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773081 No.773081 [Reply] [Original]

Used to be pretty broke over a decade ago. Things got much better financially, especially over the last 3 years, but something's changed for me, figured this would be the best place to talk about it.

I used to chill with people I've known since highschool at dive bars, I got in fights a lot, even lost 3 teeth, all nicely replaced now that I have the cash. Now though, the idea terrifies me, not just of a bar fight, but even going to a bar, or even driving to one. I can barely drive, scared something bad is going to happen, the only reason I drive is because I trust other people even less to drive me around.

Always scared someone is going to rob or hurt me. I don't dress stupidly gaudy, but I dress well, I don't know whether I shoudl carry barely any cash or meaningful amount, heard you're more likely to get shot out of spite/rage if you have over a thousand to hand over.

I've been body building and martial arts training for about 2 years now, and I have a handgun in my car and shotgun at home. I don't carry on me though, heard that just makes situations worse, I don't know.

Every time I do anything, I'm scared I'm going to break some law I don't know about, or get sued for something stupid. Out of fucking nowhere maybe I get everything taken for some bullshit civil forefeitur case or a structuring case.


>> No.773082

Every day at work gets worse and worse, I want to just stop my business, and maybe I could soon. I used to do such shady shit and didn't care for a second, now I'm scared I'm missing something in a contract that's going to fuck me over. I have liability insurance but I'm worried I'm going to miss some clause that's going to void the policy, and get me sued out of everything.

It's not a worry about money to support a family or friends or anything, no one's really counting on me for anything. I'm not married and have no kids, and my parents and extended family are fairly well off themselves. I used to have friends, close ones, but I stopped wanting to do anything out, worried I might get hurt somehow, so slowly they got distant.

I have girlfriends on and off, but nothing serious. I have a house in a decent area and a nice car, I provide everything if they move in, I understand that's the draw of it, I don't really care that they're basicaly whoring themselves, but this goes on for 6 months or so and they usually leave. That's the one area I'm still fine with, I'll find someone, and within like 2 weeks they'll be sleeping in my house, and I'm not really worried. I guess I'm just setting myself up to get murdered by some psycho in my sleep.

Psych said it's anxiety, depression, blah blah blah, here have some meds. Shit's useless, it's not fixing the problem. I'm not anxious about being poor, I was, and honestly I'm pretty sure I was happier, almost want to go back to that, so no idea why I'm so stressed about losing it all.

Anyone else been through this?


>> No.773083

Don't need part 2. You just have anxiety. Likely the old stress plus stress equals burnout.

The nyc method is to have two wallets. One with like a dollar in it and some old expired gift cards.

>> No.773104

You need a vacation dude. Take a week off, go to Caribbean to relax. No worries no problems.

>> No.773108

>I have a handgun in my car and shotgun at home. I don't carry on me though, heard that just makes situations worse, I don't know.

From someone who conceal carries, i feel a lot more safe than when i didnt. it only makes situations worse if you pull it when you wouldn't need to (ie. an argument where there would likely be no violence)

>> No.773328

So take a vacation, take some more anxiety meds, and conceal carry.

Another year or two, if I really scrimp, and somehow sell the business to someone as well, and I can probably just very frugally hermit the rest of my life away.

>> No.773389

>handgun in car

If you drive over certain state lines with your piece in the car, that's a felony. First thing I thought of when I read.

>> No.773406

use your shotgun to blow your head off

>> No.773434


I don't really give a fuck. Country is way too much of a shithole. They can blow me.

>> No.773455

You feel as if your achievement is built on sand, and that it can vanish at any minute.

I don't know how rich you are, but here's an idea:

The cure for this is probably real estate.
Own a house with walled grounds in the country, own an apartment in a place with a doorman, and live in either.
Own other property in a central area and rent that out.
Rock solid feudalism.

The only concern is inheritance taxes, but you'll be dead by then.

There's a scene in the Hannibal TV series where Will Graham looks at his house from a distance, at night, with the lights on, and imagines it as a boat in the sea he can come back to at will.

Of course, I'm from a country that never underwent an industrial revolution, so maybe I have a different perspective.

>> No.773461

read, therapy.

>> No.773471


Lol why are you so worried about breaking laws and civil forfeiture then?

>> No.773481

Maybe you should seriously think about these thoughts. Explore them as much as you can. Ask yourself if there was anything you could do to stop this, and how you would be left after they happen.

Chances are, you cant stop most of them. You cant stop someone trying to rob you. You cant stop random car crashes.

I think if you work through these things, and reconcile your feelings towards them, you'll be able to store them in your head as solved scenarios, and think about them less.

Went through this as a kid with a serious death complex. Thought everything was going to kill or hurt me(It was mainly based around germs and disease). I found that if i thought about it enough, i would be okay with not washing my hands after touching a door or whatever. People dont die from touching doors.

Yours is a little more realistic, but the principle is the same. You cant not be at risk, you can just be okay with the risk.

>> No.773514

Go see a doc. You need psychotherapy and maybe some meds.

>The cure for this is probably real estate.

I swear this is the cure for everything.

>the only concern is inheritance taxes
>Hannibal TV series
>Of course, I'm from a country that never underwent an industrial revolution, so maybe I have a different perspective.

M8, are you me? What country you from?

>> No.773516


Because I'm worried about unknowns more than knowns. I know the various issues with carrying a weapon in a car, and the penalties, if I get stopped and searched and someone cares.

But something like structuring and civil forfeiture? There's people where the govt shows up and just takes like a mil from you. No courts, no whatever. You were just suspiciously depositing the money. Just out of fucking nowhere, no warning, no rhyme or reason.

>> No.773530

Ireland, god help me. I got a taste for grandeur from the old aristocratic estates.

To continue my theme, if your changeable business makes you nervous, go for something immovable and solid.
(Like real estate.)