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7695230 No.7695230 [Reply] [Original]

itt We help each other get rich. This is a nolarp thread.
I have 3 days off work, how do I use them to make 10x?

$82 in bittrex, all in 0x Protocol (ZRX), dont ask me why, I'm gambling

>> No.7695289
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Former wagelet here willing to help.
What is your job? Does it have room for promotion / growth? What is your education? Is it relevant to your job?

>> No.7695560

g-guys...we gotta go to sleep, we have work in the morning

>> No.7695585

Why do you have 3 days off and where do you work, wagecuck?

>> No.7695688
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>What is your job?
Pizza Hut, sweeping the floor.
>Does it have room for promotion / growth?
Promotion yes, growth not so much. It seems big companies like this have to keep pretty tight boundaries on responsibility at each step of the food chain, you can earn an extra buck an hour if monkey learns a new trick but theres no reward for innovation or creativity. It sucks but I get it, they can cast a pretty wide net for recruitment, if management wasnt paint by numbers the only people they can afford to hire would struggle.
>What is your education?
High school
>Is it relevant to your job?

I'm 23. I am aware I've wasted valuable years leading to this point but I'm always looking forward. I have become very good at washing plates but I'm not quite ready to settle for it.

>> No.7695726

3 days off in a row is a rare thing, its not to be taken lightly, I've just come off the back of 3 12-13 hour shifts. Every part of my physical being needs a rest but my spirit needs fucking enriched by making at least 20 bucks from my 80

>> No.7695747

Do you have any idea what you want to do? Despite many bitter faggots claiming otherwise you can still go from sweeping the floor in an industry that interest you and work your way up, primarily with subtle social engineering.

I suspect you already know this but that job is going nowhere.

>> No.7695785

Former min wagie here. Don't expect a promotion from your boss. You'll have to promote yourself by changing to a better job or starting your own business.

>> No.7695961

>Do you have any idea what you want to do?
Nothing specific, just the same thing everyone wants- self determination, freedom, good value return on labor.
I've considered the military but its no shortcut, it would have to be part of a 10 year plan that involved education at the other end and would be a hell of a compromise to the goals of personal freedom in the mean time.
Formal education will never happen as things stand, I can barely type a sentence out on threads here with how drained wagecucking has left me. The thought of learning anything meaningful while working doesnt bare thinking about, it would take 20 years of my life.

Honestly I'm ok with just shitting on my employment prospects for the fantasy of trading crypto, in an ideal world I'd be writing the code myself as I've a ton of ideas but moving numbers around is good fun too.

>> No.7696010

Check out the trades, skilled labor pays better than many realize and self employment is viable for most trades.
I went the electrician route and ended up working in the resource sector for 6 figures.

>> No.7696054

Promotion is just a change of shirt here, I know the time and dick sucking I'd have to force myself through isn't worth the hassle anyway. Thats not defeatism or lainess, moving forward comes at a price in any role and in a structure like PHut its not rewarded, hard work is a pretty shit investment here.

What job did you do as a min wager and what did you move into?

>> No.7696080

I'd do it in a heartbeat, what route did you take to get there?

>> No.7696175
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6 month Pre-apprenticeship course, this teaches the very basics so you are slightly better than useless when you start.
I was top of my class and got a job offer before it finished, if that doesn't happen (likely) get a job laboring in construction and watch what the trades do then start talking to the ones that interest you. Eventually you will get a job and be on your way.
Getting into the resource sector was just luck, the small company I worked for went for a $65m contract and actually got it. Then we all busted our asses for 2 years to make sure the company would get more resource contracts because the boss was legally obligated to double+ our pay on them to meet industry awards.

>> No.7696431

Thats an encouraging story, I'll need to seriously look into something similar, assuming I dont make 100x this weekend.
Its a bit daunting thinking about it, not quite as daunting of waking up in 10 years to go deep clean a pizza oven.

Was the course expensive?

>> No.7696461

~$1500, not too bad. It was also 3 days a week so you could work while doing it.

>> No.7696463

Bittrex added 0x? When?

>> No.7696530
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I know the struggle guyz. It took like 6 months for me to finally get another pay raise.

>> No.7696688


lol enjoy working your whole life same as these min-wage cucks

>> No.7696803


Looking online it seems theres not much round here but I'd be willing to move I guess.
If jose can move 1000 miles for a shit job than I guess I should be prepared to do the same.

>> No.7696906

It wouldn't be worth moving just for the course, get into construction laboring and ask around.
These people don't have HR departments and you can talk to the boss face to face daily so just build a rapport and ask for a job.