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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 423 KB, 750x979, B889C9E9-863D-49CF-9753-35035F613970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7754233 No.7754233 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women so risk averse and yet complain about making less money than men? Haven’t they heard of risk/reward correlation? They always play it safe, then complain about making less than us.

>> No.7754245

oh look, it's this thread again

>> No.7754254


What they mean is they will tax men's crypto and give it to roasties. Women can't survive without leeching off men

>> No.7754267

It's natural. Case closed. I hate women as much as the next guy but these circle jerk threads are pathetic.

>> No.7754279

this >>7754254 will naturally happened to you

>> No.7754295

>man hands
>leftists think trannys are women
the state of lefties

>> No.7754310

This. Women collectively recieve 45% more tax than they pay. Thats fucking WACK yo

>> No.7754327

>women start crypto trading
>every month they menstruate
>"emotional" trades based on their menstrual cycle
>buy coins because of cute logo or funny names
>buy coins with hot and sexy devs
>new female only ICOs start popping up
>soyboys invest in female only dev teams
>blame men for losses
did I miss anything?

>> No.7754335


I just want an open discussion with both sides having their opinions voiced. Why do women not even risk a few hundred in crypto but spend it on useless materialistic shit instead?

>> No.7754360

Because they're cancerous to society. Like a virus holding back modern mankind. Why haven't we done revolutionary shit like get to the moon, in the 21st century because women are cancer to the succession of man

>> No.7754378

looks like the crypto market has found the next fool to be scammed

>> No.7754392


we dont.

dont lump us all together with those sjw faggots we want nothing to do with those retards

>> No.7754462

>Haven’t they heard of risk/reward correlation?

Economics isn’t really taugh in high school except as an option subject, and women generally do pick it.

The problem is they aren’t even interested in understanding money

>> No.7754501
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>Large market of gullible investors to pump up coin prices

Sounds fine to me.

>> No.7754502

men and women are funadmentally different. why?....who gives a fuck. case closed faggot

>> No.7754524

go back to your cuck land on reddit faggot

>> No.7754537

Read up on margaret hamilton we wouldnt have made it to the moon if it wasnt for her coding retard

>> No.7754538

of buying bags

>> No.7754560

>Why are women so risk averse and yet complain about making less money than men?

Because women are the primary carers of infants, who are utterly helpless for several years, and then it's a really good idea to not take risks. As such, nature has selected positively for risk aversion among human females.

>> No.7754586
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what an ugly hand model

>> No.7754608

>it would have been impossible without one outlier roasty

Someone else would have done it, kys redditor

>> No.7754639

fuck off millennial faggot

>feel the bern!!!1!

>> No.7754763
File: 154 KB, 945x1500, 67287A9C-B877-4477-91A4-82EA78216F6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calculate estimation of week most roasties menstruate
>when bags get heavy post subtle shill on ‘women of crypto’ page about how the developers of the shitcoin you’re holding are hiring a female director and mostly female team
>general pander to women power and shit like that
>dump bags

>periodically do this to match menstruation cycle
>when roasties start losing interest in crypto because they’re holding our bags, tell them it’s because crypto is misogynistic and that they should keep pumping in their money to fight it and become empowered

>> No.7754788

I NEED women to come in so they can buy my bags

>> No.7754808

Yeah for someone who literally invented software where was this someone else at the time

>> No.7754828
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The only reason /pol/ cucks care about all this shit is because they didn't buy bitcoin in 2012.
Stay poor faggots.

>> No.7754881
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this is like the genuises who made smoking cigarettes, of all things, a feminist issue back then when roasties started marching out of the factories...
that's good fucking marketing. and it's so easy to get a gaggle of roasties to bleat whatever in unison with the ones who claim to be "on their side"... like leaves in the wind

>have a piece of freedom and equality in the form of a cancer-inducing phallic symbol, provided to you by dirty, white, old men

>> No.7755066
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Why stick your neck out when just being pretty is enough to open any door you want to walk through? No matter who fights their way to the top of the shit heap you're always in demand.

>> No.7755098

>everything I dont like is a circle jerk

>> No.7755122

>I dont care so no one else is allowed to
you're a faggot

>> No.7755136

/biz/ is an offshoot of /pol/ and /g/ m8

>> No.7755153
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I like being a man, it's not bad, it's challenging at the very least but I just cannot even imagine how easy the life of the average woman must be. The lack of pressure, the lack of expectations, people being instantly nice and sweet to you, being wanted instead of ignored by default...

That's why I just can't believe in "female empowerment" and the rest of feministy non-sense. 50% of the world is actually doing shit and living life and having hardships and then this group of privileged people come around and tell you you're doing something wrong and to give them more shit. lol.

A female mind is just so foreign to me. No accountability, no responsibilities, always a safety net. No wonder they're so "meh" personality-wise.

Anyways, who cares about what retards say? There's like 12 good women in this world, the rest are to be ignored.

>> No.7755209

>last call across the country on a saturday night
>dozens of "why are women such roasties" threads pop up

makes you think

>> No.7755513
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Smoke trees
Fuck roasties
Buy Monero

>> No.7755897

Can you stop posting whores on a blue board?

