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File: 149 KB, 1080x1080, 1518922694001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7753377 No.7753377 [Reply] [Original]

You will never have a girl that genuinely loves you. A girl who would stay with you no matter what.

Enjoy your escorts and gold diggers.

>> No.7753385


>> No.7753390
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>> No.7753396

I will.

>> No.7753397


>> No.7753411

I guarantee you she has either broken up with him, is is in the process of finding a replacement

There is no need for a healthy person to stay with a crippled mate

>> No.7753416

And he didn't even lift

>> No.7753420

Already have faggot, now go back to your mlp board

>> No.7753425

Nope, I do. Got me a pretty pajeet girl.

Stay sad.

>> No.7753426


>> No.7753428

or is*

>> No.7753431

She's staying with him? Fuck me, his dick must be massive.

>> No.7753435
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>liquidate anon
>push the cripple off a bridge
>sell the roastie off to yemenese brothel

>> No.7753444

YEah judging by her underwear she doesn't strike me as the wholesome type. That body language is too slutty.

Poor kid though, fuck me that's rough. Imagine being the father to that.

>> No.7753447

i have a girl that genuinely loves me but will never have gains

>> No.7753461

Story behind this?

>> No.7753474

Did he died?

>> No.7753475
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They'll probably break up within a year.

>> No.7753489

>shoes still cost full price even though you only need one
the horror

>> No.7753491

>Doesn't realize hot girls all wear thongs

>> No.7753501
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jesus fuck i reversed image searched this and it suggest darth vader

>> No.7753503


>> No.7753526

>a girl will never brap on your leg socket

feels bad man

>> No.7753528

>Tfw she'll break up with him in about 6-12 months max
It's almost certain.

>Wanting a gf who dresses like that
Count me out desu
Dumb sluts do nothing for me. Done enough of them. All boring now

>> No.7753559
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dont care
western women arent capable of such a thing

>> No.7753572

what the fuck, i tried to google his cause of death and came up with so many different stories

1. he fell on ice and hit his head
2. heroin overdose
3. morphene overdose
4. enlargeded heart

what the fuck was it?
can anyone find this shit out?

>> No.7753598

He got blown up by an IED in the middle east I think.

>> No.7753605

She's most probably banging some other guy already. She's definitely not wearing that thong/lingerie that's showing in the pic for that guy.

>> No.7753615

Is that you in the picture bro?

>> No.7753641


>> No.7753658

that wasnt the cause of death, that was the cause of his burns

he died after going back to the US

>> No.7753666

The stupid beta male thinks she cares about him.

>> No.7753674

He got blown up in a war, got a huge compensation for his heroism, like over 1 million $. His girlfriend(dating before he looked like this) married him as you can see in the picture just to divorce and sue him for everything he has a few months later.

>> No.7753678

He overdosed on heroin and morphene, enlarging his heart, causing him to fall on ice and hit his head.

>> No.7753685

Most likely some BBC. The bf probably knows about it but he can't do nuffin.
>Oh hey legless chad, I'm just hanging out with Tyrone.

>> No.7753699

For now.
She probably still loves him and feel sorry for him. If she legt him now she would be shunned as a heartless harpy.
In 3 years tops this is all forgotten, and she will justify leaving him because "He’s so bitter, and not the same person I loved." Her parents and friends will push her too, they want the best for her after all.

Feel sorry for the dude, I’d rather die.

>> No.7753700

When you realize women are incapable of reciprocating the same genuine, nuanced level of love a man is, it’s crushing at first, but eventually becomes dryly liberating.

>> No.7753703

Honestly its not that bad losing a leg here

>get government gibs, don't have to work
>can trade shitcoins all day
>have perfect excuse to stay inside
>can use all the handicapped facilities
>in a few years he can get an awesome bionic leg and be a terminator

>> No.7753736

Good. I don't need the baggage women come with these days.

>> No.7753737

The ancient greeks realized this, but it's masculine homosexuality, not the decadent stuff we have today. Above all its teacher-student love, a friendship that can last till old age, through bounding male love, combined with lots of wisdom.

>> No.7753755
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This, and only this. A dog is more capable of love than a woman.

>> No.7753771

It's 2018 why doesn't this nigga have a 4G robotic leg that can mine shitcoins while he walks / one legged turbofuucks that bitch yet?

