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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7723071 No.7723071 [Reply] [Original]

quote from a guy at work:
>"I bought the dip with a part of my refi and now I've made 30% in the past week on BTC"
quote from some random bitch at starbucks:
>"joey showed me how to use bit coin and it's where I moved that part of my 401k I cashed out"
quote from some guy sitting behind me on a flight outta newark:
>"you see, with the blockchain the possibilities are endless. This is the Apple for Banks. That's where I moved my kid's college fund because it can only go higher"
quote from some guy at the DMV:
>"I'd say one hundred is a bit conservative for BTC given how it's going to kill Apple Pay. I'd go one hundred five"

If you've sold or mined BTC in the past six months this is who bought it. Complete fucking retards who are going to ruin the market. Sure things have leveled off for now, but eventually there's going to be another dip and people will panic. This is literally a dotcom boom 2.

>> No.7723094
File: 103 KB, 550x620, ifeelfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high quality fud

maybe with the crypto gains you get you can buy a fucking noose faggot or take the smith and wesson retirement plan

>> No.7723121


I was expecting this bear market to last at least most of the year

we're about to rally to 30k and then times are gonna be harder than ever

>> No.7723136


I'll fud BTC all day because BTC is a shitcoin. At least most altcoin investors are savvy enough to know they're gambling.

>> No.7723169

instead of being a creepy eavesdropping faggot you should have started a conversation with these normies and convinced them to dump in their life savings. remember this is a zero sum game

>> No.7723209


Yeah, just have your finger on the sell trigger faggot. Get those wee little baby hands ready and don't piss your pants when it all comes crashing down.

>> No.7723233

nice larp

Nobody has ever talked about bitcoin

>> No.7723271

Normies don’t have disposable income nice larp

>> No.7723331


People are, now that it's in the news. Despite the fall from $19k normies are starting to see long-term investors cash out and make money, spurring them to invest theirs. This is how I remember the dotcom bubble happening, although I was only 15 at the time I remember people (teachers, kmart cashiers, bus riders etc) making the exact same comments but in regards to websites. They see random articles like "The BlockChain Will Be The Credit Card Killer" or "Crypto Currency Will Be Installed In All Teslas" and drink the kool aid 100%.

Despite all the blood spilled over the past three months, normies want in because they sense it's easy money.

>> No.7723353


Yes they do. I'm not talking about college students, but adults with jobs (used to secure loans) who have homes (which can be refinanced), and multiple cars (used as collateral).

>> No.7723369


No, it's not. Around 2020, yeah. By then a lot more normies will be in. But right now it's just picking up speed. Half those people have 0 clue how to get in or trade etc.

>> No.7723389
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Can confirm

When I hook up with randos and don't know what to talk about in that awkward after sex phase
>Have you ever heard of bitcoin?
>No, anon, what's that? Is it some kind of video game?

I'm 0/8 so far on any normie I've talked to knowing anything about it, even the nerds who've heard the name before don't know anything, much less own any.

Weak FUD

>> No.7723446


I've had people at work ask me about bitcoin because I'm "good with computers" (I know how to reinstall windows and delete viruses). This has happened at my workplace (a respectable if dinky operation), thanksgiving and on the train (though only because I wore a stupid shitcoin t shirt I got in the mail).

>> No.7723486
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So basically you attract the 1/10 people who have heard of it and want to know a little more.

The difference between wanting to know more and actually dropping significant cash into it too is astronomical. Like the signup to purchase rate on coinbase is at most 5%

>> No.7723536
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On top of that, my day job is personal finance, it's difficult to even get normie know-nothings to invest in tried and true investments like mutual funds. Even getting $100/month is significant commitment from anyone below the age of 30.

Normies just do not have the cash to move the market either way at the current level of awareness.

2/3 have less than $1000 in savings that is accessible (401k/IRA's don't count since they can't easily move that money into crypto without a taxable event).

>> No.7723586


please, when people get the bug they'll drop everything and go anything to buy in. Just like they do when they want a new TV or a new car.

though most of the people I talk to are in their 40s, 50s and 60s so I might be a bit biased

>> No.7723673

Kill yourself you stupid cuck, no one EVER talks at the DMV nice meme faggot.

>> No.7723710
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I don't doubt that this will happen, but we're a year or two off from it happening in large enough numbers to move markets.

You have got to be some kind of outlier if you've actually experienced that many conversations about people actually invested that hard into crypto. Maybe someone in your social circle is hardcore shilling.

>> No.7723730

>ride normie wave
>when it starts bursting, either tether up or cash out
>buy everything at rock bottom and retire early

Wow so terrible. Just keep an eye on your charts and you will know when to exit.

>> No.7723784

Do you want your 20 trillion market cap or not?! The fuck are you people always complaining about?

>> No.7723934

Shit that literally never happened for $1000 please

>> No.7724085

That's simply not true. All the normies i know not only dont want to invest in crypto, they also hate on it

>> No.7724588
File: 23 KB, 189x331, 1515120103782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move all holdings into tether

>tether snaps