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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 117 KB, 1361x693, bulltrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7710027 No.7710027 [Reply] [Original]

Listen to me /biz/. Today, I'm here to save you some money.

We are currently in a textbook bull trap. Bitcoin will not see a new all time high until 2019. I know you don't want to hear that - the truth can often be a bitter pill to swallow. But you're going to have to face it sooner or later.

There are some things that you can only learn and retain through experience, and this one of them. I've been trading since I was 14 years old, and I've seen this shit before. The dotcom bubble bursting in my face was a character defining moment for me, and a lesson that I'll never forget. I bought the fuck out of the first dead cat bounce, and within a matter of weeks I had been burned twice as hard as before. I took my money out and waited for the market to recover before re-entering. When the next bounce came, I had learned my lesson and shorted it. I did the same on the next one. Then April 2000 came, and with it the biggest bulltrap of them all - and I fell for it. My shorts got me margin called more a few times, and I found myself losing money again. That's when the FOMO hit me, and hit me hard. I saw everyone else making back what they lost, while I was standing around with my dick in my hands. I didn't wait for a dip. I bought straight back in, with everything I had. I was ready for the market to go back to how it was so I could finally make my millions. By the end of the year, I was broke.

I'm a smart guy, /biz/. I'm smart because I NEVER make the same mistake twice. The dotcom bulltrap decimated me in 2000, and I don't this one to do the same to you. As soon as BTC crashed from 20k to 10k, and then ''recovered'', I knew what was coming. I sold out of all my positions at around $15k, and started shorting the bounces again. On this bounce, I've found that my stop-losses are getting hit as the market starts its miraculous 'recovery'. When I was a kid, I FOMO'd and paid the price. But I NEVER make the same mistake twice.

Heed my warning. I'll see you at $6k

>> No.7710069
File: 117 KB, 680x788, brain2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.7710085 [DELETED] 

bitcoin dash fund dash manager dot com , we protect your bitcoin with minimum 10 btc investment

>> No.7710098

just borrowed 10k and shorted 100x leverage, this better be true OP

>> No.7710105

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.7710111

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.7710135

I just sent you 10k confirm please

>> No.7710157

im afraid. should i sell at a loss right now?

>> No.7710159
File: 125 KB, 985x768, 1516085923311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.7710175

Anyone who didn't buy before 10K was a moron. It was obvious it was going to get to that line. But at the same time, anyone not selling right fucking now is a moron.

>> No.7710178

yes. sell and never return

>> No.7710190

We’re seeing an adoption curve.

See you at $60k

>> No.7710219
File: 935 KB, 2530x759, autism-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever trust red ids - red ids are autistic

>> No.7710226
File: 38 KB, 491x590, 404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today, I'm here to save you some money

>> No.7710256

You're done Omega.
Go away pick a different trip. And maybe in 3 months with a different identity u can try again. For now you are ruined for quite awhile.

>> No.7710268

I'm short now.
But long term I'm 50k EOY

>> No.7710280

I'm thinking about FOMO buying right now, there is some volume in this uptrend, doesn't look like just a bull trap, if there will still be a lot of volume above 11800 I'll probably buy

>> No.7710319

Thanks senpai, very much appreciate you sharing your notes with the class. I’ve been second guessing the feeling this is a bear trap and been thinking about FOMOing in even though i’m short the regular US stock market and waiting in 90% fiat to buy after the next leg down. These green candles have been messing with me. Good reminder, much appreciated.

>> No.7710382

Notice how OP is talking a lot. Using a lot of words, making a lot of big statements. But he's not really saying much. He is offering even less to back up any of what he is saying, except alleged personal anecdotes. But he keeps saying it, repeating it, making his point over and over. You may not notice these things, but I do.

>> No.7710459

I would sell. The alternative is to HODL for the next year, and for the next wave of FOMO to hit and drive our prices up again. I'm gonna be clear - I think bitcoin is going to be worth a lot in the future. But right now, at this moment, we are in a market crash. 1 week of tentative growth doesn't change that fact.

>implying the dotcom companies on which I went broke didn't go through a mass adoption curve
Adoption curves and market crashes are not mutually exclusive, buddy. We're going to keep crashing till we hit absolute rock bottom before we can start going up again. It happened in 2000, it happened in 2014, it's happening now.

