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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7747442 No.7747442 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ reached moon here.

Made 1 million dollars
Don't have and don't want house
Have GF of dreams
Dreamcar not in production yet (pic related)

What do?

Moonlanders get in here, what's your tale?

>> No.7747469

A single million isn't a lot unless you're in a 2nd or 3rd world country. Just saying.

>> No.7747530

Hey OP help a Venezuelan poorfag here ;_;

Also grats, just don't waste your money in women's and sport cars, stay in a Toyota Corolla and keep made sick gainz with crypto

>> No.7747586

living in just one country is for poorfags. Just saying.

>> No.7747591

> a single million dollars isn't a lot

Said every poor cunt ever

Million dollars is all the money in the world, the amount of opportunists that present themselves when you have a mil you just wouldn't understand

>> No.7747692
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If I wanted a house, a Corolla would be great satisfaction. Since the car will be my "homely place" I'm fine with a little splurging.

Maybe I'll get some Petro to save your country

>> No.7747722

one million is not moon. trust me, not trying to be elitist, i grew up thinking a million was an unreal amount of money. its not. actual rich people look down at low class, low status millionaire peasants. I'm not saying they are all evil and elitist or anything but they see you as not being "in", there is a huge gulf that divides you from the actual rich...

im sitting on 3 worried if i'm going to make it....

>> No.7747745

chiron has more max speed
but yeah give me tesla all day

>> No.7747766
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you sir, have failed at life.

If you have 3 mil and you are not satisfied with your finances, it is not more money that will bring you happiness.

Sort yourself out bucko.

>> No.7747780

Unless you live in Cali, NY, etc, a million pre-tax is enough to buy a medium-sized home in a safe suburb with multiple six-figures left over to spend or invest on whatever.

>> No.7747820

$1M is not moon. $1M just means you're no longer poor. Dumping money on luxury cars is a great way to be poor again.

To be in the upper 1% you need $10M. Then maybe you can afford splurging on a $300k if you really want.

>> No.7747822

Not to mention 1mil in crypto Feb 2018 is prob 2mil+ in crypto Feb 2019

>> No.7747837

Cash out around 25k and travel the world for a year. Don't go too flash, stay in hostels most of the time and meet loads of people. Talk to the locals, try every type of local food, learn a few words of each language and give a small amount of money to people you meet along the way who need it. You'll learn a lot about the world and yourself.

>> No.7747859

Done that. Learned a lot. Speak many languages. Good stuff.

>> No.7747931

Sounds like you're advising him to buy a house for cash despite interest rates on loans being about 4% when you can invest and make 6-13% a year. You're throwing money away

>> No.7747932
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Damn. No comeback. You are right even about demography if you are American.

I'm not but... good reply sir.

>> No.7747963

With only 1 million you need to spend wisely and carefully grow it into something sizable. You should set an EXACT number for a goal otherwise you will just keep chasing and chasing... Watch out for debt. You have to be very careful with debt.

I have pissed away millions over my life, been bankrupt, and now about building things back up. Life it good again. My number is 50 million and doable within 5-10 years building my business.

>> No.7747964

I have 983,210 dollars to my name. How well would I fare in a country like Guatemala? I have been to the city of Antigua, it is nice and relatively safe, but I didn't stay there extensively.

>> No.7747987

If you want to time the stock market and housing bubbles, sure. Personally I want to own a home before I risk depriving myself the opportunity to do that.

>> No.7748026

>Chances the battery will blow up at 180+ mph and you'll get gassed by your own car

>Tesla: 100% Chiron: 0%

Reality though that car is a concept and the Chiron is actually out and you can buy one and do all that shit with it. That tesla will be out by 2025 if you're lucky

>> No.7748031

Go to Uruguay instead hombre, safe as any Europoor city and many locals can speak a good bit of English.

>> No.7748053

You sir, would be a target unless you live like the locals and hide the fact that you have anything more than the next guy. How fast can you run and are you bulletproof?

>> No.7748332

you're better off with Crypto which will not die with the stock and housing burst.

>> No.7748355

lol bald twat

>> No.7748391
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>you're better off with Crypto which will not die with the stock and housing burst.

>> No.7748491

Be interested to know how much the price dropped on houses in good areas.

Just go safer more bonds or term deposit less dividends you can still get close to 6% maybe bit more.

>> No.7748680
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>> No.7749248

you misunderstand. i never said my life was lacking in happiness. i never said money was needed to acquire more happiness. you're projecting some image onto what i said...

i have a family. i am trying to secure my family's future. if you think a million leaves you set. it doesn't. we live in a calm era and an era of complacency. it may not always be this way. meanwhile the rich keep getting richer, so what happens when the music stops? only the very elite will be safe and secure and comfortable. that may be far enough in the future that its my grandchildren's problem and not mine but i care about my future grandchildren.