>> No.7753785

The ancient greeks realized this, they saw real love between 2 men, usually one older and one younger, with the older one sharing all his wisdom and teaching the younger one the laws of life, comradeship, helping each other and working together to achieve twice. They saw the ''love'' between man and woman merely for pleasure and reproduction.

>> No.7753821
File: 169 KB, 1920x1080, Kuroneko_s2_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch the king of the hill episode where Bill is in a wheel chair.

All these women who like men handicapped are fucking sick. It feeds into a femdom fetish where they are attracted to finding someone they can completely pity. You need to realize that women do not know what love is: its all fetisheses. Some women are into serial killers and criminals, some women are into handicaps, some women are into chads, its all a matter of shallow fetishesez in the end and never personality.

>> No.7753826


Bro, I think you might be gay. You need to stop fantasizing about Ancient Greek gay sex.

>> No.7753836

Gains are more loyal and last forever if I want them too. You can't say the same about girls

>> No.7753841


which is why marrying women on the spectrum is the rational choice. far closer to male thought

>> No.7753926

Women are only capable of loving their children.

>> No.7753945

There's gay and there's being gay. I hate degenerate fucks, but there's nothing wrong between the love of an older male in his 30s garnished wisdom through the life on the Greek peninsula 500 B.C. with that of a Greek student as they share meals together, train naked together, wrestle together under the hot sun, hunt together and keep eachother warm at night sleeping under the stars. Every Greek philosopher, and statesmen did this. When the student reaches old age and his master is old and aged, he'll teach his own student, and there will be a trio of three friends, one student, one 30 year old and one aged 50 year old wise guy. This is why the greeks did so well, because combine the wisdom of an elder with the endurance and ambition of a student and the flexibility and strength of a middle aged person and what you get is an unstoppable element of creativity and consciouss

>> No.7753987


You can do the same today by raising sons and grandchildren without sliding your dick between their thighs

>> No.7754017

Jesus you people seem bitter and jaded here. I wonder who broke your hearts to have such a point of view over the world.

>> No.7754028

Women can't love you. Only 2D can love

>> No.7754067


>> No.7754093

If they were so great where are they now? oh that's right, when they were off being faggots their women got TURKED, and thats why today Greece has mostly shitskins.

>> No.7754171

This. Women are psychotic and can fuck up a man through their moodyness, showing no sympathy and won’t ever apologize for tormenting him

>> No.7754190

I had, it's overrated, broke up with her. The only thing that gives a man true happiness and fulfilment is following your passions, relationships are not the goal in life

>> No.7754196

Yeah, your money

>> No.7754302

Go away normie

>> No.7754314

But he's rich.
Didn't he just collected like 4 million in damages after the accident?

>> No.7754328

bitter op

>> No.7754356

ah, russia

>> No.7754390

I'd cut off my left leg for a girl like that

>> No.7754391

Biz unironically has the best memes

>> No.7754400

They can, just not with you

>> No.7754425

>p-please don’t buy crypto
>p-please don’t get rich

Kill your self faggot shill

>> No.7754437

Ps. the whole point of women being like this is that you, as a man, should always strife to improve yourself and your lot in life.
Everything else is just whining, and when you whine you've already lost

>> No.7754446
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>> No.7754453

You guys have to stop going for girls that are out of your league.

>> No.7754487

Yea she'll dump him soon enough once her gold digging instincts are fully developed

>> No.7754539

the sad truth is that losing a limb will move you to a different league.

>> No.7754542


Yeah I think it's safe to say if she has not already left him she will soon.

Slutty hot girls like that aren't going to stay with unchad.

>> No.7754584

looks german to me

>> No.7754598


It's misogynistic anti-woman propaganda, it's being pushed and paid by mgtow and lgbt+ groups.
They spam forums and chans with 'horror stories' about >muh 90% divorce rates and >all women being greedy vampires who want nothing but money. Their shilling is very easy to spot - they want nothing less than a complete destruction of traditional bonds between male and female, so in their stories women are always depicted as monsters. Just look what is happening on /pol in all these /mgtow threads, it's a perfect example.

They do the same thing when they shill their propaganda for female audiences - just vice versa, blaming men instead of women.

