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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 85 KB, 476x368, WebWAzB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
773290 No.773290 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me why haven't you got any Digibytes and still swirl around the ''Bitcoin'' hurrrr durrrr derp a derp?

DigiByte vs. Bitcoin

>Security: 5 DigiByte mining algorithms vs. 1 Bitcoin algorithm.
DigiByte mining is much more decentralized.
DigiByte mining algorithms can be changed out in the future to prevent centralization.

>Speed: DigiByte transactions occur much faster that Bitcoin transactions.
1-3 second transaction notifications.
30 second DigiByte blocks vs. 10 minute Bitcoin blocks.
DigiBytes are confirmed after 3 minutes vs. 1 hour with Bitcoins.

>Transaction Volume: DigiByte can handle many more transactions per second.
Bitcoin can only handle 7 transactions per second.
DigiByte currently can handle 140 transactions per second.
Future DigiByte upgrades will push transaction limit to several thousand per second.

>Total Supply: More DigiBytes, lower price, more micro transactions, better price stability.
21 billion DigiBytes will be created over 21 years.
Only 21 million Bitcoin will be created over 140 years.
1:1000 ratio. 1 Bitcoin for every 1000 DigiBytes.

>Flexibility: Ability to quickly add new features.
DigiByte can add new features & upgrades much quicker than Bitcoin.
Future DigiByte upgrades will push transaction limit to several thousand per second.

>Marketability & Usability: DigiByte is an easy brand to market to consumers.
DigiBytes are much cheaper to acquire.
$1 - $10 long-term price target per DigiByte.
Send 5 DigiBytes instead of 0.005 Bitcoin.

>> No.773315

all these cryptos and not one can hire a decent graphic designer wtf is going on

>> No.773322

>Hurrr durrr look at my post guys I am l33T graphical designurrrrrr other design is badurrrrrr

Goes off topic full retard and you wonder why...why...why am I who am I?

>> No.773337

Even if you make a shillcoin 1000 times better than BTC, everyone will still use BTC for payments and storage of value. Because

>DigiByte mining algorithms can be changed out in the future to prevent centralization.
Nobody cares. SHA mining works fine. If not, everyone will use PPC.

>30 second DigiByte blocks vs. 10 minute Bitcoin blocks.
Bitcoin transactions are instant. Try paying with bitpay.

>DigiByte currently can handle 140 transactions per second.
We don't need it now.

>DigiBytes are much cheaper to acquire.
Oh, fuck off. Bizcoin is much cheaper

>> No.773361

enjoy your shitcoin