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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7743023 No.7743023 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up at 9 am
>go to gym
>go in to central London and walk around a bit
>now drinking coffee at 2 pm and had no idea what to do
>went back to flat and ate and read a book a bit like a good little consumerwhore
>go in to central London to drink coffee and feel less alone and feel sad about life
>now drinking coffee again and plan to maybe binge when I get home and tell myself no more junk food or coffee after today
>go home and had to see lots of young people enjoying life on my way back
>bought binge food and I think a woman with her bf was laughing / smirking at my basket of junk food

>be an ugly beta 27 year old with no passions, no friends, no female attention ever, never been to pub, club, or party
>have full time job that miraculously requires zero work
>terrified about 9-5 soul sucking careers
>feel pressured to do lots of stuff in my free time for pseud cred- waste all my time on the internet instead

>> No.7743097

same, and I am also in London, wanna meet?

>> No.7743127

I remember reading this pasta before

>> No.7743132

at least you go to the gyme

>> No.7743347

Same but not in London. It sucks. I’m financially secure without working a 9 to 5 and it’s lonely as fuck. I have a couple of friends I hang out with but it maybe amounts to 10 hours tops including all of them per month, which leaves an awful lot of hours to myself. Gym, eating, reading, sleeping, refreshing Blockfolio and seeing I made more than anyone I know that day (and yeah I’ve cashed out six figures already). Yes, I’ve travelled a bit. Alone, because I don’t know anyone who can take weeks off work to see the world with me. What’s the fucking point of it all!?

>> No.7743437

how have you never been to a pub?
just walk in and buy a beer, how hard is that?

>> No.7743465

>lives my dream life
>wonders what the point of it all is
lol ok
maybe you're just not cut out for this loner stuff, leave it to the masters and go make some friends

>> No.7743472

Social anxiety is a bitch that's how

>> No.7743504






>> No.7743513

it's not pasta he actually writes a new blog post every time (although it's 90% the same because he always does the same shit)

>> No.7743538

I have a gym and coffee maker at home. I see literally no reason to ever go out in public.

>> No.7743540
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Are you the Britbong who would always post pictures of junk food you bought for the night? I miss those threads

>> No.7743553

what part of central London?

>> No.7743557

no, YOU are a bitch
plenty of people get over their social anxiety or at the very least can walk into a pub without pissing themselves. when you finally do sit down in a pub for a sandwich and a beer you'll wonder what the big deal was. it's no different then stepping into a macdonalds. its just people sitting around, some of them with friends, some of them alone, eating or drinking then they leave. nobody cares about you or even notices you, fly on the wall, you can be there just to observe, nobody will bother you. get real

>> No.7743575

>read a book like a good consumerwhore
you're a fucking idiot, time to move to america

>> No.7743614

once again, this is similar to me. Wanna go to thailand to fuck whores with me?

>> No.7743619

Learn to play the piano, i started playing a couple of months ago and already getting the hang of it. Learning The Entertainer by Scott Joplin. Hoping to buy an actual piano with my crypto profits :)


>> No.7743656

as far as baby steps go
walkiing into a pub, sitting down with a drink, and then leaving when you've had a beer or two. is the easiest baby step ever. you're not afraid of the pub, you're afraid that the pub is easy and then you''re moving on to the next step and before you know it you have friends. and thats what really scares you, because you're already afraid of losing the friends you don't yet have so you're keeping yourself down so that you never get to that point. you embarass yourself, everyone does, but most people don't notice. but you notice, you notice every fault or mistake or awkward comment you make and you kick yourself for it. to the point where you feel like shit every time you talk to anyone because you're overly critical of your own performance then you beat yourself up about it.

you're just afraid of the bad feels you give yourself every time you fail at something. easier to make excuses not to try then and whine about it.

>> No.7743671

So you have a fake piano or what?

>> No.7743689

It's a shitty digital keyboard, the keys aren't weighted.

>> No.7743702

good advice m8

>> No.7743718

Look I get it I'm more than capable of going in public too but I can understand how someone with mental illness can have a hard time doing something like going to a pub mental illness isn't always rational usually you know that what you're afraid of isn't going to happen but that doesn't change the way your brain responds and you still suffer a panic attack. Just saying "get over it" doesn't really work with severe anxiety disorders

>> No.7743780

Get a waifu

>> No.7743829

sure it does
i'm not asking you not to have a panic attack.
i'm asking you to do it anyways and just suffer the panic attack. it's not like you even have to talk to anyone, it's not like you're going in there to hit on women that would be anxiety inducing. you're just walking in throug the doors, getting a drink, sitting down by yourself, drinking the dirnk, and then you can leave. baby steps

>> No.7743843

What country? Also life has no point...so just do whatever you enjoy. Your financial gains have set you free from wageslaving.

