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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7744387 No.7744387 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder: If you don't have *at least* 200k+ USD in crypto right now, you will never make it.

Look at it this way: Joe Schmoe's parents are gonna buy in with more than you. They will buy in with more and therefore the advantage of you being slightly early will be gone (because they will just buy more Bitcoin than you have)

You were kind of early, but lol, your parents and grandparents will still end up better off than you when they buy in this week, next week, or next month.

>You = BTFO.

>> No.7744453

more like 500k minimum and even then, you're hardly going to make it.
unless your idea of making it is something pathetic like a 1 million.

>> No.7744458
File: 72 KB, 768x432, 1517788203825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only have 480$ in crypto

>> No.7744477

Lovely bit 'o projection

>> No.7744506
File: 231 KB, 947x597, bran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you aren't early because people are going to buy later than you did

>> No.7744557

that's not the point he was making.

>> No.7744609

Define "make it"?

>> No.7744613

>they will buy bitcoin at 11k so their margins will be better than someone who bought at 6k or 1k
Math not OP strong suit stay with sucking dick

>> No.7744654

>unless your idea of making it is something pathetic like a 1 million

>implying having 1 million$ is pathetic

it's literally more than enough money to succeed in life if you're decently smart

>> No.7744722

why do you faggots insist on adding "literally" everywhere?
A million will get you started on the road to success. It's not the end. Most of the niggers here should they ever hit that amount will waste the opportunity.

>> No.7744763

His point does make sense. Your average NEET has a lot less money than a boomer.
Thus even if he enters the market one year earilier he'll still be at a disadvantage.

>> No.7744778

Bitcoin is 10 years old
You're not early
If you were early you'd be a muli-millionaire already

when did I say "margins"?
Try again poorfag

>> No.7744797


I have $510k in crypto, will I make it?

>> No.7744869

But even though "buy high sell low" is a meme here, the average boomer is probably more prone to sell everything at the smallest sign of a dip.

>> No.7744873

You made it, you dumb fuck

>> No.7744874

Probably... if you exit at right time

>> No.7744878

I have $700 in crypto. I would be happy to make a meagre 10x off that, just to give me some drinking money, desu.

>> No.7744916

>good goy

>> No.7744937

>Reminder: If you don't have *at least* 200k+ USD in crypto right now, you will never make it.
>Look at it this way: Joe Schmoe's parents are gonna buy in with more than you. They will buy in with more and therefore the advantage of you being slightly early will be gone (because they will just buy more Bitcoin than you have)
>You were kind of early, but lol, your parents and grandparents will still end up better off than you when they buy in this week, next week, or next month.
>>You = BTFO.
Except being early means u have experience. They may have alot of money but they gonna lose it quick.

>> No.7744958
File: 56 KB, 476x476, 0FF0B0BD-3DD2-4D2E-935C-126ED2774938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joe Schmoe’s boomer parents are so retarded that they believe that that nice man with the thick Indian accent who accepted payment in iTunes gift cards and fixed their spyware ridden PC actually works at Microsoft.

Do you have any notion how stupid the average person is when it comes to technology? Do you realize that a really small percentage of the smart people are capable of understanding basic possibilities of blockchain and decentralization? And that a small percentage of that group are able to distinct good projects from shit projects? Normies won’t get rich. They will invest in shit projects and will crash the market when a mass normie fud kicks in instead.


>> No.7744980

>rich people can buy more money than you


>> No.7744981

You'll 10x don't worry.

>> No.7744992

No, they're not.

They'll still come out of it better off than you

>> No.7745014

From Joe's parents pockets, into mine

>> No.7745021

Not rich, just not neet, students or w.e.

Will he?

>> No.7745022

Judging by the amount of people who advocated selling and shorting at 6k I doubt that.

>> No.7745045
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Quarter mil in, was a half mil in december

>> No.7745048

No, I highly doubt it

We still might go to lower than 6k in the coming weeks
Don't fool yourself

>> No.7745049

> the average boomer is probably more prone to sell everything at the smallest sign of a dip
boomers have seen several market crashes in their lifetimes and lots of them learned how to survive them already

>> No.7745094

>implying BTC will stay the leader
>implying nothing else will significantly outperform BTC
kek kys

>> No.7745109

generally, boomers aren't fans of crypto because of how volatile it is.
That said, they're certainly a lot smarter than the shit I've seen here today. We're doomed as a species if you lot are our future.

>> No.7745113

So? Not profiting from the bounce if it is one is still retarded. We're 80% up from last week.
If I see it going down I'll sell and buy again at a lower point.

>> No.7745119

you're borderline retarded if you seriously think that

>> No.7745124
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THIS x1000000

>> No.7745137

I’m not too bothered if it 10x or 5x or 2x or doesn’t go anywhere, I’m just here for the ride anon

>> No.7745140

Lol ok

>> No.7745159

Good. Smart people take rich people's money.

>> No.7745160

Exact same boat brother. It was nice to see 1/4 Mil today.

>> No.7745338

Shoot, guess all those people buying XRP for $3 and TRX for $1 were all poor neet students

>> No.7745400
File: 204 KB, 1080x1174, aubreyprincess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have $250 in crypto.


Can I make 6 figures this year?

