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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 253 KB, 2006x2048, Serious-Nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7700956 No.7700956 [Reply] [Original]

You have a week.

>> No.7701029

Its gonna dump, then dump again. then maybe ill consider buying some

>> No.7701057

Wew, no.

>> No.7701060

Why would it dump any further? Good things coming and it's currently severely undervalued. The worst fud is past.

>> No.7701092

Just scored Nano under $9. And now we wait...

>> No.7701110

Just wait till the hackers unload there bags

>> No.7701161

That happened in October. You really think the held it for this long?

>> No.7701186

hackers already sold in december after hitting ATH. its priced in retard

>> No.7701195

Realistic price end of March?

Is this coin gonna do a past Ripple and do a quick 10-15x?

Thoughts on market cap by summer?

>> No.7701200

yes it happened in october when xrb was 30 cents. and no its long gone way before binance. they wouldnt keep it for this long since its going to be blacklisted and traced by the FBI

>> No.7701222
File: 480 KB, 512x536, 8B44FAE2-2C7A-41B7-8612-6E7F62030F6E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold last night at the very bottom. Bog will make it noon to spite me. Enjoy.

>> No.7701234

>massive binance volume introduced during largest crypto market dump
>nano gets dumped
>market finally starts to go up
>binance down for maintenance
>nano missed chance to recover
>binance returns and bitgrail loser is announced
>fud and panic ensues
These are unnaturally low prices.

>> No.7701276

end of March it could hit $25-30 depending on how BTC does and retest ATH of $33. we are due for another bull run after this massive -70% dip. i think it can hit Litecoin's market cap which is 11x in the summer as the tech is better than Litecoin IMO. It will be somewhere between LTC and Bcash's marketcap EOY which is a 20- 25x from now. So EOY would be around $150-200. Litecoin was exactly $3 1 year ago and Nano is pretty much where Litecoin is a year ago. Also the 'hack' gave opportunities for more buyers to invest in cheaper XRB which should help in the long run (my condolences to the fallen ones) i know many ppl were salty that XRB went to $25-30 and now is a chance to get it cheaper which is good

>> No.7701333

i wholeheartedly agree. Nano went through some rough times when the whitepaper and fundamentals are solid. Rebranding and Binance was listed while BTC was crashing and the hack was reported in February when it actually occurred in October... its pretty unfortunate because Nano would probably be a top 15 right now. its ok because in the end the community is solid and adoption is happening at a pretty good rate. i also firmly believe in the tech so im hodling for the whole year. There is paid FUD campaigns because these people didn't buy Rai when it was $5, its understandable

>> No.7701350

>i know many ppl were salty that XRB went to $25-30
That was me. I never thought I'd see this chance and I'm grateful. March os going to be a game changer for crypto. Shitcoins that fail to deliver will get dropped by Q2. Legit coins that have or release working product are going to moon. The time to get in is now.

>> No.7701406

>still thinking it was hacked and that there is anything to sell

BitGrail has bugs which meant people got double deposits. Those people then withdrew their extra deposits, which meant the exchange had less money than it should have, so other people's deposits couldn't exist, so they had to stop withdrawals and do a load of shady damage control.

The owner of BitGrail lost a ton as well, but there is no flaw in the nano protocol, nor was anything "hacked". Just shitty code that was doubling numbers on a screen, but there was no actual extra money there, so since the money had to come from somewhere, it has come from anyone who left their nano on BitGrail after withdrawals were frozen.

>> No.7701420

yes sirr right now is a fire bargain. $8ish Nano when it was $30 like a month ago.. its already working better than 90% of the stuff out there.. glad u were able to get some cheap Nano. theres enough nano for everyone to make it. don't be stubborn anons!

>> No.7701464

Kucoin and Binance had the same problem though.
Even if the protocol works I still wouldn't want to set up sup with a tech that may cause me to double send money as a vendor. Even if it was my own fault.

>> No.7701487
File: 138 KB, 1500x1500, nanojew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at pic related. Still want to buy? Didn't think so.

Even calling it a bug is generous. The cunt was only running client side validation and never checking how much Nano was in the account.

>> No.7701503

Kucoin and Binance did not have the same problem. Why are you lying? They had a different, unrelated, performance problem. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the nano protocol, no double spend issues. Stop lying.

The "hack" was a problem with the code of the BitGrail exchange, and it affected Ethereum and Litecoin deposits as well.

The idea that it was a hack comes from the owner of BitGrail, and is an attempt at damage control. He wanted the devs of nano to fork it so that he could get back all the money that he lost due to his bad code.

>> No.7701530

no it wasn't the same problem. the bug on bitgrail made double the amount of ETH/LTC deposits, which was then spent on XRB. the kucoin thing was kucoin's error as well and they fixed it right away. u do know that Binance and Kucoin are chinese exchanges right? their english comprehension is not very good which is why they didn't implement the Nano protocol very well. hence the sloppy mistakes

>> No.7701539


So many fucking retards can't recognise a great opportunity when it's staring right at them. They'll continue FOMOing into coins whilst ignoring bargains.

>> No.7701555

Here's a quick rundown on the "hack".
>be me with $100 in back account
>go to bank and ask to withdraw $1,000
>teller asks me to write down my current balance
>write down $1,000
>teller trusts me because i have an honest face
>gives me $1,000
That's essentially how bitgrail worked.

