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7744507 No.7744507 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin CASH

>> No.7744524


>> No.7744534

Do you mean Bcash?

>> No.7744550

He means Bcrash

>> No.7744551

shitcoin trash

>> No.7744574

Bitcoins Wanksta kid brother

>> No.7744596

bitcoin chad

>> No.7744638

You're right, Bitcoin Cash is so terrible. It doesn't incentivize miners to steal coins from users. That's why we need Segwit. Users shouldn't be allowed to keep their coins. We need to give miners the ability to forge all transactions, and more than that, we need to make forging transactions the most profitable way to mine. Lol. Segwit is doomed.

>> No.7744640

litecoin cash... the real bcash

>> No.7744653
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Oh look a bot thread, I wonder who could be behind these posts?

>> No.7744695



retard. :)

>> No.7744702

>litecoin cash... the real bcash
Litecoin Cash is a copy of Bitcoin Gold there buddy. I know you Segwit soyboys only invest based on names rather than the technology but come on man.

>> No.7744768

Says the guy who supports a coin that incentivizes miners to forge all transactions. Have fun when Jihan, Roger, and Haipo Yang decide to take all your money and put it in their pockets because they are tired of the shit you fags keep talking. Oh and just remember there is no defense against this, the only way to stop it is to remove Segwit, but you can't remove Segwit.

>> No.7744816

They can take what they want, I will just follow the chain where no funds were stolen. How do you want to prevent me and everyone else from doing so?

>> No.7744819

>0.000001 bch deposited to your account

>> No.7744850
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>not lightning compatible

enjoy holding shit

>> No.7744852
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manly man

>> No.7744872
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Nice pump going on. looks like the asian market prefers Bcash over buttcoin - mymymy

>> No.7744891
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It doesn't work like that pajeet, you can't come here with spammy non-argument posts and expect people to believe I'm being paid to post.

Kill yourself please.

>> No.7744905

Because they will transfer their stolen coins to alt-coins that aren't Segwit coins and they will follow the new chain and perform the attack again until every Bitcoin Segwit fork is worth zero. That's the problem, they can take their money, move it into a new coin, and then continue the attack on whatever chain uses Segwit. Funny thing is that because Segwit is a part of the protocol, this "attack" wouldn't even be illegal. Its a feature of the coin.

>> No.7744953




>> No.7744962

That's because ching chongs have higher IQ's than whites. Smart money is in Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.7744999
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They mad

>> No.7745001

I think you misread what I said. I said that Bitcoin Segwit can have funds stolen so it shouldn't be used. Blockstream works on Bitcoin Segwit so my post was also anti-Blockstream.

>> No.7745024

>Funny thing is that because Segwit is a part of the protocol, this "attack" wouldn't even be illegal. Its a feature of the coin.
Uhm, no. Do you even understand Segwit? All economic full nodes will reject their blocks.

>Because they will transfer their stolen coins to alt-coins
They can't exchange for other coins. All exchanges use their own economic full node which rejects their blocks. Do you even know what you are talking about?

>> No.7745028
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Dont need lightning either, with bcash new patents coming segwit will be blocked forever

>> No.7745152

>Uhm, no. Do you even understand Segwit? All economic full nodes will reject their blocks.
Full nodes don't accept or reject blocks, miners do. So you just need 51% of the hashrate which Jihan, Roger, and Haipo already have. When 51% mine blocks without signatures they can forge all transactions because Segwit addresses are AnyoneCanSpend addresses. Also if they do this attack, you can't prove which transactions were forged and which are legitimate so it would take a long time to determine which cons were forged.
>They can't exchange for other coins. All exchanges use their own economic full node which rejects their blocks. Do you even know what you are talking about?
Again, full nodes don't do anything about accepting or rejecting blocks, they are simply witnesses. And if 51% of the miners are mining without signatures there is no data to indicate fraud. Secondly there are P2P exchanges and atomic swaps.

