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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7770925 No.7770925 [Reply] [Original]

This is the first time I am visiting here. I was expecting /biz/ and not /crypto/ Does no one here trade equities/forex etc?

>> No.7770942

No because we're not 70 year old faggots OP.

>> No.7770943

Thanks just bought 100k.

>> No.7770956

crypto is just forex 2.0

>> No.7770966

never forex
equities a while back
it's just too risky to play equities rn

>> No.7770972

Gtfo broke ass boomer

>> No.7770976

This kills the redditor

>> No.7770980

Yeah we all do forex.

>> No.7770987

Mon-friday yo...just shorted NVDA, and Amzn Friday...I'm hoping for rough open Tuesday!

>> No.7770993

people with a high enough iq to figure out the paperwork to legally trade real securities on a real exchange are high enough iq not to ask fucking 4chan for investment advice

>> No.7770998

dont fall to the LINK SCAM

>> No.7771003

Forex is so bad ... all the big guys are front running .. they are not in crypto that much yet.

>> No.7771004

Are these real people or bots? There's no way someone can be this short-sighted, right?

>> No.7771014

Past few years equities have been on a massive bull run however.

>> No.7771021

We talk about business models every once in a while and some big stock market news but besides that it is all crypto.

>> No.7771053


Yes, but most of those threads happen during the week when the market is over.

In the meantime, feel free to wade through the endless posts about some shitcoin that is going to make everyone rich.

>> No.7771098


Society is about to crumble. Dafuq you think is going to happen to your old man investments when that happens?

Hint: look at 1929

>> No.7771157


An increasingly unsupported bull run. Grats on not being able to identify a bubble staring you in the face.

Smart money (BIS) knows this shit is ending soon. They've been divesting from equities and reweighting their portfolios with the sole goal of MAINTAINING value. That's right... the biggest banks in the world don't see growth continuing, and are aiming to just not lose while everyone else does.

But no, I'm sure you understand more about the market than BIS. Surely your genius will carry you through the bear market of the century. What great foresight you have!

>> No.7771175

Oh it's just kids. Newfags really are the cancer killing biz.

>> No.7771231


If society were really to crumble, your crypos are going to be useless.

Or have you found a new way to trade or conduct business when there's no electricity and no internet access?

>> No.7771266
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is this the Chainlink thread?
I cant find it.

>> No.7771283


If I'm a kid, I'm a kid who called BTC, ETH, the market crash of 08, the Canadian real estate being in a bubble 6 years ahead of most pundits, the rise and victory of Trump, and the collapse of western society (still in progress, just give it another 5 years and even brainlets like you won't be able to deny it).

Cling to your lies friend, I'm sure they keep you warm at night. I'm already set living off grid and farming my food. Food that soon enough you won't even be able to afford to survive.

>> No.7771348


All of which were obvious to anyone who took the time to pay attention.

>> No.7771421


I'm not saying they weren't. I'm saying most people (like anon pretending western society is perfectly fine and hasn't already peaked) aren't paying attention.

Re: your other point about collapsing taking down electricity and internet, its a possible form of collapse but I don't think we'll see things fall quite that far. The infrastructure will still be in place, and crypto is a global game so no one societal collapse will bring it all down. Meanwhile as state backed fiat becomes worthless with the collapse of each state backing it, crypto will become the primary store of equity and means of commerce.

>> No.7771467

/biz/ was created as a crypto containment board because crypto threads were taking up half of /g/

>> No.7771485

alex jones is that you?

>> No.7771508

stock market will crash 50% and won't recover for 40 years

National Debt needs to be restructured, all of the dollars in the world are coming home, we will see massive inflation

"Buy the dip" will become the butt of jokes for a generation

>> No.7771520

cryptocurrency speculators are mostly kids whose first exposure to the concept of investing aka "turn your money into more money" was magic internet pogs
chances are most barely even know what a stock exchange is, or didn't know when they first got in

>> No.7771546

if there is one thing all of /biz/ can agree on its that:


>> No.7771569


This guy gets it.

