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7730635 No.7730635[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shout out to the ones on here who aren’t racist cunts. I truly hope you guys make it.

>> No.7730645
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, image_9938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are gonna make it.

>> No.7730664

Wtf are you discriminating against people who have different opinions than you?

>> No.7730667
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It's genetic.

>> No.7730671

fuck you nigger

>> No.7730674
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Fuck off pajeets

>> No.7730690


kys nigger

>> No.7730699

I hope anyone unironically using the word racist gets rekt and ends up homeless.

>> No.7730717
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>> No.7730733


Same. White man here wishing everyone the best. Invest wisely and prosper, anons. Don’t overexpose yourself to the market (crypto or otherwise), but don’t keep it all in the bank either.

>> No.7730738


>> No.7730746

What's racist? Someone that is aware of and acknowledges statistically observable difference between ethnic groups, or someone that demands the erecting of an authoritarian political structure in order to enforce policy to either reinforce or mitigate these observed differences, sometimes simultaneously refusing to acknowledge they exist?

>> No.7730755


>> No.7730759

>don’t keep it all in the bank
Care to say why?

>> No.7730763


I hope you guys learn to feel better about yourselves, and focus on the real obstacles on your path to happiness instead of brainlet identity politics.

>> No.7730767


>> No.7730773
File: 47 KB, 403x392, efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just assume my melanin-orientation

>> No.7730775

shut up, bitch
why are all racist so whiny of late

>> No.7730786

>uses the word 'rasist'
Yeah, you're not gonna make it

>> No.7730807

Jews are not a race tho

>> No.7730808

You don't understand how IQ works

>> No.7730831
File: 458 KB, 1338x275, NArL0KH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no one racist on this board you dumbass. You prefacing your >>7730733 post the way you did shows that you're probably racist as fuck though.

>> No.7730851

IQ is developed

>> No.7730870

>cites macro-scale statistical data
>doesnt account for historical factors like historical geopolitical context, resource access, disease, etc.
>literally looking at one dataset and drawing conclusions

B-but muh super jeans...

>> No.7730903

>There is no one racist on this board you dumbass.

You can't say that with a straight face.

>> No.7730905
File: 75 KB, 497x674, xv443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess it's totally not heritable at all right? A generation of IQ 70 African tribesmen could have IQ 130 kids if only they were enrolled in a head start program and nurtured by guilty white liberals.

>> No.7730920

you should respect my different opinion shitlord

>> No.7730922


>> No.7730956

Even accounting for every variable, there are, still observable differences, and I'm not even talking about "muh iq" level stuff. It takes a special kind of stupid to look at an East African dominated Olympic sprint line up and conclude there's nothing going on there pointing to observable statistical differences between ethnicities.
And further, at the end of the day my opinion on that is; so what? I'm against affirmative action and against any kind of enforced by authority hierarchies of race. Observable statistical differences between large groups say very little to nothing about individual cases upon which rules are made and applies.

>> No.7730960
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>> No.7731017
File: 217 KB, 962x698, wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's genetic. But you will never accept the truth. Instead you'll import low IQ populations because
>They're just like us!
Except they're not. And they won't be able to integrate. And they'll be stuck on public assistance. And even when their working they won't do as well as others. And you'll spend so much social spending that you'll tank the currency.

Now you have a horde of angry alienated low IQ savages who don't understand why things fell apart and blame you.

Good luck.

>> No.7731031
File: 18 KB, 250x250, pinkbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have time to hate niggers, im losing all of my money

>> No.7731032

Edit: Wow thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Edit 2: Wow RIP my inbox LOL

>> No.7731040

Put any child in a home where parents are afraid to speak up against it and you will end up with a spoiled piece of shit grown-up. Funny how "you people" never want to acknowledge what would happen if you put a hoodrat black baby in a decent, wealthy BLACK family whose members dont care about the color of their skin and are focused on work and self-improvement.

>> No.7731041
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get a real job ShareBlue slime

>> No.7731051
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>> No.7731063

How new are you? There is probably less racist people here than literally anywhere else on the internet.

>> No.7731080

kys nigger pajeet

>> No.7731081

Absolutely no one here is racist

>> No.7731085

you niggers have been too loud

>> No.7731087

>bigger nigger dick meme

>nappy ape hair

>melanin content

>big nigga lips

>skull shape

>sickle cell disease


>> No.7731093

Of course they are not like us, I never said anything about that. That doesnt mean that genetic potential to develop into a civilized human isnt there. I'd see how civilized you would be if you were an adult that suddenly had to move to a majority black/pajeet country.

