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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7679240 No.7679240 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw master's degree in accounting.
>graduated with 3.3 GPA from a good state school in FL (UF)
>can't get a job at all becuase still have acne and poor soical skills/no connections.

It's not fucking fair. Accounting is the highest in demand major along with CS and finance, I graduated with above a 3.0 GPA, Went to a good school, and got a masters degree. But just becuase of my acne Im not taken seriously.

>> No.7679292

> Beg your derm for Accutane
> Hope it doesn't fuck you up in other ways
> Live your life

>> No.7679302

if your not lying, then just go to a doctor and take accutane. it will change your life anon, just do it. in 6 months, you will be diff person.

>> No.7679350

Doesn't it mess you up forever? My acne is also completely genetic so could it still help? The side problems are awful I heard.

>> No.7679352


>t f le first world problems, low test beta cuck boi

literally kys

>> No.7679355
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>get accutane
>acne goes away
>black heads stay
I'll never make it.

>> No.7679357

Good job, you learned how to pass tests! Your next lesson will be on how to be an actual human. Social skills are necessary. It sucks for us incels, but you WILL have to get over it, unless youre a 160 IQ genius with irreplacable skills or you want to stay poor for life.

I'd wager it's not the acne, most employers don't give a rat's ass on how you look, unless you deal with clients a lot. Social skills and impressions during interviews is what counts most.

>> No.7679375

Do NOT to Accutane that shit fucked me up in so many ways.
Stop using harsh chemicals on your skin.
Cetaphil daily facial cleanser is good, whole foods have an even more natural version.
Get CBD pens online from Johnny Apple CBD.
Stop being stressed out and remember in time it will subside.

>> No.7679401

There's a lot of reports of potential side effects, but you have to understand that people who didn't have problems won't post about it online. Yes, it might fuck you up, but no, for most people it's just dryness that goes away afterwards.

>> No.7679407

Work out and eat vegan (or just clean in general like chicken and vegetables) you fag and drink lots of water your diet probably sucks and you’re fat

>> No.7679414

I'm in the same situation, I have very little acne but it's making me have 0 self-confidence. I also have Aspergers (not self diagnosed kek) and I can't get the courage to call the doctor because I'm socially anxious. What do?

>> No.7679435

Wash your face.
Don't eat bad food.

>> No.7679436
File: 142 KB, 1325x573, satoshifutures.io.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>color face in shade of nigger brown
>apply at SJW firm while calling yourself TRANS-RACIAL every step along the way...
>be the first white man to make it by becoming a nigger
>go down in history as the racial singularity

>> No.7679444

What kind of fucking up are you on about? I don't feel like I was fucked up by it.

>> No.7679449

Also drink more water. I forgot about that. Drink more water fag.

>> No.7679459

Stop picking your face in anxiety cus of your lacking social skills.
Gently wash your face in water twice a day.
Stop eating lile an asshole.
Dont drink or do drugs.

If you cant approve by following ve
Above, then contact your derm for accutane or some shit.

>> No.7679477

Use make up fag, you're just looking for excuses

>> No.7679480

It's fair! Social skill is very impotent in evry job. So, no one don't want men who will crash everything because he can't ask for help.

>> No.7679481

>he doesn't have a CPA

>> No.7679489

You're Vitamin A deficient, which also makes you deficient in hormones which is why you're socially awkward.

Accutane is a synthetic vitamin A. Eat beef liver or take beef liver pills. Fermented cod liver oil is also an option.

>> No.7679497

go get yourself some 2% beta hydroxy acid (BHA, also known as salicylic acid). Apply that shit to your face once a day for a month. Thank me later.

>> No.7679505

>3.3 gpa
>shit tier for accounting (easy major)
>op is mid tier intelligence
>op retarded basically

>> No.7679506

You need scrub for you stuped nigers face.

>> No.7679527

Don't listen to these fags OP. I knew literal /fit/ vegan straight X faggots who had acne. You have fucked up cells that overproduce talc and that's the problem that Accutane fixes. No change of diet or other habitual change will overcome this.

>> No.7679528

As others have said stay away from Accutane, it's a 50/50 chance of being magic or fucking you up.

I took my course of it and thought everything was fine as it cleared my skin up well but made it super dry. Then literally about 3-4 months later I developed rosacea, and I can tell you know i'd rather have the acne then this fucking curse.

>> No.7679533

That isn't how this works a lot of the time. Source: gym rat who lives on chicken and vegetables, drinks fuck tons of water and puts a lot of effort into proper skincare; still get acne.

>> No.7679541

Never had to use accutane because I have god genetics as far as pimples go. But it can cause extreme skin drying and death in extreme cases

>> No.7679548

Remove carbos and sugar from your diet. Especially wheat. Go keto.

>> No.7679559

> Hope it doesn't fuck you up in other ways
>The side problems are awful I heard.

t. had extremely bad acne all through junior high, highschool,
took acutane
now everone compliments on how good skin looks.

If you have bad acne it is worth it, sucks while you are on it, hurts your back a little can't go out in the sun (not a problem for neets) and I think it may have fucked with sex drive/funtion a tad, but nothing good diet and exercise couldn't fix.

Get it and take it op what ever the cost to you it will be worth it.

>> No.7679563
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You're more than welcome with us anon! Why don't drop by Monday afternoon for an interview?

>> No.7679567

Most big companies and firms useally look for a 3.0 minimum. So a 3.3 is fine. Well I can't change my genetics so my intelligence will never improve.

>> No.7679576

>and death
Jesus shut the fuck up it doesn't. It's because some people with acne get so depressed they kill themselves during the therapy and that's it.

>> No.7679583

Don't eat wheat. Don't drink sugar (nor aspartame dumbass)

>> No.7679598

Okay in your case medication is probably the way to go. I’m guessing OP hasn’t tried this lifestyle yet and should before resorting to meds

>> No.7679600

I did accutane, i did get very dry lips and some eczema on my arms and hands, but no psychological effects as some people claim. I was finally able to look somewhat normal after taking it, although i still have some blackheads.

>> No.7679626

ACNE is not your first problem kid

get some slef confidence and socialize

best way is to be funny or smart, you are a man you don't "NEED" good looks

you can do it, fuck an ugly bitch, it will pump ur confidence

>> No.7679639

This is just bullshit. If you still have acne at your age it's hormonal and won't go away from some fucking over-the-counter product. You either take the risk with Accutane or you will have acne forever. It's as simple as that. It's the nuclear option, but the alternative is having acne until you die. Don't waste your money on shitty products like these and think you can get rid of acne by changing your daily routine or nutrition.

>> No.7679666

But it can cause extreme skin drying and death in extreme cases

extreme drying is the point of accutane the shit completely destroys your skin pours ability to produce oils.

If you die from it probably your time to go.

>> No.7679690

Fuck off with your disgusting trailer trash normie advice. Yes I am a kissless virgin but I will not have sex with an ugly or fatty girl. I am not sexually attracted to them and I am fit and attractive myself.

>> No.7679717
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One of the side effects from Accutane, and no you can't get rid of it only hide it.

>> No.7679745

Probably. I've long since considered accutane but I'm happy for now. It's not that bad, my bigger problem is actually the scars/redness from when it was bad.

But you are right, if OP isn't taking care of himself overall then that's a good first step.

>> No.7679750

>have acne
>better cut off my balls

>> No.7679758

This, don't bother with the, don't drink milk/ wrap a towel around your pillow methods, these won't do shit for hormonal acne.

>> No.7679842

Red skin only happens when you are on accutane, after skin looks great,

>> No.7679890

I had crazy bad shit when I was in high school. Ironically only when I stopped caring to wash my face did it eventually fade away. Motherfuckers over-complicate acne when the #1 culprit is having dry skin.