If you're already in equities/forex, cool. But if you can't tell that we've now crossed the peak of that bubble... well I don't feel bad that you're about to lose all your gains.

If you're not currently in equities and considering starting... jesus christ you are one braindead motherfucker. Trusting any antiquated institution at this point is gambling with your life savings. Invest in the future, or don't bother investing. The old guard is getting replaced in our lifetimes, and the equities market is crashing with it when it does.

>> No.7771583

Tried to updoot

>> No.7771669

if all those dollars are coming back, to the US where are they going? wouldn't massive inflation inflate the stock market?

>> No.7771677

>expects inevitable collapse of society
>living off grid farming my food
>hoarding fucking cryptocurrency
are you fucking retarded? is the roaming postapocalyptic anarchist gang with lots of guns and a monopoly on violence going to set up a coal power plant and a warehouse full of GPUs just to take your bitcoin bribes?
ron paul fans hoarding gold for the "invevitable collapse" are pretty fucking retarded already, but ELECTRONIC CURRENCY that needs MASSIVE COMPUTER NETWORKS AND TONS OF WASTEFUL ELECTRICITY USAGE is even worse

if you really believe this shit you should be hoarding guns, well-preserved food, and recreational drugs -- all shit that would be actually be useful and in-demand after a societal collapse

>> No.7771724

right on

and yes cyrptos can crash here and there, but many projects offer "an alternative the the government question"

When governments are failing/warring many global communities will still be functioning and creating value

Look in Dan Larimer's projects as he is the most economically versed developer in crypto

>> No.7771775

They are going to buy everything that isn't nailed down

You will see empty shelves in 5 years

The stock market could correct 50% easily without breaking any economic laws or even historic PE ratios

Even though we will have an inflation in the currency supply, there will be a deflationary force in all the overbought assets (real estate, stocks, and especially bonds)

>> No.7771777

>crypto: go up 100% in months
>stocks: considered lucky to go up 20% in a year
the short sighted one is you kekek

>> No.7771813

We're all Russian bots, I got reprogrammed to trade crypto after helping with the election

>> No.7771818


I grow my own drugs and use my guns for hunting. I make my own preserves. I also own gold. I'm set faggot.

Yes, BTC consumes a shitload of electricity. But considering BTC mining is still controlled by China, and I honestly don't expect China to fall into the same collapse the west will, there will still be plenty of hashpower to go around. Meanwhile, as every form of traditional finance is challenged, the only way forward will be to adopt crypto as the new standard, because old standards will fall with western society. The ponzi scheme is coming to an end, and you better have a goddamn chair when the music stops or it'll be too late to join the party.

You honestly act like you think America is the only country in the world... I said the west will collapse, not the whole world. Crypto is a global game. We'll still all be making bank while burgers are dying from malnutrition.

>> No.7771829

>Society is about to crumble
Gonna need a source on this one

>> No.7771860

>He thinks that grow is sustainable
I applaud the people making money and cashing out on these shitcoins but I can't help but to feel bad for the hodlrs

>> No.7771896

You can trade equities using leverage. The thing with crypto is that no one knows what it's going to do. Yes, stocks can crash, but crypto has shown that it can and does crash. Imagine if you bought crypto at the peak. 19k is a long way away for those people and it's not guaranteed that it will ever get there again.

>> No.7771949
File: 33 KB, 1350x854, 2011-11and12-tt-08-bigp-chart-01-japans-asset-price-bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that no one has any fear about stocks and no one thinks it is even possible to crash is a good indicator that it will

pic related, its a japan 40 year chart, its what's about to happen to the west

>> No.7771984


>> No.7771993

>We're all Russian bots, I got reprogrammed to trade crypto after helping with the election
same here
beep boop
remember benghazi, buy link beep beep

>> No.7772019

Nah I admit stocks can crash. Its just crypto crashes and spikes are a lot more unpredictable and violent.