>> No.7745438

I don't see your point
OP's point still stands

>> No.7745473

Crypto total mcap is 500b. I can see it going to a few trillion, so maybe 6x from here. People without serious money in the game need to bet on shitcoins to make it.

>> No.7745597

Yep, this. These are not smart people.

>> No.7745743

Yeah, right... thats why you're poor

>> No.7745929

I'm so pissed that I missed the 2017 run, I saw the figures for the start of 2017 and it was like night and day compared to now, barely any coins over 1b market cap, lots of opportunities for growth. I think the opportunities are still there but people aren't going to make it buy throwing a few thousand at btc or eth and going away for a year.

He's saying even if people are rich if they don't understand the game they're still going to lose, it's the definition of dumb money. People will look at xrp and say 'wow this is $1 maybe it'll end up being 10k like bitcoin' without understanding that there's trillions of xrp tokens and for xrp to hit 10k the market cap would have to be 100 trillion dollars. Then you have the panic sellers who do stupid shit like sell at the bottom of a crash. No amount of money will save people who don't understand the very basics.

>> No.7746004

>I'm implying Joe bought XRP for $3 as I sold XRP for $3. Joe's parents payed for my fried chicken, and vore commissions for a whole year. If that's not making it, I dunno what is.

>> No.7746031

They don't have the suicidal level of risk tolerance that NEETs have though.

>> No.7746083

>people with more money than you will continue to have more money than you
Oh fuck, me = BTFO

>> No.7746095

You're a tool. If every boomer bought in next week with 100K - the current 50K portfolio would be worth 5M out of the gate. Seriously go and fuck yourself you moron.

>> No.7746139

Upper 1% is >$10.3M (upper class)
Upper 10% is $1.18 (middle class)
Anything less = poor


>> No.7746141

I have £250 give or take,

1 neo
128 link
10 omg

Please guys is that going to make it?

>> No.7746186

Why do people always reply to lame ass b8 threads?

>> No.7746187

Baseball cards were once a million dollar business. Now only a select are worth anything. Sell now and buy physical assets. A apartment building or a business.

Crypto is a ponzi scheme

>> No.7746219

Doesn't matter, there's 10x everyday, more and more alts, more and more chances
We all gonna make it

>> No.7746237

Good coins, just add more. Go suck dicks for money if you have to, worth it in the end.

>> No.7746296

you have good coins but you need to wagecuck more to accumulate

>> No.7746636

Everyone on /biz/ has at least 100k the same way everyone on /fit/ can deadlift 400 lbs and /pol/ is 100% 6'2" blonde haired blue eye Aryan Supermen. LARP.

>> No.7746704

You dumbass you only need to get a 100x or a few 10x and if you think it’s too late to do that in a couple years your an idiot

>> No.7746753

No there aren't
and no, not everyone will make it

I have more than 100k

>You only need to 100x then more 10x
Good luck with that

>> No.7746945
File: 50 KB, 657x527, E04A726F-E35D-4ED7-8EB5-E7327A38BB93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 club spotted

>> No.7746962

I have 50k in crypto rn. I'm in the might make it territory. Already pulled a 10x. Idk why I couldn't get a 20x in like 5 years from now.

>> No.7747103

Put 20k in the right 3 coins and you'll be feeling just fine in december

>> No.7747117


half a mil isn't making it... I still wage cuck

>> No.7747239

500k? Stay poor, poorfag. Unless you've invested 5mil by now you're never going to make it.

>> No.7747463

>might make it
lol no you're not
might make it is 200k

>> No.7747466


5mil? kek unless you have 10B in crypto you will NOT make it

>> No.7747689

God all the scared rich kids in this thread are making my dick so hard, someone is going to masterbate to corpses tonight

>> No.7747874

scared of what? lmao you were too late pleb

>> No.7747957

Firstly, what you're saying only makes sense if you consider crypto a bragfest. Just because Joe Schmoe's parents can own more crypto than you doesn't mean shit, it just means they can own more. Meanwhile, the fact that they buy in increases your holdings before they even get started.

Secondly, newfags only buy into BTC. Say a bunch of normies buy into BTC with $100m combined. You're holding mostly altcoins. Those BTC purchases bump the price of BTC up by 10% or some shit. Meanwhile people already holding BTC move their profits into altcoins, causing 50% price bumps because of the smaller marketcaps. That's how you make it, and it's thanks to those normies that you do.

> Us = gonna make it

>> No.7748303

Lol ok guy who started in december
we'll see

>> No.7748381

>rich people will buy in later rather than sooner because they don't give a shit about getting more at a lower price
ok............ wouldn't this be a good thing with all that cash coming in? Why would they take advantage of me if they don't give a shit?

>> No.7748443

seems likely

>> No.7748643
File: 15 KB, 600x238, 1518223854408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$100 master race signing in.

I've seen 50 coins this past year I've wanted to buy into but poorfag, looking to gtfo out of this town to even find a minimum wage gig.
I feel like I know the future and it involves rope

>> No.7748665

Kek are you all retarded? Unless you have 1T in crypto, you'll never make it

>> No.7748733

I put 0.1 btc on jesus coin at 1 sat and got out at 14 sats
You should have to pay attention to new coins and don't be fucking retarded
You never gonna make it

>> No.7749474

i already made it dummy
you didn't and won't