>> No.7679921

listen to me OP

drop all foods high in histamine and salicylates
do not eat anything aged, get the freshest meat you possibly can
do not eat dairy or grains, no nightshades

auto-immune paleo diet is your new diet and lifestyle, no sugar and no simple carbs


no sauces, no coffee, no spices, no juices
meat water and greens.

youre welcome, thank me in two months.
also look up SIBO and get an FMT with your awesome salary

also dont be a fucking idiot and think a strict diet wont help it is the ONLY thing that can help

>> No.7679940


>> No.7679947

you realise this is all in your head right
did you go to job interview and people told you "sorry we're not hiring you due to your acne"? Of course not

you're insecure and awkward, this is probably why you can't get a job, and then you blame external factors as if being pretty were required to get a job

Jesus, 4chan posters are more insecure than the average teenage girl I swear

>> No.7679952

I doubt you have every had acne, or at least anything bad, I am a pretty good looking dude but serious acne will destroy and ones looks.
Yes we are not women but at a genetic level women will be repiled by men with acne.

Bad acne is quite painful as well.

>> No.7680033

>Accounting is the highest in demand major along with CS and finance

CS is high in demand but also extremely high in unemployment rates due to universities teaching an absurd amount of theoretical concepts that will never be used in industry.

>> No.7680044

So it seems like no one has mentioned this: try tretinoin cream/gel (Retin-A). Changed my life. I literally had the worst acne ever all over my body, finally saw a Dermatologist who recommended the retina. It gets worst before it gets better since your skin will purge, and you will get redness and it will be tough to be in the sun for awhile, but stick it through you will be thanking yourself.

Eitherway talk to a dermatologist. All these people recommending accutane which may be good for a last ditch effort but if you haven't tried other safer options I wouldn't go there yet. It can be pretty dangerous, not everyone has issues but the ones who do can be fucked.

And fyi, the pharmacy here in the US wanted $200 for my retin-a, but you can buy it for $5 in other countries such as India or Mexico since its over the counter. Just find a website. You can even find it on eBay if u know what to search for.

I use this website:

>> No.7680065

good, fuck you, go noles

t. fsu compsci

>> No.7680072

Then get some self confidence and fuck off

you are not just a face with acne are you ?

if you are i'm sorry for my advices, just go kill yourself

>> No.7680112

I don't care about football at all. Or school crap. Surprised someone smart enough for CS cares about that.

>> No.7680123

whats the difference though if its the acne or insecurity if the acne is causing the insecurity?

if acne is causing his insecurity, and his insecurity is rendering him unable to get a job, well then fuck man, safe to say its the acne thats preventing him from getting the job.

>> No.7680126

you have obviously never had bad acne. Bad acne will make anyone insecure, awkward, shit fucking sucks, maybe it is time for men to start helping each other out and give a touch of sympathy rather then being crabs in a bucket assholes all the time.

>> No.7680152
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When i was 18 I had very mild acne, a few spots here and there and blemishes, but fuck it I wanted to looksmax so I ordered accutane online of some generic indian pharmacy site. Ran a low dose for 6 months and my face and skin has been perfect ever since (23 now). I know i didn't really need it but if you actually have bad acne accutane is literally a miracle drug. If the derm wont prescribe you any just order it online, run a low dose (don't go over 10mg/day) and you'll be fine. The potential "side effects" are just Jewish fud to scare white people from using it and improving their appearance, so they look less attractive and breed less. Real talk nigga

>> No.7680156


>> No.7680170

Why accounting is not dead yet? I mean there are programs already hallo

>> No.7680181

Accutane completely removed my acne
No matter how clean i ate or how much water I drank , I would break out for no reason
Yes I got a lot of side effects
I tried hanging my self because just a little but of stress made me suicidal, I have faced waaay more stress after completing my course and never had the suicidal feelings I had when on accutane
Dryness, A little hairfall and other common sideeffects
But then it saved me from not going to the college because I just woke up and have a big pimple right on my nose , shit was depressing as fuck

>> No.7680194

mandelic acid bruh

>> No.7680225

OP. I used to have shittty cystic acne that completely fucked my face. Clean up your diet and add some omega 3 sources along with vitamin a. Accurate is essentially synthetic vitamin A, but it will fuck you up. Eating a shit load of carrots with fish oil won’t. On top of that, buy some oregano oil and take it twice daily on an empty stomach, you’re dealing with a fungal overgrowth. Next get some probiotics. To wash your face, get Alba botanica’s acnedote wash. Change your pillow case regularly.

>> No.7680244

>Why CS is not dead yet? I mean there are AI that can write basic code already.

>> No.7680250


thankyou, ive been having dry skin and night blindness, thanks anon just had some cod liver oil

>> No.7680304

look at this fucking nerd, crying about something that can actually be changed. try being a manlet. you can't change that.

>> No.7680350

It went away for me when I went on a keto diet.

>> No.7680352

do you realise we live in a real world and need to work hard
Its just impossible to follow all these things, unless all he does is sit at home and care about acne
If you go out you will sometime have eat junk, you wont always be able to have your supplements
Its unsustainable and irritating , living like a pussy

>> No.7680353

Of course I do, sports fans are my target market. Do you know how much dumb shit fratboys buy online? Easiest ecommerce niche out there. It's even better when I'm at a party and see someone using/holding/wearing one of the products I sell

>> No.7680370

Use this after washing, it’s a natural alpha hydroxy acid that removes dead skin and leaves your skin smooth

>> No.7680396

You probably have leaky gut. Fix your gut. Fix your diet.

>> No.7680404
File: 81 KB, 1200x1200, 81916152-1D5D-43B6-AC7E-DF9A44490885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking forgot pic

>> No.7680419

It was over ten years ago but the dryness caused by it was unbearable. Lips were cracked, face was dry but still got acne and ever since I've gotten bad cysts in my neck which wont break the surface of the skin and I need to get them lanced. I went on two rounds of it which is really not recommended due to mental side affects...I can't comment on how it affected me in that way but I have come to realize it's always best to try natural remedies before resorting to potentially harmful chemicals. A vegan / vegetarian diet will help a lot too but definitely cut the junk and greasy shit out immediately.

>> No.7680421

Holy shit me too anon. I just stopped giving a fuck and just used water to clean my face, nothing else. I also started eating more veges and drink more water. And I’ve never had acne since.

>> No.7680424

ITT: Self-proclaimed acne experts who honestly think acne is due to bad diet. If you REALLY had acne at some point in your life you will have tried everything already and it doesn't fucking help. I ate the strictest diet ever for an entire year (did what people said in this thread and a lot more) and guess what? NOTHING changed. And it's like this for almost everyone else. But you can't fucking post on the Internet that you have acne, because people will just tell you 'hurr wash your face, stop eating crap, I don't have acne, so that must be the case'. Fucking kill yourself and shut your mouth. You have no idea what you're talking about and you also have no idea how much acne fucks up your confidence. There's a reason why people take Accutane, despite the horrible side effects. Because a life with a lot of acne fucking sucks.

>> No.7680464

these things arent hard if you just take the time to add them to your routine,
it only seems hard because at first its overwhelming

>you have to eat when youre out

buy a salad? you can get a chicken salad at fucking mcdonalds bro lol

>> No.7680474

Not so god and not so available, however different accounting software can be found on many websites including 24/7 support. C'mone what is so hard with counting simple numbers

>> No.7680482

It’s the only way to fix gut disbiosis and leaky gut you fucking brainlet.
OP needs to eat home cooked organic food. Lots of fruits, vegetables and meat. Basically paleo. Take probiotics. Drink probiotic tea. Eat fermented foods. Drink raw apple cider vinegar. No more soda. No more junk food. No more fast food.

This is the only way.

>> No.7680489

And don't get me started on this fucking 'just don't do anything, it goes away'. IT FUCKING DOESN'T IF YOU'RE 25+ AND STILL HAVE ACNE FFS

>> No.7680493

the odds of it messing you up are extremely small, unless you're a fucking retard

>> No.7680533

People take accurate because their retarded, if you’re deficient in vitamin A then eat foods with vitamin A instead of overdosing on synthetic vitamin A. Normies are so fucking stupid.

>> No.7680548

Oh, piss off with your 'diet fixes acne'. It fucking doesn't.

