landlords and wealthy fucking landowners.

>> No.778941

It's nuts, I live in NJ and last year, rent increased for me 10%. I live with a roommate, so I pay like 1k a month in taxes. So I said fuck it, I'll buy a place. Property taxes here are about 7k across the board and if I buy a condo, that doesn't include HOA. I know we are supposed to be a rich state, but who the fuck wants pisses away 7k a year if someone hands the keys to the house to me?

>> No.778942

Will the Fed ever allow these artificially raised housing prices to fall? Only a fucking retard mortgages a modest single family house for more than $150,000.

>> No.778944

This. I live in the tri-state area so I understand this pain. Hoping to move to NC or TX soon.

>> No.779032

>God I fucking hate landlords and wealthy fucking landowners.

t. peasant circa 1500 A.D

the smart money is renting a studio apartment with no heating and tons of blankets waiting for the liquidity crisis then swooping in and getting homes for cheap. I want to see the face on blackstone's exex's faces when they lose money. Also fuck berkshire hathaway realty.

In reality there will probably be some kind of bail out, a company as well connected as blackstone won't lose money ever.

>> No.780146

Even though I have a high paying job, I see absolutely no reason to buy some piece of shit home made of foam and mdf or throw my money into a black hole renting an apartment. I can't see myself moving out of my parent's place for a very long time.

>> No.780150

That's so sad. At least you can continue being a child.

>> No.780152
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That's right, I get to sit around and watch weeb toons for years. However, the best part is that I can thoroughly ass blast the boomerang kids who just don't have the money to move out by dangling it over their heads/

>> No.780153

This is /biz/, what you need is >>/plebbit or >>/tumblr

>> No.780157

This. That's why I hate the bullshit way our system is sold. Ideally in capitalism if you fuck up you fuck up, but with bailouts you fuck over the less wealthy, get into a situation you deserve by doing so, and then the government forces the same less wealthy to give their money to you to save your ass. And then you keep fucking them over.

>> No.780175

>basing the entire market off of one shitty county
Shiggy diggy doo

>> No.780201

Can't wait to rake in those sky-high rents. I'm already seeing the huge uptick in larger urban areas. I even saw a SFH in San Fran rented out for over 10k / month.

>> No.780204

And I bet it's 950 sq ft.

>> No.780216
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>yfw you realized you only exist to transfer money from your employer to your landlord

>> No.780248

I think it was over 1000sqft, but it was really beat-up and the layout was super-crappy, like living in a submarine.

>> No.780255
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This. Moving out of your parents house is fucking retarded and being ashamed of living with your parents is even more fucking retarded. I'm laughing all the way to the bank while my friends get fucked in the anus by schlomo every month.

>> No.780303

I'm gonna move out with 20k in the market. Is this enough?

>> No.780305

>um..yeah..want to go back to my parent's place to fuck?
>V-Card for Life.

>> No.780316

the same fucking thing, every time

every single fucking person you present this reasoning to reacts like this, but has yet to provide reasoning as to why I should give a fuck

>> No.780324

>implying drunk chicks care @ 2:30 am in the morning
You really dont know how this works, do you, Schlomo?

>> No.780333

>I'm a badass businessman come watch my mom make me cereal

>> No.780427

If you want to be a virgin for life I don't care.

Sorry, I guess I like having sex with people I might see more then once. But eventually i'll catch up on my date rape. Enjoy that itch in the morning.

>> No.780432



Fuck the Boomers. Don't let them cash out by forcing us Millenials to take on $800,000 mortgages.

Remember, new home buyers are the ones that support the entrenched people, we are their support pillar.

Let them fucking burn, because they allocated all of their capital into goddamn real estate. MY BODY IS READY.

>> No.780433

>not buying an cheap ghetto apartment


>> No.780435
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>Be in Toronto.
>Ownership costs significantly higher than rents
>Owners subsidize renters in the grim hope that their equity will increase infinitely at a rate of 80% every 5 years.


>> No.780436


This soooo fucking bad.

