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7688202 No.7688202 [Reply] [Original]

List a combination of projects that, if successful, will be catastrophic for humanity.

I'll start: SingularityNET and Nexus (pic related)

>> No.7688271

You are missing the most obvious one right in front of your face and that is the automobile, and internal combustion engine.
Extremely successful invention, if the scientists are correct the planet will be fucking toast due to burnt co2 from cars and cargo ships.

>> No.7688330

You could even go further back in time and say penicillin and antibiotics. Now we have an over populated planet. Way to many planet nibblers on this rock, commence die of habbing

>> No.7688415

dont know if bait or retarded

>> No.7688440


OP look into Neuromation.
If you work with data, machine learning and GANs you will understand the signifigance if the project

>> No.7688461

The women voting rights project.
>already online. FUG

>> No.7688466

Throw in another oldie but goodie and that is fractional reserve banking. FR banking has created the paradigm on this planet to where we need continous growth our else the whole economic house of cards comes crashing down.
FR banking requiers that we spread this thinking to ever coner of the planet so once there is no longer hydrocarbon energy the system stops growing INB4 green energy, fusion or nuclear, none of that shit power all the fucking cars. money becomes worthless and society goes to shit, hard to see things surviving after this,

>> No.7688506

Not bait you are the retard for not understanding what I am talking about, probably a tech optimist fag that believes in technology like a medieval peasant believed in sky gods.

>> No.7688568

DBC and LINK fortunately humanity has nothing to worry about

>> No.7688643

Facial recognition + drone swarms. In 5 years or less there will be a murder and the police will deploy a swarm of drones that will fly around the neighbourhood scanning faces looking for the perpetrator.
The retarded, docile public will celebrate when the murderer is caught. Then we're all fucked, the state will cement its power like never before in history.

>> No.7688697


>> No.7688728
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>> No.7688801

they want to build smart cities for refugees
probably in europe

these refugees will be guinea pigs for a city of the future where every single human activity is recorded, microcharged, taxed, computed for insurance reasons, etc. zero privacy, with full control over every aspect of human existance.

>> No.7688847

Iota foundation donates to a charity thay betters the conditions of actual refugee camps in Africa and the middle east. Camps where people are stuck for decades waiting for refugee status approval or whatever
Dont confuse those poor souls with middle class citizens Illegally crossing borders for gibs

>> No.7688965

they also plan on building smart cities for refugees. for now they're just donating though. but their long term plans call for building cities. and when asked if they'll build these cities in europe they get all evasive and start whining about racisms. so i assume they will be building in europe. or rather not building, because the whole plan is insane. but maybe the establishment likes what theyre doing and makes it possible just to further destroy

>> No.7689052

Another one is nitrate fertilizers, anon fags like this anon >>7688415 who have there heads so far up there ass they unironically think I am a retard for understand and pointing this out, and I really dont blame the anon, Belief in scientific progress is the faith/religion of the current age, most people are unaware it is there faith.

Nitrate fertilizers have allowed for humans o exceeded the natural caring capacity of Earth , and we have also pretty much ruined all of the earths soil our will, as we need to feed a exponentially growing population.

>> No.7689411
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