>> No.7680554

You have just gotten used to your regime, just like I was
Accutane cured my acne and now I no longer have to carry tubes and facewashes everywhere I go like a sissy

>> No.7680574

Accutane *

>> No.7680580

>The potential "side effects" are just Jewish fud to scare white people from using it and improving their appearance, so they look less attractive and breed less. Real talk nigga

Sure is /x/ - Schizophrenia in here.

>> No.7680605

My friends who took accutane in their teens are now bald at 25. Enjoy faggot

>> No.7680614

>this tread

4chan shows it's colours and blames acne on not getting a job.

Fucking sad bastards

>> No.7680619

all these posts are fucking retarded. Diet can have an effect on acne for sure, but if its severe it isnt gona help for shit. If u are serious about getting rid of it go to a fucking proper dermatologist and get the correct treatments prescribed. Keep going back to check in. Eventually you and your doctor are gona be able to rid you of acne and keep your skin clear. Thats and ACTUAL way of doing this if you were serious about it.
On a different note, work on your confidence. Seems retarded, but honestly therapy helps fuck loads of people. Forums with redneck basement dwellers do not.

>> No.7680647

I took accutane and my ance came back not long after I stopped. . Took it again and acne came back after I stopped. Took antibiotics. Acne came back. Eventually started getting acne in places never I got it before. Then I started have legit health issues.

Diet and probiotics are the only thing that helped. My acne is almost gone everywhere except for the scars to remind me of the bullshit.

>> No.7680653

I can't even comprehend how stupid /biz/ has become. That is not how it works. Are you 12 or why the fuck do you believe that Vitamin A from food is basically the same as getting Accutane? What the fuck are you even on about? I'm so fed up with you 'experts' thinking you know how acne works and having the end-all cure for it. You don't know anything. At all. Fuck off. Acne has ruined so many lives and how you can honestly think that a simple diet change will just get rid of it is beyond me.

>> No.7680664

get on my level i have them on chest, stomach and back as well
dermatologist told me to not take anything drastic but to apply some mild lotion and wait for summer to tan

>> No.7680711

It’s not just diet you stupid fucking idiot. It’s a whole regime. Your clearly still suffering and that’s what’s probably causing your autism. Fix your gut bro or the acne will come back one day. You might even cure your tism.

>> No.7680799

>Doesn't it mess you up forever? My acne is also completely genetic so could it still help? The side problems are awful I heard.

no anon, if your a preggo woman then yeah, its fucking terrible. If you are anything else, just do it. You get a blood test every 30 days where they make sure your liver function is totally chill.

I literally just did it last year, my MD has treated more than 3000 patients and in all 3000 there were zero adverse events and nobody ever had to stop.

it gets a crazy bad wrap because of the pregancy side effects are horrific.

>> No.7680800

what the FUCK are you talking about
"simple diet change"



the absolute state of America

>> No.7680814

I'm on accutane right now. Starting 3rd month at 80mg daily. Fuck me dead this shit is killer. Chapped lips, eczema hands, dry knees and back joints. I can't even go full strength lifts on my squat and deads anymore because my back is so fragile. This shit better nuke my acne.

>> No.7680848

dude if you actually ever tried to change your diet to this extent you would know its not so simple

you probably havnt gone two days without eating simple carbs in your life

>> No.7680856

i'm 23 and have one of the best hairlines and thickest hair in my social circle and this is after taking accutane at 18 and doing a couple cycles of testosterone as well, i think i just have top tier hair genetics. my dad has a great head of hair at 70

>> No.7680874
File: 97 KB, 645x729, 48B5446A-FD53-4A08-9CF1-E6C5A7400E58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn’t understand that accutane is a retinoid
>doesn’t understand that retinoids are literally vitamers of vitamin A, meaning they are chemically related
Brainlet detected

>> No.7680895

you/your dermatologist are fucking insane dude, that's a suicide dose

>> No.7680900

Took 80mg for a year when I was 18 because I had acne on my back. Didn't have any sides except for dry lips. I even binge drinked every weekend, liver enzymes were fine.

>> No.7680918

>muh natural remedies instead of the most proven, effective acne medication ever

>> No.7680959

No one is judging your acne, lots of people have it. The reason you can't get hired is that you lack self confidence, most likely because of your acne.

Sun and seawater will do wonders for acne if you are near a beach. Not too much sun though.

>> No.7680965

FDA jews

>> No.7680971

I'm 200 lbs. It goes by body weight, but yeah it sucks.

>> No.7680975

my brother had acne at 26 or so and was making well over 100k right out of school for finance. Still has some acne and is making way more than that now

>> No.7680980


10% benzoyl peroxide cream is probably the best thing you can get without using something with side effects.

>> No.7680981

dont listen to these queers

this guy is right
changing pillow cases daily was the holy grail
your pillow case is made from cotton which absorbs oil and dirt so when you spend 8 hours on that shite you better believe youll get acne.
probiotics and some diet change helps too but not as much as changing your pillow case and just generally avoiding frequent face contact

>> No.7680986

>Social skills and impressions during interviews is what counts most.
How attractive you are, in other words.

>> No.7681080

You should try fasting, since skin problems are usually caused by imbalance in gut microbes.

>> No.7681156

STOP eating fructose.

>> No.7681168

leaky gut syndrome is what is fucking America, literally causes autism, acne, and anxiety

>> No.7681183

just go on accutane

i had TERRIBLE acne that last until i was about 19. it was so bad that i was suicidal and it turned me into a very self conscious and anxious person and i steal deal with those issues today despite it being long gone (although i am in a much better place). it changed me as a person no doubt. i was so anxious and pathetic i wouldnt even go to the doctor, looking back that sounds so stupid, but thats how it was. i eventually went on it and it basically saved my life desu. cleared it right up. still have a few scars on my forehead but oh well. ive had no side effects that i know of.

>> No.7681203

Op try mixing mukura honey Shea butter on your face regularly. They are expensive but work.

>> No.7681204

3.3 for a masters is terrible. Thats like getting straight Cs for undergrad

>> No.7681234


just get plenty of lotion and shit to keep your skin hydrated. Also ask the derm to perscribe you a special face lotion that doesn't clog the pores.

barely felt any side effects, drank through the whole thing. Bloodwork was always fine, not a single trace of acne left either.

>> No.7681238

Did you ever think about cutting off your skin and looking at the other side?

>> No.7681246

Its because you’re white male trying to get an office job in a western civilization dumdum
Where have you been?

>> No.7681286

Try buying an ozone water machine.

This thing has been awesome for me. Makes water taste so fresh supposed to help kill candida and fungal stuff in your body

>> No.7681320

when i had acne i thought about taking a knife to my face and cutting off the cysts thats how bad of a place i was in. seriously worst time of my life.

>> No.7681345

Isotretinoin. 20mg mornings, 10mg nights. Burns your skin for the first week or two (as in REALLY fucking dry), then shit dissapears after a couple of months.
Don't be a faggot and fight it. My father, grandfather and a great part of my family had acne, yes it's genetic, yes it's not the same for everyone, but i've heard a fuckton of people use isotretinoin (aka isoface) and work.
Also don't drink more than a beer every, idk, week or two? I was breathing quite heavy at a party after some Schnapsmagic lmao

>> No.7681358

Don't worry anon I'm sure everyone else was thinking the same thing

>> No.7681418

Oh also another note.

If your doctor tries to perscribe you certain antibiotics instead of isotretinoin/accutane. Say NO, i took that shit for about a year and a half and it gave me fucking appendicitis, and i had to spend 4 months recovering from that because my appendix asploded.

>> No.7681427

I feel for you OP, must suck to have acne that you can't get rid of. Try getting better at social skills, because I'm sure that plus insecurity over acne is much more what is holding you back.

It's easy for someone with no acne to say of course, although I used to have TERRIBLE acne back when I was 15 / 16. So did my little brother, and he took that super strong vitamin dosage shit and it seems to have cured it without too bad side effects.

>> No.7681442

Get your CPA license
Get in touch with a recruiter

But seriously, why a master's in accounting? Shit's useless, bachelor's and CPA is enough.

