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7759017 No.7759017 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get rich just to eat this delicious fishie everyday

>> No.7759040
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I want to get rich to make my parents happy and wake up without existential angst.

>> No.7759042
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I want to get rich to afford my daily dose

>> No.7759047
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>> No.7759065

Salmon is pretty cheap in France. It's usually imported from Norway so likely there too.

>> No.7759087

this is seriously one of my main motivators, i want to be able to fly to japan or cali or ny whenever i want to eat the finest sushi and steak known to man kind

>> No.7759099

this, basically in all Europe you can find Salmon in the range 14/16 eur per kilo
>>7759017 where are you from?

>> No.7759139

i just want to be independently, financially independently

>> No.7759144

If this is what your body looks like, you're living wrong and you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.7759184
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I'd only get fatter trying out all the things in the world.
fuck this poorfag diet.

>> No.7759196

Fresh codfish > salmon.

>> No.7759234
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i want to spend my life learning languages, going to the gym and playing music without worrying about money

>> No.7759239

go to the westcoast of canada and eat lox till you puke

>> No.7759253
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Fucking hell, are you me?

>> No.7759256
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>> No.7759278

Farmed salmon is full of parasites. Google it.

>> No.7759301


We say peoplekind you nazi

>> No.7759308
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>> No.7759339

>learning languages

That's such a waste of your time. One, maybe two other languages that you can speak/read fluently takes basically a lifetime and you start to forget it basically the day you stop practicing.

>> No.7759342

Enjoy your parasites and worms.

>> No.7759353

I eat that like 3-4 times a week, plus caviar, it's not that expensive

>> No.7759358

I want to get rich so I can walk out of the house naked and let all people think I've gone crazy to the point where they call the police and I get arrested but I dont care because Im mega rich.
I want to buy the hottest escort there is and put my penis in her for 10s then cum and send her away

>> No.7759374
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i improved it a bit

>> No.7759412
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>> No.7759418

I want to be rich to be free

>> No.7759486

Underrated post

>> No.7759500
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i want my own Workshop to woodwork just as a hobby. i want to produce cheese and beef. doing everythijf myself and live a real nonslave life

>> No.7759527

i want to get rich so i can get a nice house and a qt gf to make lots of lolis with

>> No.7759534

You could move to an island surrounded by non polluted waters and eat much nicer sashimi right on the dock. Cheaper cost or living too.

>> No.7759539

>i want to get rich just to eat mercury everyday

>> No.7759541


Everything has parasites and worms. Just don't eat it raw and enjoy the extra protein.

>> No.7759546


Eat sardines, it's better for the environment and just as healthy as the big fishes, if not more.

>> No.7759548

I want to buy a house in the country and invite my old school friends to live there with me. We'd go rambling around in the daytime, playing in the woodland like we used to. We'd eat a picnic in the forests and watch the world. After dinner we'd light some firewood we chopped earlier and sit round the fire, talking about the past and stay up until we were so tired we couldn't keep our eyes open. Then we would drift off in a pile of blankets and pillows. More than anything that is what I want.

>> No.7759553

god tier hobbies.
if i had space and time i would've already chosen something between: woodworking, blacksmithing and brewing booze.

>> No.7759568


Only predator fish has dangerous mercury levels. Do you even biology?

>> No.7759576

I'm so sick of Salmon. At this point I'll only eat Canadian Sockeye.

>> No.7759598

>op wants to eat delicious fishie
>offer him some shit tasting fuckface fish instead because its healthy and a fish too
fuck off retard

>> No.7759606

Nice blog faggot

>> No.7759611
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>> No.7759672

as much as i understand and love what you wrote, remember that those times will probably never come back. your path is probably already very different from your friends'.

don't get fucked by the idea of recreating the past. go always ahead and forge your life moments to be as beautiful and memorable as those in the past, knowing they will be different.

