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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7782964 No.7782964 [Reply] [Original]

This whole market is unworldly. Think about the opportunity given here for people like you and I, who generally don't have great social skills and aren't fond of normal activities. We have the opportunity to trade on a 24/7, high liquidity, high volatility, global, unregulated market and double our investments overnight. We don't have to speak to anyone, all the transactions are anonymous. What's more, there is a small but non-insignificant barrier to entry in this market that normal people that most of us hate lack the attention span to overcome, so if someone is going to be making money, it's us. And even still, nobody involved in speculating on these coins has any real idea how they work beyond a shallow, surface level idea of what they do. The most popular coin uses enormous amounts of electricity solving some useless cryptographic function to maintain itself.

That's all strange enough, but now consider this board. Has there ever been a weirder group of people involved in investing in history? Just ask yourself, what would a normal, well adjusted 50 something male think of this board? What would he think about the weird characters strewn all over the place, the screaming pink figure, the weird cartoon frog, the fact that there are people that have barely spoken words to other human beings in the last year that have made millions of dollars? 4chan culture applied to video games was strange but not out of the ordinary, 4chan + politics really started to turn some heads and hundreds of articles were dedicated to trying to understand it. But 4chan + a 24/7 speculative market surely has to be the wildest combination yet, producing some of the weirdest shit most people will ever see.

And that, anons, is why you need to relish this opportunity. Soak it up, even if you're losing money just know that the experience of this will be worth more to you in 50 years than any amount of money could've ever been. The world is going to seem so boring when this is all gone.

>> No.7782988

thanks just bought 100k ₱₳Ɏ₣₳łⱤ

>> No.7783000



>> No.7783014

Tnx for the good vibes, may you be happy op

>> No.7783047

There's no reason to be sad with crypto, just enjoy the ride and you've already made it

>> No.7783051
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were all here togther

>> No.7783116
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But you are taking money of the same people as you are. If you win - someone of us looses.

>> No.7783118


Why do you think boomers hate crypto?

Because they have a monopoly on traditional investments - the barriers to entry are high, i.e. you need X amount of capital to be granted the ability to trade stocks more than 3x per week. To buy property you also need large starting capital.

On top of that they have monopoly of information, with insider trading and having first dips on non-floated companies which they get the moonshots from first before listing it on NASDAQ, FTSE etc. stock exchanges so normies can buy their bags.

If any boomer talks shit about crypto it is because they see it as a threat to their financial hegemony. Fuck kikes and boomers, the day is ours.

>> No.7783171
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We're all gonna make it.

12K by sunday


>> No.7783183

to some extent i agree, what's worth noting is that the knowhow necessary to determine what to buy, which coin project is good etc is quite rare as well, takes quite a focused geek to stay on top of things

>> No.7783201

All the losers are redditors, guaranteed.

>> No.7783202
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>> No.7783223

I hope we all make it anon. I really do.

>> No.7783227
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Actually, you're right, somebody is giving us their money.

>> No.7783229
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>> No.7783235


We're still better than 50 year olds in suits who draw some meme lines like 5 year olds and think that past chart patterns matter. Or arrogant fund managers whose performance gets beaten by a dart throwing monkey.

>> No.7783287
File: 15 KB, 191x255, jews_911_rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for writing this. You have put into words what has been on the tip of my tongue for a while.

Have a Jew raping goyim on 9-11.

Someone cap his post plz.

>> No.7783289

That's what I like about the /biz/ and crypto approach to investing, we strip away all the pretenses that this is somehow predictable or rational. It's all crazy bullshit so we might as well not take it so seriously.

>> No.7783298
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These are crazy times we're living in, I love it. This wild west is a once-in-multiple-lifetimes oppertunity to get rich, fast. Will all of us make it? Probably not, but a lot of us will. It's a crazy time to be alive and I'm blessed to be here and to be able to take part of this amazing oppertunity.

>> No.7783302


mmm dat pasta

>> No.7783380
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>> No.7783407


why is your screenshot more crisp than my actual screen

>> No.7783421
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Thanks opee i feel good now

>> No.7783439

Opportunity was before the hype at its peak. That peak is now over. If you think you're going to make a lot of money from this, you are deluded. The only way to make money now is to trade. Evey day you waste not trading is a day you could have made money trading while staring at your coins going down 10% daily.