>> No.7681491

yeah kids used to ask their parents wtf was wrong with my face when i was near them

>> No.7681498


>Bad acne in highschool. Like really bad
>be 19
>get put on accutane finally after many drugs not working
>skin gets very dry at first
>mine then got shiny on my face
>acne gets a lot worse at first
>3 months in no acne
>took for 6 months
>never had acne breakout since, besides occasional 1 or 2 pimples
Your skin is made up of multiple layers. Most acne forms deep under your skin, then rises to the surface and becomes noticeable. Most of your pimples formed weeks ago. It typically takes a few weeks for your bottom most layer of skin to eventually be the top layer. Your body is constantly creating new layers of skin that essentially push the old layer up. Accutane speeds this process up immensely so all of your acne will flush to the surface quickly and itll be a lot worse for about 2 weeks. Then afterwards itll be MUCH MUCH better. Hodl thru all of it. Its worth it.

>> No.7681517

just fucking remove shit from your diet and use probiotics and prebiotics all these skin memes are from shitty gut health

>> No.7681536 [DELETED] 

Just 2 hours left for the pump. Join in to see the spike..

https://t dot me/tornadopumps

>> No.7681556

shut the fuck up

>> No.7681565

I work a software engineering job, 100% remote. No one has ever seen my face. Not even during the interview process.

>> No.7681595

Living the dream, man. I'm actually not socially inept but I enjoy the solitude. Working on becoming a freelancer now

>> No.7681621

You’re a fucking idiot brainlet thinking that acne is caused from the outside in instead of the inside out. Absolutely fucking retarded. Prob just too addicted to your Big Macs so even the thought of quitting makes you angry you stupid fat fuck.

>> No.7681628

stop drinking milk (any lactose product)
use a tea tree based soap
wash it in the morning and night, and clean your fucking towels and pillow case

>> No.7681652


Wrong as fuck

>> No.7681665

Eat more good fats
Like fucking GOOD sardines in water, a few times a week, lots of avocado (you can buy it frozen and in chunks now, thank you future), more olive oil, more eggs
Slow down on and eventually kill off consumption of refined carbs
Clean up diet completely
Lots of water
Get more sun (NOT a sunburn)

It probably won't cure your acne, but it will seriously help with inflammation while you figure shit out

>> No.7681721

Wow you really convinced me. I have first hand knowledge that this is right and not only that it’s the cause of a whole host of health problems both physical and mental. But I’m sure you know better from your subreddits you fucking jackass.

>> No.7681732
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Ye so wrong. Because acne isn't just inflammation and most inflammations doesn't stem from the gut

>> No.7681748

You won't believe this but it will fix your acne in about a week.
1) Put a new towel on your pillow EVERYNIGHT
Change it EVERYDAY.

2) Wash you face with your own piss (yeah gross but it works) The Earlier in the morning the better. (Notice all beauty products contain UREA)

..Wait 2 weeks

3) BUY GSE oil. Grapefruit extract liquid. Put it on any really bad pustule size acne. Over night it will kill them. Doesn't matter if it's the
size of a boil. it will kill then dead in 1 day.

4) Eat sardines everyday

>> No.7681840

To add to this, one of my favorite dip recipes that has my skin looking better than my girlfriend's makeup:
1-2 avocados
a few cloves of garlic
half an onion
1/2 teaspoon cayenne (add more if you want, to taste)
1 teaspoon turmeric
grind some black pepper in there
2 tablespoons hydrolyzed collagen
squeeze a quarter of a lemon in there
finally, plenty of good olive oil (kirkland ftw) to fill the gaps in that mess

optional: 1 tablespoon raw palm oil (should be bright orange)

eat this dip over the week with lots of cucumbers and carrots. extremely filling and delicious on top of being good/hydrating for your skin.

just avoid anyone you love afterwards*, the garlic and onions are gonna make your breath something out of a horror movie

>> No.7681885

(hopefully i didn't need to add the obvious, but just in case: blend everything together to make the dip)

>> No.7681933

Stop masturbating, should be clear within 3 weeks.

>> No.7681964

>>Bad acne in highschool. Like really bad
>>be 19
>>get put on accutane finally after many drugs not working
>>skin gets very dry at first
>>mine then got shiny on my face
>>acne gets a lot worse at first
>>3 months in no acne
>>took for 6 months
>>never had acne breakout since, besides occasional 1 or 2 pimples

same anon.

like around week 3, it got worse for about 3 weeks, then it turned the corner just a little less than 2 months in.

after that, 1-2 pimples over next 4 months. Since then(little more than a year now) I have had 6 tiny pimples, ones that were like gone in a day.

>> No.7681974


Muh gut, get a grip

>> No.7682000

dude, research keto diet. Insulin is causing your acne (I wish someone fucking told me this 10 years ago).

>> No.7682017

oh yeah, and add sea salt to taste. can't forget the salt.

good luck op, acne sucks and sometimes you need to grow out of it but the severity of the inflammation for the average anon be handled with diet, good sleep, more outside time

take ashwagandha ksm-66 for stress/cortisol too

>> No.7682042

>I'm in the same situation, I have very little acne but it's making me have 0 self-confidence. I also have Aspergers (not self diagnosed kek) and I can't get the courage to call the doctor because I'm socially anxious. What do?

just do it anon, i don't know what that kind of anxiety is like, but accutane will clear your skin. just do it.

>> No.7682066

Yep, somewhat worth it. Acne like in OP's big really is socially limiting. It hurts your life quality, it's not just cosmetic really. But isotretinoin can still have some severe side effects. Minor brain damage (yes, it's psychoactive so think about that), liver damage, dryness, joint ache. Most likely most of these won't occur but if you notice complications just fucking drop it instantly. And try to take moderate doses.

>> No.7682089

Also, stop fucking drinking milk if you do. That's perhaps the most obvious dietary factor that might be contributing to inflammation and acne.

>> No.7682099

youre such a retard lol
literally spent ten years figuring this out and its staring you right in the face now because so many people know and its all over the internet but nope i dont want to gib up muh ignorance

>> No.7682145

Took accutane way too long. My skin went from oily to dry. Oily is better :(

>> No.7682204

>drank a cup of milk/day when I was in high school
>had horrible acne
>ffs to 25 y/o
>drink at least 1l/day
>absolutely no acne
>solidest shits I ever had in my life

Nomilk is a fucking meme.

>> No.7682307

enjoy getting bald at 26

>> No.7682308

Stop masturbating
Stop eating carbs and sugar

>> No.7682323

weak FUD

>> No.7682342

>shower twice daily
>scrub face with rag and hot water - soap and other "skincare" products will only make your condition worse
>regularly strip hair of oils with shampoo and conditioner, especially if you sweat the oil can run down onto your face and give you horrible acne
>avoid greasy/oily foods
>change pillowcase and bed sheets as often as possible. wash only with hot water, as cleaning products can worsen your skin conditions
>avoid "acne-cleansing" products like the plague, they are a total meme, you're doing nothing but covering your face with horrible chemicals

>> No.7682346

intelligence being genetic is the biggest meme ever. scientist say that your intellect is inherited from your mothers side, and that the father is irrelevant, yet my mother is as dumb as a sack of potatoes and i still have a phd in law and, allegedly, an iq of ~135.

>> No.7682357

Quitting milk made a huge difference for me and the correlation was obvious, 30% of it went away in a few weeks. Your acne disappeared because you got older and you're using that as evidence like some kinda brainlet

>> No.7682385

kill yourself

>> No.7682407

i can confirm milk gives you acne cysts, after experimenting, ofcourse some people might have no probs with it

>> No.7682429

Yep, of course some people might be ok with it but there's no reason not to try cutting it

>> No.7682500

also you must cut all dairy including cheese, ,ice cream etc , and go full gluten free, vegan style living only on dairy products

>> No.7682584

Never went full paleo but it does sound like a potentially good idea. Just kinda concerned about the amount of meat you'd have to eat.

>> No.7682588

all the shit about diet here, may or may not work for you.

what WILL work is accutane.

just fucking do it.

