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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 630x630, ICX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7700558 No.7700558 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy this coin? I saw /biz/ hyping it up a few weeks ago but it seems things have gone quiet.

Do the Koreans really like this coin?

>> No.7700670

Don't buy it. Shills were getting excited about a vending machine with the icon logo. It's not the blockchain of korea, it's the tron of korea, they don't give a fuck about it.

Likewise amerimutt coins like ripple are hyped to koreans.

>> No.7700735

Definitely buy it. ICX will moon this year and leave shitcoins in the dust. Not available on Korean exchanges yet, when it's listed it'll go wild.

>> No.7700992

seems like it has great tech it just doesn't have much of an eco system around it yet but it will, and rapidly you would think

>> No.7701035


Yes but not now. ICX won't be doing shit for several months. No reason to hold bleeding bags when you could do much better trades meanwhile.

>> No.7701036

Don't listen to this retard.

>> No.7701062

Korean exchange listings in march

>> No.7701099

it could get significant coverage on Korean TV and just blow up all of a sudden. who fucking knows whats going on over there

>> No.7701141

>tron of korea

man i don't even like ICX and even i think that's fucking insulting af

might as well call it the PAC of korea

>> No.7701192

legit cant tell if retarded or doing gods work letting us accumulate

>> No.7701247
File: 5 KB, 497x110, icx tokens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you're going to be a millionaire in 3 months

>> No.7701271


"letting us accumulate" kek why the fuck didnt you accumulate when it dropped to 2 dollars fucking retard. I said ICX is good project but it's not good to hold right now.

You could have bought LTC and make something like 70% gains but instead you are holding ICX for no reason at all when there is no imminent big events coming. If ICX goes up its because BTC is going up. When BTC tanks ICX will tank. Until they have something major going on for them

>> No.7701272

congrats anon, safest millie ever made. are you all in? ico fag?

>> No.7701294

I obviously did u dumbass and made +100% gains. ICX has top volume and decent swings every day.

we were #4 gainer yesterday. muh bleeding bags. you a retard stop talking to me.

>> No.7701302


God damn dude way to go. I hope your life turns out to be awesome with that profit.

>> No.7701308


Holy fuck anon-kun

>> No.7701320

Kek at vending machine hype. Can't lie I traded some ICX after I saw those vending machines.

>> No.7701322 [DELETED] 

>+ several months no news. we had 2 big partnerships this months. 1 with multiple billion $ revenue which works directly with the korean kov you retard.

>> No.7701331

I actually sold my LTC for this yesterday GG me I guess.

>> No.7701349

Thanks anons, i'm an ico fag. Some based anon shilled it on here during the pre sale so I would like to give back, buy as much as this as you can: constellationlabs.io

>> No.7701364

>no news
>several months

multiple billion $ revenue partnerships which works directly with the kov is no news nowadays. just kys.


this coin will have samsung tier news in 2-4 weeks. please remember this post when you pink wojak all over the place.

>> No.7701394


Noice, ty, will look into it. See you on the other side.

>> No.7701410

looking good anon, infrastructure ico with a good team. see you in lamboland

>> No.7701719

Congrats of making the worst decision of your life

>> No.7701812

If ICX doesn't 3x before April. I'll eat a nigger's dick, if it does you do it. It's a win-win for you, take the offer. Just do what you do everyday come April and post it online.

>> No.7701829
File: 162 KB, 384x383, 1518738606258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7701836

that anon is up 45x his investment you brainlet. and he will be up 160x late april.

>> No.7702012

this. they are waiting for mainnet (alreqdy implementing it) so that they dont have to implement it twice

>> No.7702021

I'm not married to this, I plan to rebuy LTC before the end of the year but I think LTC has already paid enough for this cycle.

>> No.7702131

This is a strong buy. It is going places! My friends in finance even mentioned it.