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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 510x251, cities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7708572 No.7708572 [Reply] [Original]

Tried to tell you retards, the cities patch is getting released in less than 24 hrs. This is your last chance for easy money.

>> No.7708613

this whale is rebuying everything, easiest eth i have ever gotten in my life

>> No.7708718

Not gonna lie, started this with .3 eth, now have almost 2. Not bad for a few days work

>> No.7708745

all my bags are sold im just trying to help biz because these retards always get scammed

>> No.7708898

bump for poor biz retards are who scammed all the time

>> No.7708929

holy shit what is the floor now??

>> No.7708950

floor is .2 in africa, ive flipped it 3 times, also the owner of the USA country is flipping back and forth so I would get in on that

>> No.7708995

when cities release USA is gonna be the most valuable country, i thought it was gonna release in a week but apparently devs have said less than 24hrs

>> No.7709025

Still good volume over here in World. Get in before cities come release!

>> No.7709061

holy shit .2 floor, I missed the boat on this one

>> No.7709069

cities are going to release at .01 right? im sure san fran, new york, LA will shoot up to 5 eth in no time

>> No.7709108

i tried to tell you fuckers ive been posting this thread since the floor was .02

>> No.7709130

Wait do cities selling means that countries get a dividends right?

>> No.7709169

finally someone gets it

>> No.7709173
File: 6 KB, 414x85, code.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cities are being released at .001eth

>> No.7709309

Big if tru

>> No.7709368

gotta get in there this time.


>> No.7709425
File: 223 KB, 1260x623, Moon-HD-Wallpapers-03455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

floor is raising!! wowowo so much txn

>> No.7709586

I don't understand contracts. Do you have to sell your part, can you set the price?

>> No.7709671

Nah you buy and then wait for someone to buy your contract. You get 2x what you paid

>> No.7709696

you have to sell if someone wants to buy but you can buy it at a higher price than what the minimum is to discourage other buyers

>> No.7709698


>> No.7709843

haters gonna hate

>> No.7709864

Hi, I am one of the "whales" from cryptocountries, where I made over 300 eth. I work with a team and we like your project.

Be on the lookout tonight, around 9pm, Pacific time. You have been warned.

>> No.7709889

you already priced me out you POS fuck you neet whales and your god damn internet meme money

>> No.7709929

Pls Mr Chinaman

>> No.7709970

looks like im gonna have to break out the hardware wallet for this one

>> No.7710039

dude its pointless the whale is just gonna buy your shit back you have to be rich to get dividends anymore, your only safe bet is a country like the USA and make dividends when the cities release

the whale buys the world and the continents every fucking day like clockwork

>> No.7710079

What kind of sick fuck buys a worthless image of the world map for hundreds of ETH.

I need to make an ETHgame

>> No.7710096

hes probably been mining eth since it was 1 dollar and just wants to cuck us

>> No.7710231

So if you own a country, then a whale buys the continent of the country or buys the whole world, is the smart contract filled and you lose ownership?

>> No.7710301

You lose ownership but get paid double what your investment was. And whales are prominent right now

>> No.7710302

yeah you get double your money and you lose ownership

>> No.7710374


>> No.7710435

Fuck sake, I was on the thread yesterday and didn't buy in as I thought someone had to buy the specific country.

>> No.7710436

1,192.02 ETH 24 hour volume and rising!!!

>> No.7710502

All I have are poor goddamn African countries that probably won't get cities

>> No.7710527

no you are right, the continent or world owner loses ownership, but not the country owner, sorry your post confused me,

but most of the countries generally flip every day

>> No.7710565

Any word on how many cities there will be anyways?

>> No.7710609

you'll get shanties?

>> No.7710693

i think they are starting out with popular ones and slowly increasing

>> No.7710804

they say they are releasing 20 cities followed by subcontinents

>> No.7710808

thought they'd be releasing capital cities first for all countries but then it'll be obvious you end up with more cities listed in say the USA compared to Sudan

>> No.7711230

ya , my guess would be USA will probably have the most profitable cities. most other countries pretty much only recognizable would be the capital. I may consider grabbing it during the action tonight

>> No.7711499

some just dropped 17 eth on China

>> No.7711555

whale spotted, grab the harpoon johnny

>> No.7711787

CHINA!!! Good snag, I literally was just about to pull the trigger on it .. hmm now what

>> No.7711892

buy cheapo euro countries before the crowd arrives

>> No.7711998

China is a shit country if I had 30 eth I would pull the trigger on USA so fast your head would spin

>> No.7712051

just past cryptocountries in 24h volume, this is real, and you pajeets are missing out on FREE MONEY

>> No.7712190

Fuck me I've flipped 5 countries in the last 2 hours. Can't wait for whale time tonight!