Get the script, take it EVERYDAY, 4-6 months, you WILL be acne free and you can eat whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.7682592

You drank alcohol during the accutane? How much exactly, like two or three beers when going out?

>> No.7682680

youre such a fucking idiot

>diet may work, but dont try
>just take a drug that has 100 side effects

what a lazy piece of shit

>> No.7682683
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>this entire post.

Holy shit I hope you're joking.

>> No.7682696

does that proactive shit they sell on the TV work?

>> No.7682765

Go accutane. I had shit skin before, now have godly skin. 5 years on, I get about 2 spots a year

>> No.7682769

listen to this guy OP

>> No.7682792

>muh genetic freaks and outliers
i unironically believe that your upbringing and approach to life are more important to your development than your genetics. there is no scientific evidence that actually proves that intelligence is inherited. you simply assume to because the children of intelligent people are statistically more likely to be around intelligent people, hence develop in a different manner. stupid people usually hang out with other stupid people, which means youll be influences by the children of your parents stupid friends. honestly, this is the same debate weve had over the nature of homosexuality. dont know if its nature or nurture either.

>> No.7682815

>Filling your body with garbage.
>Body tries to rid you of the garbage by pushing it out of your face.
>No, just disable your body's efforts to maintain homeostasis and just attack the symptom, don't change anything else.

>> No.7682824

Only side effect, you have to buy shares in Norwegian skin formulae moisturiser

>> No.7682881

Looks don't hold you back unless you look disgusting. It is more about how you carry yourself.

>> No.7682885

>5 years on

I'm pretty sure you just grew up you dense cunt.

>> No.7682888

Same here. Both my parents aren't exactly Albert Einstein and I am HELLA SMART

>> No.7682897

please stop speaking about shit you have no idea about

>> No.7682915

all right stop with the memes you fucking monkey. my point is that blaming genetics for your lack of intelligence is retarded.

>> No.7683017

hey Im amurikan lets take drugs n get diabeetus

>> No.7683033
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>> No.7683080

Your body excretes waste products through your skin idiot.

>> No.7683109


and looks like your mother pushed hers out her vagina

>> No.7683121

Your genes determine your body shape/health. Your physique is inherited. Why, how could it be different with our brains (somehow our intellectual capabilities are... randomly distributed?) ?
DYOR on IQ (for ex. studies on twins)

>> No.7683127

You will find that acne (along with tooth decay) is virtually non existent in third world countries.

Only in the western countries where our diets are full of poison and the doctors fill us full of poison to treat the side effects of a poisonous diet is acne an issue.

>> No.7683134


You’re a fucking fool.

>> No.7683144
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>shit leaves the body through skin pores

>> No.7683148


you're acting like it's the same for everyone. Change of diet did NOTHING for my skin

>> No.7683212

Great argument faggot.

>> No.7683218

like what? please explain to me why waste would travel through not only the extremely dense dermal membrane, but also epidermal instead of transporting through the MUCH more permeable membrane leading to the kidneys and liver. the only things that are excreted from your skin are small molecules that are sweat-soluble, which is waste yes, but does not contribute nearly as much to acne as your genetics.

>> No.7683276

Everyone on here who say's diet will cure acne doesn't understand that actual severe acne is a genetic disease. They don't understand that overactive sebum production is a genetic trait that's passed down from your parents, and that sebum production along with large pores which are also hereditary predispose a person to acne more. Can diet play a role to some degree? Sure. Accutane is the ONLY solution to stopping excessive sebum production. It literally dries out all glands. After you stop, the sebum will come back but to a lesser degree. Food does not affect sebum production. Bacteria is only 1/2 the equation to what causes acne. Bacteria + sebum production is what leads to cystic acne. So changing your bed sheets will stop the bacteria. Washing the face wills top the bacteria, but unless you can also stop the sebum production, you will never fully stop acne.

>> No.7683287

because it all depends on stimulation, nutrition and shit ton of other factors. my parents are both taller than me for example. nice genetics. your brains growth is heavily influenced by how much its being stimulated. if you live a "bad" life, then the probability for it to grow and develop is significantly smaller. i am not saying that its random, but that theres a lot more to your development as a human than MUH GENES. the only things that are written stone or sex, eye and hair colors (at least for the most part). you have no real impact on them.

>> No.7683300

fuck off.
didn't say not to you fucking mouth breathing goon, i said it might or might not work. What is your reading level?

>> No.7683342

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".

You’re implying eating unhealthy foods is the cause of acne. Where’s the proof dipshit?

>> No.7683372


literally this

>> No.7683381

Yeah. It certainly doesnt have anything with you expecting a top dollar job right away like every other millennial.

>> No.7683459


>> No.7683540

Did accutane it over 6 year ago... it took less than 6 months to completely disappear... I'm still completely clear now... However i do think it gave me gastrointestinal problems which is leading to other problems and also my liver is completely fucked aged 25 i now don't drink alcohol at all because blood test liver results go off the fucking charts... But that could be coincidental who knows... I still don't regret using it whatever the side effects because my life was literally fucked between ages 16-20 because of acne.

>> No.7683561

This. You're blaming your acne, but it's really your poor social skills. Learn how to fake being a normie, just for the interview. It's only an hour, you can do it. Take a xanax before if you need. Once you get the job, and they figure out you have no social skills, it will take some time before they can fire you. But if you're lucky, you can build up some social skills while on the job and avoid getting fired, at least until you find your next job

>> No.7683621

>be insecure as shit because of acne
>discussed accutane with derm, don't want to start it quite yet
>get horrible breakout before important event
>be depressed for a few weeks, decide to start accutane
>first few months low dose of 40mg
>working slowly, skin improving
>getting mild side effects like redness, dry skin, back pain
>fuck it, up dosage to 80mg
>side effects get worse, face peeling completely once a day, red as fuck
>acne clearing up fast
>liver working fine despite heavy drinking
>fuck it, up dosage to 120mg
>side effects suck but struggle through them
>finish course with perfect skin
>liver fine
>side effects wear off in a few weeks
>confidence restored
best decision of my life
and no, diet changes, topicals and antibiotics didn't clear my acne. That's why I did accutane

>> No.7683689

I took accutane for a month, felt my balls going numb one day, googled it, saw it fucks with your sex drive, instantly dropped it.

Now I just use Walmart's Equate 10% Benzoyl Peroxide face wash. Clear face for the most part, besides if I shave too often (Army fag)

>> No.7683703

Getting acne even as a teenager is a phenomenon of industrialized western civilization.

>> No.7683786

Watch out, we got a /fit/ guy over here.
But true, listen to him OP

>> No.7683799

yeah seems legit

>> No.7683807

Did you have any back acne? My facial acne just sort of disappeared with age for the most part (even the occasional "outbreak" is just a couple of minor pimples here and there) but I have a fuckton on my back and chest.

>> No.7683825

That's because veganism is shit and not at all the natural diet you're supposed to eat. You can be vegan and eat deep fried soy canola oil sugar wheat garbage that's completely foreign to your genetics.

>> No.7683923

I had moderate back acne on top of shoulders but it didn't seem to be much different from most people at that age group at that time... My face acne was mainly jawline and mouth area based no chest acne other than 1 or 2 if i remember dead centre of chest that tended to be large... I tried fucking everything to get rid of it under Drs advice, antibiotics, topical treatments, lifestyle changes, moisturising, diet changes for 4 years until they just went for accutane and it resolved it in under 6 months

>> No.7683934

Just eat as close to what your ancestors ate as possible. That's the most logical thing ever. That's what your genetics would be adapted to. By the way they ate animal organs like liver full of... vitamin A (retinol). What's accutane? It's the synthetic version of that.