The only way anyone should ever get a million dollar home is through inheritance from a stupid relative that had way too much of their net assets in real estate.

I pray to GOD that the millenials are too smart for the boomer's shit tier retirement strategies.

I have 600k net worth and refuse to buy a home worth more than $100/sqft.


>> No.780448


>Dat net worth

Tell us your secrets.

>> No.780466

There is nothing wrong with boomers

>> No.780467


i'm gen x... i just have hope for the millenials.

also... wife and i both just make a shit ton of money with engineering degrees. and i time the market. it can be done.

>> No.780474

>and i time the market
kek. Engineers confirmed for shit at personal finance. With two incomes, a Gen X couple should be well past a million net worth by now. Hope you enjoy working into your 80's.

>> No.780492

So the REIT's will just purchase everything and everyone can be rent-plebs?

>> No.780495
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>Demographers, historians, and commentators use beginning birth dates ranging from the early 1960s to the early 1980s.
I'm closer to mid 1980s. But I refuse to associate myself with any other demographic.

> Engineers confirmed for shit at personal finance
At ~30 we're doing a lot better than everyone we know with finance degrees.

>jealousy is a stinky parfume

>> No.780512
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Gen X'ers are crypto-Boomers anyway.

>> No.780518

>comparing yourself to national medians
>comparing yourself to high school dropouts, single mothers, retards and NEETs
Keep the bar low, anon.

>> No.780552

>yfw when you just realized your true purpose for existing

happening is when? I can't take these feels anymore

>> No.780558

but I still don't understand
the only con people point out is that you can't date effectively
but that is the only reason to move out? are you fucking kidding me? you drop $800/mo. or whatever crazy price on your own place to fuck girls?

>> No.780580

Landlording jews got #REKT again.

You literally have no comeback on why moving out is a good idea financially. Your only argument was "muh pussy" and when the anon ^ pointed out that its not an issue if you dont want it to be, you switched and baited to "muh relationships".

Anyway, moving out and renting just for the sake of "muh independence" is bullshit. Lots of those fuckers live paycheck to paycheck, on bread and water. I'm in Toronto where boomers raised the prices of any decent real estate into stratosphere by instituting green zones, raking up immigration to literally include anybody (nurse aides toppity kek) and outsourcing a lot of decent jobs abroad to south east asia. I make decent dough as an electrical engineer (4 yrs in now), and have no plans on renting or buying in this hole. And my relationships with women are just fine, noone (yes, as in 0 girls) had any issues fucking in parents place. A personality, being fit, and driving a decent car sure helps.

>> No.780605

Okay here are some other reasons
-Your parent's did their job, they raised you, let them fucking move on. Let them go back to fucking in the kitchen or selling their house to retire to Florida.
-I mentioned dating already so I won't harp on it
-Grow up - Take responsibility for yourself, does your mom still do your laundry? Do you know how to budget yourself? Life skills, you realize your parents will eventually die.
-Psychologically the longer you live there the harder it will be to ever leave. Cocooning at your parent's house means your not doing the things you should be doing at your age - having to make real decisions, having independent life experience

Frankly, you guys want to have peter pan syndrome, you go right on ahead. But know basically 2 things:
1) Your parent's don't want you there (unless your under 22, then maybe MAYBE they aren't sick of you).
2) Your friend's make fun of you on a regular basis for being a giant man-child. And literally any complaints or opinions about life you have are pretty much completely irrelevant because you haven't lived any yet.

>> No.780612


Do this as long as you can...

I graduated last April, got a decent job, started saving, dad kicks me out in November, move in with mom, she is now kicking me out (circumstance - downsizing to one bedroom condo) in August and I'm forced to move out.

Good news, I managed to save over 30K in my quest to make as much as possible.

The bad news? Could have had 60K had I managed to just say another 8 months.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Stay until your parents just force your hand out.

>> No.780624
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Here you go niggers

The average net worth of above average people

>> No.780626




>> No.780631

>literally no hard data
>muh gut feeling
No thanks.