>> No.7731118

Imo it mainly depends on how the person is raised. The problem is that majority of black people are raised in ghetto cultures. There is literally not a single successful country dominated by blacks, probably because the smarter black leaders fuck over their own people who are dumb as fuck due to lack of any kind of education. In white countries the leaders fuck over their people as well, but not as often and not as effectively due to the fact that their people aren't completely retarded, just dumb.

>> No.7731179

>That doesnt mean that genetic potential to develop into a civilized human isnt there

cant fight nature

>> No.7731205

Are you baiting or what.
>all throughout history niggers have done nothing
>probably just bad leadership in every single area across africa and other countries, not genetics
>but black people running fast is genetic
So retarded

>> No.7731282

You're wrong and people like you who think "it's all just culture, lol" are going to bring about a new dark age.

>> No.7731337

If you are born into a shithole with completely retarded parents and you get no education, then how in the hell are you going to ever get out of that shithole and develop yourself? There are some(don't know the exact statistics) who somehow understand that they are in a shithole surrounded by retards and manage to escape it.

>> No.7731342

>The Minnesota Twin Family Study (or MTFS) is a longitudinal study of twins conducted by researchers at the University of Minnesota.[1] It seeks to identify the genetic and environmental influences on the development of psychological traits.

>In 1979, Thomas J. Bouchard began to study twins who were separated at birth and reared in different families. He found that an identical twin reared away from his or her co-twin seems to have about an equal chance of being similar to the co-twin in terms of personality, interests, and attitudes as one who has been reared with his or her co-twin.[3] This leads to the conclusion that the similarities between twins are due to genes, not environment, since the differences between twins reared apart must be due totally to the environment. Psychologist now refer to studies such as this as an Adoption Strategy.[4][5]

>This leads to the conclusion that the similarities between twins are due to genes, not environment,

Sorry, this study has actually been done. Niggers raised by white families still act like niggers. You actually can take the nigger out of the jungle but not the jungle out of the nigger. Neuro-plasticity can only improve your IQ by 6-7 points MAX. Genetics determine your potential for everything and this is indisputable.

>> No.7731345

If you're against enforced authorities, wouldn't it then be reasonable to make a societal account for long-term exercises of such authoritarian hierarchies? Doing otherwise is basically like saying "thanks for all this nice shit, but now I'm against the mechanisms that made it possible because they're being directed (albeit in a much more mild manner) at me"?

>> No.7731350

Ok, well, maybe there's a few racist people.

>> No.7731412

The place is a shithole because they are all retarded at the genetic level. A country full of genius minds would not be a shithole, and it's why in certain places in the world, like Europe or Eastern Asia, you see complex societies develop even with the rise and fall of civilizations. You don't see that in shitskin countries because they don't have the capability to make a good society.

>> No.7731453 [DELETED] 


My ancestors didn't own slaves and fought for the North (cucks, I know).

African Americans are a mix of slaves and slave owners.

So, shouldn't the Confederate rape babies pay reparations to themselves?

>> No.7731452

You are literally retarded if you are not racist. Darwinian evolution demands differences between separate populations and some have traits that are better than other.s

>> No.7731465



Someone reply to this post I fucking dare you.

>> No.7731479

>African-American males who carry the 2-repeat allele are significantly more likely than all other genotypes to engage in shooting and stabbing behaviors
Doesnt say anything about the AA males who dont carry this gene, does it? Neither does it take into effect the fact that most of those tested AA males probably grew up with really shitty role-models.

It is just culture tho. And money.

>Niggers raised by white families still act like niggers
Can you even read before copy-pasting that shit study? I said black kids in black families. How would you behave if your entire family wasnt the same color as you are?
>the similarities between twins are due to genes
Imagine living your entire life as an outcast in a family that you know isnt your biological one and then meeting your actual family member who looks exactly like you. It doesnt suprise me the slightest that said twins started impersonating each other.

>> No.7731488

Yo just please somene find all this racist bitches on 4chan and kill them pleeeease

>> No.7731507


>> No.7731511

>It is just culture tho. And money.
It isn't you fucking brainlet.

>> No.7731512

How come there is still a small % of blacks who are educated, in business, billionaires, lawyers, doctors etc if they were genetically retarded?