>> No.7684026

Gtfo faggot

>> No.7684061
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Hey buddy. Start your own business? That's what a lot of people do that can't stand working for shit under assholes anymore. As a side note, change your diet, start working out, attend meetups for public speaking, and read about negotiation and making yourself appear more confident. They don't teach you these things in school while they're taking your money and piling on the tuition expense but it's well worth it to get better at those things than anything you have on paper, desu. Think about Chad whose been an undergraduate for six years but skates by with the status of a 'student' to continue working at the firm. Here's a cool place to start, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26156469-never-split-the-difference

>> No.7684075

i used accutane treatment for 6 months and my face got so much better but its still popping up on my face way too often. my back is full as well :/

>> No.7684081

high doses of Vitamin A is toxic and will mess you up way more than isotretinoin
isotretinoin is basically a safer version of Vitamin A and a doctor will be constantly monitoring your health
and natural=/=good

>> No.7684124

If ur so smart why don't you stop eating tendies and wash your face anon?

>> No.7684140

A large percentage of your sweat is urea.

>> No.7684153

Semen. It doesn't work if it's your own though.

>> No.7684154
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Accutane'll fuck up a woman's child but I doubt any of you cucks are going to get pregnant. For my friends that took it they just had really, really dry skin for a long time. As for myself I solved my skin problems by using gentle cleansers and moisturizers (cerave set) every night, doing a mask once or twice a month and frequently changing my sheets and pillowcases.

>> No.7684179
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Rub this stuff on your acne before bed

>> No.7684185
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I'm willing to bet that an extremely large amount of people with acne can solve it through changing their shower, diet and skincare routine. And a little bit of patience. I used to have really terrible skin, and I'm still getting rid of scars. Trust me.

>> No.7684223

Literally this OP. I was a straight up pepperoni face. Now i get maybe 1 pimple on my entire body a month and it only lasts a couple days. I was afraid of it fucking me up, and it will make your skin redonculously dry, but once its over you'll thank yourself.

>> No.7684920

anybody else not take accutane because of the potential gut side effects? Im not sure Id be able to live with myself if it gave me IBS. There is so much conflicting information online about the validity of these claimed side effects.

>> No.7684968


He wants to moon, not look like one.

>> No.7685188

Splash your face with freezing cold water x3 in the morning.

Repeat before you’re go to bed.

Don’t touch your face or pick at it, just leave it alone (this is a titanic task, but you can do it)

Clear face within a month.

>> No.7685197

Pretty sure it gave me IBS of some variety that developed probably a year later and i still have now 6 years later

>> No.7685226

>Don’t touch your face or pick at it, just leave it alone
I don't have superpowers man..

>> No.7685462

how often are you running to the toilet/dealing with IBS? also, did you talk to your derm or another doc about IBS and the fact that you took accutane?

>> No.7685873

I don't "run" to the toilet as such, but I get bad stomach pain which occurs through the day which tires me out physically and when i go to the toilet its literally explosive and feels like a cannot fully empty... It just feels like my insides are literally fucked... Never spoke to doctor because they just use IBS as a generalised disorder that could be caused by anything and never cured so no point discussing it... I still don't regret taking accutane regardless... If you worry about side-effects accutane then your acne probably isn't bad enough, otherwise like myself, you wouldn't think twice about it.

>> No.7686282


I had MAJOR CYSTIC ACNE in highschool. Probably had something to do with puberty but main keys -

- Diet
- Drugs, don't do them. Was doing Ecstasy and it affected stress levels, affecting hormone levels, making me produce excessive amounts of sebum, blocking my pores.
- Sleep
- And one major one that people don't consider is pillow/sheet hygiene. Wash those motherfuckers every week along with your towels.

See a dermatologist and see what they reccommend. I have acne scars and my face is still beautiful now, just not as much.

>> No.7686298

yeah, I feel as if you're right, I had really bad cystic acne a few years ago, but I got it to clear up for the most part. I still get acne regularly and amongst my peers Im probably in the top 1 percent worst skin, since hardly anybody has significant acne in their 20s. But its way better than it used to be and I seem to be improving it even more right now by sticking to a strict diet.

Sorry about your stomach.

>> No.7686353

look into going on a ketogenic diet. It fixed my acne.

>> No.7686385

Clean the fat from your face every day you burger

>> No.7686395

this subreddit changed my fucking life
Im beautiful boy now

>> No.7686458

Don't give up OP, you're still a better youtuber than most of the shills out there, I'd just go on with that for a while if I were you.

>> No.7686492

it's alright datadash, don't be sad

>> No.7686533

Diet is 99% the reason that you're getting acne, change your diet to something like just straight fish and brown rice.
Also do some fucking cardio work.

>> No.7686563

>Eating beef liver makes acne go away
Literally ate liver once a week until I was 20 and still had horrible acne.

Also Accutane makes most people's skin light sensitive but that's easily fixed with some sunscreen.

>> No.7686568

Stop jacking off for like 2 months
+Use nivea pink grapefruit scrub every morning and night and apply cocoa butter after washing your face every morning

>> No.7686616

Bong, being a beans on toast face means you are one in a million.

You need to cleanse that pizza face every once in a while and try to ignore the angry welts building up on your face.

>> No.7686853

yep, been eating fruits, veggies and nuts only for the past 2 years. Seems like nothing has changed, but I feel much better overall though.
I don't really have bad acne breakouts now, but the ones I already have look like red shadowy dots under my skin (acne scars ?) and not fucking going away no matter what I do. And my skin just looks horrible, especially under the day light. It fucked me up mentally really hard. I dropped out of uni, can't leave my house without feeling severe anxiety and just spend all day long in my room with closed curtains. Wish I got on accutane when I was 14, now I'm fucked beyond the point of no return. Both mentally and physically

>> No.7686859

I was on accutane last year OP, although it was a pretty low dose.

Only bad thing that happened was i got really dry lips, other then that nothing really happened but it fixed my shit up.

I smoked, drank, drugs and all that shit with no consequences so ask for a lower dose over a longer time period if you've got a heavy social life.

>> No.7686877

Also what people are saying here with your diet is 100% true. My acne wasn't that bad but it was just on my back and hurt to sleep on. But cutting dairy and eating fruits + vegetables does a good job

>> No.7686926

>Go to a dermatologist
>get on doxi
>1 years later

You're not very bright even with that degree

>> No.7687228

I'm packing 80mg a day, I tried to fix diet, excersise helped a lil but not enough. Acne went away over summer, I looked beautiful, women came to me, had a bunch of sex,
but hit me like a truck when I went back to school, it was definetly stress acne and I can't do anything about it when I'm in school and shit.
Solution: acutane, and never be a stressful wagecuck

>> No.7687278


This is like telling someone with sleep apnea to take sleeping pills.

There is a natural cure for everything.
OP, stop eating like a nigger and you're acne will go away.

>> No.7687316

>3.3 in an easy major

>> No.7687317

Presciption medication, moisturize, make-up.

>> No.7687357

>80mg a day
What the fuck? Unless you're a landwhale that's dangerous

>> No.7687377
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OP don't believe the liars about Accutane. It is worth the side effects.

I took it for 5 months. I had to moisturize 2-3 times a day, otherwise my skin would dry so bad that I would get Eczema on my face and arms. Also my lips were so chapped they would be cracked and peeling off.

But after 5 months my acne was gone. I've been off it for about 9 months now and almost all my scars have faded.

Also my acne was about twice as bad as your OP picture. After about 3-4 months your face should be mostly clear. After 5-6 months you should be completely new-acne free.

A year removed you'll barely be able to tell that you ever had acne.

It's worth it OP. Just stay hydrated as fuck and you'll be fine. You can do it. I had acne from age 14-23 and I wish I used accutane sooner.

>> No.7687440

i guess your only option is to go the remote tax prep route and resign yourself to poverty

>> No.7687453

I never had skin problems, and never even had to use cream or anything because my skin was always pure and clean.
Until I got 22, was neet and had to make a photo of myself for jobs.
That day I sadly had a pimple and it was my first time I ever had to pop it myself. I think thats when it started.
My whole face covered, was itching and it fucking looked like a bloody mess.

Went to doc a half year later. Got those accutane shit. Had to take them for a year every day but they pretty much healed me 1 month later. I took some more just to be safe.

It made my eyes super dry at the beginning but that stopped after a while.

>> No.7687476

change your diet.

>> No.7687480

Back in the paeolithic era when I had acne, I used some shit in a red box called alpha hydrox. It was kinda like Retin-A if you ever used it, and it dried out and cleared up my face.
On another note, you have acne and poor social skills. You sound like a young accountant already, so you're already halfway there.

