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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7741488 No.7741488 [Reply] [Original]

There's an anon browsing this board with 31mm worth of crypto, I seen him posting his portfolio, got a white background and shit. Sorts them out into types of investments (maincoins, erc20, dividends) he seems to have been in bitcoin at first, but sold off for ethereum, he also seems to have made a killing with dash and neo,

How the fuck can someone read this board so well? How do they not lose money? I asked in the thread how he found his investments and he said 'biz' what the fuck am I doing wrong, is there a in-group I should know about? I've been lurking since the first PBC posting, and I haven't moved much.

So, how do you do it?

>> No.7741532

invest heavily in DYOR

>> No.7741552

Veteran true /pol/posters (not the current wave of retards which is pretty much neo /b/) had to dig through shitloads of true coordinated and automated shillposting and slide threads to retrieve golden nuggets of information

After that, /biz/ is child play

>> No.7741556
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I listen to my psychic

>> No.7741570

the shills often shill good coins but at the wrong times

often a shill is holding that coin because longer term he believes in it. but when he's confident that its going up, he doesn't feel the need to shill it. when he gets a bit scared, a bit desperate, he comes here in a futile effort to drive the price up, which fails.

if you see a coin shilled here, consider buying it when the shills leave and selling when the shills for that coin are at their peak.
>get in now or stay poor faggot
is the best sell signal

>> No.7741569

He doesn’t have link so he he is irrelevant

>> No.7741592


>> No.7741621


>to retrieve golden nuggets of information

about what? the skyrocketing rate of white women getting blacked? the only stuff posted on /pol/ is echo chamber political bullshit that is a massive waste of time and that you have to be literally autistic to pay attention to

>> No.7741645

what are PBC posting?

>> No.7741653

You got me but I cashed out a lot. I only hold bch, Nuls and INS.

>> No.7741679


You won't find that situation now - at the moment the whole zeitgeist of /biz/ is meme-ing BTC's price higher - once that's stopped it will start to turn back to shilling and panning through a shit stream for piece of shine.

>> No.7741736


you know /pol/ existed before 2014, right? you know it was nuked and had a better home somewhere else (until that went to shit too)?

>> No.7741738

in life there are winners and losers. No matter you think you are early to the party face it you are a loser and even presented with the gift of a lifetime you continue to lose. What does that tell you?

>> No.7741746

So more or less be contrarian towards shills, be on the lookout for (even maybe collect metrics) on frequent posting of a coin.

Good advice, I used to browse the generals on /pol/ so I suppose taking that sort of approach to information can also help.

Thanks for the honest answers anons.

Palm Beach Confidential, I realized the mememetics of /biz/ by watching that get posted once, and turning into a meme to forward shilling. Thought it was good to use that as a pag to how long I've been scratching my head sifting through this shit.

>> No.7741750

>retrieve golden nuggets of information
name 1 /pol/ has ever found

>> No.7741812

Invest heavily in anti-stupid pills

>> No.7741855

>about what?
True state of affairs, which has a lot of value

For example, the result of US elections (which /pol/ got right despite the entire internet betting against it). Properly predicting it made me a lot of money ranging from bets to stocks

There were many other things, such as political agents and their non profit foundations involved into big things and shady shit in many countries, properly reading the true state of affairs made me a lot of money

The things you mention are effectively the slide shit that took over and the thing helpless retards of both sides fall into (good job getting played like the useful retard you are), /pol/ lost its value and currently there are other good places

>> No.7741871


One of the best signals I've found is high cap coins where someone's saying:


>> No.7741926

DONT SHORT ANYTHING you seem like exactly the kind of get rich quick dummy who will fall for that

>> No.7741927

That be great because I'm heavily invested in ADA.

>> No.7741984

I'm not trying to get rich quick, I doubt that anon got rich quick, he likely put a lot of thought and consideration into his actions. I'd just like to build an analytical eye for this place. I'll take your advice tho, unless its a clear bear market.

>> No.7742000

Contrary to popular belief you fucking BUY and HOLD

Don't fucking try to daytrade, don't fucking try to hop between coins to get on moon missions and "hop out after a quick pump" don't fucking do any of that garbage

Research coins you think will go up BUY AND HOLD, and when they start mooning and get into fullblown FOMO you put stop-losses every 10% and try to sell at the peak. Then you resist the urge to buy back in like the reptilian reward-center of your brain wants you to do.

>> No.7742076
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I have a special message just for you

>> No.7742108

this shit is so true
I was day trading ltc last week when it was ~$100
if I had just held for one week I'd have 2.3x'd my money instead of making 10% total

>> No.7742149

don't buy link

>> No.7742185
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>> No.7742264 [DELETED] 
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Because they're only coming to /biz/ to confirm or deny information they've already obtained elsewhere

Unironically this

>what is He Will Not Divide Us

>> No.7742411

Pretty much this. If you do not have a good bullshit detector and persistence to find the gold buried under mountains of pajeet skeet on this board you're just another mark.

>> No.7742464

How much is 31 millimeters crypto worth?

>> No.7742611

>projecting this hard

>> No.7742798
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>Blue Wojak
>Blue ID


>> No.7742835

biz shilled antshares

>> No.7742858

8/pol/ is great tho

>> No.7742892

>true retards

If you have to mention it you're one of them, proxy fag.