>> No.7759677

I want to get rich to hire darknet hitmen to remove the one normalfag who keeps riding his loud bike all day long in my town

>> No.7759690

>unironically shitting on sardines
you are a fucking faggot

>> No.7759724

>I want to get rich so I can get mercury poisoning

>> No.7759739

Is this grammatically correct? I read that there are no cases in which an apostrophe should follow the final 's'. Even myself I thought that the possesive plural was the sole case, but apparently not.

>> No.7759805

But the past is the only time I can remember feeling happy. Now I live away from my friends in a cold city so I can work and make money, when I'd rather be spending time living life with my friends

>> No.7759808
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Omega 3

...and if im feeling fruity...

Psylocybin microdose 0.2g

Really gives the noggin a joggin.

>> No.7759813
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I want to get rich so I can drink this delicious kombucha every day ($5 a bottle)

>> No.7759830


>farmed salmon.

No thx senpai.

>> No.7759848

thanks doc

>> No.7759850
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This guy gets it too...

The best tool for traiding? Top health.

>> No.7759880

no idea breh. i've learned my english on vidyas and vietnamese carp fishing forums so i don't really have a voice in this.

>> No.7759887

I know 4, although can only write in 2. Key is to use them frequently. Listen to the daily news or whatever. Practice with some native speakers on Skype. There's some things you're not going to forget

>> No.7759894

Everything is full of parasites and worms. There is a reason why you don't eat fish caught close to the shore, especially in the summer. Gutted a cod that basically had crawling meat due to infestation.

>> No.7759904

Listen to this guy, guy. You can try to get things close to your old one life setting/comfort, and have an enjoyable new life in the comfortable setting of your childhood memories, but you’ll never bring back that sense of wonder and joy, unknowing and unworried childhood enjoyment of life. That exists only in small span of childhood, and some never get to experience it at all.

>> No.7759907

Move to the Philippines.
The all-you-can-eat buffet at Megamall (Dad's or Sambokojin) costs $12 and $15 respectively.

You can have all the salmon (and tuna) sashimi you want. Sambokojin is also a yakiniku grill restaurant, so you can cook it if you want (or grill all the bacon and shrimp you want).

If you've had any decent amount of skin in crypto since last year, you should be rich enough to live like a king here.

>> No.7759911

you are all faggots and your dreams are stupid. none of you will make it

>> No.7759929

I actually don't think it has any health benefits. My understanding is it's so acidic that it actually kills any bacteria that might be probiotic. I just love it because it's tart, dry, fizzy and caffienated.

I live in the PNW so I'm surrounded by carob crunchers all day. I ask them why they think a sugar-tea drink fermented in a soup of bacteria is necessarily good for them. All I get is shit about 'muh all-natural'. Salmonella's all natural but I don't go around licking butcher blocks. Fucksake.

>> No.7759940

Can’t you buy in bulk, reduce price?

>> No.7759946

double trips confirm

>> No.7759976

i feel you breh. i've got high school and college memories that make me feel incredibly sad and happy at the same time.

after a handful of years working abroad i came back to my college city and things changed, my friends changed. some things you can't recreate.

but we can create a new context where new happy memories and meaningful moments will bloom. cold cities and wageslaving are basically a happiness killer, that's my conclusion (a bit extreme maybe, i admit). it's like spreading salt on the soil of the soul: shit will never grow there.

>> No.7760012
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Eating codfish and salmon everyday here (Portugal)
Not even close to being rich.
Mediterranean diet makes me throw up whenever I smell greasy mcdonalds

>> No.7760022

I unironically think the same senpai, I would eat sushis everyday if I were rich

>> No.7760072


Well, my stomach was fucked for years. IBS etc . Started on that, no more issues. So from first hand experience - i can vouch.

On a more esoteric note: "It alkalizes the body". So anti cancer etc...

Even if that 10% true, i like the taste and ill drink it.

>> No.7760193

Let me guess, you gonna grow a beard too, you fucking numales?

>> No.7760245

i saw a sushi box in the supermarket today, but then i saw it cost about €10, so i just kept walking lol

i've got €500 in crypto rn, and will invest another €2500 over the course of next couple of months to hodl until eoy, pls crypto gods let me make it

all i want in life is just to study things i'm interested in at my own pace and without fear of dying of hunger

>> No.7760251

As far as hobbies go; I'd like to train with some shoalin monks, I probably will get rekt by their training practices but I atleast would like to learn their discipline.