Please do your research, you can't make shit up and pretend you are right. There is no defense against this attack, though it would require careful planning to exchange your coins for other coins before anyone knew what happened. Even if they fail at exchanging the coins, they can still forge transactions and send coins to themselves so that chain will be worthless. If the developers try to fork the coin they just attack the next chain. As major holders of Bitcoin Cash they would profit enough from the flippening that selling their coins for alts wouldn't really matter. Not to mention they could short Bitcoin at the same time and make billions.

>> No.7745335

They are paid to lie not help people. Just remember you are not debating them you are informing the people reading. But honestly anyone who falls for bcash lies deserves to lose all their money. Anyone who has bought in thus far has been justed. Which is great.

>> No.7745427

>They are paid to lie not help people. Just remember you are not debating them you are informing the people reading. But honestly anyone who falls for bcash lies deserves to lose all their money. Anyone who has bought in thus far has been justed. Which is great.
I'm pretty sure you misunderstood what I said and what side I'm on. I'm saying you can steal coins from Bitcoin Segwit, there is no defense against it, and it would be legal as it is a feature of Segwit. That's why everyone hodling Segwit coins is fucked. That's why BCH is the true Bitcoin. Roger, Jihan, and Haipo already have enough hashpower in order to do this. I'm not advocating for Bitcoin Segwit. I'm telling you that all your coins in Segwit addresses can be stolen if the miners want to do it, and there is no stopping this attack. Unlike 51% attacks this selfish mining attack is the most profitable way to mine so its not a question of if it happens, but when it happens. Bitcoin Segwit is doomed because of that. That's why we need to make Bitcoin Cash again.

>> No.7745428

Why can no one read that he's posting anti-bitcoin core posts?

Jesus the absolute state of /biz/ I swear to christ.

>> No.7745456

>That's why we need to make Bitcoin Cash again.
What did you mean by this? Miners switching to BCH mining?

>> No.7745472

why you say that, I think Buttcoin is the one going down especially in light of above post about 51%

If anything people need to be informed about the real intentions of a segwit takeover

>> No.7745533


>As major holders of Bitcoin Cash they would profit enough from the flippening that selling their coins for alts wouldn't really matter. Not to mention they could short Bitcoin at the same time and make billions.

As miners they have a duty to protect the network. This is working by design. The miners have seen a threat to the network and are actively forking off to protect the health of the blockchain and as such their future profits.

Lucky them (and me) for making bank because some filthy fucking kikes are attempting to usurp and centralize the blockchain. The lesson here is for the people who refuse to buy Bitcoin Cash now while the market hasn't awoken to this attack, a lot of people will lose money when Corecoin crashes but the smart money will profit handsomely.

Corecoin is a cancer, Bitcoin (BCH) is the cure. Go read the whitepaper.

>> No.7745544

>What did you mean by this? Miners switching to BCH mining?
Just a BCH slogan meaning we need to turn Bitcoin back into cash like the whitepaper states, not a store of value like Blockstream wants. Sort of a play on words that means Bitcoin should be money while also just saying the name Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.7745607

I always find it shocking as I watch these debates play out over and over again, with BCH consistently coming out ahead intellectually, and yet there are people who refuse to see the truth that is easily researchable and available for anyone to discover.

Then I look at the current 11.2k price of BTC and it suddenly doesn't seem so strange to me anymore.

>> No.7745611

>Corecoin is a cancer, Bitcoin (BCH) is the cure. Go read the whitepaper.
That was the point of my post. I'm saying that miners in Corecoin are incentivized to forge all transactions but that's impossible in Bitcoin Cash so BCH is superior. I'm all in on BCH.

>> No.7745679


Should the price of true bitcoin be lower than it is right now? Or do you think that is inconsequential and simply a stable price is what is necessary to have it seen as a medium of exchange?

