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7729750 No.7729750 [Reply] [Original]

>Watch random youtuber
>Later in the day, sit down on the toilet
>Run scenarios in my head pretending to be a vlogger telling people about stuff

>> No.7730086

Kill yourself

>> No.7730131


unironically this

i can then continue it as a conversation and act like someone is arguing against my points and go on for a solid 15 minutes

>> No.7730157

I’ve been doing this constantly for years, doing commentary on my life in my head

>> No.7730184


I feel like everybody does this. Am i wrong?

>> No.7730194

That should improve your charisma
Are you training your pickup game anon?

>> No.7730197

That's not a bad thing.

>> No.7730207
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>he used to imagine saving his crush from the school shooter by personally disarming him with non existant martial art skills and then kissing with her

>> No.7730225

It's normal, you want to emulate the successful so you mimic their actions
This however is actually entering into some levels of autism

>> No.7730227


>Having a talkshow conversation aloud in my car, where im answering questions about crypto to a CNN host. This is going on good 15 minutes, multiple stop lights passed
>Snap out of it look to the side and see a roastie looking at me in utter shock.
>Pretend i have a bluetooth headset and step on the gas.

>> No.7730287


Well my convesations in my head escalate quite a lot sometimes as i wrote here >>7730227 I carry them aloud.

I feel like the guy i am talking now actually has his formed personality after years of arguing with me. Unironically i have learned a lot through this. Stuff i didn't undestand i came to the realization of them after I, in my head, tried to explain it to the guy who asked me.

>> No.7730324

>Using the law of attraction.

>> No.7730340

everyone on biz has done this

>> No.7730345
File: 433 KB, 406x505, caraOK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well while we're at it, I actually do youtube videos, so plx subscribe


>> No.7730577
File: 38 KB, 365x450, 1399347377854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Having a talkshow conversation aloud in my car, where im answering questions about crypto to a CNN host.

>> No.7730636

>Be a nice people
>Never committed any crimes
>Run scenarios in my head randomly about how could I get away with killing a random people without leaving any clues

>> No.7731079


Do it already. Pussy

>> No.7731142

Literally just started a satire channel making fun of vloggers by making "fake" vlogs that emulate hypebeast behavior. Only two months in and 150 subs lol

>> No.7731262

>have these embarrassing mental scenarios
>know that eventually mind reading tech will reveal them to the world
>address the problem by taking up regimented meditation
My mind no longer spews a stream of cringe, I have conditioned it to remain silent unless something I do demands a stream of consciousness.