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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 320x320, 1501918315687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7728695 No.7728695 [Reply] [Original]

I've been working on a python trading bot for the greater part of a year now. It has consistently made over 5% gains per day for the past 3 months, with minor tweaks to the code. I am offering 10 copies for 90% off in return for reviews for my website which will be live next week, and the price will increase 10x.


>> No.7728716

Nigga if your shit worked you'd make a lot more money using it than selling it.

>> No.7728728

Thanks grabbed some copies here's proof already made 10% today alone

>> No.7728733


>Being able to pretty much print money
>Not printing more money by selling it

>> No.7728737

Can you share a copy with the poorfags please?

>> No.7728749
File: 26 KB, 480x360, IMG_7652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, fuck you, pay the devs for their hard work
It's only 100$ who cares

>> No.7728760
File: 200 KB, 620x387, IMG_7653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sending my litecoin right now. Hope it gets there before sold out!

>> No.7728771

Nah cmon neo I wanted to get the lady copy wtf
OP can you reserve a copy for me??

>> No.7728788
File: 148 KB, 412x562, IMG_7637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw already up 80% after running it on bittrex since yesterday
Thanks op

>> No.7728800


>> No.7728812


the fuck

>> No.7728875


>> No.7728881

There were other threads selling the exact same file with a samefagging op. I'm not paying for a keylogger or some pink Womack pics.

>> No.7728892
File: 12 KB, 640x640, IMG_7570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I tho this was a scam but just got my copy and I'm making money... this should be illegal

>> No.7728905

thats not even me why the fuck would I samefag like that

>> No.7728945

Does it work on bittrex? I'm using it on Binance and so far I'm 2 btc up (started yesterday with 0.1)

>> No.7729043


>> No.7729063
File: 2.28 MB, 187x155, 1517417835792.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sirs how do i delete a thread? i didnt realize biz has ID sir

>> No.7729100
File: 43 KB, 442x678, icecube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7729107
File: 994 KB, 1277x713, IMG_7656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pleasantly surprised op, impressed really. good luck with your site launch

>> No.7729170

5% compound interest a day, if you had 100 now you have 8k and. You want to sell it.
Fuck off op

>> No.7729221

this isn't even current screenshot, look at BTC price

>> No.7729242

why wouldn't he sell it? Its not like selling it makes it not work

I really want a bot but for obvious reasons I'm hesitant to give a stranger money for something I can't see first. Can you email me a link to the site you are building op? If it looks legit I'm in. sandwichbotguy@gmail.com

>> No.7729278

Don't do it this is a scam. I fell for this when it was posted a few weeks ago. I had my private key stored in a text file called "private_key_backup.txt", I'm sure it was malware because the day after all my BZC was gone. Fucking scamming pajeet.

>> No.7729284

Yeah I'm not sure either but this guys post seems quite convincing >>7729107 i think I'm pulling the trigger, I won't regret it

>> No.7729298

Made .15 BTC profit from my 0.2 BTC investment in a single day. How is this even possible. Somebody has to loose money on this.

>> No.7729304

this guys right though>>7729221
btc hasn't been over 11k recently

>> No.7729314

I bought a copy off OP last month. I'll sell a copy of it to anyone who replies for half of what OP wants

>> No.7729321

ade .15 BTC profit from my 0.2 BTC investment in a single day. How is this even possible. Somebody has to loose money on this.

>> No.7729356

omg cool finally someone on /biz/ who isn't an asshole. does it work?? how much ahve you made in a month??

>> No.7729358


>> No.7729388

You're selling your free money machine for half off? WOW this I why I love this place. Everyone just wants to help.

>> No.7729392

Similar results here, started with 0.1 now I have 3 WHOLE BTCs

>> No.7729435


After a month with this program I've retired and my trading days are over. I'm posting this from my yacht in Monaco (just got blown by some instagram model, shit was so cash) so I don't mind helping you /biz/lets out

>> No.7729590

nice scam pajeets, try again bozos

>> No.7729757

thanks OP this changed my life i installed the bot and deposited 3 BTC and now I have 15 BTC in less than 48 hours this is hella cool

have an upvote and i rate you 10/10