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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7782940 No.7782940 [Reply] [Original]

>fiance wants me to change my last name to her family name when we get married

is it time to jump ship /biz/? im only finding out now shes a closet feminist. at the moment we share rent and shit so im worried how i should go about ending it

>> No.7782961

>fiance wants me to change my last name to her family name when we get married

get the fuck out now

>> No.7783013
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>Dump it

>> No.7783021

does she shave and cage you? cos it's not far away if not

>> No.7783024


yeah i know but moving out isnt easy. we both work in the city and rent is insanely expensive. I would literally have to change my job when i move out.

>> No.7783039

Stopped reading here. Stop falling for the marriage meme.

>> No.7783108

Wouldn't saying "no I'm staying on my last name" work?
I imagine you are extreme beta even if she considers that you can change your last name.

>> No.7783120

Hey young man, if she's a closeted feminist you're fucked. That which you describe is telling.You need to ask her questions and be honest with yourself . If you marry a feminist , your life will be miserable . Do NOT do that under any circumstances .

>> No.7783152

get out now if you don't want be to cucked for life

>> No.7783158

Don't be bothered by that shit. Don't entertain it for even a second though. If she asks about it just sarcastically laugh it off. "yeah right babe". She doesn't want that anymore than you do. It's a framework to test your strength. Take it in stride

>> No.7783169

she might also want to adopt African children or raise your kids genderless.

>> No.7783177

Oh man, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into if you think moving out or changing jobs is painful compared to getting stuck with a feminist . Listen , after you get married with one of those you will understand the meaning of the word WAR.

>> No.7783187

Could you be any more of a cuck?

>> No.7783205

>business and finance

And what's the reason OP, is her family name famous? If not, yes jump ship.

>> No.7783210

The woman asks you to change her name, she has no respect for you.
And when the woman doesn't respect you, all kinds of doors that ought to be closed will be opened.
Bitchy behavior, emasculation, adultery, cuckoldry.

Either the woman loves, respects and follows or she is not worth your time and resources.

>> No.7783249
File: 230 KB, 1000x581, 1518940967299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump it

>> No.7783260

One needs to pay attention to signs . Anyway , if any of you reading this are thinking of getting married you MUST be sure that you understand the way she thinks by talking openly about this subject ( feminist thought ) in a serious manner . That is the MOST IMPORTANT thing which determines weather the relationship will last. Take this words in a serious manner .

>> No.7783269

Wtf nigger, why are you even considering the possibility?
A woman should be absolutely thrilled to adopt your last name. Anything less than that is toxic and you're better off single.

>> No.7783282

Yes. This is correct.

>> No.7783295

>is it time to jump ship /biz/?
yes, get out now

>> No.7783321


>asking a woman to marry you before you know everything about her

you deserve her you fucking retard

>> No.7783361

If a woman doesn't take your name, she's planning on getting divorced. Forcing you to give up your name is just an extra layer of cuck.