>> No.7743903

I know what you're saying is good advice however I don't see the benefit in putting myself through that when I can avoid it all and just drink at home

>> No.7743967

"Social anxiety" isn't a mental illness. Maybe just saying "get over it faggot" isn't the right approach to that kind of problems but there must be other ways of verbally helping a person with anxiety. If you keep saying you're "mentally ill", then it'll be more difficult to get out of your situation because you'll convince yourself that there's nothing that can be done, which isn't true at all.

>> No.7743983
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I've seen this pasta before too. Anyway since we're blogging now I just went to the Savoy for drinks. My drink wasn't from this page though. Some girl I don't really know (friend of a friend) joked in response to something I said "maybe you could sell some of your bitcoins". I just laughed it off like "haha yeah" but I was thinking how does she even know? I'm sure I wasn't obsessively checking my blockfolio at any point during the evening.

I've been to meets on other boards and had a good time and made some friends but for some reason I have some reservations about meeting people from /biz/

>> No.7743988

why are complaining then?

>> No.7743987

What do you do for fun?

>> No.7744009

Then stop complaining

>> No.7744046

come to the ETH or Bitcoin meetups

>> No.7744052

the point of putting yourself through that is so that you can start taking baby steps towards having less anxiety.
clearly you want to be a normie because you make enough money doing no work that you can travel when you like. and you're still not happy. you whine about not having any friends and then say you don't see the point in going into a bar when you can drink at home, really? the point is that you can get to the point where walking into a pub no longer scares you. the first little baby step towards less social anxiety, a super easy baby step, and you're already making excuses.

do it now. right fucking now. just leave and go have a single beer at a pub. walk in, grab a beer, sit down and drink it, walk out. just to know that you can. just to learn that it isn't that scary

>> No.7744086

get some people in your life wtf stop making excuses. real men see fear as a learning experience stop being a pussy

>> No.7744126

you know, ppl are always blame that acting like they cant get over it. face your fears you bitches

>> No.7744143

Where/when/with whom?

Not bad at all for a couple of months. I've been playing for 25+ years

>> No.7744160

I should go there and meet you and we can have a wank off about who is richer (in sats of course).

>> No.7744167
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 2658d10a68f107ac1caea3cd472b3e13--underwater-images-underwater-photography-ocean-swimming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man just out of interest , can I just meet my friend in the savoy for drink or do I need to book a table?

Thank you for your advice Id love to go there some day just not sure how that all works

>> No.7744285

You can just walk in, we had to wait about 15 minutes for a table at the American Bar but we didn't have to book. I only found out about it today, I'd never have thought to go there myself unless it was a really special occasion or something.

>> No.7744302

Some people are obviously introverts but not the to the point of being total wizards. They're called "extroverted introverts". People like these value time and effort in relationships. They just don't go out and put themselves forward in situations but form communities and bonds already existing around them. Usually people like these make lasting friendships and relationships instead of the shallow ones of most people. Problem is with the advent of the industrial revolution, shallow and sociopathic relationships are rewarded because people move from place to place, job to job in an ever increasingly competitive marketplace. Time and effort in forming communities and relationships are just a waste of time in today's world when you won't even get to see your "friends" again when you transfer to another place or another job after your contract expires. Hence, people like that (and me) are a dying breed who get to be loners after high school or college when people have to move out of the city/town/country in order to have a job. Communities are a thing of the past in today's world. Industrialization might have made us materially prosperous but it has come at the cost I believe of our humanity. Used to have many friends before but now I spend most of my time alone because people are now busy with their work and families.

>> No.7744357

LSD & crypto are your answers op

>> No.7744419

Nowadays friends are a meme, most of them will stab you in the back if given the chance.

>> No.7744422



>> No.7744487

True but only because present society is structured in such a way that any wrongdoing doesn't allow for any repercussions. People in the past mostly caved someone's skull in if they tried any shit with you. Now you would be taken to court if you punch a faggot who constantly talks smack and tries to ruin your reputation behind your back. It doesn't really surprise me why most people are depressed and friendless nowadays too.

>> No.7744529

Yeah, for some reason I'm not really bothered by this because I've always loved doing things on my own, being around people drains my energy for some reason...or maybe I'm just aspie.

>> No.7744607

Are you sure most people are depressed? The people I see in public seem happy.