Do not FOMO right now. Don't let the idiots delude you - it's a very risky buy at the moment. It was only a week ago that we were in full-fledged panic mode. Now, is it possible that this is actually the start of a rally, and that $10k is the cheapest it will ever be again? Yes, it's possible. But that's a fool's bet in my opinion

Bull traps get sequentially more and more convincing during a crash. Otherwise they wouldn't trap any bulls.

>> No.7710484

I'm sharing my opinions, and explaining the wisdom from which they come. What's your point exactly?

>> No.7710495

kill yourself already

>> No.7710505

well, it would be kinda hilarious you misjudging this market and get burned both times you witnessed a technological revolution like this. i agree with you though, but do you really think the bear market will last a whole year?

>> No.7710514

k sold everything for fiat. i hope u are right

>> No.7710533


Thanks for this anon, I appreciate it. I've been holding out all week and the fomo was starting to seep in today.

But those charts are really convincing. I'm gonna wait till the next dip.

>> No.7710548

mr blue ID i trust you but do you have anyproofs that you been trading since 2000? also how much time do you give to the market to crash

>> No.7710560

>it happened in 2014
For a really good reason. At least make some effort with your LARP.

>On this bounce, I've found that my stop-losses are getting hit
Yeah hence your LARPFUD

>> No.7710573

I wasn't talking to you. I was talking about you. Really all I hear is the same old fud that's in 18 other threads. $6K blahblahblah, You better sell blahblahblah I'm a tripfag so pay attention to me blahblah. Boring.

>> No.7710578

sounds fine by me. I'm dirt poor so by the time its in the dumps I can buy in more

>> No.7710581

Thanks just sold my business and shorted 1M.

>> No.7710610

>Bull traps get sequentially more and more convincing during a crash. Otherwise they wouldn't trap any bulls.
This can't be stressed enough. Big money doesn't act stupid unless they are using insider knowledge and just LOOK like they are acting stupid.

>> No.7710646

i like this guy more than Omega tbqh

>> No.7710683

no fucking shit. omega is wrong 10 out of 10 times.
bearfag appeared, this guy appeared, and the oracle foretold that we would have troubles.

>> No.7710795


>I'll see you at $6k

What so you can buy it then?

Don't you get it? We all know where the price is going sooner or later so why should we sell it now just so you can compete with us to get in at a lower price?

You lost OP.

You can buy in now or later but you're dealing with HODLrs now not people who FOMO'd in at the top. You can't buy if we don't sell - sucks I know so you're trying to see if you're still able to shake someone.

Show me your 100x leveraged shorts for $6k.

>> No.7710887

If you memeline faggots keep posting this everyday you'll be right eventually even though you probably sold the bottom

>> No.7710895

im generally bullish and think we'll see ath later this year, but it doesn't mean it wont see a dip, so why hold when you can buy more for the same amount in a week

>> No.7710927

I'm definitely bullish right now. Been having nice and steady 10% gains each day. Is it really this easy?

>> No.7710981


Why don't you answer faggot?

1. Do you think this price is the lowest BTC is ever going to be?

If you don't you and I are in agreement.

2. If it's going higher why should I sell?

>So you can make profit selling and buying cheaper, fagget.

Sure. I could sell, try to compete with you to get in at a lower price. However perhaps I can't be bothered - perhaps I just want to HODL instead. Sooner or later once you've FUD'd out all the speculators I'm the only cohort cycled in.

So what are you going to do to make me sell?

Answer: You can't do anything except offer the price I fancy.

>> No.7710997

Going to 6k now would not surprise me, but so would no new ATH this year. I expect we'll go to the 5-7k range in the next few weeks, then be back up to 10k+ mid-march. 20k in July.

>> No.7711027

>When the 6k fags get so desperate for bitcoin to go back down again they start larping as tripfags

>> No.7711086

I'm not Omega. He was an insufferable douchebag telling people to short with leverage as if he had a crystal ball.

Yeah, that would be pretty funny I admit.
Maybe a year is an overestimate. The crypto market moves very fast. But not this fast - you can't just take a 70% retracement from ATH and recover from it within 2 weeks. It just isn't feasible. We have bear days ahead of us, maybe months, maybe more.

