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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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772133 No.772133 [Reply] [Original]

Guise. I hate professionalism. It drains the soul right out of me. I hate how you have to press down your true opinions on things and act like a good little sheepy if you want a job. I hate how you have to mask your intelligence rather than show it off so you don't hurt your managers and bosses ego and fragile little feelings. I hate how you have to flaunt how "Life is a blast!" and "I loved my minimumwage part-time job at McDonalds, it was a amazing!" and pretend to be the biggest peppiest extrovert in the room to be considered for shit positions, how you have to have experience to get the job. How I want to discuss the real state of business with whom I consider equals (managers CEOs etc), how I know how money is really to be used (as a tool to acquire resources and not the end game), and a whole bunch of other stuff. How you have to fake your smile, and how you're not allowed to express your true self, as it is "abnormal", how the story of how I overcame depression and severe anxiety through sheer willpower alone, will get doors slammed in my face rather than opened for my persistence and good work.

I hate being on the bottom.

Guys, I never had a father to discuss any of these feeling with. Please, help me sort them.

>> No.772134

Managers abd CEOs dont consider you equals and think the fact you feel that you are makes you an entitled little shit. They sre someone who doesn't want to do the work they think they did to get where they are.

>> No.772135


I don't know that feel

>> No.772138

It really depends on the workplace you end up with. I had the luck to land a job I enjoy and my boss is a really great guy, I don't have to fake anything to him and we can talk about any topic.

I wish you luck in finding such job yourself, anon.

>> No.772157

just be honest and don't give a fuck then. I doubt it will change too much. Most likely everyone can tell how you feel by the way you talk.

>> No.772163


I know exactly how you feel.

The business world is not for you anon.

Do something tech. Technical and artsy careers are much more free to be themselves.

Business = politics

>> No.772175

Hopefully this is soon. Maybe I'm just being naiive? But I heard all really successful people are pretty damn eccentric, so I just need to make my personality work for me. Thank you.

Mayhap I will.

It's not really business, it's just all the jobs I can get right now in general. I'm still a college student, but I'm grasping for more than I probably should be. I'm not the "entitled shit" anon1 makes me out to be, it's just that when I speak to my peers about things, they can't follow, and all the older folks say I'm too young to speak on even terms with them. I plan on networking soon and just dumping on the first person I feel I'm connecting with.

>> No.772225

I run a business with my old man so allow me to fill you in son.

You're an employee, you get paid to do a job. I don't pay my guys for their opinions and ideas.

> Press down your true opinions, mask your intelligence

I know what you mean by that because I've had dealt with employees that feel the same way. I didn't hire you to reinvent the wheel or tell me how "this could be done better". You don't have a full scope of the business so your "intelligent ideas" only cause more headache them they're worth. Just do the thing I asked you to do, do it well, don't make mistakes and everything will be just peachy.

> CEOs being your equal
Don't over sell yourself bud, there's a reason that you're the employee that's venting on a Vietnamese noodle board and they aren't so what makes you think they care about your opinions on business?

>flaunt how life rocks

I don't know the context of your depression or work environs but nobody like to work with a downer. If it comes down to hiring between 2 people with the same credentials but one is more pleasant talk to, then obviously I'll give the edge to that guy. Same thing applies to promotions. you don't need to be super preppy, nobody like a kissass. Just be sociable you autist.

You know which employees get the most success (raises and promotions)? The ones that make their bosses job easier.

Tldr: you're not special, just be a good cog, win the respect of your employers and you can climb the ladder like everyone else.

>> No.772242
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>Be a good cog.
>Make the boss's life easier.
>I hire you to do what I tell you to.
>Keep your damn opinions to yourself, because I get butthurt when people give me ideas on improving my business that may be better than my own.

>You're stupid and I'm smart, because you're "below" me, and rely on the money I give you.

Yeah, nah, fuck you. You just told me everything I didn't want but needed to hear. How you people really feel.

I am "beneath" no one, no matter what my position in life.

>> No.772256

>> CEOs being your equal
>Don't over sell yourself bud, there's a reason that you're the employee that's venting on a Vietnamese noodle board and they aren't
CEOs are like nazi superior arians and the rest are all inferiors?

>> No.772269

They have power over financial well being and thus your life, you're the textbook definition of being beneath somebody. If you really aren't beneath them, quit and make your own business. No shit it's hard, it wasn't easy for them either; even if they inherited the company, there was an ancestor somewhere up the line who took risks and work hard. You need to be that ancestor to your descendants.

Stop saying you're not a lowly pawn, you are. Admitting that is the first step, now sack up and stop being one.

