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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7716771 No.7716771 [Reply] [Original]

1) Buy any coin listed on this exchange

>> No.7717016

baby buys during the comp pumps then comes and complains wah wah wah

>> No.7717103

You're buying during the price discovery phase.... You need to pick you trades carefully
I've managed to turn $2k into $5k on there over the past 4 weeks with 3 trades - TEL, AGI and recently Pareto

There is fuck all volume on kucoin so you have to watch your trades as they can tank really quickly as there is zero support

>> No.7717146

Kucoin is the kiss of death for any coin listed. Even well established coins shit themselves when added. If you hear rumors of a K listing, sell and buy back later.

>> No.7717173

I hate this piece of shit exchange.

>> No.7717448

i bought 50 bucks of KCS on this exchange and now I cant get it back! I've got fractions of pieces of all kinds of coins and i dont meet the minimum for withdrawals and i cant do anthing with any of it. essentially i just threw my 50 bucks away

>> No.7717536

> 50 bucks
Don't worry anon. Your mom will give you more lunchmoney soon.

>> No.7717583

hey 50 bucks is still 50 bucks. why dont you give it to me if its such an insignificant amount of money for you.

>> No.7717606

forgot these

>> No.7717643

What price did you buy KCS at? Even assuming you bought the top you should still have $12. Don't tell me you didn't know KCS is an ERC-20 token that can be bought and sold like anything else?

>> No.7717678

Which exchange do you recommend then?

>> No.7717689

I was too slow to get the $50, but I support this anon's quest.

>> No.7717708

i had no idea what kcs was, i just clicked. And it didnt lose value, its gone up since i bought. I just cant withdraw it

>> No.7717711

put them all in the same coin and withdraw that you dumb fuck

>> No.7717715

Binance (Cue Pajeets spamming ref links)

>> No.7717733

the fractions are too small to buy anything with you dumb fuck, exactly what i initially said

>> No.7717743
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Sell it for ETH BTC or NEO. fucking hell.

>> No.7717761

I bought OCN there. Fml. Usually new coins moon briefly there before getting dumped. I suppose if you keep up with new listings you can stay one step ahead.

>> No.7717766

Just trade it for ETH or any other coin you like you fucking moron.

>> No.7717770

I can't because the amount I have in each coin is too small to meet kucoin's minimum trade amount fucking hell

>> No.7717799

you're not paying attention, kucoin requires you buy a minimum amount, and i dont have that much because its spread over so many different coins

>> No.7717798

Talking about your KCS not your dust. Those dust dividends are pointless. Ignore them. You still have your $50 of KCS presumably.

>> No.7717800

eXpire went +25% today

>> No.7717811

I was about to before everyone started fudding the shit out of it a while ago. Fees look like jewry but im alright with that as long as my shitcoins are genuinely safe

>> No.7717823

whats dust?
yea the kcs i used to buy something else, i think neo or something

>> No.7717825


>> No.7717849

quiet down girl parts

>> No.7717879

Look to be growing in the future? I only put 60 bucks into it wanna see if its worth selling TNC

>> No.7717915

Buy their own BNB coin and the trading fees are only 0.05%. Their withdrawal fees are extortion but not as bad as they were a few weeks ago.

>> No.7717935

anon what you want to do is buy low and sell high

>> No.7717944

Binance for solid projects and cryptopia for shitcoin pumps is all you need

>> No.7717950

This coin was 0.5$ two months ago. I'v made a X10 on my initial investment. I'm comfy. I'm earning 1 euros a day it's not much but I'm gonna hold this coin for at least a year. I have a small portion of all the coins they have.

>> No.7717954
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KCS gave great dividents to people who held a large amount (add a couple of zeros to your lunch money) The fact you are complaining about a coin you made a profit on not giving you free money is ridiculous.

>> No.7717989

i didnt realize it was dividends when i complained sooooo, ya burnt bitch!

>> No.7717990

The future is decentralised exchanges. Honestly if it goes up again sell at least some of it. Binance listing nep tokens is the nail in Kucoins coffin.

>> No.7718042
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>Normie: the post

>> No.7718088

sorry, didnt realize i was talking to gordon gecko

>> No.7718285

I kinda hate myself for not buying this, i watched this from like 400 sats, it turned to 700, i wait for the dip to 600 and it fucking mooned to 1k.