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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 2600x909, coinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7722958 No.7722958 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here waiting for these faggots to pay them the money they unjustly took?

>> No.7722981


Me. They won't connect you with a phone rep either. Is it time to weaponize ours and reddits autism against them?

>> No.7722988

I thought this was some baseless FUD, did some banking this morning and noticed they did take 1000 from me but refunded the next day. WTF tho

>> No.7723656

yeah i think its fucking time anon

>> No.7723676

Huh? Never had a problem with these guys giving me my money when I ask for it. What's happened?

>> No.7723721

heres my experience. I bought 750 worth of eth on feb 5th, right. Two days ago i noticed i was charged 750 again from coinbase. Came here yesterday and saw another anon had the problem. Went to coinbase and they have a bulletin post up saying they are "trying" To get everything sorted. Complete horseshit

>> No.7723727

I don't know what the fuck your idiots are talking about. Yeah Coinbase hits you for fees. But I've cashed out over $70k without a hiccup. Coinbase>Paypal>Bank. I have my money in under 24hrs. Zero issues.

>> No.7723735


This is what you get for using a shit tier bank that uses Visa. MasterCard(tm) is literally the master of cards.

>> No.7723781

Huh weird. Yeah, I put about $3k in BTC and ETH with Coinbase a couple of weeks ago and everything went through fine. Good luck to you anon.

>> No.7723796

Only poor fucks use this exchange to buy $200 worth of bitcoin with their debit cards

>> No.7723805
File: 74 KB, 1222x267, Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 10.25.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are fucking tarded. go and check for yourself

>> No.7723836

Not me because this isn’t a real thing. All new friends please realize this is desperate FUD from people that sold low

>> No.7723855

Good thing your credit card isn't your money. Right? Their problem. Unless you're retarded and linked a debit card or bank directly to Coinbase. Fuck...

>> No.7723875

What the fuck do I care if Coinbase charged Mastercard a bunch of money? "Dispute." End of story,

>> No.7723879

Status: Drooling potato

>> No.7723912

Status: linked bank to Coinbase and now cucked for "60 to 90 days" while they "investigate" your dispute. Always gamble with someone else's money, fuckstick.

>> No.7723937

>Coinbase>Paypal>Bank. I have my money in under 24hrs.
wait, how?
they send the money to paypal that quickly?
does paypal charge you a fee for that?

>> No.7723952


T. Increasingly delusional and desperate bull

>> No.7723964
File: 68 KB, 939x777, 1517538045207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got fucked by the double charge too mate. fuck.

on top of that, i realized that in my recent transactions, SOMEHOW last week i "bought" *NEGATIVE* -.11 ETH, which debited that .11 ETH from my account.
their support will probably be backed up for 3 months, fuckin cuckbase.

>> No.7723965

>doesn't know that > means "greater than"

>> No.7723967


>> No.7723979

Coinbase will jew you for a hefty fee, but after that it's smooth sailing. Choose "Sell to Paypal." You have to already have your Paypal account linked to a bank. Coinbase to Paypal is basically instant (under 24hrs), then ACH transfer from Paypal to bank. You get near instant liquidity and insulation between Coinbase and your bank. Win/win.

>> No.7724006
File: 704 KB, 1136x640, 142DA290-1398-482A-9189-A75B685C1AE9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh I used bus and Coinbase all my shit is fine and I’m uo 8k since feb third so feel free to suck my cock.

> I’ll throw you some etherium in return you little boy, you punk kid.

>> No.7724041
File: 19 KB, 400x301, Ugly-and-Crazy-Men-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7724081

Coinbase just had a Paypal outage for like a month and most people assumed the relationship was over. Too good to be true scenario. But, it's back up now. I advise you to use it while it's up. Linking your real bank to Coinbase is a fucking nightmare...

>> No.7724348

Well i have my money already.

Honestly i hope they crash and burn so bitcoin drops in price again and i can buy more. \o/

>> No.7724363

Also a reminder to everyone to get your own wallets. DO NOT KEEP CRYPTO IN THE EXCHANGE ACCOUNTS.

>> No.7724364

Need to buy some ETH, are SEPA transfers ok? Where else could I buy in Europe?

>> No.7724758

Fuck off pajeet scam bot

>> No.7724779

kraken now the their site actually works again

>> No.7724792

I don't even have a credit card. how am I supposed to know shit like this would happen?

>> No.7724846
File: 6 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related everyone itt

>> No.7724901
File: 111 KB, 625x773, 1518830512334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using a credit card in this day and age jee i hope you spit on your asshole for the jews to slide right in.

>the absolute state of biz

>> No.7724908

Bro I've waited for my refund since November. They are scamming people and no one seems to care until it happens to them.

>> No.7725949


You have to go back.

>> No.7726076

>ours and reddit's
You mean reddit's and reddit's?

>> No.7726603

Coinbase will have massive competition from BPT soon.

Blockport features:
- Fiat to crypto purchases
- social media integration
- you keep your own wallet keys so no fear of exchange hacks, exit scam
- alpha demo already up - https://alpha.blockport.io


As an early investor in Binance ICO (bought under 10c), BPT is following similar path.