It's your money, and your decision. If my post is the only reason you sold, then I can say with some confidence that you will eventually end up broke when some idiot comes along and convinces you he knows more than you. Don't let strangers on the internet make financial decisions for you mate.
I only made this thread to share my opinon. Take from it what you will.

You're in denial, anon.

The only reason I'm using a trip is to be able to go back and show this thread to you guys in a week's time, to prove that I was right. I made a similar thread in Jan that was dismissed as 'FUD' too, and now nobody believes me when I tell them I tried to warn them

Hodl is a low-effort, low-reward strategy. I think it will work and pay off in the end, because I believe in crypto and in bitcoin. If you want to outsmart the market, you should buy low and sell high. We're high right now.

I exited alts and sold the vast bulk of it at $15k. read the OP

I think a recovery that fast is a bit optimistic. I'd love to be proven wrong though. I want the bull market back just as much as anybody else, but we have reality to contend with here.

>> No.7711135

Real bulltraps aren't predicted by /biz/ incels.

>> No.7711174

Fud articles were coming out every day during the run down to 6k. Countries banning it, tether FUD, America possibly banning it.. Then America said it will be a 20trillion market cap and now we're booming

>> No.7711210
File: 82 KB, 1168x590, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the long term trend, with a hopeful fractal, although we could easily see $3-4k

>> No.7711235

I ain't gonna waste any more of my time on you. I'll leave it to these fools to feed your insecure ego. You're guaranteed to get 200+ responses from these fucking brainlets, so keep it up I guess.

>> No.7711253

This is BS. All we know is that at some point bitcoin will be worth nothing. We don't know when this point is.

We all know that bitcoin will never be used as a currency given that it's usage is falling, that it's expensive and inconvient to make transactions, takes minimum 10 minutes to do, does THREE transactions a second.

So that means its value is based on people speculating based on future price increases. That is never stable and in the long run, if something has no utility and is only valuable through speculation, then it's value will fall to 0. But we don't know when - a week, a month a year?

>> No.7711269

>Loose several times all you have

>> No.7711277

yep, just a comparison with the dotcom bubble we heard again and again. Crypto is a whole other beast

>> No.7711375
File: 61 KB, 1168x590, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's the weekly, bouncing perfectly off the kijun with falling buy volume. Pretty bearish

>> No.7711423
File: 64 KB, 910x776, Delusional.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you at 4K anon

>> No.7711448
File: 95 KB, 1525x954, BTC TA . Fomo = Rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed, just as i was saying in my thread yesterday
We will be hitting 5-6k before we hit 11k
You heard it here first biz


>> No.7711461

Screencaping this. Its gonna be funny end of year.

>> No.7711466

bitcoin very far over to be bull trap

>> No.7711467

get liquidated

>> No.7711469
File: 26 KB, 600x400, back2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking told you omegafaggot, one more fucking thread and ill kill you.

>> No.7711491

You sound like a shitty trader.

>> No.7711509

This is the most realistic prediction IMO.

>> No.7711518
File: 16 KB, 300x298, saltshake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You're lazy, 1000% return is low reward.

Nice OP - sound argument as to why I should sell.

I bought at $700 and $7000 - and I'm not selling until at least past 6 figures.

>> No.7711560
File: 310 KB, 2448x1168, Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 3.22.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7711600

lol good luck with that

>> No.7711606

hey dummy, if you are gonna draw a line using a wick, connect all the wicks. you can't draw from one wick to a body. why should i listen to you if you don't even know that. dumbass. learn how to fucking type and talk like a human being as well. fuck.

>> No.7711672
File: 1.30 MB, 960x720, bob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I'm looking for

>> No.7711684

Your line is wrong. As the other anon said, wicks or solids only. Also, that's now how charts work.

>> No.7711689
File: 218 KB, 1974x1080, Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 3.27.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super skimpletong

cant get idea

her skimptong

>> No.7711705
File: 59 KB, 1167x586, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's why lines are stupid

>> No.7711709
File: 148 KB, 905x1197, btc_118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry wrong picture,
this is what I'm looking for,
I want to know if it's a simple ABC correction,
I will know when it passes 10,8k
there are some strong resistance lines meeting there

>> No.7711719

Z Laugh Out Loud

Non try read text book

get wrong wrong

Z right right

non say



Z let me tell how to be right




let me miss point

let me be wrong gain

>> No.7711724

good. so once we go back down to that support, we will potentially go through it for new lows.

