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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7693406 No.7693406 [Reply] [Original]

Why is TEL mooning??? I thought this was a shitcoin....

>> No.7693458

these /biz/ fags made me sell my bags. had 3mil TEL bought at 0.003 and sold it because these cunts said it had no moon potential. if this goes to $0.10 i will kill myself

>> No.7693471

It's not mooning tho

>> No.7693518


>> No.7693524

haha very funny you made me look

>> No.7693559

Why is everyone repping it everywhere? I've seen it all day on /biz/ and all over discords

>> No.7693592

because its gonna fuckin moon.. give it a few weeks

>> No.7693606

Paid shills

>> No.7693621

does anyone think this isn't a scam?

doesn't it have something to do with phones in africa or some shit?

>> No.7693625

>buys coin not even 1 cent
>still loses 70%
>am i winning yet

>> No.7693631

Why tho? Like is there any tech behind this???

>> No.7693639

It's not mooning you fucking retard

>> No.7693650


>> No.7693698

But it is going up a ton in volume and seeing low sell walls.

>> No.7693704
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I wish

>> No.7693745
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>> No.7693795

That wall isn't that big. the .000004 one got chewed through in like 3 hours earlier today and it was bigger. i think someone is buying a ton.

>> No.7693809

it's a fucking million dollars

>> No.7693844

>it's a fucking million dollars
The one earlier today was 2.5 million. It was nuts! and buyers ate through it for some reason. SO I posted here to see if there was anything that the /biz/ world is aware of that I wasnt. I dont even own this shit.

>> No.7693867

I know that feel bro. Let's ride this ship down there's at least 1 percent chance we can dump our bags on someone in the future.

>> No.7693896

tel is going to 10 cents.

>> No.7693912

I will eat a Nintendo 3DS if this happens.

>> No.7693942
File: 41 KB, 745x277, pajeet pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7693981

for every gwei it moves they earn 20% because this shit coin is litteraly worth 1/10th of a penny

so any effective shilling will earn them huge returns

>> No.7694015

Does anyone know how this coin even works? How does someone gain money by exploiting people that have no money???

>> No.7694255
File: 132 KB, 740x493, telcoinpimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because the game it the game, nigger. same as it ever was

>> No.7694282
File: 184 KB, 659x609, shitinit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up 2%

>> No.7694333
File: 156 KB, 1920x853, lolwtfxnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this happened a few weeks ago. still no explanation. seems to happen all the time though.