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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 720x484, guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7691184 No.7691184 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your normie father dumps $20,000 into shitcoins so you create a day trading guide for him

you're welcome fellas

>> No.7691527

i don't get it

>> No.7691557


>> No.7691569

Absolutely retarded

Snort some more Addy and read a book instead this time

>> No.7691589

>Goal: Cash Accumulation
you and your father are fucking retarded and I'll let you try and figure out why.

>> No.7691595
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>> No.7691610


>> No.7691616
File: 3 KB, 214x236, 1514914233364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7691618

how is this easier than just reading a god damn whitepaper

>> No.7691624

Just allin tron you pssy

>> No.7691632

This only makes sense in your brain.

>> No.7691661

thanks just made 100k

>> No.7691736

what the fuck is this

>> No.7691750

this is how u make moolah



disregard shitposters, acquire currency

nothing personnel, kid


this use small word

we are all in tron


me too

>> No.7691829

literally one of the most autistic, basic understanding, low IQ brainlet spreadsheet i think i have ever seen in my entire life.

>> No.7691849

you are one DUMB motherfucker. dont let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.7691872

Yeah this only males sense to you faggot. Giid job goy

>> No.7691895

its actually a table thanks

see reply to >>7691527

>> No.7691919

you're the goyim following the jewish investing blogs while i came up with my /ownstrategy/

>> No.7691954

I see from TRX you dont love your father

>> No.7692497

his choice not mine

>> No.7692707

>buy high, sell low: the chart
lmao ur dads gonna h8 u

>> No.7692787

you do realize that "tether" is the 3rd party risk of bitfinex wapped into a coin, right?

>> No.7692871

I think it makes sense OP. Don't know what these cunts are saying. Would have saved myself money if I knew this when I first started.

>> No.7692945

fortunately i don't own tether


thanks senpai enjoy your gains

>> No.7693084

This makes total sense. I have no clue why people are bashing on this. As long as tether doesnt completely fuck itself up, this is an extremely viable strategy to keep your portfolios from falling during dips.

Ex. Putting dec-january gains into tether right before the massive dip. Use gains that you put into tether to buy cheap alts during the crash.

Are these kids fucking retarded?

>> No.7693368

exactly, at the end of the day everyone is trying to make moves based on what they think the market/coin is going to do. this simply provides a clear framework for exactly what you want to do given your expectations

>> No.7693408
File: 101 KB, 600x842, 1518653247196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7693595

poor dad no wonder he's confused wh

>> No.7694044

ur dum

>> No.7694083

All in Tron = fucking lol.

Absolute shitcoin.

>> No.7694181
File: 177 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180215-183714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my dick

>> No.7694215

are you black by any chance?

>> No.7694238

Not at all

>> No.7694390

Chase pumps
Panic sell dumps
Do you really make money doing this OP?

>> No.7694438

1. Buy low, sell high
2. Buy the rumors, sell the news
3. Always do the oposite of /biz/
4. Buy when there are tones of pink wojaks on /biz/ (at least 1/2 of catalog)
5. Don't buy Chain Link, Doge Coin, and IOTA
6. Don't invest in ponzies like Bitconnect
7. If it already went down, HODL (doesn't apply to coins listed in points 5 and 6)
8. Don't let your parents, or people, which don't understand information technology, and economy at least on a basic level to invest in crypto, maybe only HODL some bitcoin
9. Buy BTC, ETH, NEO, XMR. You can't possibly go wrong with it
10. If you don't know any of these, you're not gonna make it.

>> No.7694464

what the fuck is going on in this thread

>> No.7694465

Tommy is a fag and his crypto guide sucks

>> No.7694709

then why the fuck are you buyign tron you dumb nigger

>> No.7694980

>$100k in tron
AHAHAHAHAHA It has a multibillion dollar Mcap on testnet and nobody invested, not even you knows what the fuck it does exactly

>> No.7695132

everyone knows VIBE is the coin of choice for african-americans

oh well it could be 150k tomorrow


nice ill take the guide tho

solid investing advice

fuck you

>> No.7695163


>> No.7695232

>telling your dad to buy tether

>> No.7695470

better than whatever shitcoin he comes up with

>> No.7695998

That is literally my portfolio kek