>> No.780633
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nah none of those things are important

>> No.780649

That's why it says "Above Average Person", which is obviously his opinion and not backed up by facts.

>> No.780669

>Be in Chiraq
> Be in south side
>Own a gun
>Pay cheap rent
>Cheap crack head pussy down the street
>Vanguard etfs like a motherfucker
>Simple shit faggots
>Fried chicken

>> No.780886


It's going to happen. The jobs are increasing in the cities where millennials are flocking. Also they can't afford a house after car loans, student loans, vacations/wedding/nice things to keep up with their friends.

This coming 10-20 years its going to happen unless there's some increase in home ownership. These boomers are going to need their money and will have to fucking dump their shit all at the same time. You know what happens next...

Also with social security age requirement consistently going up, these people are going to need money eventually.

>> No.780898

Just split rent if you know people who you trust. I live like mexicans with 5 friends in an apartment, and it's cheap as fuck.

What's the point of owning a house?

>> No.780901


Fuck yeah, my expenses for May were like $30.

Meanwhile, I'm saving like mad so I can do this: >>779032 in two or three years.


I'm a loser anyway. Why should I literally spend $1000/month to convince myself that I might get laid?


> -Grow up - Take responsibility for yourself, does your mom still do your laundry? Do you know how to budget yourself? Life skills, you realize your parents will eventually die.

I paid for my own apartment in university.

>> No.780965

Literally the only people in America who are forcing their kids to leave at an early age are boomer and gen-x white people.

Every other demographic accepts that their children will live at home until married.

In addition, in crica pre-1990, it was an expectation that kids would live with the parents and perhaps grandparents in a multi-family home, which is siginifcantly larger than suburban boxes built since.

But go ahead and enjoy your soap box because your parents like to screw you.

>> No.781028

If you have 20k, a minimum wage job in Texas or some state with houses less than $100k, and a decent credit score. You are in business.

>> No.781382


>> No.781387


A lot of Millennials have shitty credit and can't secure a house loan.

No choice but to rent, feelsbadmang.

>> No.781394


And a lot of them grow up never being told about anything but taking out loans to go to college.

My high school never even mentioned trade schools unless you were already taking autoshop as an elective. We had school events each year about what came after highschool and it was COLLEGE COLLEGE COLLEGE. We had people with 2.0's and 15's on the ACT that were getting funneled into universities because high schools like high university admittance rates regardless of if it's just asking to financially fuck over a kid.

>> No.781397

That and for some reason Gen X parents keep wanting their kids out of the house ASAP. My parents stayed at home 'till their mid-late 20's and were saving up to buy house. I'm just home for the summer break at my uni and my dad acts tired of me being around.

>> No.781406
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>work in los angeles
>make 85k a year
>think 'this is it im gonna make it'
>start looking at home prices
>bust out the spreadsheet and start doing the math
>holy mother of fuck

Please god if you exist make another housing crash happen. I have 100k saved up but its still not enough for something in a somewhat decent area. Please /biz/, tell me another housing crash will happen.

>> No.781414

They never have and they never will mention trade schools or apprenticeships as alternatives to making a great career. It's "work smart, not hard". Well why not work smart AND hard? Use your hands and your head.

We're not taught how to establish good credit, how to manage a checkbook, how to change a tire, how to drive stick, etc.

These are things that we should learn before we head off to Debtland.

>> No.781420

One word: relocate.
Another housing crash isn't going to happen for a while. The bubble hasn't even begun to inflate. Just a partially empty balloon right now.

>> No.781422
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>> No.781433


I would have killed to learn about trade schools when I was in high school; most of the tradesmen I know make great money and enjoy what they do.

As for high schools and colleges, one hand washes another.

>> No.781434

way ahead of the curve thank for that.

>> No.781441

doing the same thing with the mexicans and having them pay into your equity.

>> No.781449

you're looking at a long wait. there's no bubble in real estate and its a sellers market nationally. You need builders and developers to blow their wad. When you see cranes and new buildings literally everywhere and your restaurant servers are talking about real estate. Then it is time

>> No.781468

>When you see cranes and new buildings literally everywhere and your restaurant servers are talking about real estate. Then it is time
Elaborate for me.