You have to be blind if you still don't see it.

>> No.7754625
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she's latched onto him because she knows he can't walk away from this

>> No.7754631

so what, he has only one leg? thats not even so bad

>> No.7754635


Hatred of women is nothing new, boyo. Women are less than men in every measurable quality. They're inferior beings 2 be honest. Worthless, and they hold men back from reaching their potential.

End game is sexbots+vr. Then we can line the roasties up and dump the bodies in some mass grave somewhere. The future will be heaven

>> No.7754648

>muh misogyny

Kill yourself.

>> No.7754659

what would you rather have, /biz/? only one leg or only one arm?

>> No.7754678

one leg
Shitposting would be impeded otherwise

>> No.7754722

>Women are less than men in every measurable quality
>They're inferior beings

And this is exactly how anti-female gay propaganda looks like.

>> No.7754768

Oh look, a virgin!

>> No.7754771

i agree

>> No.7754813

>End game is sexbots+vr

This is for losers. Real men will still prefer to have real women by their side.
Sexbots and VR are like videogames - an attempt to create an illusion in lieu of a real thing. You can't afford a lambo, so you are playing a racing game on your playstation. But an illusion will NEVER replace the real thing.

>> No.7754815

I always wonder whats up with ur dick if u r missing legs

>> No.7754818

mommy issues, much?

>> No.7754827


Nah I found him, he is called Sergey Kutovoy from Arkangelsk, Russia.

Here is his insta - instagram.com/sega_kutove

Looks like the girl got with him AFTER the accident (he got hit by a car). He was a fat beta before but since then he has become a local celeb / one legged hockey Chad.

Nice to see them together. Seriously though someone should buy this poor fucker a prosthetic leg. Pretty sure you can get full leg prosthetics now with current tech.

>> No.7754830

you are clearly a noob so let me educate you on some things:

that body language speaks "I am a big whore look at my underwear Iam ready to mate"

even that coffefe is more important to her

this seems like a genuienly moment but it is not. everything she does in this pic is nothing but attention grab.

90% of women works completly different from men.
>I only have boys as friends bc they are so much cooler and better to be around
means I cant maintain relationships with women bc they are backstabbing assholes, just like me and boys give me the attention I need so I can feel special.

rich women always have women friends. why is that? just think about it....
also rich women are born into rich families or took a rich dick "for the team" kek.
they are never self made.

the moment they become secondhand rich they realize they cant get more money, power so only then women are capable of making "alliances", aka how to speak shit behind the backs of thier husbands/bfs and how to get access to more wealth, power, attention or whatever.

There is only 1 woman out of 10 who is wife material. Not its no the ugly one, no correlation between looks and behaviour. atleast in this case. any woman women you see can be a good wife material but only one is out of 10 hoes.

the girl on the pic is a total hoe.

>> No.7754838

lol what does he do with the other shoe when he buys a pair

>> No.7754848

>real men
>prefere women
Real men smash boipucci.

>> No.7754946

You should just be gay.

>> No.7754963

seems like a cool guy, i would probably kill myself if that happened to me, but that's just me

>> No.7755000

you are just a pathetic waste of human existence. if you can't get the fact that man and woman complete each other perfectly, you are a fat virgin that just has no manly qualities any woman would ever be attracted to. of course, that I would also be sad and hateful.

maybe be less of a retarded manlet virgin and maybe some woman likes you.

>> No.7755013

real gay men

>> No.7755017
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>> No.7755021


Yeah he was a fat beta and getting hit by a car changed his life around - now he seems to have shitloads of friends, high social capital, cute and skinny girl likely with a tight velvet pussy only the faggots in this thread could dream of.

Within a few years tech will give him a cool robo-leg which gets rid of that wheelchair. True Chads face adversity in life and just fucking deal with it. I respect him.

>> No.7755024


>> No.7755052

Do I help another person if that person needs it? Yes, I do.

Then why the fuck can't women just fuck a lonely, shy guy sometimes? Everyone needs sex and I don't understand why it's such a big deal. No woman has ever shown me some respect by having sex with me.

>> No.7755054

thongs that everyone can see amirite :))))))))))))))))

>> No.7755093

why is she wearing that?