>> No.7742930

sieve through the bs.. :)

>> No.7743187
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Thats how they get rich. They get in at THE START. Not in the middle of the run. Not later.
They dont sell. They hold.

Hold "insert big coin" now and you wont see much gains beyond maybe another x3 at highest. Maybe more a year later. People need to focus more on shitcoins

I literally started a month ago and used the brain located in my head. My highest coin went x200 already. Sadly didnt all in. But gains are gains.

>> No.7743252

We all know there's gold on /biz/ it's just buried under streetloads of pajeet shit

>> No.7743312

>started 1 month ago
>200x gains just after crash

Yeah I smell pajeet street shit

>> No.7743363

nice, which coin was that?

>> No.7743526

Curious to hear what you consider the other good places now

>> No.7743600

So forget about high mcap coins like BTC and ETH and only focus on altcoins that have potential?

>> No.7743642

OP, I unironically turned $3000 into about $400,000 or so in the past year by browsing /biz/ alone. That's despite the recent "crash" for the past few weeks. It feels good not to be a moron lol

>> No.7743682

Ive been on so many moon missions because of biz but the problem is I never sold the tops.

>> No.7743720
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>> No.7743725

1.220472 inches

>> No.7743729

after a while you can start to actually predict the order and kinid of post in a shill/fud thread.

so it becomes the anomilies to this pattern that flash up the quality info and buys.

you'll get there anon. but in the meantime, a good rule of thumb is do the oppsoite of /biz. really.

>> No.7743800

biz shilled antshares though

>> No.7743846

It's a larp friend

>> No.7743954

He has a point though, altcoins with low to medium mcap have more potential for bigger gains, especially if they have a good use case.

>> No.7743976

Youre already indirectly in btc/eth when you buy a shitcoin.

>> No.7744018

What did you invest in?

>> No.7744019

What about low marketcaps? Shit, so many coins look good. Even all the memed shit gets me.
fuck what do i do

>> No.7744060

only good low mcap ive seen shilled around biz lately is JNT desu.

only thing here ive come across in the past couple months that actually has the fundamentals to be pretty damn big.

i think biz is right on that one. req/xrb are overshilled, and I like link but I think it is a ways down the line before it would get adopted

>> No.7744118

>req/xrb are overshilled, and I like link but I think it is a ways down the line before it would get adopted
Well since this market is all speculative, buying and holding for 1+ years is probably a good idea.

>> No.7744263

all in on RLC
it's an easy 100x within a year
DYOR ofc but it's a sure winner

>> No.7744291

really? You must be sleeping son.

Time to get that software engineer/computer science degree maybe

>> No.7744300

RLC is a very strong project but I highly doubt 100x this year, maybe in 2 years.

>> No.7744334

whenever it happens, it will happen quickly
news will come out that x company is investing in it or moving their cloud computing division into it and it will go to mars
I wouldn't want to miss it

>> No.7744345

i mean i like aion and some others too, but in terms of stuff that hasnt been talked about outside of /biz, jibrel seems really good.

RLC is good too imho

>> No.7744350
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so if this is posted on BIZ, it means that we should always do what biz says

>> No.7744378

True, how big is your stack? I have 3k atm

>> No.7744389


>> No.7744481

nice fuckin larp lmfao

>> No.7744540

jnt is throwing me for a fucking loop with you fucksticks

>> No.7745003

its been out for two fucking weeks damn /biz cant wait at all. you're literally in before it starts moving so just sit tight and wait on it to move.

look at the VEN graph to see how long the accumulation period was before it went parabolic. this market rewards patience.

>> No.7745037

jibrel, is this legit? sounds pretty scammy

>> No.7745271

>is there a in-group I should know about?
I'm in one. I heard there are only two or three high quality /biz/ discord groups out there. Luckily I happen to be in one of them.

And yeah.. it helps a lot. I got to know big coins first before they get shilled hard here. My group is mostly long term investors, not some moon kids.

>> No.7745424

Pretty much it. I've made some killings with that method. Bought DRGN at $0.60, held for a month and sold at $4.90. Did that with several other new coins that biz hadn't heard about. I tried to shill it to biz and the retards just screamed "scamcoin" without doing any research.

>> No.7745602

le shillpoints one?

>> No.7745669

My strategy is to just invest into altcoins that have solid teams, use-case, roadmap, low to medium mcap and just hold for 2+ years, do you think this is a viable strategy?

>> No.7745716


>> No.7745761

Do you happen to have any recommendations? So far I have RLC, LINK, ENG. I might get some QSP later on.

>> No.7745768

I won't share any discord link here. It's a private group.

Yes that's just like my strategy. But I'm kinda more aggressive. I like to take more risk, so I 'only' invest in sub $50m cap coins after I DMOR.

And I'm not gonna hold for 2+ years. 3 months max, because this market is crazy and there are just too many opportunities out there.

>> No.7745844

Sounds like a discordant good idea... ;)

>> No.7745858

im in the big biz discord group

i had to pay 450k to get into it but its 9x my investment so far

>> No.7745967

wow you got ripped off i only paid 420k

>> No.7746024

of what ?

>> No.7746056

This pretty much. Eth isn't gonna 100x. Shitcoins like ACT FUEL ZIL NULS have a potential to.

>> No.7746254

bazinga, sir

>> No.7746451

btc of course

>> No.7746745

This is the ideal strategy for poorfags ($100-$100k). It's harder than it sounds because there are so many of them and even good projects can fail anytime.