>> No.781478

I can.

What fueled the last housing bubble was 15 years of new building. When you see construction workers going out to eat at nice sit down restaurants, when you see everyone driving brand new cars, when you see a new subdivision being put up where that farm used to be, when you see vacant lots suddenly filled with brand spanking new buildings, when you even hear people talking about how the schools are way overcrowded; that is when you will know that development has reached its tipping point and that a bubble is about to pop.

>> No.781496

>When you see construction workers going out to eat at nice sit down restaurants, when you see everyone driving brand new cars, when you see a new subdivision being put up where that farm used to be, when you see vacant lots suddenly filled with brand spanking new buildings, when you even hear people talking about how the schools are way overcrowded; that is when you will know that development has reached its tipping point and that a bubble is about to pop.
London. About 4 months ago

>> No.781510

There's a development surge down in Middletown, Delaware where many subdivisions and apartments are being built but once that developer and those builders get done with that one area, they're going to move on to the next one until there's no land left.

Middletown used to be mostly land, now it's homes and townhouses and developments and shopping centers.

Good for developers, partially good for home owners because the area seems to be hot, bad for anyone trying to get a good deal.

>> No.781587


totally agree.

>> No.781612


Dear God Delete or Read some of your emails in your gmail inbox.

>> No.781685

This. California is fucking retardedly expensive. Unless you're incredibly wealthy (10M+ net worth), you are literally throwing away any hope you had of retiring before age 65 by living in California. I fucking hate California.

>> No.781698

>no one can buy houses so they rent apartments
>apartment prices stay high as fuck
>college grads still living with their parents
>minimum wage stays the same since the fucking 70's
>automation taking away entry level jobs
>college grads taking the rest of the entry level jobs

It's already too late.

>> No.782073

What will happen eventually is that when an area gets that developed people start to move away because development brings all sorts of people you would much rather redline.

Eventually (Given 30-50 years) vacant lots will start to appear and deferred maintenance will force a small amount of houses to disappear and the land to start to reappear.

>> No.782079

King County is an interesting example (I live there)

I'll make the claim that the (abnormal) increases are due to the influx of tech hiring from amazon and company. You can't get a 1 bedroom in the _university district_ for less than 2K a month thanks to the indians who work 10 minutes away in south lake union.

There's almost 0 new construction in King County (anywhere relevant). The biggest growth in new construction is 30 minutes + traffic out of the city.

>> No.782109

If millenials aren't buying, then who the hell is? Houses keep going for 5% over asking here in Commiefornia, and they're on the market for less than a week. Prices have gone up 5% this year already.

>> No.782138

middle class people drinking the "american dream" kool-aid

>> No.782141
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> t. Peasant circa 1500 A.D.


>> No.782142

foreign investors

>> No.782226


this is the easiest way to get rich for twenty somethings

>go to high paying city
>rent a studio in the ghetto
>take the bus to work

>> No.782228
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come to miami

>> No.782300

Middletown already has a bunch of undesirables. I mean there are some nice neighborhoods down there that I would probably live in if I could afford it. But then again, I'd probably stay up north if I had the choice.

Crime is high in Middletown, lots of flibs, lots of overdevelopment. Not good.

>> No.782308

I live in Texas, am I fucked when it comes to housing?

>> No.782315

Unless you want to live in the core of a major city, you should be okay.

>> No.782317

Get flood insurance. And probably not, I've heard that home prices in Texas aren't that bad at all. Especially compared to both East and West coast prices.

>> No.782318

Eh, I want to live in the suburbs of San Antonio.

Yeah, I heard from my dad that home prices and taxes here are really low compared to commiefornia.

>> No.782321


Gives you a little range of home prices in San Antonio.

Also they're cheaper than most places in my state but you can get a place here for about the same price. Depends on what size though.

