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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 124 KB, 580x359, neo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7765770 No.7765770 [Reply] [Original]

I have come to realization that most of the shitcoins that pumped in december will never again see their ATHs and will lost likely continue dumping into irrelevancy, which is not surprising since most of them are fucking trash (dentacoin, tron, ripple, iota - seriously?), bitcoin is slowly regaining its dominancy. I'm pretty sure that bitcoin is still a great investment, but my budget is only $10k, putting it into bitcoin won't let me make it. So give me long term holds that aren't as pumped as bitcoin, I reckon neo might be the greatest of them due to dividends, are there are other coins with dividents? And no coins that you have to keep on exchange like KCS. I have heard something about genesis vision, but it seems that it will come with their platform in 2019-2020 which is a fucking long time and until then it's just useless erc20. What about vechain?

>> No.7765891

bitcoin, eth, neo and vechain. day trade the shitcoins

>> No.7766070

Payfair. Warning: faggots need not apply. For real men only.

>> No.7766096

don't just give name, explain what it does and why it's worth holding long term wise

>> No.7766098
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>> No.7766129
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>> No.7766222

The most important part of that checklist which they missed is "Competent team of developers who actually meet deadlines and don't conduct themselves like teenagers."

Monero: Check

>> No.7766252

I think privacy coins are risky as fuck, governments will ban use of them sooner or later, money laundering and terrorism funding are main concerns of governments regarding crypto.

>> No.7766266

vechain depends
i have 90% of my portfolio in ven (thunder node), but if the next few months don't come out with great news I'm just gonna sell and margin trade on bitmex

>> No.7766307

Wraith is out and working..

Where the FUD?

>> No.7766337

Just like how they'll ban encryption lol. Get real

>> No.7766359


>indicating you can ban privacy coins.


>> No.7766363

This year will belong to SophiaTX, Aion and CPChain.

>> No.7766400

can you explain how ven works? is it exactly the same as neo after token swap, you hold a coin and passively earn another coin?

>> No.7766433

you can't ban them from existing, but you can ban exchanges from listing them and punish people for using them, that would severely lower the value of those coins and I'm here to make money

>> No.7767129


>> No.7768213

You're correct Rajeet, Wraith was released... weeks after they completely missed their initial deadline and then scoffed at it like a teenager not doing their homework.

>> No.7768266

RLX, get it while it's hot.

Conservative EOY: 1 USD... but it's not even a hundredth of a cent now.

>> No.7768346
File: 127 KB, 720x1280, 0E1175C7-2CB7-423E-8BCB-77775D22A062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neo, comfiest hold in crypto.

>> No.7768370


>> No.7769019
File: 215 KB, 835x391, 47THIGV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big gains will come to you. but only if you reply: Thank you mastercard

>> No.7769176
File: 1.16 MB, 847x1199, DOsJjbEVQAESaAa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG anon
You're welcome
I have no time to discuss why just dyofr

>> No.7769208

No, read this

and the followup

>> No.7769326

Read that too anon. IDC. I bought ripple at 12cents and I still hate it until now. I do lve the gains it gave me.
Centralized blah...