>> No.7687487

Also protip: Keep your skin dry. Dont moisturize. They just feed on wet shit. You kill them by having dry skin.

>> No.7687494

3.0 minimum is there to keep nogs out. A 3.3 is not fine, it's only acceptable for diversity hires.

>> No.7687501

Also i know its not "socially" acceptable in America for guys to wear makeup but buy some concealer or a cushion puff to cover your acne temporarily

>> No.7687543

>took 1 cycle of accutane
>fixed oily skin while taking it but otherwise no real difference
>skin goes back to being oily shortly after i stopped
>still get acne, but accutane causes hyperpigmentation that lasts years after and now acne takes longer to go away with chance of scarring that didnt happen before

i mean if it's hormonal, there's really no other option, but be careful

>> No.7687561

just abandon all sugar from your diet and mission accomplished

>> No.7687563

No, it will fucking not. Why the fuck do people keep spreading this half-truths? Diet has an effect on acne, but for most people it only makes it slightly better. You won't get rid of hormonal acne with anything natural.

>> No.7687625

How old are you OP? I had really bad acne until I was 22-23 and I thought it was going to last my whole life. Tried everything: salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, diet change but nothing changed. Then miraculously over several weeks I just stopped breaking out. Seriously, if you're still young give it a few more years before considering a nuclear option like Accutane.

>> No.7687626
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>Hodl thru all of it. Its worth it.
Fucking this, Accutane is the ultimate HODL

>1 week in
>this shit does nothing
>4 weeks in
>holy fuck this shit made my acne WORSE
>2 months in
>oh my god my face and lips are falling off in chunks of dry skin
>3 months in
>skin is still dry but wait... do i have less acne?
>4 months in
>whoa i have no new pimples, should I stop taking it
>5 months in
>all acne gone
>finally sell

>> No.7687731

retarded advice, avoid BOTH dairy and meat.

Both are hormone ridden.

>> No.7687842


"We love your background, your education. Young man, we love your drive to succeed. But your face, goddamn..."

>> No.7687957


Did your school not have some student subsidized health clinic? Mine does and the lady prescribed doxy and along with a topical and that worked out well. If it doesn't work they'd refer you to someone in the network that took student insurance so you could probably get accutane. I'm surprised you didn't try to fight this better.


My dermatologist explained that for most men it halts at some point in your 20s, usually in the early 20s. Otherwise they just give antibiotics till the acne lets up.

>> No.7688005

I used accutane, it gave me scars and I was balding but started using propecia and my hair is thick as fuck now. I ordered it on a research chemical site. If you can't get it from a derm get it online man it changed my life along with invisalign

>> No.7688026
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Did you consume mercury as a child or is it the lack of vital fats in your brain, from years of starving your lobes as a vegan?

>> No.7688085
File: 391 KB, 998x1920, Snapchat-9017253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my accutane scars, I used to have cystic acne all over my face and body

6 months of 25mg and I'm pretty good now, I've got a bump from resting my face on my hand

>> No.7688149

Anon, Accutane absolutely DESTROYED my gut and esophagus. No larp. No acne other than here and there like a normal human but boy did that forever fuck me up.

>> No.7688217

Take probiotics. Imbalance of bacteria it sounds like. Prescription antibiotics cause resistance and I bet accutane may cause this issue. IBS symptoms seem to go away with probiotic use. They cleared my 3 year eczema up. Drinking lots of water daily and exercising helps.

>> No.7688441

>6 months of 25mg

Why did your doctor prescribe this meme amount? That's nowhere near the amount you should have been taking. After 6 months you shouldn't still have that scabby shit on your face

>> No.7688504

Same exact shit happened to me bro. Anxiety + Rosacea fucks with your head so bad. I start getting, anxious then I feel my skin getting hot, then I get embarrassed about my skin getting red and my anxiety gets worse which in turn makes my skin more red.

>> No.7688554

I used Isotretinoine as well (generic Accutane)

Had almost zero side effects.
No nosebleeds, no need for eyedrops, no need for lip balm, dick worked fine no dryness there (uncut)

I used 60mg daily, as a 220lb man, some people might find that low but I think that was the key, and besides my doctor said that "what really counts is accumulated dosage, in relation to your bodyweight" and my side research corroborated that, so I just extended the treatment until I had accumulated enough and then stopped the treatment as soon as I hit 3 months without a zit.
>accumulate, kek

Nuked my adult cystic acne forever, used to always have at least 3 deep red ones in my face and scalp, those that won't even surface into a whitehead. Bear in mind I'm in my thirties and had the treatment done in 2015.

Now I've got almost perfect skin (get compliments) without bothering with any of that "skin routine" crap that don't work anyways.

Would recommend, but I knew the risks and was willing to roll the dice (same with my eyes surgery, had PRK done for 6deg myopia)

One thing I noticed is that a lot of people will tell horror stories about Accutane, buy in most likelihood you know at least 10 people that took it, did fine, have perfect skin and are just embarrassed to admit it.
I noticed this because I was very outspoken about my treatment, so people wouldn't offer me drinks. I guess other people felt comfortable talking about their past "perfect skin hack"

>> No.7688571

not true. Rosacea can continue on post-accutane. Its been over a year and I still have it

>> No.7688611

>so people wouldn't offer me drinks.
This might be a meme too. I drank throughout my 5 month accutane course, and never noticed any side effects.

It is supposedly hard on the liver, so I never went overboard, but my experience is obviously anecdotal.

>> No.7688688

Well it's definitely Vitamin A related in most cases. Accutane and retinol treatments are both vitamin A.

What was the quality of liver you were consuming? Was it beef liver? Chicken liver is not rich in Vitamin A. Pasture raising the cows is important as well.

Other things can strip your vitamin A stores as well, such as low fat protein. Chicken breast, protein powder, quinoa, etc. Consuming plenty of fat in general is important, especially if you are only going to consume plant based vitamin A and not true vitamin A, such as in beef liver.

>> No.7688904

Yeah desu I did sneak in a beer or two, but I got hangovers like I've had liters, and even when I actually had liters (off treatment) my hangovers are pretty tame.

I do have an iron liver though (had bloods monthly during treatment, all liver indicators in the green)

It was also somewhat of a social experiment, to see how much did I use alcohol as a crutch for having fun in social situations.
Results: Not too much! I did miss it (the social aspect of drinking together is HYOGE) but I didn't have much more or less fun that I normally do, so I concluded that it's not worth it to be abstinent.

I also wanted to see if it would help in some fitness related goals. It didn't.

>> No.7688928

Stop eating any food that isn't paleo. Limit fructose to one kiwi fruit per day.

>> No.7689134
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plenty of research showing IQ is entirely hereditary. That's why niggers in 200k+/year households still only test as high as whites in <20k/year.

Also diet cured my acne. Accutane gave my good friend digestive problems he still has to this day. Surpringsly chink doctors are good at this, go to a TCM doc and he will say the same thing. More vitamin A&D. More green veggies and fermented foods. No simple carbs.

>> No.7689171

>accounting is the highest demand major
>literally two years before the entire field is replaced with AI and all accountants unemployed

wew lads

>> No.7689337

what profession isnt going to be replaced by ai at some point? coding sure as hell will be. scientific research maybe, but thats about it.

>> No.7689431


most will eventually but accounting and driving will be the first

also entrepreneurs will never be replaced, neither will sales people (not retail, real sales)

>> No.7689623
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All these meme answers and no actual advice

>Horrible acne since teens
>Topicals only keep it contained, not really ready for accutane

Some time in high school I learned to deal with it. People offering friendly advice (like the drivel you read here) find it hard to believe that you can be content with it. Have you tried this? Have you tried that?

In the meantime

>Multiple girlfriends (at different periods)
>Internships at Microsoft at Google (GPA 2.8, took 6 years for a Bachelor's)
>Multiple consulting jobs which required interaction with clients

Yes, acne makes it harder for you and, yes, life is easier when you're good looking. I can easily tell the difference between how people treat me during good times and bad times. Lifting and dressing well makes the difference even more obvious.

