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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7767793 No.7767793 [Reply] [Original]

What was /biz/ like before the crypto cancer? i.e. before 2008

>> No.7767833


idk but it was pretty allright before the link cancer


>> No.7767884

anons would get together and start nationwide conglomerates

>> No.7767934

>before 2008
Idk, I was 9

>> No.7767938

/biz/ peaked in 2007-2010 during the financial crisis, it's been downhill ever since. every thread had intelligent, challenging questions about our modern money system, banking networks, investments, etc.

>> No.7767950


begging cancer

>> No.7768045

biz was made in like 2013. I made a thread the first day and it got deleted.

Diddn't come back until I got fired from my job last month and went all in on crypto.

>> No.7768095

You can read all this in wikipedia nowadays

>> No.7768103

/biz/ didn't exist then, tf are you talking about

>> No.7768238

Biz is only about five years old.

It was pretty terrible before to be honest:
> Narcissistic "entrepreneurs" bragging about their 2% profits they made flipping shit from alibaba
> "Only shit at work" frugal threads
> Basic finance 101 threads
> SEO and amazon affiliate links for terrible blogs

There was always a couple crypto threads but there weren't many gains. 2017 changed everything.

>> No.7768314


I remember there just being a bitcoin general, now there is basically a general for everything not crypto related lmao

>> No.7768364
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kek /biz/ was literally created for crypto in 2013 or 2014 because moot got buttblasted of cryptofags shitting up /g/

>> No.7768393


>> No.7768427

reddit newfaggots pls kys

>> No.7768471

biz was made to get bitcoin threads out of g.
It was always cancer just different flavor

>> No.7768497

/biz/ was made specifically to get the Bitcoin threads out of /pol/ and /g/.

It is intended to be a crypto board.

Although around about 2015 when we had the crypto capitulation, there were way more discussions about starting various small businesses and things like that. People used to post guides about setting up a cleaning business, or a furniture upcycling business, not that much of it though.

So much of it was setting up bullshit blogs to game the Adwords system, talking about trying to become an ibanker or lawyer, other things like that.

I suppose on the whole that's all you're ever going to get on this board. People just want to find a way to make money and crypto is probably the best fucking bet for a lot of people.

>> No.7768521

>sell me this pen

>> No.7768536

actual conversations about business, market instruments, and the overall global economy. we need /crypto/ so I can discuss retarded stock bets without being told I need to buy litecoin over and over.

>> No.7768566

go away grandpa, no one cares about your boomer crypto

>> No.7768612



I remember when cryptos were rarely discussed on this board. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7768671

50% of threads were people talking about their businesses and actual business ideas. Common models were "buy shit on Alibaba and sell it to Americans." It was honestly trash. 30% of threads were about stocks, which were trash because almost everybody relied on TA and nobody understood what even basic valuation multiples were. 10% of threads were people bragging about their jobs and hosting AMAs. I remember several arguments between angsty IB analysts on who had the more impressive firm.

Then 10% was crypto. Mostly BTC talk, but also a lot of people shilling ETH. It's funny: 3 years ago, ETH was shilled similar to LINK shilling today.

>> No.7768709

sure it wasnt as bad as it is now but crypto has always been a large part of /biz/
dont kid yourself otherwise

>> No.7768786

Yes. That is... funny...

>> No.7768831

>How to run a porno site from your basement with pictures you took of your sister.
>silk road general
>chaturbate gay for pay

Mainly online biz shit. It's much bettr now.

>> No.7768985

ETH was shilled to no end. So much so that I had to buy just to join the fun. Same thing as Link today.