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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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775375 No.775375 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/,

Been quite some time since we had a sales thread. Just got home, and feel like helping some anons if they'd like.

Copypasta OP and Russian nesting doll sales archive (Honestly, I'd just root through to the first thread, then go from there):

Last thread. Also has link to the first thread. Without being too much of a narcissistic douche, they both have a ton of info on salesmanship and general sales. Worth a read:

On me: 23 year old timeshare salesman. College dropout. Averaging around $12k a month income selling timeshare.

Can post greentext stories about work, sales advice, help build pitches, give info on timeshare, or get called a faggot a bunch.

>> No.775383

What is your opinion on telemarketing/cold calling sales?

>> No.775386

I hate our marketing department, as they send absolute shit clients our way lately.

But it can be a cool job with good earning potential. Depends on the particular company. I know one of our weaker reps left to do it and makes around $60,000 a year. If you're okay with that, it's awesome.

>> No.775388

I'm not talking about marketing or any type of sales funnel though. I'm talking about literally cold calling someone and making a sale on them.

>> No.775389

They sell promotional packages.

But I know what you meant. It can be an okay gig. Definitely worth trying out for a while. The rep who left is selling IT support to businesses.

>> No.775393

How well does sales experience transfer from say telemarketing to other types of sales?

>> No.775399

All sales are the same more or less. The skills are hugely transferable.

>> No.775435

Do you have a wife/GF?

>> No.775482

Don't see how it matters much, but I have a girlfriend.

>> No.775508


is she hot

>> No.775520

I'm reading through the last one and it seems to be very good stuff. What would be an entry level sales job?

>> No.775571

How do I get into a sales job that makes that much? I'm pro at sales but don't have much to put on a resume, 2 months at a department store where you get commission on every credit card you get them to apply for and an ebay business, I have A LOT of sales experience but selling sketchy things you can't put on a resume. Is it possible to get a lucrative sales job with that little experience? Will you make that much working at most timeshare companies?

>> No.775617

Guys am a field marketing rep for a solar company - I walk around and go door-to-door generating leads for salesmen to close. I get base pay + bonuses, equating to $450/week working 20 hours. ~23k/year part time seems pretty good while I go to college compared to other jobs, but it has me questioning if I can do better.

I have been exposed to sales or even hybrid sales/field positions and they seem to make better money, far beyond the assurance of base pay (which they don't get), but I understand it is typical to clear $40-60k easily even for mediocre salesmen, and I am quite a good field marketer and people person.

What do /biz/? Should I jump ship right away for more $ per hour? Only 2 months in this job, but clearly perform better than my peers. My free-time and stress levels are important though, and it seems to me that being a salesman carries more stress and work to take home.

>> No.775692

Sorry for the delay. Took a mean nap

Honestly, not really. She lives far enough away, and we have no mutual friends, so I don't act like I have one by any stretch.

>What would be an entry level sales job?
They're pretty much all entry level. Gym memberships, furniture, mattresses, staffing, electronics. Most sales jobs will hire you because turnover is so high.

>Is it possible to get a lucrative sales job with that little experience?
More than likely, yes.

>Will you make that much working at most timeshare companies?
The major ones, yes. Pay is universally high for top performers. Even smaller ones pay pretty well.

>What do /biz/? Should I jump ship right away for more $ per hour?
Finish college.

>Only 2 months in this job, but clearly perform better than my peers. My free-time and stress levels are important though, and it seems to me that being a salesman carries more stress and work to take home.
Sales is one of the most draining things I've ever done. It is exhausting. I've done landscaping, warehousing, and framing. It blows all of those things away. Stress is pretty high as well once that base pay disappears. I'm one of the better reps, but I'll still worry if I don't sell for a few days.

>> No.775744

Plan on finishing for CS, mainly to develop apps and design websites for passive income. I meant exchanging my solar canvassing job for a part-time sales job. Is it possible to do part-time and make more than $40k/year?

It's all a numbers game though right? Because I am great with my money, and if you average $12k/month and aren't spending it like a fool, life is great.

I just want to know if part-time sales would be the best use of 20 hours of my week if my other occupation is as a student.

>> No.775745

>tfw going for my real estate license
>tfw gonna be selling houses at 1.5%

>> No.775812

>SAles and Bread thread with Some Fag
Yes. I look forward to these like I do holidays at work.