>> No.772272

The modern world we live in people. A never ending quest for money, with superiors who are afraid of your ambition and who get off on degrading people.

Key around this is to have a life's mission rather than obsess over money. Ambition and hard work move mountains. You'll end up dead in 60 years knowing you did all you could.

>> No.772273

Do you really think a father would discuss these things with you? All they would do is ride your ass to make money and move out.

>> No.772274

It's not that you're beneath me. You come to my company asking me to give you my money to perform a task. If I pay you to perform job set to my guidelines and standards, then I expect that shit to get done. Simple. This has nothing to do with your feelings and ideas or my sense of superiority. It's a business. I've got a hundred other shit to deal with everyday so I allocate my time accordingly and don't have time to deal with your ideas and emotions or that of all my other employees. Who I choose to take time out of my workday to hear out and hold a conversation with better be worth it. Let's say I make 500k a year, work 7-5, five times a week. Holding a 15 min conversation with you equates to me losing roughly $50. If a CEO doesn't know who you are, what you've accomplished or how taking that time to talk to you may benefit their day, why would you ever think they would invest that time to speak with you. How will you make up that $50 to them?
What else is there, you want them to take their time off work to speak with you about work? Why? Why you?

>> No.772279

For all your ambition you're still my employee so what's there to fear?

>> No.772282


then why aren't you the ceo of anything

>> No.772291
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>> No.772295
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your ideas were as good as you think then you should be out there doing what I'm doing, but your not. If I need ideas on how to improve cashflow then I'll hire consultants and PAY them to give me that, but that's not what I pay YOU to do.
Took me and my dad 12 years from the start of our business until now to build an 8 figure bottom line. We started off as employees but built our foundation on the side because we knew our shit and saw a path to making money. That's not something you share with your boss. Use it for yourself if it's so good.

Pic related, chilling at our cottage in muskoka

>> No.772303
File: 54 KB, 398x395, Build Your Own Dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayeaye, Captain!

"The life of money-making is one undertaken under compulsion, and is useful and only as a means to something else; and therefore, this cannot be the Ultimate Good which we seek."
- Aristotle

lol'd. I'm not CEO because I'm nineteen years old. One day though. Not quite yet.

Fair enough, that's fair. I work for someone who's paying me, and if I don't like it, go somewhere else. (PS, sorry for saying fuck you btw. Got a little excited, went overboard.)

>Why you? What else is there?

You're making it out to sound like everything besides money is worthless. That everything I have to say is worthless. Why shouldn't you talk about feelings and shit? Would it absolutely kill you to take out three seconds ($50/15min = $3.3/min / 60 sec = $0.06/sec * 3 seconds = a grand total of: 33 entire cents.) to ask how their days are going? I'm just trying to make my day more enjoyable authentic and not shitty.

That's a nice god damn Muskokan cottage.

Guys, I feel as though there's some sort of massive misunderstanding here. Like those who agree with me are more about understanding feelings and being reasonable and fair, and those who have money (or pretend to) seem to be measuring everything said with dollar signs. Is this correct? Let's continue the debate. I'm actually enjoying this.

>> No.772304


pretty much this. I was like OP - had good ideas, etc. I got fired for pointing out bottlenecks in the system and other problems, etc. Worked out well bc I got another job with people I actually enjoy and a boss who actually will listen to his employees. You need to work for a smaller business doing a job you're ok with doing. A big business doesnt give a shit about you, a smaller one will value your input a lot more. I was pissed I got fired bc I was easily the most productive, but now I'm glad it happened bc I learned from it and got a much better position in a better industry. Better pay too.

We all feel that way at some point, anon. You gotta understand that unless you can provide a clear picture of what you have to offer in ROI terms, you are replaceable. Start a business and sell it for $1million, then you have some real bargaining power

>> No.772307

You've never met a mid-level manager have you? They're often afraid of ambition because they know that their laziness and lack of ambition gets lit up when that happens. They're self servers who practice rent seeking behavior to maintain their positions.

>> No.772310
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>> No.772311

>He's trying to sound smart yet fucked up the math.

17 cents. Ya make ~ seventeen cents every three seconds.

>> No.772314

Why you give me the same respnse as op?
I have a business too and here we are in a chinesse image board, CEOs are equally retard than the average joe worker you are not special

>> No.772318


Do not dump on anyone who you work with, no matter what. They may view you as unable to handle work related stresses, and even worse, they may share your stories with others in the office.

Sympathy evokes feelings of superiority

Find a female or male friends outside of work you can share your feelings with, but do not mix life & work

>> No.772325

You don't, you just have to have tact when you speak up.

