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7720387 No.7720387 [Reply] [Original]

Just went all in and bought 82k JNT. I swear to god, if I fell for a pajeet scam, I'll kill myself.

>> No.7720489

You have done well I think, should never put all your eggs in one basket but never mind, jibrel should do well.

>> No.7720493

200K here. I will be right there with you posting pink wojacks if this shit goes south.

>> No.7720515

150k here. Let's not die.

>> No.7720541

Only 20k but pretty sure thatll be enough to make me a millionaire, and maybe a few times over

>> No.7720552

You got allahu akhbar'd OP

>> No.7720598

1,000,001 here
don;t worry about it

>> No.7720627
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>tfw only up to 6k
these threads always make me feel so poor

>> No.7720651

35k reporting in. Considering daytrading to up my stack but im pretty comfy where im at.

>> No.7720655

Well did you research into what you invested in?

>> No.7720659

its ok I'm only up to 2,800. Too hesitant to go all in because I'm not aware of any major upcoming events that would cause a mooning and thus I don't want to tie up money.

>> No.7720660

16000 jnts jintlemen. Let’s us be blessed by allah and receive riches

>> No.7720684
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>abbas zuaiter
>former coo soros fund

>mohammhad al sehli
>CEO & founder of Arabian chain

>don tapscott
>ceo of himself

You gonna get pajeet'd

>> No.7720714


>> No.7720730

yeah I don't want to go all in either, I could get around 20k if I went all in but I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket
either way I still can't compete with people with 6 digit tokens

>dr. moe
he looks like clark kent, we're safe

>> No.7720798
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I went all in before it spiked, hodling strong, we're going to at least 3 dollars

>> No.7720850

which japanese lit bro is that?

young mishima?

>> No.7721036

What does it matter? My research won't affect the price. I've done enough research to know that it's a legit project, and that's all I need. Everything else is basically luck.

>> No.7721084

not a bad mindset.

>> No.7721244

Is this a scam? I don't think that Sheik is even a real person.

>> No.7721282

$.150 tops eoy before the crash

>> No.7721379

SEED Announcement likely to be this week; check the jibrel reddit for source.

>> No.7721602

Dump it boys.

>> No.7721791
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>> No.7721845

only 5k here. goddamnit.

>> No.7721930

80k reporting for duty.

>> No.7721958
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>mohammhad al sehli

>> No.7722093

I don't understand how this coin could have a multi-billion-dollar market cap.

Maybe it gets to $1 billion? I guess a chance at a 10x is okay, but I feel like just holding ETH or BTC has a much better chance at a 10X over the next couple of years than some random coin.

I feel like, I need a chance of 100x if I'm going to buy a shitcoin.

>> No.7722142


Read about it nigger. It's not a random coin.

>> No.7722186

well you convinced me to put 3 ETH into it

what should i read about it though

>> No.7722230
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The very same

>> No.7722381


JNT is a liquidity tool for the network guaranteer. The network will accept a number of different assets, but it will start with accepting fiat assets, bonds, and CDs. Therefore whenever an asset is listed on the network, the marketcap of JNT rises since JNT is proof of solvency.

>> No.7722503

I have some throwaway shekels I was gonna put into JNT, what exchange do we buy it on again?

>> No.7722568

Meaning that, if some super rich people decide to use JNT (which might actually happen thanks to the Dubai partnership) the price will grow consistently, which in turn makes people buy, which makes the price grow, which creates confidence for rich people to invest, which grows the price, which makes people buy, ...

>> No.7722575

bibox is where i got mine

>> No.7722959

this is my target amount but of course i can't get my FUCKING fiat to invest until 2 weeks from now

>> No.7722983


I just read the whitepaper.

It looks like you use JNT to pay fees on the network. Hm.

>> No.7723000

it is also for proof of solvency - the price is essentially fees on network + $ of tokenized assets + speculation

>> No.7723014

Read it again sweetie, you didn’t get it

>> No.7723015

Anyway, I just threw the last of my shitcoin budget into this. My shitcoin fund is now 40% CPChain and 60% Jibrel. Thanks, Anons!

>> No.7723023
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pump comin

>> No.7723033

whitepaper doesnt explain it very well desu, check out this medium post:


>> No.7723049

u still have chance to dump ur holdings and get into iota. this most important choice in ur life

>> No.7723052
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>> No.7723065


Hm. Okay.

By your estimates, what's a potential market cap for this token in say, a year?

Basically, a I just bought 4.5k JNT. Will that be worth $2M if the Jibrel team succeeds in their mission?

>> No.7723141

If they're truly "successful", should be worth a lot more than $2M. Not by next year though, they're not really doing truly important stuff until the end of this year.

>> No.7723150

Long term perhaps, I think 10k is around the official range where a million is possible within 2 years. With that amount you'll be making a lot of money though.

If this gets adopted (and all partnerships and advisors point to it being adopted) - it'll be pretty nuts.

I suggest doing some more research - at the least this will be $1 billion sooner or later - when things start really rolling then yeah $10 billion plus is certainly not out of the question.

It isn't tied to the crypto economy the way most coins are. In either case, it is a massive project and they have the tech, team and partnerships to execute.

>> No.7723166

sick and tired of shitcoins pumps but IOTA stays same and can't even end up on front page (censored)

>> No.7723183

4chan is full of cockmind faggots. This coin will hit $100000$ EOY. Screenshot this

>> No.7723193

be patient and wait for whatever the SJW devs have in store

>> No.7723195

Well as long as you're sure it's not a pajeet scam you should be confident in your investment and not kys if you end up losing your money.