>> No.776072

>Most sales jobs will hire you because turnover is so high.
How come turnover is so high? I work at a telemarketing company (Which have extreme turnover) and of the 10 people I started with, after 3 months only I and one other person remain.

>> No.776112

Because people jave bills to pay. Even when their sales game is off for wjatever reason
Even when yhe economy sucks.

2005 was the turning point in car sales , enough people finally had computer access that the days of "shake a hand , make a grand" were gone. People knew more abput the cars than we did before even stepping on the lot.

Sales is fun but my kids still need insurance and food wether or not i make a sale

>> No.776117

Gotta go base + commish. I would never work for 100% commission. Pressure and rate of failure are way too high

>> No.776252

>Is it possible to do part-time and make more than $40k/year?
Not generally. I know some people that do. I have an opportunity this winter to put in 10 hours a week and earn around $3,000 each week from it, but that's due to another rep from a while ago being in charge of hiring for someone else. The longer you hang in sales, the more likely an opportunity like that is to present itself. If you're just starting out, probably not that likely

Cool. Good luck, anon.

>How come turnover is so high?
What this >>776112 anon said. If you can't sell, you don't get paid.

>I would never work for 100% commission. Pressure and rate of failure are way too high
I can understand that, but 100% is where your highest earning potential lies. The pressure is only bad if you don't have a cushion. I keep around 6 months worth of living expenses handy at all times.

>> No.776318
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When is your birthday anon?

>> No.776325

Every year

>> No.776462

What do you think of mlm like Amway and cutco? Worth it?

>> No.776510

>What do you think of mlm like Amway and cutco? Worth it?
For the amount of work you'll put in, not really. You'd be better off working at a legit place. I only know one person that makes money with these, and he owns a few tanning shops. Just has the college girls working there push shit on the clientele.

>> No.776625

I did Southwestern Advantage for a summer. It was a great experience doing door to door sales and I've learned a lot about rapport, the cycle of the sale, "non-aggressive" tactics, pre-approach, and knowing your product. I also got started looking into body/tone language. Are there any books out there? I plan on sharpening on this skill as much as I can. I'll probably have more questions later.

>> No.776870

I was inspired by your orginal thread, applied everywhere with a shit looking resume and badass cover letters
Failed the fuck out of a ton of phone interviews (I was a longtime neet with social anxiety being supported by his girlfriend), didn't get a job selling mattresses after the background check, eventually got in with a decent startup in sf
>at home life with gf was fucking rocky
>everyone there held a diploma. I had 2 outfits to wear
This weighed on me
>day hitting the phones, was one of 2 trainees to make a close
>but I rushed guiding her through the product (bitch was already paying for it and didn't realize it, and she was completely computer illiterate. I didn't think there was a point) and my pitch was all over the place (I didn't touch the script because I thought I'd have the trial month to work on pitching)
>got let go that day with most of the trainees

Stopped looking for a job after that, but I just started again and I'm about to start a telemarketing job next week, selling newspaper subscriptions
I think that's going to fucking suck, apparently high as fuck turnover but I think I'll get more than a day this time to work on it

I have a strong personality, I'm smart and I I think I'll eventually be excellent at selling
I'm equally looking forward to actually having a job for the first time

I'm your same age btw
Fuck me

>> No.776885

>I also got started looking into body/tone language. Are there any books out there?
I mostly read pop-science articles, then try to read through the source material for that stuff. I'm at a point now where I'll read it, but don't seek it out. As you do face to face sales, you'll learn exactly what to look for.

>> No.776894

You'll get through it, man. I know exactly why you were let go from that first job, though.

When we bring on a new hire, we aren't looking for a great salesperson. (The exception being if you hit the floor and close everything you touch a LA Leo in Wolf of Wall St.) What we want, and what most places want, is someone that's trainable. Follows a script, will say exactly what their manager tells them to, and listens. You get to be yourself and sell your way after you find what works and what doesn't. The script is your friend when you're new. It was written by people with great numbers, and it's still there because it works.

Newspaper subs won't be that bad. It's a tangible product, so people have something to weigh against the cost. Your only job is to make them think the sub is worth more than $X.