>> No.7744641

I'm not even OP I just jumped into the conversation earlier when you asked how someone could be afraid of going to a pub. You have given some good advice though thanks m8 hopefully OP sees it too

>> No.7744675

And yet you probably still have friends to talk to once you want to socialize again. I feel the same way but friendless now. People drain my energy too but too much alone time also kinda makes me bored and depressed. I seem to switch between wanting to spend my time mostly by myself versus spending time with friends on my free time. Though I just can't stand the drama people create nowadays. It's more apparent with normies in the workplace who create shit in the workplace so they can secure their promotions and positions on top.

People wear masks every day. Of course no one wants to spend time with a downer hence you learn to fake a smile and laugh here and there. Rising suicide rates and people seeing psychologists taking meds states otherwise.

>> No.7744696


>> No.7744725

You're just asocial and that's normal. Also there can be asocial extraverts and social introverts.

>> No.7744746


>> No.7744830

>And yet you probably still have friends to talk to once you want to socialize again
Nope, after college my social circle is nonexistant, it's been this way for about 7 years now, but I am not bothered by it at all, in fact I'm very happy doing things on my own. I'm convinced I'm on the autism spectrum though.

>> No.7744943

I wish I have your mental fortitude. It's depressing and getting lonely as fuck for me not having anyone to hang out or talk with. Used to hang out and have fun with friends all the time before, now I'm basically a invisible and spend most of time alone in isolation.

>> No.7745025

fuck, i'm the same, but living up north.
pity that there isnt a way for us losers to actually help each other out.

>> No.7745041

Are you sure you're not confusing boredom with loneliness? Most people nowadays are just looking to use one another for their own gain, this is especially true in the western world. My logic is, why get involved with people like that when you can just become comfortable with solitude and not to mention financial freedom? Also my mental fortitude is nothing special, I'm just most likely on the spectrum.

>> No.7745072

consider anhero europoor

>> No.7745083

This is from /lit/ kill yourself.

>> No.7745172

>Are you sure you're not confusing boredom with loneliness?
Yes, I'm sure. If I wasn't lonely and depressed I'd have the energy to do the things I wanted. Depression and loneliness are a state of mind.

Depression = low energy.
Low energy = not wanting to do anything
Not wanting to do anything = you just sulk in bed and you physically deteriorate

And I don't want that because not fixing your spirit and state of mind would mean you are an empty sack of shit. Your physical appearance often tells your state of mind and spirit.

>> No.7745198

What I mean is, if you had a social circle, would your negative feelings disappear? Also what are the things you want to do?

>> No.7745199

I use to have a good routine, now I'm doing 12h graveyard shifts for most of the year, and sleeping / bitching about Cardano the rest of the time. My life's fucked, /biz/bros.

>> No.7745237

Do you have shelter, food, water, transportation? Do you have any debt?

>> No.7745267

>if you had a social circle, would your negative feelings disappear?
Yep they instantly disappear the moment I interact with my social circle. And I don't mean any social circle too, those I grew up forming relationships and moments with.

>Also what are the things you want to do?
Hunting, jogging, basketball, just hanging out with friends, trying to pick up chicks with group, etc. Basically normal shit people do. Yes I was normie as I could get before all the social disintegration around me.

>> No.7745426

>have full time job that miraculously requires zero work

>> No.7745442

>sitting in a cubicle doing nothing
>stare into PC all day long typing in spreadsheets
That's mostly what office jobs are nowadays. I can't imagine doing that 24/7.

>> No.7745445

The thing is, in the Western world, it is very difficult if not impossible to make the type of friendships you had when you were in school once you enter the workforce. Many people besides yourself have this issue, which is why I think they rush into marriage because of fear of being left out and alone. I think the only practical solution is to realize we come into this world alone and ultimately leave it alone. The people you meet in between are transient and the only way forward is to either gain new experiences on your own or to move away from Western society.

>> No.7745499

>which is why I think they rush into marriage because of fear of being left out and alone
Basically this. I feel like industrialization of society has destroyed our humanity. Third world countries don't seem to have this problem. I live in some town in the USA and I see this happening all around me.

>> No.7745572

I'm kind of like that OP, except I decided to go down the path to that soul sucking 9-5 career.

It's not that bad, more importantly it puts me in regular contact with people so my social skills have improved considerably. You should give it a try

>> No.7745680

>be 9-5 wagecuck
>be successful crypto trader
>be failed crypto trader
>be neet


>> No.7745692

Do you plan on getting married?

>> No.7745752

Just goes to show there is fundamentally something wrong with society nowadays. Looks like materialism or wealth will never make us content or fill our needs where it counts the most.

Why are you asking all these questions? LMAO

>> No.7745767

Conquer your fears. There you go. That's your purpose in life now. Go forth and conquer and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

>> No.7745855

Be a successful crypto trader and neet= golden wojak

>> No.7746152

Please stop eating chicken anon, the birdes will thank you