At least post attractive women if you are going to be a horny mongrel

>> No.7756128

woman is the biggest meme

>> No.7757037

Go to /pol/ i assume you are young and brainwashed and you believe we are all equal, men and women are fundamentally different, hormones, gentialia, brain structure, women are not only physically weaker, they also have more empathy and emotions in their thinking, why cause they exist to give birth and support and nurture their children, they have to think egoistically to ensure the future of the Tribe, thats why they are more emotional

>> No.7757232

Thank fuck there’s at least one other anon here who isn’t cancer

>> No.7757301
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>buying into leftist fables

>> No.7757325 [DELETED] 
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what coin is Hitler approved?

>> No.7757441

Nano and LTC

>> No.7757544

I wonder if it's the same guy or just different people who loved the old thread

>> No.7757600

you do realize a higher proportion of women vote democrat and men vote republican, while republicans historically rerouted funds away from NASA right?

>> No.7757634

ITT everyone loses their savings in crypto while women work stable wagecuck jobs and retire earlier with far more money

>> No.7757649

The writer is not wrong, we should push crypto on normies, women and niggers

>> No.7758022

technically this. like I never got why everyone lost their shit over the notion of normies adopting crypto. assuming you were already in/aren't a normie yourself then how is this not a great thing?

>> No.7758525

Nasa is a waste of resources.

90% of their discoveries have no real world application, the roi is pathetic compared to private enterprise, that money would be better off in the hands of those who produce wealth.

If we are meant to advance in space exploration it has to be after technology is developed in a decentralized way, instead of an act of grandeur.

Half of the advancements of Nasa consist on kidnapping private individuals who are working in their garage on something revolutionary and patenting their work, giving them millions of funding that no private company can compete against.

Are the pyramids of Egypt magnificent? Sure, but what would have happened to Egypt if, instead of those pyramids, they developed their economy in a different way, if they were building dams and houses instead of something massive and underused?

>> No.7758573


>Wanda asked for a raise, got fired
>Julie wants more money but wants to keep her job. Doesn't ask for a raise.

I say women are very much attuned to the risk/rewards correlation.

>> No.7758625

>wants to enforce equality
>thinks he's not like stalin

>> No.7758918


Women don't care.
It's 5% that is vocal . It's a mix of feminists and some business career women.

Just like the HBQT group is like 1% of the population and the rest don't give a fuck.

Minorities have taken control of the social stage because the people in power need to divide and conquer. Don't buy the social engineering.

Normies just repeat and citate the media, 99% of the people I talk to don't even have an own opinion about anything .

>> No.7759060

>"Women MAY be X!"

So sick of this fucking headline template.

>> No.7759466

women are never going to make it in cryptos

>> No.7759628


women were never meant to take risks. if you live in a cave with hunter gatherers you don't send women out to find food, because their death would have a severe impact on the reproductive capacity of your tribe.

>> No.7759702

Your wife is calling you to prep the bull... Can't keep that disadvantaged black man waiting!

>> No.7759765

NASA, when it was effective (when it had a military structure) in the 60s and early 70s was created and pushed by Republicans. Current NASA is a useless leftist research agency that bleeds billions of dollars on horseshit.

>> No.7759818

>they always play it safe

Confirmed never have spoken to a female in his life other than his mom

Females take risks all the time, they get off on risks - they base their risks on emotional quantification where men base it on achievement of something

Females have 0 accountability - when the risk they took goes sour they find something to blame other than themselves.


>> No.7759909


bobs and vegene pls sir

>> No.7759962

if NASA was doing anything worthwhile
we wouldn't need SpaceX or Blue Origin, would we?
>50 years later and they still haven't bothered developing reusable rockets

>> No.7760172


damn I want to shove my face into that

>> No.7760178

>we got banned from going to space till 2075 because amerifags shoot before they ask questions.

>> No.7760210


really activated my almonds

>> No.7760647

>talks about pyramids
>thinks they are useless works of art

Only while the jews still have the giant golden capstone that's supposed to go ontop of it to turn on it's energy generation.

The pyramids are fucking gas stations for ships, sending the geo-energy channeled from the lei lines and other pyramids to focus in one point to recharge ships.

Pyramids are everywhere a 5k+ old civ exists.

>> No.7761111

Do you think the money spent on NASA vaporizes? It gets sent back into the economy through contractors like orbital ATK, Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop, SGT, Sierra Nevada, and countless other companies that collectively employ hundreds of thousands. If you are going to make this arguement, understand your position.

NASA funds things because the government can take risks. You think a private enterprise like Space X could survive disasters like Apollo 1, Columbia, or Challenger where multiple lives were lost? This is how progress is made, and eventually the torch is passed to private enterprise. Recently this has been with the cargo resupply service, and in the near future the ISS will be privatized as well. Does what I say make sense? -t. actually works in this field

>> No.7761403
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>tfw no frog gf

>> No.7761471
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>those fingers

>> No.7761596

Basically this. Women are hard-wired to hold back everything and let everything decay. It's nature's tool to test male achievements and will, so the weak men and concepts are weeded out and the strong stand up to them and disregard them. Giving women actual power was never meant to be, they were the physically inferior and suppressible for a reason. Making them equal or even the standard in society will always result in that society's self-destruction.