>> No.7731521
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>White "people"

>> No.7731534

Fuck off niggerkikepajeetspichonkychink

>> No.7731533

>I don't even know what a standard deviation is: the post

>> No.7731535

Likewise OP. This place is truly disgusting, I sometimes consider not coming anymore but the 5% relevant posts gets me back. The people on here are insane though, dumb racist white people with a superiority complex. Ugh.. you gotta wonder what these losers are like irl

>> No.7731541
File: 2.21 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20180217-084058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White "Race"

>> No.7731543

apes don't have hair

>> No.7731546

Everyone is racist, those who claim they aren't are lying to themselves. Claiming you aren't racist and "everyone is equal" etc is a level of delusion that means anything you say can be safely ignored without losing anything of value.

>> No.7731550

this OP, you need to be more open minded
and then kill yourself

>> No.7731560

opportunity cost and inflation

>> No.7731561

not an argument

>> No.7731567

im not gonna make it. im stupid enough to go all-in in one coin and then when i get bored i move it to another shitcoin which wont move anywhere for the next 2 months.

>> No.7731569

I already made an argument.
it's m-muh culture tho is not an argument.

>> No.7731580

If all blacks are genetically retarded, then how can there be any black people doing complex work?

>> No.7731582

A true /biz/nessman only cares about one color: green.

>> No.7731586
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Tell that to the Israelis. They have bonified race laws there you bluepilled goy.

>> No.7731590

PLEASE all just die you fucking shitheads
how can anyone be this fucking stupid you bastard naziheads. seriously you guys are the dumbest shit all over the world

>> No.7731592
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>> No.7731599

>Claiming you aren't racist and "everyone is equal"
Where did you take that not being racist meant you had to think everyone is equal, you literal brainlet?

>> No.7731602

I didn't say they are all retarded just that there's a 99% chance that they are which is higher than among other groups

>> No.7731606

>what autistic whites actually believe

>> No.7731609

fucking this, 0 replies still

>> No.7731615
File: 8 KB, 591x303, iq_bell_curve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because not every black person has the same IQ. There's a distribution shaped like a bell. Thus the term "bell curve".

People in the tail ends are really smart or really dumb.

The black bell curve is shifted though. It does not sit right on top of the white bell curve.

>> No.7731628

neither is m-muh genetics

Never said Jews arent racist

>> No.7731637
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>How would you behave if your entire family wasnt the same color as you are?
I actually have half-black cousins. Funny enough there is no father in the picture (he's in jail). My mom provides for them as if they were her own kids.

Imagine being so dense you refuse to come to terms with the fact that reality works independent of that utopia you have going on inside your head.

>> No.7731642
File: 142 KB, 580x564, Jews-are-a-Race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not a race.

The absolute state of biz

>> No.7731652

Funny how niggers have a hard time grasping simple concepts like statistic distribution

>> No.7731663

Why is there a blank post that greyed-out those two? Does 4chan shadowban people?

>> No.7731682
File: 555 KB, 576x1024, 1518826577787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this thread have to do with making money? I want /pol/ to leave, and try not to shoot up another school on the way out.

>> No.7731686
File: 47 KB, 1199x642, 1517985860276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poo goes in the loo you dirty street shitter, did you buy bit connect?

>> No.7731689


I love bitcoin because niggers will never even have a chance to enter the market of a lifetime. It truly the peak of white supremacy to be in bitcoin.

>> No.7731694

Genetic factors explaining the IQ of certain groups of people living across different cultures does give an explanation but explaining the average IQ of one group of people across different cultures using the culture argument does not make sense
For example you saying that black people are probably dumb do to culture, where black people live in a variety of cultures all across the world, makes no sense
If you we say it's because of genetics, that argument actually makes sense
Your argument is bad

>> No.7731696
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>> No.7731700

This makes sense, but I'm still wondering how much depends on how a person is raised(black/white/asian) and how much depends on their genetics.

>> No.7731704

fuck off soyboy

>> No.7731709

You see that plebbitor try to pitifully shy away from it? Couldn't even take the study on directly. Talked some shit about how the nigger couldn't do it because he was a 'different' race. Except his point was trying to illustrate how we are all the same regardless.... Lol.

>> No.7731716

If you don't believe the different races are born with equal capabilities you are labeled a racist by the majority and the media. Watson, the discoverer of DNA is a racist according to the mainstream for maintaining this. If you have some private, made up definition of racist you need to clarify that instead of just confirming my tongue in cheek premise that anything you say can be safely ignored.