>> No.7783453

Yeah last year, now it's merely link pajeets trying to throw it all away. Face it goy, any time spent here is now a complete waste of money

>> No.7783467

Exactly. These guys are delusional and literally basking in that delusion. Classic group think.

>> No.7783478
File: 22 KB, 485x443, C2BA40FC-F843-496A-BDF4-A1009FDE632C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think about the opportunity given here for people like I

>> No.7783492

Maybe, it's still too early to say though. We're like 2 months out from bitcoin bursting and 6 weeks out on the alts, I don't think we can say whether or not there's no more money to be made as of yet.

>> No.7783506

InLak'Ech Anon :)

>> No.7783542

There is, but it's harder now and nothing of value has been posted here all year. You actually need to look instead of getting automooned by a massive general bull run

>> No.7783589

People said the same thing after the 2014 bubble. The fact is that <1% of people in Western countries own bitcoin, much less alts. We're still early adopters. This is the Internet in 1996, where most people have heard of it but don't really know what it is or how it will be game changing.

>> No.7783592

One more new all time high in a month or two would get a lot of normies back in with big bucks, another crash from there would be devastating.

>> No.7783659

No mentioning of BRAAAAPFT posters? You'll never make it anon im sorry

>> No.7783670

It merely needs to look like it's heading to ATH to trigger the normie and self fulfill, 15k might be enough to do it. We've been making good progress but still a fair way to go.

>> No.7783693

anyone else smell a reddit fag

>> No.7784054

I can smell thick framed glasses from a mile. Shit covered dick from even further and yes, this is a plebbit faggot

>> No.7784102

>nobody involved in speculating on these coins has any real idea how they work beyond a shallow, surface level idea of what they do
You don't need to know that to make money

>> No.7784156

If you want a quick and easy 5x you dont. But if you're trying to find the next Amazon or apple for a 15 year 1000x then it doesn't hurt to understand what you're actually investing in

>> No.7784195
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Thanks for the good vibes anon. I love this wild west, wish i'd got in sooner rather than using crypto to buy acid and selling it irl.
Planning to move continents with my gf in the next 2 years, and this shit is going to make it happen.
A year ago today i was broke, an alcoholic and addicted to amphetamines,, living with 2 dumbest roommates you can imagine while working as a door to door salesman.
Now i have 5 years worth of pay in my portfolio, i don't do drugs or drink anymore, my gf is sleeping in the next room, have a job i enjoy, and i'm enjoying my first cup of coffee on my birthday.
I wish this feeling lasts

>> No.7784595

That's life in a nutshell.

>> No.7784703

Good job beating your addiction anon, I know how hard it can be at times. Happy birthday.

>> No.7784715

Thanks anon, i appreciate it

>> No.7784811

Thats nice man, best of luck to you two

>> No.7784836

>like this again
you speak like it hasn't already passed you by?
if you havent made over a million yet, why do you think there's still a real opportunity left?

the early adopters are all rich, and only the dumb money is going anywhere near the kind of coins you see on /biz/ today.

>> No.7784920

When everyone in the world is utilizing blockchain tech in their day to day lives you can say that moon missions are over. As it stands we've barely begun

>> No.7784962


>When everyone in the world is utilizing blockchain tech in their day to day lives you can say that moon missions are over

that's not how it works

>> No.7785002

That's how it's worked for every major adoption of new tech over the past century. You're like a guy in the 1920s saying that investing in automobile companies is an dead end.

>> No.7785117


>You're like a guy in the 1920s saying that investing in automobile companies is an dead end.

the barrier of entry for mass cryptocurrency adoption is much higher than that of the automobile market

the moon missions are gone, if you don't have 6+ figures to invest by now, you're either wasting your time and don't know it yet or a poor hobbyist

>> No.7785131

Lol, you people are like kids playing in a sandbox. Thinking you're changing something. HAHAHHAHAHAAAA

>> No.7785143

this board has more power than you can imagine

>> No.7785144

>the moon missions are gone
Lets see how you feel this time next year

>> No.7785151

Synth is smarter than you

>> No.7785169

Yeah goys, listen to this guy. The crypto ecosystem has been fully established - it's basically as established as the world wide web is currently you can't possibly make an immense improvement of your financial situation anymore. Just stop hodling and go back to fast food or whatever.