>> No.7711734

What the fuck garbage is this?

>> No.7711741

how many trips does omega have ahahah

>> No.7711758


>> No.7711781

Z famous

>> No.7711785

Why dont you link the fucking traidingview analysis you stupid fat nigger
taking credit for someone else works is utterly childish.

>> No.7711788

fucking horseshit is what it is.

>> No.7711790

You can literally find anything in a chart if you're searching for it.

>> No.7711801
File: 38 KB, 600x467, topkekked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711809

schizophrenic speech patterns

>> No.7711820

Once a retard always a retard. Sounds like little babby is mad he sold at 7k!

>> No.7711822



>> No.7711840


>> No.7711859


>> No.7711867


>> No.7711894


>> No.7711912

Lots of Laughs

>> No.7711919



>> No.7711999

fill my bid plox

>> No.7712383


>> No.7712587

what about the addy that just bought a billion in BTC

was that big enough money to be smart money

>> No.7712685

post it

>> No.7712938
File: 29 KB, 645x773, 1518593840911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bla bla bla bla bla

>> No.7713001


>declining volume

/biz/ has been loving this meme lately...for some reason they think volume should always be at a maximum

>> No.7713243

See you at 15k next week

>> No.7713407

You are an idiot

>> No.7713414


sooo 300k EOY, why the fuck does it matter if i sell now then?

>> No.7713489


>> No.7713804

It's a bullshit chart drawn from 2 tops and 2 bottoms. I could use the same logic to make any shitcoin look like its headed to $1 billion or -$1 billion.

>> No.7713895
File: 157 KB, 600x639, 1508878499667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7713933

too many big players bought back for the price to go down again
look at orders even in 9k range

>> No.7713938

>another panicked bottom seller trying to FUD his way back in
Neck yourself, noob

>> No.7714016

WAIT! Op is probably correct but we dont know how high this rise will go! It can go all the way to 12k before it finally starts a new down trend.

>> No.7714071
File: 117 KB, 1523x966, DG6SPbSWAAA-Hx_.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lest we forget the prophecy
He who has spoken
who has told no lies
Bitcoin will never be broken.

>> No.7714095


>> No.7714096

I almost FOMO, but i know that everytime i emotionally buy the amrcket drops, so this time i hope idid te right move.

Hopefully 4k in less than a week and we can slowly recover from there.

>> No.7714135

HAHA You just fucking did the same thing!

>> No.7714159

post full of bulls who are afraid to retest 6k because deep down they know it wouldn't hold

>> No.7714185


>I've been shorting stocks since the 5th grade
>Really never made no difference what the shit made

>> No.7714192

>he only reason I'm using a trip is to be able to go back and show this thread to you guys in a week's time, to prove that I was right. I made a similar thread in Jan that was dismissed as 'FUD' too, and now nobody believes me when I tell them I tried to warn them

Ohh! Do you have a link to that thread? Does it still exist?

>> No.7714246
File: 133 KB, 845x500, youshallbeleftbehind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7714267

scary how right he was, 20k was too much of a psychological barrier though

>> No.7714306

Clearly your graphs say that it'll be 100000 by eoy

>> No.7714734

This god is the reincarnation of Jesus christ. I want to worship this being.

>> No.7714763

this god is the reincarnation of jesus christ. I wanna worship this being

>> No.7714792

Thanks, just bought 100,000

>> No.7714900

That guy posted a lot of diferent charts and then deleted them the day we hit 6k.

>> No.7714935
File: 1023 KB, 1235x910, 1494636651343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7714961

Sure 4k after a more than 60% retrace in just a few weeks, with then the highest daily volume in two years coming at the bottom.

You're going to wait for a long long time lmao.

>> No.7715483


>> No.7715616
File: 273 KB, 640x464, 1325615855473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm here to save you some money
Why can't you just sit back and watch the show. Pink wojaks and suicides threads are much more fun than /biz/ making money. Delete this thread