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7709217 No.7709217 [Reply] [Original]

Are any of you guys paying taxes?

Cuckbase sent the 1099 to the IRS for me... I’m done.

>> No.7709307

How do you know? Did they send you one as well?

>> No.7709524

I got an email copy of it, yeah

It’s fucked up because it shows millions of dollars worth of revenue (they count deposits as income)

I didn’t fucking earn 4 million, my portfolio is only worth 100k...

>> No.7709673

you usually can take gains and loses in relation so lower your tax burden

>> No.7710518

>(they count deposits as income)
You're an idiot. You know that, don't you?

>> No.7710965
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explain then

>> No.7710979

nice fud

>> No.7711065

Jesus Christ the people I share a board with.

>> No.7711114

Didn’t get 1099, wouldn’t file it even if I did, already paid taxes and government already took my money. Never mentioned crypto. Never will because I’m not retarded.

>> No.7711136

Yes I'm paying taxes. I cashed out half to fiat every time I profited and put it in a savings account. I already hired a CPA that is charging me $2,000 to take care of it all. Currently waiting to see how big of a check I need to write IRS.

>> No.7711147

Run the api through bitcoin tax you only owe tax on gains. It doesn't matter if your trade volume was 4 million

>> No.7711149

Haha no.
Why would I pay taxes on selling magic the gathering cards?

>> No.7711151

pls remember the 60 million illegals and their 8 kids that need your support

>> No.7711201

Oh, noes, my free money is gone!
That's about it.
Every fucking crypto holder out there, when hes government falls down on him.
You think they don't know about it?
They're fucking holding their breath for the next harvest.

>> No.7711302


couple days ago an anon shilled xoinxo.com here. I tested with minimum deposit and it turned out to be legit. asked parents accaountant about it and really 0% tax

>> No.7711336

No. And anyone that says they are is nothing but an IRS shill trying to scare people into giving the government money. They could not even stop that kid from shooting up a school after saying he was going to do it online. You really think they can get you for crypto gains?

>> No.7711353

how come I never received 1099 from coinbase?

been using them for almost 12 months and have moved upwards of 30k through there, with multiple large deposits to my bank

am I scott free?

>> No.7711368

You need to have made over 20k with 200 transactions

>> No.7711380

kek that was the first thing I thought of when I read that story yesterday

>> No.7711402

>paying to pay taxes
The madness of the modern world

>> No.7711405

Seems a bit odd, you should have gotten something.

>> No.7711409

I started with 3k in March and had 30k by June. But then I moved it all to binance and never put a dime back into coinbase/gdax after that

>> No.7711450

Yeah like they came down on the Florida shooter after saying he was going to do it in an online forum. Get fucked bootlicker. The government has no way of tracking this stuff and they are freaking out.

>> No.7711470
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