>> No.772366
File: 1.88 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not like I shit on my guys desk every morning, c'mon. Obviously you make light conversation, ask how the family is etc, you implement it into work talk but it's not practical to test run or acknowledge every suggestion that your employees make, that's stupid. And it takes an inefficient amount of time to vet an idea from an uncertified source when there is no intrinsic value in it.This is the only way to run a business in order to ensure that everything progresses smoothly.

You also have a pretty warped sense of what professionalism means. At it's core professionalism just means being easy to work with, and it extends to CEO and employees alike. If I'm not professional with clients then they try to avoid working with me and if my employees are not professional at work then
I try to avoid keeping them around.

Keep at it bud, you sound smart enough but you need some real world experience to sharpen your senses.
I don't understand, I guess it depends on where that ambition is directed?
Didn't look at the id, thought both posts were from op.

And yeah that's true but the average joes are the ones posting threads complaining about the system and the CEOs that are trying to consolidate/shitpost in them. Big difference ;)

Pic related : trying to enjoy the lake but it's cold as fuck

>> No.772396

Put "Rebuild the deck" on your list of home projects and make sure to use a good polish. Props to the family business though, my dad's "family business" is getting laid off and blowing his time on videogames then collecting on social security 2 years early so they cut his payments permanently in half.

>> No.772411
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Haha it's on the list, we just got the place and there's a lot of maintenance to go through. You can do it bro, just find something you're good at and monotize it. Even if you don't make it, at least lay the groundwork so that your children can, something your dad didn't do.

I can do a sort of Askmeanything for anyone interested, I got a 3 hr ride back to Toronto and some free time.

And why are those pics uploading sideways... iPhone pls

>> No.772416

Let it go.

>> No.772444

I am, I'm in the process of doing just that.

Yeah, you're right, I'll just chalk up all of the issues I'm having to the fact that I'm young and inexperienced. I'll remember what I'm feeling now, though, and keep them in mind when I'm managing my own employees. Thanks for taking the time out to talk, by the way. I appreciate it.

>> No.772456


Can you toss a football like peyton manning? Can you make billion dollar movies like downy jr? Can you dive to the ground expertly like Renaldo? Can you run a multi billion dollar company?

No. No. No. No, you can do none of those things.

But your "woe is me the world is unfair" whine is amusing.

>> No.772697

no problem, good luck out there

>> No.772745

>talks about masking intelligence
>considers CEOs as equals
>using second person
>ranting on an image sharing site instead of doing something about the complaints

If you think you're good, get better. That's all the advice you need. Stop talking about how shit everything else is. Do something about it.

>> No.772746

Dave Thomas never cut corners.

>> No.772819

and hes dead now

>> No.772998


>> No.773121

Any books you recomend? Also, how do improve my professionalism? I always try to be funny :/

>> No.773154

Symbolism can be made to mean anything silly anon.

What is it that do you do? Quality posts btw.

>> No.773159

>I'm arrogant and begrudge having to adhere to established social conventions

>> No.773192

read 48 laws of power and learn how to turn all that to your advantage

>> No.773203

Can't say, it'd be pretty easy to figure out where I work if I did and I prefer to stay anon here. Feel free to ask about managing a multi million dollar business though, I'll answer the best I can .

>> No.773336

Did you have a mentor and if so how did you meet?

>> No.773474

Not really, the closest thing would be my father since he had 15+ years of work experience on me when I started and he was just the kind of guy that was always business savvy.
The second closest would be our old boss (me and my fathers) back when we were wageslaves but it wasn't like he talked to us about what it was like running his company. You just got a sense of the kind of guy he was from the way he talked to you and how you saw him mange his company, a real warm-hearted and nice guy. Watching his growth and success, I think we tried to emulate elements of his behavior and practices into our own management. Today he's our biggest client and provides anywhere from 30-50% of our revenue stream in a given year, so it's not like we just dined and dashed out of his company once we acquired the experience and resources that we wanted.
This is what I meant when I said be a good cog and win the respect of your employers so that you can climb the ladder. The ladder can go beyond the company you were at and into self employment if you can plan for it. You're employers won't try to hold you back or anything if you can still make them money from the jobs you do. If anything they'll provide you with security and a solid cash-flow to grow your business.

>> No.773477

>inb4 my father and i

>> No.773521

And yet here you are wasting money on 4chan by attempting to persuade random anons to share your views.

You sure your time wouldn't have been better spent being nice to your employee?

>> No.773527

First off, professionalism is something you've got to deal with in life so suck it up.

Second, if you hate being on the bottom start your own business or invest in something.