>> No.7745766


I may have just skimmed your post before I started rambling lol sorry

>> No.7745862


The prices are set by the market, but they often do not reflect value - obviously this is the case with Corecoin and Bitcoin (BCH). If you're happy with the price of Bitcoin (BCH), buy or else wait till it's 5-10k lol

>> No.7745896
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Heres a question I've always had
for ANYONE who UNIRONICALLY supports Bitcoin Cash.
What about bitcoin cash is good?
oh its better than bitcoin?
wow so is literally every coin on the market.
how is bitcoin cash better than say raiblocks,steller,ripple, or litecoin or any other coin that wants to be a currency?
Like i can understand not liking bitcoin and thinking its a meme coin at this point, or a fossil. But bitcoin cash is a fucking fossil to what we have now.
Its nothing mroe than a slightly better fork or a shitcoin.

But im still honestly interested, why?

>> No.7745911

its literally the real bitcoin shill

>> No.7746050

so if its the real bitcoin. then thats it?
the project is completed. roger created a coin, more akin to what satoshi envisioned in his whitepaper. but what satoshi envisioned Is simply outdated at this point.
so, so it bch.

>> No.7746122
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1. Roger did not create a coin
2. The project is ongoing
3. Bitcoin (BCH) is the real bitcoin
4. Satoshi's vision is absolutely not outdated
5. You are a paid shill

The only good part about these fucking paid shills is the fact they force Bitcoin (BCH) supporters to reply; thereby creating awareness. Even so they're fucking annoying and I can't wait for this horseshit to end.

>> No.7746177
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>> No.7746210

I have 3 whole BCH... it's not much... but I will hodl for a long time.

I only recently picked a side on this debate. Before that I just didn't want to have anything to do with anything bitcoin, I was all about ETH and alts. But I finally decided to figure it out for myself, and I did the research... and the point is this:
It's not that BCH is good or better than BTC... it's that BTC has taken a massive deviation from its original design and intended purpose, and has done so at the expense of the quality of the project itself.

That's really as simple as I can put it. DYOR obviously.

>> No.7746214

the james bond of crypto, god damn

>> No.7746216


i hate the satoshis vision copypasta they use to shill cash. literally twisting the words of one anonymous figure from 10 years ago into law of what is supposed to be a decentralized project.

satoshi is legend, but he left for a reason. no single person should have so much influence over what btc is supposed to be. it evolves as it is used. I dont like bcash because its a piece of shit but this argument is just retarded

>> No.7746259

bcash > bcore

>> No.7746261


I only have a few myself but it's whatever, they'll be worth a hell of a lot more in a year's time. Just put them in cold storage and forget about them.

I've done the same, I'm going to put a bit more into crypto when I get some cash flow and fuck around with some shitcoins and see if I can make bank - ultimately to buy more BCH

>> No.7746281

This technology is still in its infancy. It's only 10 years old, and regular folks STILL don't know anything about it. It STILL hasn't seen mainstream adoption. But those things are coming, and at this point the vision of what crypto currency is supposed to be or do, is a matter of debate. But I'll have to agree with the founder personally, especially since the whole thing was created as a sort of response to the recession of '08 and how big banks fucked everyone and faced little consequences for it.

>> No.7746343
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what other coins offer could be built on top of bitcoin, for example the contracts that Ethereum has or the anonymity that Monero has. ETH came about just because blockstream (the team that has BTC by the balls) refused to change stuff.

now with bitcoin cash things can finally start to happen again with the technology. BTC miners being able to jump over to mine on the BCH blockchain helps a lot since it's the same hardware so all that mining power is just there for the taking.

trivia: if BTC were to lose most of its miners over night the whole thing would collapse since the difficulty level isn't adjusted often, meaning blocks would be created maybe every hour instead of every 10 minutes.

>> No.7746377

I don't actually read what you guy says its mind numbing. Have fun losing money.

>> No.7746396
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Who here long on BCH? I got 40. Thinking of buying more

>> No.7746477

>since it's the same hardware
only when they're not using ASICBoost because that is incompatible with segwit, so if they want to be efficient on BCH (with ASICboost) they can't switch back to BTC

>> No.7746484
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>I don't actually read
pretty obvious if you still support BTC at this point lad

>> No.7746521

what on earth is ASICBoost?

