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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 74 KB, 590x605, crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7722662 No.7722662 [Reply] [Original]

crypto fags blown the fuck out

>> No.7722683

Who the fuck is that shithead?

>> No.7722686

weakest fud i've ever seen lmao

>> No.7722706

>literally saved hundreds
>from 100x gains

LMAO what a fucking faggot. Ask him what a smart contract is.

>> No.7722710


then why doesn't he make his own "crypto" and make a bunch of money?
No one wants his shit coins, therefore they're relevant, no matter how many of them there are

>> No.7722725
File: 33 KB, 1350x854, 2011-11and12-tt-08-bigp-chart-01-japans-asset-price-bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what's about to happen to US stock and real estate markets

>> No.7722734

anton gives out some solid advice, looks like hes just butthurt over people making a fortune off memecoins

he always posts emails he gets from students of his trading course, congratulating them about being up 50% over 6 months to a year or so. while those are fantastic returns in (((stocks))), you couldve put that money in literally any shitcoin over the last year and x10'd it

>> No.7722735

it must suck being this big of a faggot

>> No.7722738

Boomers apparently have never heard of ersatz currency.

>> No.7722743

What a greasy cunt.

>> No.7722777

t b h it wouldnt be a bad idea to diversify into some stocks just in case this all falls apart tomorrow

>> No.7722782


>> No.7722789

Meanwhile the actual stock markets look ready to shit the bed.

>> No.7722790

part of the reason people buy the coins though are because they have an actual use (at least they think so) which creates demand. the only reason coins with literally no use go up generally is because they are priced in terms of eth, which has a use and has increased.

>> No.7722810

Nice digits

Try SXX on the LSE and HODL until 2021

>> No.7722811


your not investing in the coin your investing in the team behind it

>> No.7722819

Damn. /biz/ just got rekt.

>> No.7722825

my point being, creating these new coins over and over again as he suggests wouldn't really work because they'd have no purpose and would have little to no demand

>> No.7722829

>own a share of nothing

I would argue that point, but I'll let the crypto market make my point in 10-15 years time.

>> No.7722836

>kek wills it
just dumped everything into stocks

>> No.7722840

"none of it means anything"
that's what makes it so brilliant

>> No.7722859
File: 1.36 MB, 800x800, 1516838316788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomer mad that some smart kids made in minutes what it took him a lifetime to make

>> No.7722864

Lmao that idiot think all cryptos main purpose are as currencies.

>> No.7722911

> The people you've saved is a fictional number
> it could be 0, it could be 7 billion

>> No.7722914

>9:30-4 trade stocks
>4-9:30 trade cryptos
Only way to win

>> No.7722950
File: 300 KB, 2340x668, REQFUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is ironic brainlet tier bait. This is REQ Stacey pasta tier FUD, I think he might be trolling.

>> No.7722963

This guy's posts reads like a boomer off his schizo meds

>> No.7722995

he isnt a boomer, and its worth the time to watch some of his content t b h, but hes definitely wrong here

>tfw he turned 5k into 60k during the tech bubble by dumping IPO stocks once they mooned

>> No.7722996

Damn, this hypothetical situation that doesn't have any reason to exist thought up by this nocoiner fox who is tired of watching us drink our wine has really changed my mind about crypto. I'm selling it all and buying stock in Netflix as soon as the markets open in the morning.

>> No.7723047

lol guy has to date fucking asians

>> No.7723095

>said increasingly nervous nocoiner for the 3rd time this week

>> No.7723119


Yes that will work OP, do it faggot. Or you can actually make money on crypto. The flaw in this gay fucking plan is you need miners to support the network or else it’s just a literal shitcoin.

>> No.7723143

He knows nothing about technology either, sans him calling a simple program an AI.

>> No.7723156

This guy is a trump wannabe. Just doing the whole rich abrasive Internet celebrity act to get attention and expose his brand. I guarantee he has serious money in crypto and is a lot smarter than he comes across on Twitter. Anyone with that much money and investment experience would be borderline retarded not to throw at least a few hundred k into the market just to see what happens

>> No.7723157

What the fuck is this gay shit on my biz

>> No.7723162

I respect Anton heaps but he is simply wrong about the crypto world

I suppose when you've traded on the prop desks for the biggest investment banks in the world you start to get tunnel vision.

>> No.7723177

By the looks of his hairline he's a boomer that can't even afford a hair transplant. He thinks like one too. Might just be a correlation of being old and a low test high inhib cuck but I'm sure that's just in his genetics since he avoids crypto as he does any risk including losing his virginity.

>> No.7723187
File: 36 KB, 857x143, the_schiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn that butthurt boomers almost as pathetic as Schiff

>> No.7723241

Now that CME is activated they literally have no fucking excuse. #Take a position or shut the fuck up

>> No.7723274

better buy gold faggot

>> No.7723286
File: 65 KB, 215x300, 1515810979610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7723326

Anton Kreil is known to be one of the best traders in the world. He has been for awhile, so i can see how new you are.

He is saying that in the end it's still about trading, alot of people thought they where traders in dot com boom but really they all just got lucky and then ended up getting a day job again because they never actually learned to trade

>> No.7723457

Sure fine, but I am literally here for getting lucky, I don't give two fucks about 'learning to trade', it's a fucking faggot ass profession

>> No.7723476

He sounds like some elitist shithead to me, you can the same shit with penny stocks.

>> No.7723488

>Anton Kreil is known to be one of the best traders in the world.
Too bad he doesn't understand crypto. People should really stay inside their area of expertise.

>> No.7723515

>one of the best traders in the world
>most of the fucking brainlets here in /biz/ made more percentual gains then him in a much shorter time simply because we aren't stubborn noncoiners
Yeah, truly an investing genius.

