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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7732735 No.7732735 [Reply] [Original]

Who here of the original dip selling brigade /still hasn't FOMO'd in/?
What's your entry price?

>> No.7732747

Sold at 6800, bought back in at 7200
Sold again at 9900 patiently waiting 8-9k

>> No.7732783
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Faggot fudder reporting in. Liquidated all of my exchange holdings (mainly btc and some xlm) at the literal fucking bottom.

Wtf do I even do now? I want to wait for the "dip" but the fomo is getting to me. What if btc does a bullrun to 25k and the "dip" is 10-14k??

>> No.7732911

fug man we're fucked
Personally I'm waiting for a pullback, but I'm afraid it will be small. Maybe something like low $10000s is all we can count on.

>> No.7733088

Haven't sold in the dip, haven't bought either. I already have money in, but I've got good reasons to keep waiting a bit more before I buy more. That's the advantages and downsides of an heavily manipulated market I guess.

>> No.7733117
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What raisons? It ain't going to crash to $6k is it?

>> No.7733131


why are you all trying to get into BTC when there is money to be made on other crypto?

Literally buying in to the most expensive coin

>> No.7733146

I'm not. I sold ETH at $715 and waiting to buy in, but it follows bitcoin anyway

>> No.7733154
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bought the dip at $7200

>> No.7733169

Bought at 6500, admittedly sold at 7200. Who the fuck knew what was gunna happen at that point. Bought back in at 8100 - still haven't sold but deeply considering taking profits off the table.

>> No.7733179

>made my older sister rich by telling her to buy fingerprint, got one pack of ciggaretes for earning her almost a million
>missed out btc because i thought it was to late
>missed out on eth at 9$ because i was to poor and thought it was no idea to buy when i only could buy like 20
>got a job late 2017
>bought btc at 6.3
Confirmed alpha move, got some alt coins now to so i hope ill make it this year