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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7737152 No.7737152 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 24 and got my first credit cards a year ago to build my credit, it's at about 680 now after paying them off every month as soon as the statement is posted. Will my credit go down if I start to pay only the "minimum payment required"? I ask because thinking about it I could probably make more with that money than what the interest charges

Good financial advice says it's better to keep cards paid off, but good financial advice also says to let your money make money, so what are your opinions? I would never pay full for a car, so why do it for my cards?

>> No.7737181

why not just get a loan? credit card interest rates are so high

>> No.7737236

are you trying to fill ur brap folder or what

>> No.7737306


for more of her

>> No.7737326

If your revolving debt utilization goes above 30%, you are likely to start hurting your credit score. Only way to avoid it is upping your limits, which can send you into a death spiral of getting deeper into debt. Be careful, it happened to me.

Yes, having your money work for you if you get a good loan APR is fine, but credit card rates are far higher, and thus riskier. You can still come out ahead, but don't be mad if you fucking ruin yourself.

>> No.7737331

CC interest rates are like 25%, you really think you can make more than that consistently?

>> No.7737360

Open more credit cards and keep a low balance if you have a shit load of credit but you don't use it your credit score goes up. Also never ever cancel your first credit card because credit history length is also a good part of it. I have like 80 grand in credit spread out over half a dozen credit cards and maybe 2000 balance on a zero Apr card. Also don't do too many balance transfers

>> No.7737368
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>get loan just so you can gradually pay it off to please the credit jew
>to get good goy points
the absolute state of americlaps

>> No.7737430

True, but when credit card anon goes to buy a home, his interest rate wont be fucking 20% like yours. Because he will have good goy ppints with the village jew

>> No.7737573

t. /pol/ster who has never done anything with his life

>> No.7737931

i have 5 digit UISD in credit card debt at 0% interest that i bought btc/eth/ltc with, valid until about november this year. i charged it all just before the banks started to ban coinbase purchases :^)

jew dont always win

>> No.7738152

>'m 24 and got my first credit cards a year ago to build my credit

>> No.7738204

Seriously. Debt based economies FORCE the next guy to also take out a loan to afford your purchase. It is causing inflation and false growth across the board. Boohoo you cant afford what person A paid for a house, tough shit, they can drop the price or you get a cheaper one., DONT TAKE OUT A FUCKING LOAN! Loans make things unaffordable so you need more loans to get your shit. IT IS A TRICK. Bad goyem, bad!

>> No.7738254

Yes they do, things couldn't cost as much as they do without people being able to afford them en mass. you are helping to create a false and inflated economy. You are creating a situation where the next guy needs even more credit to buy property off you or even a new car, everything! Dipshit. Stop using credit and taking out loans.

>> No.7738470

pants make her look like her daddy is named howard. also BRRP

>> No.7738733
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