>> No.7772034
File: 312 KB, 2183x1374, GettyImages-483658563-5756fd9e5f9b5892e8e0da65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making cents in profit on shorts in Forex.

Lol, you must be poor.

>> No.7772040


> he thinks the internet is a fad
> he thinks mail delivery will remain the predominant form of communication

Grats on being so wrong. Crypto at this point is like the internet in the early 90s... its not even remotely close to ending its growth. Meanwhile we've got financial institutions riding their books to the limits who are one black swan away from extinction.

Place your money wherever you'd like, but don't bitch when on top of watching society fall, you also watch your equity disappear in an instant. Smart money is diversifying into safe haven assets and stocking up on crypto because it will out survive traditional finance. Not every coin. Not even most coins. But it will still be here when the dust settles. Hell... traditional finance are actively working to try to digitize their assets on the blockchain before its too late for them because they've seen the writing on the wall for years. 2020 is the year their DLT projects will be online, so the race is on. I don't think they'll make it in time though. We'll be in a deep recession long before then, and bubble after bubble will be popping like dominoes.

>> No.7772089

> Watches Wolf of Wall St once and starts talking about 'real securities' gtfo

>> No.7772097


Ya I don't know how you look at the retracement going on in equities and convince yourself you're safe. Bankers themselves have been warning about this moment for years. Meanwhile this board has paid no attention and is happy to assume things will just keep growing... because Dunning Kruger is a bitch that way.

>> No.7772113

Forex trading is some of the highest leveraged out there tho. Pips are usually the 4th decimal in the pair.

>> No.7772169

Graduate from a top 20 US's university's business school, majored in finance. There's literally no point for a young person to try and "make it" in stocks/forex/futures. You are competing with billion dollar bots and high volume traders that are all exponentially smarter and more experienced with you. All markets are matured, passive growth is insanely slow, and it's easy to get outsmarted by 20/30 year trading veterans.

Crypto is nascent and still growing. Even high volume traders are still learning it. The playing field is leveled and the growth potential is high. The only reason you should bother with traditional markets is to earn safe, passive income once you actually make it in crypto.

Personal goal is to make $10MM, cash out, buy a $3MM house, put $6MM in treasuries at 3%, and prepare my transition into politics.

>> No.7772180

For a year I margin traded gold. The movements are insane and unjustified. I recommend trading gold cfd on margin to noone.

>> No.7772224

it's simple math: look at graph. see number go up.
if number go up, investment is guaranteed to keep going up forever
dot com stocks, home mortgages and tulip bulbs are basically free money. you will absolutely be able to sell them to someone else for even more than you bought them for, guaranteed, with no risk whatsoever
think about it. if thing was bad, would number really go up?

>> No.7772246


First off, anyone who invokes "IQ" is a brainlet. That's a universal constant. Grats on proving you're dumb.

Second off, anyone trading securities over crypto at this point is by definition NOT smart, because no day trader worth a goddamn thing would take the tiny volatility of equities over the insane volatility of crypto. And if you're not day trading equities, you're just a dumb fucker who bought some stock to hold... that doesn't make you smart, it makes you lazy and means you're satisfied with meager gains that would take you a decade before they're worth anything significant.

The only deciding thing about getting into equities is the capital you have because you can't make small buys and profit with the insane fees you pay on that shit. People trading securities aren't smarter, they just have more money and don't know what to do with it so they default to what they've been told they should do with it. Again, that makes equities traders idiots, not smart.

>> No.7772263

wow please impart more wisdom on us you are clearly the next step in human evolution for predicting those events how can i reach your level of enlightenment great leader

>> No.7772386


Learn to read. Never stop. Learn to code. Never stop. Question everything. Accept that the end is nigh. You too can be a prophet anon. It pays quite well.

>> No.7772488
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This type of autistic LARP is rare indeed

>> No.7772503

what coin is that