>> No.7723199

Serious though next week guys, just be patient

>> No.7723268

You said that last week.

>> No.7723358

Sell then

>> No.7723420

If any of you goys read up on this project, you've probably come to the conclusion that JNT will be a hedge against bitcoin as well due to the jcash pairings. If all goes well, we have an audited tether that people will flock to during a crash, and the best part about it: JNT marketcap expands with jCash.

You'll be able to make money while BTC shits the bed.

>> No.7723430


I'm not quite sure... what kinds of things would one want to put on the Jibrel network?

Their example on Medium said a simple ocntract where someone pays $11k to get $10k a month later. It made sense, but then I think: what if I wanted to put my house on Jibrel? Or, let's say some strategic partner wanted to put a house on Jibrel and sell it on the Jibrel network?

They already have the house. Let's say it's worth $200k. They need to lock up $200k worth of JNT tokens in a contract in order to tokenize that house. Then someone else pays them $200k worth of JNT tokens to buy the house..?

It's not really clear to me why someone would tokenize their assets if for $1 worth of asset they want to tokenize, they had to purchase an additional $1 of JNT. That's an overhead of 50% of the value of your assets, wasted by just sitting there when you tokenize it.

>> No.7723454

is this in coss.io?

>> No.7723459

there are things that make more sense to tokenize
>stocks but they're literally tokens

>> No.7723546

So some entity pays $100 for a share of Apple stock. Then they lock up $100 worth of Jibrel tokens to tokenize it. Do stocks really make more sense to tokenize here? It still seems like for every dollar worth of something useful, some entity has to lock up $1 worth of JNT that just sit there on the network until they're cashed out.

Since that money could be put to work once it is no longer being held on the JNT network, it seems like there's an incentive to minimize the amount of time an asset stays tokenized. Am I understanding this wrong? If I'm right, then tokenizing assets shouldn't vastly increase the value of the JNT token, because there's a strong incentive to un-tokenize them ASAP.

>> No.7723739


>> No.7723804

holding 35k JNT. lets guuuoooooo

>> No.7723833

If you are looking for short-term gains, this is not the coin for you. But if you're looking for something to hold for months or years, then I'm pretty sure JNT is one of the best options right now. Once they start tokenizing assets it's VERY unlikely that JNT completely crashes, but it's likely that it steadily rises.
But as I said - no short term moon mission here. Maybe $10 EOY? I bought JNT because I wanted something I can just forget about for a year, so I can go on with my life.

>> No.7723886

You know how tether is worth like $1.03 when it is being used? It is the same confidence. On chain assets could potentially be worth more than they are off-chain.
It also allows for ownership and value to be transferred more easily.

But basically it would go like this. I'm a financial institution. I want to tokenize $100 million worth of stocks, bonds, etc. I tokenize those, and because jCash is being used, that $100 million is now worth $103 million. So basically I have a 3 percent gain off nothing more than tokenizing my assets.

3 percent may not seem much to us, but for an institutional investor it is huge. Obivously this is marketed at people with immense amounts of money, as 3 percent on most investments wouldn't be significant.

>> No.7723913


>For every traditional asset held a
tethered token is minted

>The JDB will receive / hold traditional assets on behalf
of their owners and issue their respective CryDRs.
Uponsends it to the owner’s wallet. Upon redemption of
a token, the token is destroyed and the underlying asset
is transferred to the token holder.

From what I understand, a token is minted that is correlated to every asset, and you can trade for that asset using JNT or an accepted jCash. I don't believe any JNT is locked up when an asset is listed.

>> No.7723941
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Bump. Anyone got an answer?

>> No.7723985

The Jibrel DAO needs to hold enough JNT to provide solvency for all transactions.

So for every $ value of asset tokenized, the Jibrel DAO needs to hold a corresponding amount of $JNT to provide proof of solvency.

They essentially are going to function like the first crypto bank.

>> No.7724023

>Obivously this is marketed at people with immense amounts of money

This is why I believe JNT is a good investment. This project either flops(I don't believe it will), or it will unironically reach a $500b mcap or maybe even tickle a $1t mcap in some years. It's not meant for consumers really, it's meant to be a tool for rich people to hedge and profit off of their already large sums of money.

>> No.7724042

normally i would suggest fags strongly going all in on one basket.

This is Jibrel tho. The team, the connections, the project are all all stars. It will be worth $44.98 EOY

source: im a brainlet that told you oldfags to buy ETH sub $10 worth. Got 200K jibrels.

>> No.7724091

Theyre also a bank the unbanked initiative though. So yeah I think we can see crypto-fiat tokens popularized for payments and being used as ecurrency within the EU and other places.

Youll be able to send jCash by SMS.

They also have hinted that youll be able to go from your bank account to jCash and back.

>> No.7724123

It is a massive and very robust project. Assets are only one thing they are trying to do. They want to get rid of cash and help inaugurate the adoption of cryptofiat.

>> No.7724142

my basket only has JNT and OMG, I'm not going to even try to trade because I've tried it and I suck at it. I just want solid picks to hold for 4-5 years. I might end up investing whatever fiat I make in other tokens later on but these ones I don't want to touch before they're ready

>> No.7724320

Well, yes, true. I guess I just meant that wealthy adopters are what's going to drive overall adoption. The SMS thing might not bring in a lot of money, but it's genuinely a good idea and would likely be the only way to truly bank the unbanked.

>> No.7724343

No yeah, its an added plus more than anything.

Although it does hint that they'll need to have some massive reserves on hand for it to be properly implemented.

They certainly have the connections to do so.

>> No.7724822

Yeah they have said a few times that they're going to need pretty significant liquidity for this to work properly.