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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 114 KB, 1079x776, Bubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7672492 No.7672492 [Reply] [Original]

The bear market is far from done /biz/.

>> No.7672530

whats it like to live with such a high iq

>> No.7672534

thanks, i sold 100k

>> No.7672578


We get it - you opened a short.

Now die of cancer.

>> No.7672611

post proof of short or GTFO

>> No.7672629

>This is a sucker's rally.

>> No.7672679


>> No.7672745

Did I mention a short anywhere? I care about your future anon. That's why I made this thread.

>> No.7672795

Which chart are you looking at anon?

>> No.7672798

Shorting or missed the dip? Either way kill yourself. A new Chinese year starts tomorrow.

>> No.7672828
File: 25 KB, 326x309, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has to believe he's smarter than everyone else...
>Has to believe there's no way he of all people could miss the bottom...

It's this... this is the reason you fail anon...

1. Do you think this price is the lowest it's ever going to be?

If you don't you and I are in agreement.

2. If it's going higher why should I sell?

>So you can make profit selling and buying cheaper, fagget.

Sure. I could sell, try to compete with you to get in at a lower price. However perhaps I can't be bothered - perhaps I want to HODL instead. Sooner or later once you've FUD'd out all the speculators I'm the only cohort cycled in.

So what are you going to do to make me sell?

You know the answer however it'll be much cheaper for you to buy at the market price.

However you won't - because you're smarter than everyone else.

You're smarter than everyone else, aren't you anon...

>> No.7672980

Nice. Did you also say the same thing about Xmas and New Year? TOP KEK

>> No.7672995

Implying bear-market only lasted a month, kek.

>> No.7673000


>> No.7673027

>lays one graph on top of the other
>can clearly see a massive divergence between the two right where he says the "denial" is
What is this Omega 2.0, crying "double top!!" on a 2 second chart?
Get ready to get liquidated, soygoy. No short for you.

>> No.7673046

Are you retarded?

>> No.7673054

No. why would I?

>> No.7673068

Implying a market cycle has to 100% fitting the template.

>> No.7673077

Month in crypto = a decade in the traditional markets

>> No.7673078

Everyone is a expert with this bubble chart, there are different scenarios and you can't say where we are you just can't normie

>> No.7673088

That's because /biz/ says that in every big event.

>> No.7673106

How long did it take when BTC fell from $1k to $100 and then, bounce back to $1k? A month? How old are you anon? 5?

>> No.7673114

>all this cope
lol i feel sorry for you anon, its gonna be painful when reality truly sinks in

>> No.7673119

Crypto was in its infancy. Market dynamics changed.

>> No.7673149
File: 45 KB, 593x635, 5830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I sold the bottom
>implying it's possible that I can be retarded
>implying I lost money
>implying I'm not the my mom thinks i am

>> No.7673153

This is fucking retarded, nobody was in despair in october 2017 and clinging on to some hope that it will recover, it was already at a solid price

>> No.7673162

>>implying I'm not the genius my mom thinks i am

>> No.7673181


There was no bear market anyone who's been in this long enough to know what they're doing purchased precisely where even your precious speculator psych meme showed you should - it's just you silly billies think it's something you're supposed to super-impose onto it with no sense as to any externalities or underlying structural changes - however that's fine anon if you could make money just looking at a meme graph none of us would - agree to disagree, you can stay poor and I'll buy a bar...

>> No.7673185

I think you're the one in denial. how is that short going for you, pajeet?

>> No.7673205

Do you have any statistical evidence to suggest that BTC's corrections follow this chart pattern?

>> No.7673206

>implying you can say that the exact same thing is happening when the trend is exactly opposite
Keep crying, shortcuck

>> No.7673214

If it is indeed a currency, then, let's compare that to the dollar index. There is no such thing as 45-degree perma-market moving average.

>> No.7673222
File: 28 KB, 770x430, 1518341317_maxresdefault-770x430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shorted at $100k, NOT. kek

>> No.7673238

Look at the last market crash. It busted from $1k to $100, pretty damn close.

>> No.7673251

>If it is indeed a currency

lol it's not. Lurk more, retarded newfag.

>There is no such thing

Go back to stocks and forex, boomer.

>> No.7673257

And what caused that to happen?

>> No.7673279

It isn't a security, commodity, or currency. Ponzi? Just bought Herbalife stock for $100k, Ponzi backed security, kek

>> No.7673283

This is false equivalency, OP. Don't shill your bad feels on everyone else who didn't short..

>> No.7673328

>>Has to believe he's smarter than everyone else...
Is it really hard to do?

The crypto scene is full of literal brainlets: wild impulsive lunatics, desperate low-IQ NEETs, degenerate gamblers, conspiracy freaks, literal teenagers and pajeets. It's not hard to be better than all of them. Most of the "gurus" are good for nothing since they did not even predict the December/January crash. If they couldn't do as little as that, there's no faith in them for anything else.

>> No.7673337

MtGox hacking, SR shutdown, and irrational people cashing out.

>> No.7673346


>> No.7673358
File: 14 KB, 312x161, ClifHighPimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just mention me anon?

>> No.7673378

SHEEITT! You are right, just shorted 100k.

>> No.7673424

Post proof.