>> No.777360

Bump for what is essentially my Sunday night

>> No.777389


19, in College, get ~2k a month.
What would you do differently if you had a clean slate?
Any career choices / ideas worth looking into ?
Books ? Besides the recommended /biz/ list

>> No.777391

Wouldn't have gone back to college the second time. Would've stayed out, run my business, and told mom to kick rocks.

Probably would've drank less, though.

>> No.777975
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They're trailing me along

For both the newspaper interview and the job in pic, when they asked me to ask me about myself (I truly am socially retarded) I got nervous, and had a slip of cringe worthyness. They both acted different after that
I don't know if it's a common practice in telesales to just fucking lead people on, but yeah
I hadn't talked to Joe since last monday. I talked to him today, after realizing the newspaper wasn't going to happen and I sent him this jem.
The problem both times was me talking about myself, feeling like I was talking too much, and getting nervous as fuck. It's already cured and won't happen again, but that fucked me

I am coachable. All he had to say was 'stick with the script' and it would've been done. Literally all I need is a chance
I just power applied today. It'll happen soon enough

Wish I had a job before ruining things with my ex though. With the startup I fell asleep during the training day before we hit the phones because I stood up until 3am interrogating my gf, the guy definitely wasn't happy about that
I'm fast becoming a fatalist and it's like I can see how bad I'm fucking myself and I'm powerless to stop it

Living like a neet has gotten to me
But, soon

>> No.777979

Joe told me to email him on why I'd be a good fit btw, I didn't just do that out of nowhere

>> No.777983

what kind of dumb faggots buy timeshares?
you'd think after decades of pop culture lampooning people would realize that it's a shit investment

are you just that good of a salesman?

>> No.778060

Just woke up. Getting ready for work now, but I'll get to you.

>what kind of dumb faggots buy timeshares?
Odds are, you know someone that owns one. It's just a cheaper way to vacation. The only reason they get lampooned is because there are so many shit companies out there, and the salesmen used to be absolutely insane.

>> No.778528

That email isn't professional and kind of rambles; that's your first issue

>> No.778594

>he thinks he's Patrick Bateman

>> No.778606

They actually make sense for some people. I don't own one.

>> No.778652

I liked it
I think there's actually a book about the power of story, and argument and debate class will talk about it. That wasn't going through my mind when I was writting it. During our initial phone interview, he asked me about myself, and I mentioned that I read a lot then I just got really awkward, I wanted to impress upon him that I'm confident, that yeah I have a girlfriend, and yeah I treat her like shit

For a sales interview I had in the past, the interviewer said his perfect hire is that guy that see's a 10/10 in a bar and dares himself to talk to her. Forgot his exact words, I'm paraphrasing but I think, especially in sales, professionalism is put on the back burner to a degree

>> No.778702

>I wanted to impress upon him that I'm confident, that yeah I have a girlfriend, and yeah I treat her like shit
I understand what you were doing; so did he. It was very transparent. But that doesn't tell me you'll sell well; it tells me you treat your girlfriend like shit and think that's cool. I'm not saying this to beat you up, but it's immature. You're close, but just missing it. You have some sort of uncanny valley thing going on where you kind of know what to say, but not really.

What the guy you spoke with about the perfect hire meant was that he wants someone not afraid of rejection while being confident. That's exactly what we want in sales.

You know that awkward feeling you get when watching a guy treat a girl like crap to her face? Your email gives that off. Story is very powerful, but you have to tell the right one.

>> No.778999

>uncanny valley
That's probably apt

I'll work on things

>> No.779088
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Collections guy in the house. Good post chief.

>> No.779111

So and friend and I will start a summer project which will involve cold calling customers. I have some experiencing in dealing with such stuff as I have worked a volunteer journalist for some magazines, but is there anything anything specific I should now?

>> No.779276

I'm currently a filthy telemarketer, which area of sales would be easiest to transfer to from here?

>> No.779638

>but is there anything anything specific I should now?
That you have great trips. But just know that you'll receive a lot of rejection. At that point, perseverance is going to be your biggest friend.

>I'm currently a filthy telemarketer, which area of sales would be easiest to transfer to from here?
Anything, really. Face to face is a little different, but you have most of the basic mechanics to sales down already.