>> No.7746523

Cant wait for someone to create a Bitcoin Cash fork, claiming to be roger's initial envision. And all it is, is just a BCH fork that is a little faster.
Bonus points if its called Bitcoin Core

>> No.7746538


It will have no hash power or developer support. GL m8

>> No.7746559

I jsut need my little asian buddy like roger does to do all the work and reap the rewards.

>> No.7746563

pretty clever false equivalency there m9

>> No.7746709
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one was created already, it was called bitcoin candy (CDY)

pretty much a total scam at this point, it's not listed on most places. only difference as far as i know compared to BCH is that it used a different hash algorithm so ASIC weren't good (which is actually closer to Satoshi's original vision of 1 node = 1 miner = 1 vote)

>> No.7746714

some Bitmain proprietary technology which makes BCH mining 20% faster by shuffling transactions in a particular way to reduce the number of hashes needed, which breaks for segwit since the witness commitment is separate from the transaction

tl;dr it works on BCH but not BTC and most people think that this is why Bitmain helped force the BCH fork

>> No.7746726

sounds like magic, thanks for the info!

>> No.7746780


Bitmains gonna get rekt if Samsungs ASIC miners take off. There is absolutely no way they can beat their rnd. I wouldn't be surprised if the second generation of ASICS (if they get that far) will probably even be better at mining bcash

>> No.7746808



Opinion discarded

>> No.7746978

This video actually scared the shit out me

>> No.7746998


I looked it up and it appears to use a hash algorithim which is resistant to quantum attacks. Probably vaporwear tho

>> No.7747145
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i think the selfish miner thing isnt an issue due to miner pools. only the holder of the pool is the actual miner (people connecting to a pool are slaves and not real miners) and most if not all major pools wont risk being found out to be a selfish miner

>> No.7747281

>all major pools wont risk being found out to be a selfish miner
Why wouldn't a massive mining pool fuck with one segwit coin then sell it immediately before the price tanks?

>> No.7747385
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Hope the delusion keeps on going for a long time so I can accumulate more

>> No.7747404

sorry i kept watching and now understand the issue a bit better. im just wondering if this is really such a big issue why havent the video gone viral?

>> No.7747561

Because ponzi faggots don't care about tech and its gonna take another year or so to make their funds irrelevant in the market.

>> No.7747696


>> No.7747743

knew i should have exchanged another 1 BTC for 10 BCH when i had the chance. oh well. some still say the crypto bubble hasn't popped yet so maybe there will be another opportunity. have to remember BTC was 1k USD at the start of 2017.

problem is if it pops it'll probably take BCH down with it, so the ratio will remain. then of course there's also the failure of tether to look forward to, i wonder how much things will crash then

>> No.7748083

It will bring it down if it pops now yeah. In another year or so when it's dominance is under 10%, the market won't give a fuck about it.

>> No.7748423

> All economic full nodes will reject their blocks.

That's the brilliance of this attack. If you reject a block without signatures, your node will just be behind the consensus chain. Eventually you'll just be stuck while the consensus chain is much longer than yours. You basically won't see any transactions anymore.

Are you going to keep blocking those blocks or just give in and follow the majority chain?

The stealing of funds won't happen until it's THOUSANDS of blocks into it.

>> No.7748433


Wow...thats awesome, glad he made that video. Anybody would be a fool to hold segwit coin if that is a chance to happen

>> No.7748546

>with bcash new patents coming

Lol, patents on a decentralized, autonomous cryptocurrency. By definition, you can't have patents and be autonomous. Who holds the patents in a decentralized platform? Who enforces them? Bcashers are truly retarded cucks.

>> No.7748694

>what on earth is ASICBoost?

Miner cheat codes

>> No.7748736



>> No.7749640
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ChadCOIN (CCHD) when?