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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7709792 No.7709792 [Reply] [Original]

I believe the /biz/ brainlet meme is very, very powerful. Let me explain why. People are often scared of asking questions, scared of looking stupid. With this meme it allows a fallback, it's a joke to be dumb. It's funny to ask "silly" questions and there's no repercussions for looking like a retard.

Self deprecation is the way to confidence.

We are all brainlets in some way, you can't be an expert in everything. This brainlet meme faciliates that thirst for knowledge, by allowing us to laugh at our own stupidity.

If you are not afraid to ask stupid questions, to risk looking dumb, you will learn. Be the guy in the classroom that asks a question, your peers all appreciate it, I assure you, fellow brainlets.

>> No.7709818
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>> No.7710519

Yeah exactly. It's a shitty fallback for people to ask stupid questions and shit up the board instead of literally opening a search engine tab.

You ARE the brainlet wojak in your pic related. It's not a joke, it's not "le ironic brainlet", you're just unintelligent and are looking for acceptance from others here to put up with yor retardness. Fuck off/

>> No.7710657

Getting many answers to a question from peers on an anyomous image board is superior to digging through shit to find the gold, on a search engine.

Sure it can be frustrating to see the same questions asked multiple times. But it's not hard to ignore them, and if some people are passionate about said question and feel like answering. Then it's all good. The person who answers a question may be wrong as well. So then someone chimes in and the answerer also learns something / gets a new perspective.

Discussion is good, dude. What would you prefer the board to be? I'm genuinely curious what content you find most valuable.

>> No.7710684

We used to say lurk moar.
It kept the board a lot cleaner.

>> No.7710731

Imbecile retard gtfo

>> No.7710746

>What would you prefer the board to be? I'm genuinely curious what content you find most valuable.
Okay, fuck it, that's where your point has merit. This board is filled to the brim with shitcoin shill threads so much that I actually prefer threads that ask stupid questions. It doesn't make them good, just better out of a bad bunch

>> No.7710799
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 186016BE-B7AE-44FC-8EF8-C61625619C8D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet thread?

>> No.7710802
File: 288 KB, 403x402, 1518586231325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am an expert in everything brainlet. why else would i be 80% in chainlink

>> No.7710813

cool fucking story faggot kay why es

>> No.7710922

I agree OP.

I had a question recently where I indicated I was in brianlet mode (high and tired - hired).

I searched up some info and couldn't find exactly what I needed to, so I asked for clarification. I also hadn't seen any thread about it in recent memory.

Two anons answered me and both gave me the answer I needed. One was nice while one was aggressive. I thanked them both and that was that.

>> No.7711032
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>> No.7711134

It’s also a shitty fallback for responding to legitimate points without posting anything of substance.

>> No.7711366
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There are a lot of topics one may need to understand to invest in e-bison bucks, marketing, networks, computer science, cryptography, economics... it can't be expected for everyone to be an expert and some ideas may be even too complicated for an expert to understand quickly. So there's a lot of room for cooperation in /biz/. Where things get shitty is when people want a simple answer to a complex topic, brainlets making a question that gets answered by a brainlet who doesn't know he's a brainlet, and faggots that don't know how to request help and basically insult queries hoping to bait information (that can be legit but abusing it gets tiring very quickly). Of course, nobody likes answering the same questions 5 times a week. But being patient and polite after having spent some time looking on your own helps a lot.

>> No.7711400