>> No.782429

this. I'm currently living in a van on a street where houses rent for 4k a month (upper westside manhattan). I am waiting for all the boomers to die in ten years then when the realestate tanks i'm scoop in and buy 2-3 houses

>> No.782476

this is admirable

this guy gets it

>> No.782514
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How do you shower? At the gym or something?
How do you cook your food?

>> No.782543

Is your van down by the river?

>> No.783055

Im living out of my truck in the city as well. I shower at my college's gym, and cook on my tailgate with a propane camp stove.

>> No.783075

Cities are just becoming better to live in. With the revitalization/gentrification boom happening in many major cities(Atlanta especially), people are leaving the suburbs in droves, while minorities are moving out.


Click on the patch of dead grass to see what Atlanta was like in 2007 versus today ^^

>> No.783090

I agree with you but for different reasons. Whites have very low birthrates so they are concentrating in the cities bc they can no longer populate the suburbs in large numbers. The same thing happened in South Africa.

>> No.783115

And where are the minorities going?
The suburbs?

>> No.783129

Thanks for telling us how the 1990s were in Mexico. In America that hasn't been the case in a long fucking time. It was expected that you get yourself a job and go make it on your own. The only people that lived with their parents were .. well nobody, maybe if they lost everything in a business venture but even then they would be doing anything to get out.

America hasn't been the "3 generations" home since the fucking early 1900s. So don't bring your dirty Mexican bullshit into this thread just because you have to live with all your relatives and cousins.

>> No.783144

You would not get a home in eastern MA.

>> No.783149

Depends on your life situation. My parents are light sleepers, we have thin walls, and they have a "no sex" policy in the house. I wasn't even allowed to have the door closed if a girl was in my room with me. My parents weren't even heavily religious or anything, they just wanted me to move out on the grounds that I was 23.

Naturally it worked, I got the fuck out, but now you can appreciate your situation more.

>> No.783156

Landlords who rent the houses out, especially if they represent REITs.

>> No.783177

Funny part is neither are GenXers. Remember, we still exist.

>> No.783362
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Hey, pube shaver: I guess your little red thread wristband is cutting off the blood to your brain or maybe the beer can size earlobe gauges you spent your lawn mowing money on haven't adjusted yet and the pain is intense and keeping you distracted so that you can't think property. Well, listen up, dick beater. You say "fuck the boomer"? How about understanding that the fucking oriental tattoos you elected to besmirch your body with came from the ability to freely do that as opposed to having North Korean or Vietnamese symbols tattooed on your small dick by force if it wasn't for the boomers you are flinging your dumbass shit at in this thread! You fucking fedora wearing laptop masturbators have had furry tails up your ass so long your brains are starting to shrink to the size of a squirrel's testicles. You nut oilers send pics of your dicks by a fucking phone and can't hold a fucking conversation unless you're typing it on a phone to the homosex standing next to you! You fucking taper-faded, fauxhawk wearing shitbirds are ripe for spiff fucking because you think that the freedoms you experience today just fucking happen and all that "history shit" you didn't study in school doesn't mean anything to you little dickheads who don't even know how to write in cursive for God's sake. Post this on your wall at home in your basement so your mom will know that someone will say what needs to be said to you.

>> No.783383


You white americans are so dumb. There is nothing wrong with a family acting like an actual functional unit that helps one another.

>> No.783400

Except the millennials that are making bank (Protip: me) and see you for the gay cowboy boomer scum that you are.

Boomers inherited the greatest economy in the world and drank, drugged, divorced, overleveraged, and spent all of it away while waging multiple wars and raising the worst generation(s) in history.

Yes, it is your fault. Accept that the world today is a result of how you lived and raised your kids.

Now, you are becoming old and increasingly powerless each passing year. I can't change the past but I can ensure that I won't do my part to help the financially irresponsible and reckless boomers (*the majority) when they need help in the future.

You have a nice day now.

>> No.783411

>Millenials aren't buying the boomers' overpriced houses. Are you ready for the housing liquidity crisis?

lol. the millenials have always been irreleveant to the economy.