>> No.7723643


Who says we aren't? Gotta lock down my earlier fool gains somehow kek

>> No.7723646

>Net worth of only 8m
>Hilarious hair
Let us all laugh at sourface mcsourpuss
>and his hair

>> No.7723664

who, kreil?

>> No.7723683


Damn straight. I just want to get with some property and enough investments to never wagecuck again.

>> No.7723718

yep, a simple google search will provide higher end estimations of 10m and lower end at 6m... so I said 8
>math ninja

>> No.7723780
File: 17 KB, 425x283, ab8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking faggot

>> No.7723788

try being profitable year after year after year after year for 10+ years or even 20+ years

theres a difference between skill and luck

>Yeah, truly an investing genius.
Did i say investor? pretty sure i said he's a trader.......

>> No.7723906

so basically the same thing crypto traders do as well to icos.

wow so smart buy ipo and sell woah

>> No.7723957

yeah thats what i was getting at lmao, hes a pajeet just like the rest of us

>> No.7724423

I'm up 800% in less than a year and that faggot can swallow cum

>> No.7724500

>known to be one of the best traders in the world.
>Doesn't trade crypto.
Francis Hunt anally rapes this faggot.

>> No.7725029

Why would you need to be profitable year after year if you can make it big in fewer than 5 if you play your cards right in crypto?

>> No.7725262
File: 75 KB, 591x149, screenshot (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ, just look at this tweet. why do people like this get so mad at the lowly normal people having a bit of success? sad!

>> No.7725291

what a faggot

>> No.7725327

I ran his text through AI and it gave me 99% probability OP is shitposting FUD on /biz everyday

>> No.7725438

>means nothing if its meaningless
Woah... so this is the power of finance.

>> No.7725463

Such a load of uneducated Bs

>> No.7725471
File: 38 KB, 479x720, neck-beard-meme-fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask him what a smart contract is

>> No.7725494

hahahahaha that can't be real, what a retard

so because he has more capital he's talking shit?

>> No.7725499

>Why would you need to be profitable year after year
to make a living...

>you can make it big in fewer than 5 if you play your cards right in crypto
Inflation overtime will eat away your gains you made that one time. It's like when someone wins 100million in the lottery and then 5 years later they are bankrupt because they never knew how to make money they just got lucky.

I'm in crypto i made alot of money in crypto, but i see alot of people that really don't know that the only reason why they made money is because they just happend to catch a massive bull market not because they are consistent traders. Even if they make it big and make millions doesn't mean that money will stick around forever if they never learn to actually use skill or knowledge to make money especially with inflation always looming. There is a difference between being rich and being wealthy. Alot of crypto fags are just rich... not wealthy

>> No.7725526
File: 18 KB, 820x399, kreil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a 4channer
He's fudding
He's accumulating

>> No.7725576

Peter Schill

>> No.7725582

Wow lmao, what a prick

>> No.7725662

It's impossible to tell how many, but there are a lot of "lost" bitcoins that's trapped in unkown wallets forever. Fuck, I've lost money that way.

Then there's people dying without emptying their wallets.

It will always be a floor that grows higher every day.

>> No.7725696
File: 283 KB, 426x462, trud1488094529863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit thats real, fucking hilarious

>> No.7725729

>Taking money from dead and their dead wallets
This will be the next x100000 revolution in blockchain

>> No.7725745
File: 51 KB, 540x960, 1518705071117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say we make an ICO for the CIAI

>> No.7725756


wow, just looked at his twitter. this triggers me.

this guy is such a fucking faggot its unreal.

>> No.7725773


>> No.7725794

He's envious of the gains of people who aren't taken as seriously as him and doesn't realize how obvious it is, while at the same time thumbing his nose at people just trying to make it when he already has. What an unadultered, absolutely colossal faggot

>> No.7725816

damn i dont want to waste time cropping shit, but the dude is legit funny at least...

>Justin Trudeau is such a Beta Cuck loser. Wouldnt be surprised if he sold his car and bought Bitcoin at $20,000.


>> No.7725823

Lol, yeah stocks and crypto are COMPLETELY different

>> No.7725864

>t. brainlet
Making money is irrelevant once you have $100M. Losing $100M is terrible mismanagement, and no amount of earning power can make up for that.
90% of money goes into a variety of passively managed and "safe" investment like index funds, real estate, and you collect a cool 2 to 3% a year. If you can't live the life you want on 2 MILLIONS a year, you're a nigger.

>> No.7725890

He knows

>> No.7725997

Sorry, you’re delusional

>> No.7726067

we need to dox this nigger

>> No.7726101

Antom Kreil is a tard. Why the fuck do you even post this?

>> No.7726159

So he is one of the best traders in the world but he doesn't trade on the most volatile market in the world?

Reminds me of the athletes snobbing the UFC because "it's not real martial art duhhhh", ie: pussies.

>> No.7726331

Dude, you can create an infinite number of penny stocks. They worth nuthing lmao!
The idiocy of these "people".

>> No.7726438


Sure....just like that Interwebs thingy the kids are using. We'll keep using faxes, don't need no stupid internets.

>> No.7726466


We already know who he is. Deepfake him into CP, release it. Doesn't matter if debunked, shit sticks. Especially to arrogant cunts like this that even most normies would hate.

>> No.7726584

>>"so hard for me to sit back here in this studio, looking at a guy out here, hollering my name!—When last year I spent more money, on spilled liquor, in bars from one side of this world to the other, than you made!" - Ric Flair

>> No.7726739


Does this dude think we're still on the gold standard?

>> No.7726784

lol this anon doesn't fuck around