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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7747630 No.7747630 [Reply] [Original]

>they're literally giving away MILLIONS of FREE XLM to niggers in Africa after you faggot shills have been dumping your wagecucked jewbucks into it for the pst 6 months

hooo boy lmfao. I always hated this coin right after XRP, it's just so pleasureful to see you losers getting BTFO. Cmon guys, lets laugh at Lusers in this thread

>> No.7747685

Will t'shanday and ja'markis even know how to hold/sell xlm?

>> No.7747691
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Hoooly shit lumies are in a panic, claiming their cucking is "charity".... ahaha ahahahahahahahahaha hhaha

DAMAGE CONTROL. They're too emotionally attached to their wocket ship to even sell after this pahahahaha

This is sad. I almost feel like I'm bullying down syndrome children

>> No.7747718

>token burn is bad

>> No.7747761
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Pfffff hahaha we've got a live coper in this thread now boys. Thanks for holding those bags! He thinks this is equivalent to a token burn hahahaaha

>> No.7747885

Hey Boyz. I held roughly 9k XLM @ .06$

Took my original investment out and now it's all gravy. Who the fuck cares if they're giving it out.

>> No.7747903


You don't know shit about economics you fucking retard. Stay poor

>> No.7747955
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This better be some fucking joke. 70% of my bag is XLM.

It took me years of frugal living to save enough to invest and now they want to just give this shit away?

>> No.7747985

Yep you're right. I don't have an MBA in finance. I don't work at a large healthcare org. I don't make 6 figs under 30 and only put a small amount of my investibles I crypto.

I own no rental real estate. I'm just some idiot. Hahahah

Get rekt pleb

>> No.7748014

wait is this real? what are they going to do with it?

>> No.7748032


>> No.7748058

>wait is this real? what are they going to do with it?
No it's not real and if you fall for shit tier coordinated fud like this you wont make it. Sorry

>> No.7748074


Only 20% of the supply is circulating. Those coins were going to be released eventually anyway. So if you're long on XLM this is a good thing. Giving XLM to some spear throwers in africa? Sounds like a great idea compared to selling that 80% of the supply on the open market.

>> No.7748095

God i hope whoever is paying you FUDers didnt pay in advance. Some garbage level fudding attempts right here

>> No.7748100


Nice pat on the back their faggot. I bet you're Canadian. No one fucking cares about your useless degree at some no name company kiddo. Keep coping about throwing any money into Stellar, kek. Everyone is laughing at you

>> No.7748119


It's on the fucking Stellar.org website. Hahahahaha

>> No.7748161

Why are you such a racist prick? Everyone who owned stellar knew about this, the end goal is to make blockchain tech improve the lives of others not to dump expensive bags on someone for selfish benefits.

>> No.7748270

My personal policy of never liking or trusting anything Reddit likes has done me well in life.

>> No.7748320
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holy fucking shit, literally TRY and defend this, you fags. i can't believe i was so close to falling for this piece of shit, i'm fucking DONE.

>> No.7748352




>> No.7748399
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Holy shit. The cope is STRONG with this one. Fucking dusional...

>I-I d-didn't get into crypto to make money!
>I did it to support niggers in the third world but literally giving them free money!!!

The stubborn cognitive dissonace you fags have is truly exceeding expectations

>> No.7748446

not everyone who holds stellar knew that they were going to be diluted down to pennies for the benefit of people they have never met

Many of them were indeed speculating with the goal of profit

Like I have always said, I will invest in XLM when the government recognizes it as a charitable tax write-off that it is.

I think we are very close to making the write official. So good news to any bagholders ITT, you will be able to write down your taxes a little bit in April.

>> No.7748803


Oh my fucking god. This has to be bait.... noo no no no wayyy is this real

>> No.7748935

I don't own xlm so I can't be fudded ITT. Since I don't own it I have no interest in researching this, I'm just asking out if curiousity if it's real and what these Africans are supposed to do with it if it is.

>> No.7748962

>greatest transfer of wealth in human history

>> No.7748965

>be american
>get school shot

>> No.7748967

do niggers in africa even have internet? aren't they just going to lose all their xlm because they don't understand how a wallet works? is this a buy signal?

>> No.7749030

This is potentially the weakest attempt at coordinated FUD I’ve seen on biz

Buying 100k

>> No.7749052

where do i sign in for giveaway?

>> No.7749066

yeah why do something that would make the price go up

>> No.7749286


I just sold my bags and it feels so good. Why the fuck would I want to transfer my wealth to niggers in Africa? Let the DEVS give away their stacks. Fucking hypocrites.

Nice fucking roadmap to liquidation if you stay in this one.

>> No.7749304
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I posted this in the last XLM-nigger-hand-out thread and was accused of FUD:

>Literally TRON tier.

>I was actually puzzled when a few weeks ago I received a balance of 5,000 XLM into my Kraken account. I thought initially that it was a case of someone misdirecting their transaction to the wrong wallet, so I immediately withdrew it to Binance and bought LINK, lel.

>Thanks XLM bag-holders.

>I coin worth handing out sure sounds like a "solid" hold, kek.

Pic related is the notice I got from Kraken a few days later.

>> No.7749394
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Also I would be okay with some charity but this is literally like 80% of the total coin supply that they are giving away.

>> No.7749793


>i-it's FUD, just bought 100k


Why even have a coin. They should have your guis jewbase wire transfers going straight to the bank of zimbabwe KEK

>> No.7749940
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What kind of regimen of psychoatives are you currently on anon?

That's not even vaguely coherent.

Christ, this place has become a cesspit.

>> No.7750539
File: 175 KB, 384x390, 1517687858241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger apes can't even handle plumbing or agriculture despite advanced modern technologies

>> No.7750561

Retarded FUD like this literally just means that OP really likes this shitcoin.

>> No.7750762

>literal distribution of wealth
My sides

>> No.7750990
File: 886 KB, 1280x720, kilt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who invest in high supply coins becuase they think they understand the white paper
Every time
>video related, you and your bags