The gen x'ers, Chinks & Indians are still paying cash and overbidding offering prices in the west coast.

Chinese homebuyership is still massively trending UP, not down.

>> No.783433


That mentality is one of the supreme victories of the kikes.

>> No.783435

>There is nothing wrong with a family acting like an actual functional unit that helps one another.
This. Your "individualism", or lets call it for what it is - selfishness consumed and destroyed you.

>> No.783451

No, its cheap as shit in Texas and you usually get a ton of land too

This doesnt apply for Austin or Downtown Dallas though

>> No.783466


Moving out of the nest can be good, but purely as a tactical advantage. When your family spreads to other parts of the country/globe, you can give footholds to your siblings/cousins by givin them a place to crash if they want to look for jobs or just visit. You set up another nest in this scenario, basically.

>> No.783484


Can confirm. I work in a smallish construction firm and all I see are cranes in Downtown and a lot of rapid development in the hipster neighborhoods. Thank you foreign speculators.

>> No.783487

Millennials don't want to live in expensive 4 bedroom houses in the suburbs. We want to live in a downtown area within walking distance to cool trendy areas around other Millennials.

Rent keeps going up in those downtown areas because there is not enough housing to meet the demand of the Millennials.

And with increase police presence, areas and ghettos in inner cities are getting safer, leading to gentrification, driving the niggers out.

I say fuck the old Boomers. Let them eat their mortgages in the burbs.

>> No.783558
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>expensive 4 bedroom houses in the suburbs
millennials have just caught on that ameriburger houses are made of papa johns breadsticks and elemers glue

>> No.783646


B-but you're just paying for de land, goy! Don't be entitled!

>> No.783657

Eh, isn't that just a "young" people thing? As Millenials age, they will move to the burbs... r-right?

>> No.783723

>people complaining about houseprices in the US

Meanwhile, a 50-60m2 apartment in Norway goes for like 300k.

I'm still considering buying one if it's a three bedroom, if I rent out two rooms for 650$ each and live there myself insted of paying rent I'll slightly overprofit the mortgage/household costs. I could funnel all my money into it and always sell it later for a tax-free profit if I need the money for investing in something else.

>> No.783737

no, because they won't be able to afford them

>> No.783766

I think youre a retard that has either a poor family or shit parents. I'm 23 with no intentions of moving out any time soon. We enjoy each other's company and I'll net more than them this year ($185k). We have a huge home with plenty of space. Why should I leave? To be cool and "on my own"? Why downsize to some overpriced 1 bedroom money sink? To fuck girls I can just take to a hotel?

>> No.783768

I must be sperging here, you mean 50-60 square meters, right? How the fuck does a 645 square foot apartment have 3 bedrooms ever?

>> No.783771

There's the difference, your parents weren't failures. Anyone with poor parents or a shitty/mediocre/poorly maintained place would want to get the fuck out.

Not even ghetto or anything, I lived in a 2 story house on an acre in the suburbs, but the house was old and creaky, poorly cleaned, my parents lived paycheck to paycheck. It was a depressing scene and I needed to live a different life.

>> No.783872

Absolutely this.
>5 years 60k programming job
>no expenses
>enough to buy my own place at 27
>use leftover money to start business
>self-employed and I'm not even 30 yet
Seriously, if you have a good relationship with your parents why wouldn't you take advantage of it?

>> No.783900

what do you think m2 means? m2=m^2=m*m

>> No.783912

>I'll net more than them this year ($185k)

How are you making so much?

>> No.783960

I assumed you weren't being a bitch. 300k for 3,600 square feet is fantastic where I live in the US.

>> No.783980

I wasn't even the original poster. Pick your spaghetti up son.

>> No.783995
File: 36 KB, 720x720, 1392371925580.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone on /biz/ just posted a pic of a street literally two blocks from your rip off apartment in a thread discussing rip off apartments

>> No.784039

sucking 18500 dicks a year

thats only 50 dicks a day or a couple dicks an hour

>> No.784079


Aint that some shit

>> No.784381


>tfw have fucked every girl ive ever been with at my parents house
>girls have never given me shit for living with my parents
>they know I could leave at any moment but have a goal
>save up enough money to give a decent down payment on an apartment complex.

what sort of vapid whores are you attracted too?