>> No.7673452
File: 892 KB, 1000x563, shutterstock_779811343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674291


As I said (sincerely now instead of shitposting) I think this is why you fail. It's so important to you to be smarter than everyone else (something of a theme for some of the autists here) you keep failing to see quite the scale as to how much stupid money there is. - I don't think you have any idea - perhaps it's just you don't get out of the house or socialise in a sufficient number of places, I have no idea. However it's why some of the true oldfags here have consistently cautioned you it's the chads who always end up making it.

Some poor fucks from coinscrum I know personally sold at $500 before all this started because they were so well-acquainted in advance of people whining in 2017 with BTC's issues.

I know it sucks however what's the point of being smart if it isolates you from understanding the sentiment the of people who are involved...?

I honestly believe BTC will peak somewhere in the region of $720k some point in the future purely on its name and the sheer quantity of people who still have no idea how it operates. I and everyone here will have sold by then whilst the payment space will be something hotly disputed for a decade.

However there will be some incredible implementations of blockchain this year alone which will suck out huge flows of cash from wasteful intermediation in finance in the interim - you have no idea how much this is just the start.

TL:DR: 2018's going to be a long year if you want to feel butthurt - your choice.

>> No.7675149

Found the fag who sold low.

>> No.7676136 [DELETED] 


>> No.7676424

BTC maximalism sooner will be your ultimate bull trap.

Yes, I know about institutional interest in blockchain. I know about Polymath tokens, Coinbase Custody etc. But I also know how cryptocurrency arbitrage works which ultimately affects the price, and how we just had a massive influx of millions of new traders from all over the world when exchanges literally received more new users than ever before, and how it's fading down from. I believe that we could have well reached the "gambler's peak". We might have another one, bigger or smaller, but that's not the point. Your argument is that there's something much bigger on the horizon than regular traders. But I just see further than that. I believe that blockchain is the future, but I see very clearly what it will look like. It will NOT be what BTC maximalists conceive it to be.

There powers-that-be are not irrational. They're not driven by the same motivation as old school BTC holders. If there is a more convenient and reliable shortcut, they will use it and leave everything else behind. And I am not talking just about alternatives to BTC, it is about a much broader scale. I am talking about the fundamental unreliability of regular crypto. I am absolutely confident that the future of blockchain lies in crypto fiat. Whatever platform it will utilize, public or proprietary, crypto fiat, market-pegged assets will be what institutions and the big money will really use. It's just the rational shortcut, it serves their goals and cuts their costs. When they have a choice to do this, they will do this, and they will not cater to your interests. Realizing this in a sane and rational way, I cannot foresee them pumping your bags. Everything has its cap, and in this case it's capped by the available amount of traders and gamblers worldwide.

>> No.7676519

THIS looks like denial to me.

>> No.7676565

Oh yeah, one more thing. To think that the idea of a decentralized ledger will attract any normie by default once they discover it is a great delusion. People have different psychological types and not everyone has an entrepreneurial, radically free-market or contrarian personality. Just because such people were the early adopters of crypto, it's pretty far-fetched to project that to the majority of the population. So "the sheer quantity of people who still have no idea how it operates" might play little difference because they simply won't care.

>> No.7676583
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>> No.7676737

I like how you write. Shill me something to buy

>> No.7676756

by ur graph in 4 months we will be at an ATH even with ur "bubble" burst

>> No.7676771
File: 75 KB, 600x656, d04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the market is going up by 100 points on 5 btc purchase runs. That's a bull flag right?

>> No.7677269

monero will come to dominate in the coming years.

forget btc @ $720k. XLM gon hit 2 million

>> No.7677365


Hopefully you are right. I need more time to accumulate Link for cheap. Praying for 4k btc erveryday

>> No.7677443

this. there never was a "bear market." a one month pullback/correction does not a bear market make.

>> No.7677478

I cant wait to see who is wrong and who s right.
6k team or 20k team. Someone s gonna be the fall guy
Its.gonna be fun.

>> No.7677486 [DELETED] 

10 k imminent, after that spring bullmarket confirmed

this spring bullmarket much bigger that last spring bullmarket

>> No.7677518

>he didn't watch the house hearing yesterday

>> No.7677540 [DELETED] 

dont miss this spring bullmarket, its going to be biggest bullmarket in history, this year 2018 cryptos and Bitcoin is going to breakthru

remember that majority of people dont know Bitcoin yet, they going to invest and Bitcoin 100 k is near future

>> No.7677551
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1517760822974-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is another suckers ralley

>> No.7677592

Nice, just shorted 100k

>> No.7677594

>remember that majority of people dont know Bitcoin yet
??????????? guess this is what happens when you dont go out

>> No.7677621 [DELETED] 

when Bitcoin hits 10 k, its going to be skyrocketing very quick to 15 k. so if you want to buy Bitcoin under 10 k, buy now

>> No.7677640

Sauce? Your mirror?

>> No.7677665

The hearing said bear market is no more? Kek

>> No.7677671 [DELETED] 


go and ask people in streets about Bitcoin, i bet majority of people havent heard of Bitcoin

and at most about 0.5 percent actually own any Bitcoin

>> No.7677716 [DELETED] 


correct, lets put it 0.1 percent, that actually own any Bitcoin

>> No.7677796 [DELETED] 

10 k is matter of minutes of hours

>> No.7677849

$10k, Nice only down 50% from ATH