But, no, acne isn't preventing you from success in any field where looks aren't crucial. And I had my first kiss with a huge cyst on my temple.

>> No.7689701

>t. too much of a pussy to use Accutane

>> No.7689771

Unironically, yes. Am not bothered enough by it to risk long term effects. Might give it a try in a year or so.

>> No.7689905

only advice is for you to get legitimate doctor's aid. If they can't help you you're SOL.

>> No.7689940

Actually I saw a video of some dude going on Dr Oz or some gay show like that and all he did was change his diet to 100% vegetarian and it cleared all his acne.

>> No.7689968

It's also important to consider that Florida has a very shit economy and high levels of nepotism are needed to get entry-level jobs. My advice is to move up north, maybe the Midwest, and start your life over. That's what I'm currently trying to do.

>> No.7690410

had severe cystic acne from 8-23. Tried multiple advice as shown here from many people (changing sheets, diet, avoiding dairy peanut, face wash and nothing worked). Now I am 25. Only thing left are pitted scars. Wished I was on accutane early on but parents too poor/cheap. If nothing works, don't lose hope. Time is a solution as well. I eat like shit (sugary food, fast food, candy, pizza every day) and no acne.

>> No.7690828

I think you are thinking of Brian Turner. He actually took Accutane but they told him to focus on the diet shit when he was on the show.

>> No.7690913

You are not getting nearly as much abuse as you would if you came here complaining about being short.

Consider yourself lucky that treatment exists and people actually have sympathy for you.

>> No.7690949

You need to apply a lot of cum onto your face.

Be a faggot, OP, invest in kneecaps. Then suck off a lot of dicks at the back of the gay bars' bathroom for a month or two.

Then your acne will disappear.

>> No.7690967

Senior Manager at a big 4, NYC based here. You're a fucking faggot ass loser.

First of all who the fuck bothers to get a masters degree to get into entry level positions. All that tells me is you're brainlet.

>poor social skills
This industry isn't for piece of shit losers like yourself, it's client based.

>no connections
That's fully your fault you dumbass, kill yourself. You're suppose to make connections, they don't just appear. But clearly you fucking didn't attempt or learn how to network

FYI There are some super fucking ugly people who work both in public accounting in industry so you bitching like a a fucking pussy about your acne just tells me that you're simply insecure.

I feel bad for any recruiter that wasted their time reading your resume.

>3.3 GPA
Fucking dumbass, your application probably doesn't even get passed our idiot filter. If you can't get pass the idiot filter, you better sure as shit you took the time in your multiple years in undergrad (and masters) to network.

All I got for you as this is just a quick 5 minute break in the midst of busy season

change career focus cause you aren't going to make it.

>> No.7690994

>graduated with 3.3 GPA
It ain't your acne, OP.

>> No.7691049

I’m one of the unlucky few that developed IBS from accutane. I wouldn’t wish that poison on my worst enemy. I grew out of my acne at 26 so maybe you will too

>> No.7691068

What dosage did you take and for how long? When did the symptoms start?

>> No.7691117
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>all this shit advice

Get out you skincare babbies.

Accutane might or might not work, but here's what you fucking do.

Wash your face twice a day. Your morning and night routine might have some differences but buy a product or two for each of these categories and use them in the correct order every time you wash your face.

1. Cleanser
1.5 Exfoliator OR mud mask (Use twice a week)
2. Toner (important)
3. Essence (can be stacked)
4. Serums (can be stacked)
6. Spot creams and treatments
6.5 Sheet mask (twice a week)
7. Eye cream
8. Moisturizer/Face cream
8.5 Sleeping gel/pack

This might seem like some girly shit but it works. Make sure to use something that says BHA or Tea Tree oil or some similar shit on it. For scars, you may want to look into hydroquinone or azeliac acid.

>> No.7691144

lmfao. Another self-proclaimed expert who found the 'cure to acne'. If this worked you would be eligible for the nobel prize.

>> No.7691162

Had accutane when I was a teenager. Skin was dry as fuck but the acne totally vanished by a few months. No other problemos.

>> No.7691210

It's not a miracle cure, but it will improve your skin. You can tailor your skincare towards getting rid of acne, or getting rid of scars, or wrinkles, etc. whatever you want

The hard part about this is 1) buying all this shit, and 2) sticking to the routine.

If you actually do that, then you will see improvement.

>> No.7691220
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Solved problem.
Vegan diet plus Aztec bentonite clay mask. Srsly will cut through the deepest. Fixed. Get on amazon. http://www.aztec-secret.com/clay.html

>> No.7691244

Or you can take 1 pill a day for 6 months then never worry about it again. I did it as a teenager and it probably fucked me up mentally and sexually but a-at least i-i'm p-pretty right?

>> No.7691305

Who the fuck wants to do that? The motivation for getting rid of your acne is so you don't have to worry about your skin anymore. Which your routine only makes 100 times worse. I've been using benzoyl peroxide for 5 years and even that is annoying as fuck. I don't want to stand in front of the mirror every single day for 30 minutes. Also not for 20 minutes. I don't even want to look in the mirror at all before going out. That's what people are hoping for when they take Accutane. They don't want to stick to some retarded routines that take hours off your week.

>> No.7691346

>I don't want to take care of my skin but I want my skin to be clear anyways!

Is this the same shit as
>I don't want to exercise or rigidly diet but I want to lose weight anyways!

>> No.7691356

go to a dermatologist
its a tablet, take it 2x a day, for 3-6 months

no joke, no troll, no shill THIS DOES WORK
creams, facials, scrubs dont work, ive tried them


but you need insurance otherwise the Dr wont prescribe it to you, its not something you can buy OTC

>> No.7691398

virgin skin-care routine vs chad accutane

>> No.7691452

No, it really isn't. Most people don't have to do ANYTHING to have clear skin. All you are doing is trying to achieve what almost everyone else seems to have naturally. It's not your fault if you still have acne by age 25+.
Your example on the other hand requires hard work and dedication. If you're fat it's entirely your fault for eating too much. If you don't have muscles it's your fault for being too lazy. If you have acne you just lost the genetic roulette.

>> No.7692188
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>lmfao. Another self-proclaimed expert who found the 'cure to acne'. If this worked you would be eligible for the nobel prize.
you're the fucking retard.

>> No.7692224

Hahahhaha I bet that dumb faggot thinks no one saw this

>> No.7692253
File: 141 KB, 717x880, goback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hasn't even heard of epigenetics
go back to plebbit and come back when you graduate middle school you fucking faggot.

>> No.7692289
File: 19 KB, 390x470, E46023F6-305E-43EE-8099-91B2CC13BAC0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t even imagine being this stupid.

>> No.7692444

>remember in time it will subside
I'm nearly 30
I still get acne

>> No.7692490

Try Tea Tree oil

>> No.7692518
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How the fuck is this thread still alive? I've been avoiding it all day but it keeps on getting to page 1. When I woke up after a night of fucking my gf, I saw this thread. I just came from having a late Valentine's dinner date at a steakhouse with my gf, took a nap after fucking her for an hour, and then I wake up to check /biz/ and THIS shit is still here. Not even going to read all this shit; holy fuck are you guys really that crater faced that you fucking keep a thread about acne up for a full day on /biz/? Jesus christ. Stop eating pizza, wash your fucking face every night before bed, clean your fucking pillow sheets for once, and put sunscreen on every day before going outside.

Fuck you guys are hopeless. Get this thread out of my fucking board.

>> No.7692554

If I ever get enough gains to start my own company I'll hire you anon.

>> No.7692589
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if life gives you lemons, make lemonade OP
which is to say
you could be scraping off all the grease and shit from your face and reselling it as cooking oil ala 90s simpons

>> No.7692615

Try washing your face and hands atleast once a day. Have showers atleast tri-weekly.

>> No.7692782

i agree acutane is one of the best products on the market.
made my lips ver chapped but i am very grateful with the results

>> No.7693358



>also, manup you beta little bitch