>networth 160k
>electric engi

>> No.784385

I'm a millenniel living in southeast Michigan, I'm pretty much doing the same thing, bust for right now I can sleep in the dining room of my mothers small apartment where she works. welcome to the club

>> No.784386

Very small ass bedrooms probably.

>> No.784390

I've been able to land a pretty sweet arrangement where I'm going to basically take my parents' house off their hands for dirt cheap, since they have a summer home and after my dad retires they want to just live down there.

>> No.784404

How cheap?

>> No.784405

Sorry son we need more retirement money so we are going to put the home on the market

>> No.784411

Once you get into an kind of stable relationship, which you somewhat should if you want to not be an embarrassing fuck by age 30, then you should consider moving out. Taking girls out to hotels all the time would not work in this case.

>> No.784414


And yeah someone please give some genuine advice as how to move into better apartments / relying on more stable income

>> No.784421

They're willing to part for around 100k. Haven't worked out the details yet since this is a few years down the line. Not bad considering the house actually would probably go for 3x that. Furthermore, I'd get to keep all the furnishings and part of the appeal is that my dad won't need to get rid of all his stuff as I'll let him keep it all in the basement where it already is.

kek. But really, money shouldn't be an issue for them (so long as the chinese hackers don't end up withdrawing all his money, he's a federal employee)

>> No.784468

>which you somewhat should if you want to not be an embarrassing fuck by age 30
again with this shit
why is it embarrassing to love money more than people

>> No.785229


>> No.785235


>> No.785248

What about people whose fathers rape them when they live with them?

>> No.785276

I pay about $12k a year for my shit apartment, including all bills, and it's so close to work. The cheapest condo I could find anywhere my work is like $200k, and I'd have to drive much further each day to/from work. And if I change jobs, then what?

Renting is the only thing that makes sense right now.

>> No.785297
File: 37 KB, 451x321, ri_housing_prices_1975_3q2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw we never had a real housing crash unlike most other parts of the country

Why are prices still so damn high?

>> No.785301
File: 521 KB, 679x783, newport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
1.2m for this 3 bedroom house

>> No.785304

jesus christ

>> No.785308

Wow. Who the fuck buys this shit.

>> No.785323


Nobody. I bet it's been on the market for years.

>> No.785328

>be college grad from 2010
>can't find job


>> No.785331

it's called haggling. Make an offer for $5k
see what they say.

Theres probably a fuckton of spiders living in that house. lol

Buy it, get rid of the overgrown shrubs, repaint the house and sell it for what it's really worth. lol

>> No.785332

I'm from RI (don't live there anymore).

Newport is a little micro-state onto itself. Mostly rich wasps. Has St. George's Academy - super rich people private boarding school.

It's on an island, relatively low population density and low minority count because it's so expensive.

The problem is - RI hasn't had a good year since before I was born, is mostly mob-run, and anyone worth half a fuck gets out and stays out.

Similar prices and never-going-to-sell homes in East Greenwich, RI. Similar people with blinders on to the real world situation that has made their homes worthless.

It's fun to visit once a year for like a weekend, but no one who actually LIVES in RI makes enough to buy those houses anymore.

I can go on about RI, it's such a great case study in institutional failure on all grounds.

>> No.785339

But anon, I thought the kikes wanted to destroy the traditional American nuclear family. How would saving money (so schlomo doesn't rob you of as much) and supporting those close to you be in any way a bad thing? As long as the child isn't a lazy shit and pulls their weight at home, I see no issue.

>> No.785343

You can smell the desperation in this


>> No.785350


The housing market right now in California is insane. Everything is being snatched up almost immediately. There is no inventory, and just a sea of frustrated buyers. And these are buyers that are having to meet the post bubble more stringent loan requirements.

>> No.785386

How dumb do you have to be to be baited by this shit video?