>> No.7731729

Im convinced shit like this is actually leftists shitposting extreme retardation with a right wing slant to gain support

>> No.7731747

>What does this thread have to do with making money?
Ask me again after the western welfare states and their currencies collapse under the weight of unchecked third world immigration.

>> No.7731752

/pol/ started pouring onto /biz/ around the time the chainlink memes started appearing

>> No.7731761

I'm not even a nigger. Just looking for theories and proof on how much depends on genetics and how much depends on how a person is raised.

>> No.7731773
File: 1020 KB, 635x924, 1518767165137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Settle down black snow flake, y'all niggas got affirmative action, quotas, the Jews and the establishment giving you everything on a platter.

Honestly this is probably the best time in history to be a minority in the west, but times change.

I wonder how minorities get treated in South Africa.....?

>> No.7731778

everyone is racist you dumbass

>> No.7731786

>If you don't believe the different races are born with equal capabilities
But I do believe they are. What I don't believe is that everyone inside of them are.

>> No.7731801

But I've been teaching my cat things for ages, why is his IQ not as developed as ours?

>> No.7731814





>protip: No one is fleeing the US-EU to run to Africa/Middle East/South America.
Why is this?
>muh colonization
Helped Africa but they are too stupid to function.
See: Empire of Dust.

>> No.7731825

fuck off you faggot

>> No.7731838
File: 11 KB, 576x432, IQGraph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you look at adoption studies and use statistics to look for correlations
You would see that environment might play like a 15% role on your intelligence, but the majority of it is genetic

>> No.7731841

we are ALL the human race and we ALL dislike black people

>> No.7731855

>But I do believe they are
That's not a justifiable belief. It's straight up nonsense you say you believe to uphold your opinion, but it's not one you could justify with logic or data.

>> No.7731879

Let's take you and me. We might be the same race, or we might not; I don't care. But I know I know that I'm very likely superior to you. Thinking so doesn't make me racist, it just makes me rational.

>> No.7731894

>muh colonization

This, and aforementioned countries/areas are absolutely appalling places to live. South America is a dangerous shit hole, not being able to walk home at night because the streets are full of violent thugs gets old really fast.

Africa the same, middle east.. just.. ugh.

t. Bilingual and have traveled for many years

>> No.7731900

doubt it. i'm 6'3" 185lb pure aryan

>> No.7731913

Wow this is literally you
>I am superior to you because I believe in some bullshit I can't justify

>> No.7731933

I couldn't care less about general studies, I deal with people. You're either a good person or you aren't, it doesn't have anything to do with race or gender. Most people are terrible enough, if you limit yourself to one race, you're fucked.

>> No.7731946

ok, that I can agree with

>> No.7731949

You can deal with people individual but that doesn't change the fact that the black race is a bad race filled with idiots

>> No.7731994

And your belief doesn't match observations at all. You need to work hard and allow for countless exceptions to make your delusion work. Everyone accepts the races are not equally capable of gaining a tan or lactose intolerance etc but whenever it comes to traits that make you feel uncomfortable to talk about you work as hard as you can to just make the whole concept of race just go away.

>> No.7732142
File: 59 KB, 395x401, 3cf8b0791d6dd961f0c5ef04266ae8a912e01daa01a89bc1ef1ab276fe8255d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the fact that africa and the middle east with over half the worlds population being a shithole has nothing to do with the fact that the majority of people from that shithole are shitters

>> No.7732162

Woops, misread your comment. This comment >>7732142 was meant for the person you are replying to.

>> No.7732192

I can't wait for an AI to come to the table as an unbiased third party and conclude that the existence of exceptions does not make profiling illogical. Acting on a different probabilistic distribution of traits than the one empirically observed leads to bad logistics. It's bad business.

>> No.7732222

>richest continent on Earth
>huge swaths of arable land
>literally 20,000 year head start of everyone else
>mud hut

>> No.7732236
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>> No.7732265
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>all people from on race are the same

Only low IQs are racist

>> No.7732271

too bad that no matter how much you'll ever "make it", there are tens/hundreds of thousands that will make exponentially more money than you thanks to getting in early.

and the vast vast majority of early adopters, and thus huge winners were predominantly white men. so i for one can't wait for nice all-white border controlled havens to open up for us early adopters to relax in.

>> No.7732364

There is literally nothing wrong with being racist.