>> No.7755132

lemme tell you this

you have to be fokin good man to have girl thats loving you

if you wont fuck up then they wont fck with other fags

its hard but u need to be good lookin, do your fokin job, be kind, be happy, make her laugh, moan etc

the thing is she must not be retarded, kinda wife material, she can be 9/10 looking and wont cheat on you if youa re fokin MAN and wont fuck up

ive been to all the stages, still 25yo tho

>> No.7755149

forgot the most important part: you need to fuck her good. Hard, rough, make her tear. Then she will stay with you.

>> No.7755152


he's also ugly as fuck, how did he even hook her in the first place

>> No.7755183

She is a woman in her peak fertility and is already looking to attract mates that are not crippled and can offer her resources

>> No.7755210

your cartoons will never love you back

>> No.7755220

keeeeeeeeeek she just swallowed Tyrone's seed before this pic

>> No.7755232


>> No.7755245

>wow you're such a fucking retard ugly loser, why don't you change your genes so you're not a fucking retard ugly loser
nonsensical t b h
i'm in a happy and loving relationship and i'm flying my gf to come see me thanks to crypto gains (op btfo), but i have crippling health problems and no amount of self-improvement bullshit would turn me into a chad
some guys have it even worse and it's completely logical for them to want sexbots or VR - as well as resent women, because the human brain is wired to despise injustice and their lot is unjust above all
why are YOU so obsessed with "manlet virgins" pursuing their own happiness is what you should ask yourself. live and let live

>> No.7755257



>> No.7755261
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>No replies denying the fact that women are inferior, just attacking the messenger.

>> No.7755267

i guess that is a thing

>> No.7755272

Bigbogs wouldn't do this though

>> No.7755296

oh boy...

>> No.7755302
File: 10 KB, 278x181, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true red pill

>> No.7755324

In Russia there is a shortage of men so women tend to treat men more like humans there.

>> No.7755334

>i'm flying my gf to come see me thanks to crypto gains

Of course you're paying ;)

>> No.7755343

Meanwhile chad and tyrone laughing their asses off

>> No.7755382
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>> No.7755396


>> No.7755412

That is not the topic. You have health problems? Fine. Find a way to get laid, like money. Nobody cares. If you are even too disgusting to get laid with money, fine, get a VR.

That still doesn't justify resenting all women because they are not attracted to one's sad, pitiful existence, which especially today is for many "men" pretty much the pinnacle of degeneracy that was ever seen throughout history. Need proof? Just browse the other boards.

Injustice my ass. If you are a fucking ugly loser, get a fucking ugly GF and don't call it "injustice" when the hottest of the hot depise you. Instead of just getting a girl in your league you retards always want hot porn actresses and models like the literal dimwits most of you are and think you DESERVE anything. No, you don't deserve shit. If you are a solid 3/10, then find a 3/10 instead of aiming for those 8/10 bitches that only suck your bank account dry and then dump you. There are equally ugly women that match every ugly man.

But yeah, this would be facing reality. But brainwashed hentai faggots most likely have very strange ideas about women in general.

>> No.7755430
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t. Virgin or roastie

>> No.7755455

actual boomer virgin detected, chicks don't wear granny panties anymore.
nice trips

>> No.7755458

nerve gas

>> No.7755502

>That still doesn't justify resenting all women because...
Under whose moral code? Yours? What makes your morality any truer than my morality in which it IS justified to resent all women for X reason?

>> No.7755503

That's a skank if you can't tell from her degenerate pose.

>> No.7755520

HUGE respect for this lad

>> No.7755544

>in russia there's a shortage of women
kek keep believing that bullshit

>> No.7755566

it's against their nature to fuck you

>> No.7755599

reread the post you're replying to, i got my dream gf, i'm good
people who don't and resent women have different motivations
you sound like you've got really low empathy from this confusion of different individuals into one hivemind strawman
"reality" isn't this weird, angry amalgation you came up with, and nobody cares about the morals you've derived from this manic episode
step away from the keyboard and get laid, my man. you sound like you need it twice as much as the people you call losers

>> No.7755661

That is not about "moral". Resenting someone (no matter who) because they don't like you for the failed miserable existence you are has nothing to do with moral. It is even more proof of what a degenerate human being without any human qualities you are because you lack basic understanding of literally everything. You just keep projecting your own failures on other people instead of taking self-responsibility. It just HAS to be the other peoples fault.