>> No.7701570

if u had to set up a very advanced coin with Chinese instructions, I highly doubt you could do it half as good as those Chinese exchanges. u do realize most of them learned English as a second language... American and UK vendors wouldn't make those same mistakes. i get that you're skeptical but read the whitepaper i highly suggest you do it otherwise you're going to question every little detail

>> No.7701575

You fell for clear unsubstantiated FUD you fucking brainlet.

There is great interest to drag out this FUD as long as possible because these are bargain prices right now.

>> No.7701595

The fomo pump is already happening. There's a chance that it will dip below $9 again today though. You never know.

>> No.7701606

he gonna buy Litecoin even though it's up 70% this week. KEKKEKEKE

>> No.7701607

I bought some NONO at $5 during the crash so I'm pretty comfy with them, but it's one of my smallest holdings because I truly don't believe in it beyond the fact that hype has sent shit to the moon before.

>> No.7701626
File: 175 KB, 1247x1542, retired-young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riding this wave to the top.

>> No.7701675

all good if you don't believe in it. sell it whenever you are happy with profits. its funny because the nano team doesn't have a marketing campaign yet... they just focus on the product. the rebrand, the web wallet, the iphone/android wallet, exchange listings, desktop wallet. the community really believes in the coin that the team doesn't even pay for marketing, now that's a winner in my book. Most coins pay 250,000$ just to list on Binance, how about Nano? $0

>> No.7701697
File: 154 KB, 1239x593, Bittrex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot about maintenance on bittrex.

For almost two years the price of this new tech has been suppressed.

>> No.7701709
File: 58 KB, 1080x282, cryptopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the community is solid

>> No.7701733

bittrex is pretty incompetent all around. they delist coins without valid explanations. i remember Bittrex used to be more popular than binance in December. then the flippening happened and now Binance is #1. such a shame that they are slacking off. if they actually put in the work to list XRB, they could catch part of that $60 million volume doe

>> No.7701753

your gravedigging shit bro. that was from March 2017 when the distribution wasn't even complete... most of those pajeets are long gone

>> No.7701794

It seems to be unnaturally held back sometimes. So strange.

>> No.7701800
File: 104 KB, 814x758, xrb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is FUD; I'm not a mod on 4chan so I can't remove your post but I request you rephrase it and repost.

>> No.7701818
File: 137 KB, 897x1270, withdraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem sync issues doe
funny how that's why there were double withdrawals on bitgrail, binance, and kucoin

>> No.7701866

Just setup a store to take Nano. Easy as shit to integrate, and testing transactions was cake. It's going to be huge

>> No.7701870

read the email. " while attempting to speed up the transactions, we made a mistake"

the exchange made a mistake, nothing to do with the nano protocol. what are you smoking. they were half assing it and rushing to get deposits through rather than securely doing it. that's an EXCHANGE mistake. FUD attack had no effect. plz FUD harder and maybe next time read the email KEKEKEK

>> No.7701883

>funny how that's why there were double withdrawals on bitgrail, binance, and kucoin

wrong. there wasn't double withdrawals on Bitgrail. do you even know how to FUD bro? at least get it right. Bitgrail was double deposit for ETC and LTC, which allowed users to buy 2x XRB

>> No.7701964

Mooning has begun

>> No.7701996
File: 15 KB, 1035x174, 1518676871743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey you can trust the exchanges!

Colin had it all figured out years ago. If exchanges can't handle this new tech they shouldn't fail to break even by listing it.

>> No.7702040

I'm gonna hold off on buying any more XRB for now. I think it could fall below 5 USD. One of the most promising aspects of XRB was as an arbitrage coin, however I am yet to see any exchange implement XRB smoothly.
I am also skeptical that the voting mechanism for conflicting transactions will be tamper proof.

>> No.7702066

Anybody who bought at the OP time made 10% gains.

That's a great point. It would be so easy to arb to kucoin. They lag behind binance on price. I believe the devs are currently improving the protocol to make things smoother for exchanges.

>> No.7702068

What's the bottom of the dip? Am I safe if I buy at a dollar or should I wait until it's reaches the price it was before the December hacker's pump?

>> No.7702078

what do you mean? Okex listed them just fine lol. its just that they don't speak English very well so how do u expect them to be perfect? hope your right about that $5. im gonna sell all my other coins if that happens

>> No.7702084
File: 26 KB, 802x292, xrb double withdrawal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So bigrail had double deposits and totally never had double withdrawals XD, the XRB team recommend them while the stolen coins were being sold on mercatox then the nodes were finally fixed in january only to have double withdrawals on binance and kucoin.

buy the dip



>> No.7702118

>"stolen" coins
Holy fuck would you stop? People withdrawing more because of double deposits because of bad code on the exchange isn't the same as a hack or stealing.

>> No.7702142

lol you can FUD all you want. i can sense your sarcasm, but literally someone is buying 25,000 XRB on Binance right now

Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/nanotrade/comments/7xyd8q/nice_25k_nano_buy_wall_on_binance/

>> No.7702165

Okex volume is atrociously low.

>> No.7702184

he doesnt get it anon. let him be a nocoiner. let chad hack his mom while his sorry ass dad can watch like the stupid cuck.

>> No.7702208

asia doesn't know what XRB is yet. the whitepaper hasn't been translated to asian languages except Korean this week. it takes time anon.. this coin only got listed on Binance a week ago. its still fairly new

>> No.7702269


It doesnt need to be translated...any asian with more than pennies to his name at least reads english. Fucking retarded Anglos.

>> No.7702299

dude you are retarded. The supreme leader Kim Jong Un of N korea has more money and nukes than you ever wish you had and doesn't speak or read Engish. the world doesnt revolve around English