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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7721582 No.7721582 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is going on with APPC?

>> No.7721604

people getting greedy they gonna get stuck with the bags again lol. it was all the way up to $4.60 at some point so it could potentially 4x.

>> No.7721611

i told you im pumping it to $10

>> No.7721635

>it was all the way up to $4.60 at some point so it could potentially 4x.
Makes as much sense as saying Mongolia could potentially rule Eurasia again

>> No.7721681


>> No.7721838

I dumped my bags and bought something else, lesson learned. Plus I get to write off the loss on my taxes (inb4 "hurr durr taxes" i make too much to not file)

the thing is, if you think a different coin has more potential to moon right now, there's no reason to hold bags. a loss is a loss, yea, but doesn't mean you have to hold it until it recovers. buying a different x2 is the same thing

>> No.7722005

true, maybe I should just cut my losses at this point

>> No.7722038

you will regret it anon

>> No.7722114


I cut my loses. Bought the "Dip", assuming there'd at LEAST be a rebound to milk.

My worse trade yet. Just get out anon.

>> No.7722358

I'm contemplating cutting my loses too. Bought at 2.80 when biz was shilling. Feeling like it will never go back to the ATH again though.

They have a booth at the mobile world congress event on the 26th which may give it more of a pump though?


>> No.7723518

dropped much more than everyone else, about to rebound hard