>> No.7785195


>> No.7785209
File: 56 KB, 584x417, yotsubayay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only reason why i didn't cash out at pink tuesday when the market crashed was because it would also mean that i wouldn't be able to participate in all the silly stuff and that is happening on /biz/ at the moment.
your post sums up my feelings about this board. irl i have been kind of down lately, but when i visit /biz/ i really feel at home.

inb4 reddit

>> No.7785227

/biz/ is a small part of the population
most of the people getting burned are pajeets, redditors, newfags
if you bought anything in the beginning of 2017 you're up 20x right now
if you bought anything in 2016, you're up 40x at least
cryptocurrency is truly the most virtuous system, taking from retard bandwagonners and giving back to true neets

>> No.7785234

Me human you not blockchain says

>> No.7785288
File: 92 KB, 706x951, 1514715685392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I will add this to the positive pastas list:

Daily reminder that no matter how much you've lost, as long as you remain in crypto, you are going to make it.

Daily reminder that crypto represents the largest transfer of wealth in human history, and it hasn't even started yet. Anon, you haven't discovered a cheat code. You've discovered the future of the human race. Yes, you are early enough. Yes, you will make it. Yes, you will look back on the pain of your losses and feel real, genuine pride that you made it through.

Daily reminder to look forward, not back. Don't give up, don't opt out. A lot of you haven't known enough goodness to believe it can happen to you. I'm here to tell you that it can. And it will. Your worst mistakes will be nothing more than pebbles strewn along the beach that will be your life. And your children's life. And their children's life, too.

You are going to make it.

>> No.7785301

Sure thing schlomo. Do I get my foreskin back at least?

>> No.7785308


>this level of COPE and delusion


>> No.7785309

This isn't your fucking blog NEET

>> No.7785334

agreed, and follow the general rule which is NEVER SELL IT ALL

hodl, even just a little, to your grave beyond the stars, because one day someone will inherit it and it'll be worth the world to them.

>> No.7785336


Tastes like nocoiners, salted for flavour

>> No.7785345

88 posts are always great posts, ty anon

>> No.7785348

t. owns $100 dollars in bitcoin
You're really gonna make it lad.

>> No.7785351


>> No.7785384

If everyone is so comfy and happy here that means we are in bull market again. When things turn around the attitude is different.

>> No.7785450
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>> No.7785473

extra salty, you're completely anally devastated it seems

>> No.7785504

>no u
The state of shitcoiners.

>> No.7785519
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>> No.7785526

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on

>> No.7785528

>>no u
>The state of shitcoiners.

The absolute state of nocoiners

>> No.7785635

Dammit OP, I nearly cried

>> No.7785728

All those notifications! What’s wrong with you?

>> No.7785880

6k much ?
Salty and fresh alltogether.

>> No.7785912

Do not answer them,anon !

>> No.7785942

9/11 was the greatest thing that ever happened Israel

>> No.7786007
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>this thread

>> No.7786199


This is who loses, read it and fucking kek

>> No.7786215

Let me share you my secret OP, Seroquel XR.

>> No.7786224
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>> No.7786246

Wrong. The technology itself creates value. A computer is obviously far more valuable than its raw materials alone and work hours because the potential and usefulness of it. Same for crypto.

>> No.7786302

>you need X amount of capital to be granted the ability to trade stocks more than 3x per week.

US stocks. ;) americuck

>> No.7786407


>> No.7786449

>there will never be another opportunity like the 2017 bull run

>> No.7786496
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activated my almonds


>> No.7786601

/pol/ here, fucking faggot

>> No.7786622

that's not how capitalism works. in capitalism there's only winners because capitalism creates value. it's not a 0 sum game, commie

>> No.7786666

>Hahaha I'm a condescending cunt, despite half of you being millionaires from this already and probably billionaires in a few years!

Guffaw I say sir, guffaw.

>> No.7786675



>> No.7786684

Love the perspective OP. This is why I come to /biz/

>> No.7786872

no i think were too late