>> No.7760254

the real feels are always in the comments

>> No.7760371


fuck off sergey

>> No.7760391

Oy vey, good taste anon

>> No.7760479

let me guess, you're a burger.
everything halfway decent, like artisanal jobs, is turned to total social media shit in your country.

here in yurop, people who dream
>muh lambo
are literally turks and gipsies

>> No.7760494

wheres the cheapest/highest quality of life place in europe to settle down?

>> No.7760509

probably Washington state

>> No.7760512

Also, I only study biochemistry, so Take this with a grain of salt, but 1) you’re right, those bacteria are probably dead
2) it is really tasty, I wanna try this kind now
3) as I understand it, the bacteria and it’s mother material have and produce free radical-reducing alkane chain or organic acids that have double bonds, (free radicals are those things you always hear about but no one knows what they do when they mention them, radical is just molecule with only 7 electrons looking for one more,(you would think this is common since some atoms already have 7 electron shell, like chlorine, but they are usually bonded because molecules always want to be stable) unstable in nature, end up breaking other, stable molecules around them to get their electron octet need satisfied and most of the time continue this chain of events with the breaking and radicalization of the molecule they attack. Oxygen is easily radicalized and produces such radicals in normal use in the body, this is why they are used in synonymity. This can degrade dna and that dna can and will be copied and pass on that dna to not include those (likely unnecessary or unknown, non-essential functions, lots of this in dna) base pairs the radical might have damaged, thus it now copies your cell with slightly more oxidative stress, or free radical destruction (same thing), of small part of your dna. This is a component of ageing. When we eat McDonald’s, their food has little/none of these free radical reducing chains, and might have some easily radicalized molecules inside the building blocks of its ingredients, too.

>> No.7760572

mediterranean countries. acceptable mix of (((modernity))) so the cultural shock isn't too heavy for pampered northerners and burgers, but a traditional oriented way of living and cheap life cost.

balkan countries are also cheap as fuck, but i guess getting used to them is harder.

also basically anywhere far from big cities.

>> No.7760603

Even in France it's more than 20 euros for a kg in Paris, and smoked salmon can go up to 65 euros/kg.
And then fresh tuna is even more expensive.

>> No.7760602

fucking rofl

>> No.7760608

My god this was a rambling mess. Kombucha has chains that protect other molecules from oxidative stress by being the girl from hunger games, “I volunteer as tribute.” They get radicalized and react with themselves, ending the chain of radicalization and damage.

>> No.7760612

also, take in consideration that you HAVE to learn the language to settle anywhere here. even in nordic countries you still cannot escape it.

the southern you go, the more essential it becomes though.

>> No.7760648

so just go to Spain, language is too easy, prices not too high. a big plus it's warm here

>> No.7760649

Stop shilling me this fish mum, I ain't eating

>> No.7760668

sounds good breh. i'm italian so i can vouch for our retarded cousins :^)

>> No.7760671

why the fuck aren't You brewing own kombucha?
It takes me about a week to brew 5L of this shit
get kombucha shroom fgt

>> No.7760673
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>> No.7760718

Wow. It's cheaper than that in the US, even though imported from Scotland, Faroe Islands, etc.

>> No.7760738

Your first post was indeed a mess but I'm going to add a (You) for truthful content. It's amazing how much disinfo I see on this board about nutrition, so thank you.

>> No.7760899

Just got done building a cabinet with some 120 year old white oak from an old barn. Milled the lumber myself. Trust me, it's a god tier hobby. Get yourself a good planar and table saw, some basic tools and your good to go.

>> No.7761255

anon what do you have to say about Apple Cider Vinegar?

Here's what i notice. It tastes good, it clears my skin, it's got a soda-like bite to it. It tastes like apple juice?(but no sugar.) I prefer it to water.

Am I getting any other health benefits from it?