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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 266 KB, 674x1052, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7714287 No.7714287 [Reply] [Original]

>Autistic NEETs and their monopoly money are LITERALLY getting in the way of scientific progress

Lol, you can't make this shit up. It was funny when the gaymers were crying about there childrens' games, but now this shit is having actual real-world implications on meaningful shit.

Are you guys going to be done playing online-monopoly anytime soon?

>> No.7714313

>ufo hunters
>real science
Ok, faggot

>> No.7714325

Crypto autists > UFO autists

>> No.7714328

Shut the fuck up nerd.

>> No.7714343


>scientific progress
>search for UFOs

>> No.7714347

That's the shitty kind of monopoly money. I only invest in PoS coins.

>> No.7714356

I don't understand why people are crying. If you value your research then you'll pay the extra dollars to get your results.

>> No.7714402

>Are you guys going to be done playing online-monopoly anytime soon?


I'm planning on buying 50-100 of the new Nvidia cards when they are announced in March.

Fuck gamers and fuck UFO larpers.

>> No.7714441
File: 331 KB, 517x768, 1478937648436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh internet money is more important that scientific progress for humanity

>> No.7714828

bump for science

>> No.7714852
File: 13 KB, 320x287, elxu7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give us money to appease us then

>> No.7715003
File: 78 KB, 624x960, 1517607897129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews push heavy FUD about how BTC is worthless
>jews spend weeks lying hour after hour about how US taxes work
>jews spent months claiming crypto is an ecological disaster due to electric usage
>crash the market
>nuy in cheap
>the same jewish media starts claiming BTC will go to $500k
>pump the market
>big recovery, normie FOMO in hard
>dump their bags on a new wave of stupid goyim
>the (((banks))) fuck the only US fiat gateway in the ass to destroy normie's confidence and ability to buy in
>(((Reddit))) LARPs about the six gorrilion extra charges
>BTC crashes again
>jews buy even more
>good goy demand (((regulations))) so they can buy this bitcorn safely through a trusted jewish exchange
>exchange tracks all buyers so proper tribute can be paid to Israel each April

>> No.7715025

>believing MSM

Kill yourself.

>> No.7715053

do you have any actual proof of this or are you just falling back on your >DAA JOOOOOZ maymay?


really? how low will it crash this time?

>> No.7715082

>UFO hunters
top kek

>> No.7715108

no they just need a bigger budget.

>> No.7715135

If aliens don’t want to be found they won’t be. If they want to contact us they will do so whenever we prove ourselves and stop acting like a bunch of self-destructive faggots. Or they will just let us die like the millions of other life forms who have come before us.

>> No.7715160

Exactly how is it miners fault that nvidia and amd fail to do the rising demand for GPUs justice?

>> No.7715173

I wonder what ayyy lamaos would think of the oracle problem

>> No.7715267

>reddit spacing

>> No.7715294

what bags would aliens hold?

>> No.7715467

>spacing different points in an argument is "Reddit"

hi magapede, enjoying your stay?

>> No.7715759

Retards dont realize they can literally mine gridcoin by running SETI@home?

>> No.7716476

only redditors mine coins desu

>> No.7716563

FUCKING THIS! the free market has spoken! people invest their money into mining equipment instead of giving it into alien research. thus, the graphics card will be used for mining! If the alien guy wants to change that, he could create a successfull cryptocurrency that doesnt use gpus.