>> No.7712295

What's the cheapest meme country?

>> No.7712677


>> No.7712747


i am larping as america and taking over countries we've invaded, so far i have afghanistan and iran, what should i do next

>> No.7712748

53 countries left at .22 eth, the floor is lava

>> No.7712937



>> No.7712946

North Korea

>> No.7713036

Biz is literally retarded I been telling them about this game for three days and they bought Chad and Niger because muh dick muh niggers and then forgot about it.

I hate you biz


>> No.7713057

Korea fell for 10ETH to the same buyer as China. Shit is going to get wild when cities drop tonight. Floor -> 1ETH

>> No.7713214

Best way to turn a profit tonight? Got .3ETH

>> No.7713256

you aint got many choices, go buy some obscure places in Africa or Oceania

>> No.7713261

I meant with cities

>> No.7713287

why the shit don't i see japan under countries of Asia?

>> No.7713374

Buy the USA cities as soon as they drop. Easiest money you'll ever make

>> No.7713432
File: 1.19 MB, 1835x1327, 62246A5F-2988-4798-BDF0-7F813031767F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FAGGOTS why would you buy worthless land when u could become king of thots? Buy the whales waifus and the rich neck beards buy them back for like doubles your ETH. This is not a larp. Biz bros yo get dem hoes and praise me as the god of shekkles! Thank me for your profits by posting your semen demon pic very related.

>> No.7713438

is this that app that made an insane amount of money in 1 day?

>> No.7713449

dont forget subcontinents are coming out right after cities, and they will start at .1eth

>> No.7713474
File: 8 KB, 522x70, subcontinents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7713516


>> No.7713539

I don't fuck with no thots

>> No.7713568

Your the saddest excuse for a human being I've ever seen. Those girls are disgusting looking. You have an entire internet of nudes and you choose those. You lack creativity and balls your worthless piece of fuck jello.

>> No.7713574

3 PM PST until cities update drops, get your ETH ready

>> No.7713577
File: 54 KB, 605x464, DWMAgwNW4AImD-I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7713788
File: 272 KB, 573x814, 2472846B-BFBE-4CD9-AC59-457347FB69CE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me a hotter slut than Riley you faggot cock sucking ball gagging lil bitch. Put your money where your cum covered mouth is and fight me with your pajeet level eth stack, buy any contract and I’ll be sure to own your waifu. Bring it digitally basement dweller.

>> No.7713959

Do you buy the cities on the same website?

>> No.7713967

Your mom is hotter than that thot and I fucked her last night

>> No.7714069

Yes it releases soon USA is gonna pay so much dividends New York and San Fran will go to 10 eth easy

>> No.7714079

Yeah that’s what I thought you cheap excuse for a biztard. I’m sorry you’re a poor pajeet but seriously you can make some good money buying these thots. I love you.

>> No.7714124

no dividends out of cities though
literally no use

>> No.7714218

I only have .5 ETH to spare, is it even worth it? Sorry to be a newfag.

>> No.7714286

You better get in before it's too late guys.

>> No.7714317

It says city owners also get paid dividends


>> No.7714326

why does one goy own all of this game

>> No.7715099

lots of money

money talks

>> No.7715543


i bought israel and norway from that son of a bitch, i am not letting one rich fuck own the whole world

>> No.7715710
File: 128 KB, 800x800, 1479870064479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first 20 cities online

>tfw one of them is in a country i own

>> No.7715867

this is the weirdest shit
the balance on my account keeps changing but i have yet to see one city on "my collection"

>> No.7715901

it's not showing cities in your collection yet for some reason

gotta look at the cities page itself and see if your ID is there

>> No.7715921

weirdest pyramid ever but i guess anything works these days lmao

>> No.7715961

how far do you reckon this thing will go
ive almost doubled my 1eth now

>> No.7716038

>already collected like 15 dollars in dividends on the country i own

>> No.7716113
File: 34 KB, 579x198, jewish pyramids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these ether pyramid schemes

>> No.7716118


>> No.7716142

how do you check that

>> No.7716182

by checking the internal transactions on etherscan for my address

someone just bought my country because they obviously noticed it was one with a city

easiest money ever

>> No.7716381

i wonder if they have any more hype in the store after subcontinents

>> No.7716523

Why does /biz/ hate free whale blubber?