And this behavior will ALWAYS make you a resentful, hateful, unhappy human being until the end of days, unless you change it. But yeah, keep saying to yourself it is any different instead of facing reality.

>> No.7755675


She will stay with him for a short while to get attention and sympathy.

>> No.7755696

they can sense your desperateness a mile away and it is very unattractive

>> No.7755701

he was ugly but in the second picture you can tell form his face that he lost weight, probably got buff as well

>> No.7755720

I didn't specifically reply to you, but you are right, I don't have much empathy for the average degenerate loser who just keeps wallowing in self pity and holds other people responsible for their own faults instead of changing his attitude and actually doing something. the kind just keeps holding other people accountable for their own mistakes and projects it on other people instead of realizing that they alone are the source of everything that is not working, nobody else. and that is despicable as it gets for me. I can fully understand any women not wanting to even be anywhere near that kind of people.

>> No.7755727

>No woman has ever shown me some respect by having sex with me.

What a logic... Can we get back to discussing cryptos please? So many pathetic behaviour here, I start feeling genuinely sorry for your ridiculousness

>> No.7755748

dick can get harder since there is less blood going elsewhere

>> No.7755909
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>I hate women because they don't want to have my dick inside them.

>> No.7756049


>> No.7756065

I said men, not women you illiterate cunt.

>> No.7756076
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no gains, no girl. fuck my life.
at least I have niacin which turns me acutally pink.

>> No.7756103

>desprateness not desperation
fucking thot enabling kike

>> No.7756105


getting married in the summer

stay mad.

>> No.7756125

But I do anon! :)

>> No.7756142

learn fucking english pajeet

>> No.7756147

u look like an alien, work on your traps and lats

>> No.7756149

i prefer to fuck fine hookers than fucking a GF...
Enjoy your fucked life while you can dweep, she will leave you anyway.

>> No.7756221


So much jealousy, he actually managed to turn his struggles into a challenge, to better himself. Like real men should. You probably still have both of your legs, but what have you achieved so far?

You guys are pure cancer, and you deserve your misery.

>> No.7756263

>dr.Goldberg the post

>> No.7756276
File: 60 KB, 754x832, Ovh08Ci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for you all seeing how stucked you are in thinking of a woman as a good lad but with vagina and then being disappointed that they're not living up to these expectations.
That's not what women are for. They're there only for a thrill of excitement when trying to make yr way into their panties or elevating your status. They're like kids, don't expect anything, just have fun. The feeling of being like a bear at a salmon stream when entering a club and no other expectations is fucking goat. And honestly I'd let any of you take a shower with any of my ex-girlfriends without any emotions whatsoever, couldn't care less. That clears your head and enables you to concentrate on more important things than women. Men should be a source of validation for woman, not other way around, don't overthink this.

t. partied for two last days straight with models from London Fashion Week. AMA if you want, pic kinda related.

>> No.7756288

In honesty, if I looked like this, I’d force my girlfriend not to marry me, even if she felt she was obliged to. It’s downright selfish to force someone to love you when you look like Dante’s Inferno version of Mr Potatohead

>> No.7756315

Hail the Boggs, there is only suffering and hope only exists to be stomped.

>> No.7756340


keep the β strong, irony won't help you out of this anon

Meanwhile if you moved your ass away from your desk you could turn from a pathetic fatass to a chad and (potentially) get a cutie like he did

But with your pathetic views on women and your state of mind I strongly doubt it

>> No.7756377
File: 26 KB, 482x381, Bugs_Bunny_King_Arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just like the guy in OP did, he looks like a chubby kid in the first picture and turned into a decent looking alpha guy. While making it on one leg, which you guys will probably never achieve with your two legs.

Stay sour anons, OP is now pic related and would probably laugh if he saw how jelly most of you are

>> No.7756380

even bogs can't ignore true love

>> No.7756388

Unconditional love is a dream, only your mother loves you like that. Wake up faggot

>> No.7756430

I was born in a small village

>> No.7756441

yeah yeah i dont care about your normie wet dream i like myself and i dont have your imagine problems keep projecting

>> No.7756458
