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File: 83 KB, 500x616, Bitcoin_Roc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7713370 No.7713370 [Reply] [Original]

Blockstream successfully made a psyop against any dissidents, Bitcoin Core is fully under control of Blockstream now,

the "good guy" - Blockstream -smeared a scapegoat Bitcoin Cash, its easy to fall for the lie, we are just peasants in the crypto world but its time to wake up now


>> No.7713669
File: 92 KB, 500x1026, DTP19lFVMAAhXZf.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They thought they could pull it off and no one would be the wiser. Kind of funny to watch the desperation as it sinks in that they have lost and nobody wants the segwit forked buttcoin with all its shitty forks

>> No.7713791

Roger? Aren't you meant to be at the show?

>> No.7714455
File: 182 KB, 960x1280, 1515710365194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go an watch one of the recent Q. & A. videos by Andreas M. Antonopoulos @aantonop (YouTube) and this bullshit story that's posted over and over again is completely debunked to oblivion.

>> No.7715221

>a system where by every transaction can be monitored and controlled


>> No.7715658

So the TL;DR is what exactly? Abandon BTC before we all end up on GOYED.com?

>> No.7716355

>bcore logic
thanks for posting. saw this before and was trying to find it again

>> No.7717194

Can people stop fucking calling it bitcoin core