>> No.7716538

They will probably add more cities, and if I were in their shoes I would add venues/monuments and that kind of shit.

>> No.7716558

yep you could make so much cash off this as a dev. jesus

>> No.7716576

Yeah the dev said there will be more content in the next few hours on discord

>> No.7716643

how do I make one of these pyramid schemes? they are guaranteed moneymakers

>> No.7716689

What'd you guys make off the cities? 2ETH here.

>> No.7716708

tortola - british virgin islands seems the cheapest atm

>> No.7716788

there is still time my friend

>> No.7716882
File: 98 KB, 645x773, 1517864429568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7716895

I don't understand any of this.

>> No.7716949

it's pretty simple

>> No.7716952

It's a pyrimid scheme where you own a virtual items which has no value, and that item can be divided continuously to sell to suckers further down the pyramid

>> No.7716973

it's free money frenlo

>> No.7716986

Ah ok thanks.

>> No.7717048

That's not how it works though, people only buy items from each other at a higher price

>> No.7717065


>> No.7717354
File: 2.60 MB, 2048x1420, yIBZmmN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you guys going when you cash out the ETH you made? For me, it's Budva

>> No.7717418

nigger that's what a pyramid scheme is

>> No.7717442
File: 71 KB, 592x492, 1474476147554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw owned montenegro earlier when it came online

>> No.7717509

Not a pyramid scheme when there are only 5 section and the value increases twice when bought so eventually whales can only play.

>> No.7717519
File: 236 KB, 1200x800, Budva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My negro

>> No.7717539

made 15 bucks in dividends and then someone bought the country

>> No.7717601



start buying from as little AS .002!

>> No.7717641

No it's not, a pyramid scheme actually requires pyramid structure which isn't present here, it's more like a game of hot potato where the last person to buy loses money. You can also sell the items you have acquired for a loss if you want to on the open market. In fact this "game" is basically just a market which lists an item for you for +25% of the price you bought it at.

>> No.7717863

>You can also sell the items you have acquired for a loss if you want to on the open market
say what. how?

>> No.7717902

>where the last person to buy loses money

That's a pyramid scheme.

>> No.7717982


>> No.7718002

All the items are ERC721 tokens which can be sold on OpenSea for any price

How is buying an item at a price and not being able to sell it at a higher price a pyramid scheme? Literally nothing about this a pyramid scheme since you are in possession of an item which you can sell, a pyramid scheme relies on only making money by recruiting other people.

>> No.7718037

The item is worthless though if there isn't someone new to buy it.

>> No.7718069

just like anything.

cool you bought your house for $1 million bucks and now the market has imploded and someone is offering you $200k for it.

welcome to bag holding

>> No.7718122

I can live in a house.

>> No.7718148

> The item is worthless though if there isn't someone new to buy it.

Eh, they are "crypto collectibles" for which the price is sentimental like a piece of art. I am not saying that it's not scummy I am just saying that this "game" is not a pyramid scheme or even a scam, it's only a poor investment.

>> No.7718161

Good thing whales are buying into this game like crazy (and idiots like you will FOMO in later)

>> No.7718191
File: 161 KB, 1024x768, becici_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can admire the beauty of your city/country/continent/PLANET

when earth meets the fucking moon

>> No.7718200

indeed...as long as you keep paying the mortgage.

>> No.7718208

I'm out. Seems stupid.

>> No.7718249
File: 201 KB, 404x416, OCJvAGW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem stupid

>> No.7718301
File: 48 KB, 900x300, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made like 1 eth today doing fuck all besides clicking my mouse a bit
>seems stupid

>> No.7719024
File: 39 KB, 676x678, 1510576047835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit more cities INC, get the fuck in or regret your lost thousands

>> No.7719233

My dad's a whale budva gonna moon easy 2-4ETH

>> No.7720161

developers pushed some fixes on github i think next will be more city drops

>> No.7720295
File: 45 KB, 480x270, picard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some guy is already pre-buying