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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 330x189, did it again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7670779 No.7670779 [Reply] [Original]

>be americuck
>don't know about short selling
>think you can only make money in bull market

>be Eurogang
>wake up
>"Oh BTC is having trouble breaking that resistance, it's losing momentum"
>Open leveraged short position at the top
>sell large amounts of BTC on gdax
>rest of the world start panic selling
>Americucks are yelling "Weak hands, weaks hands HOLD, HOLD"
>meanwhile P&L = +300%
>buy back/close my position + flip it by going long with leverage
>they see a green candle
>make another +300% profit

Thanks you for your retardation Americucks, a market needs to have retards to transfer money out of their pockets into mine.
I'm accumulating satoshis to be filthy rich when BTC reaches 20k and beyond again.
Just keep holding a tanking asset instead of making bank on it.

Go educate yourself on how to make gains in this market >>7660931

>> No.7670842
File: 69 KB, 420x420, 9DBD2E8F-F9D9-40C4-B8D1-8547A13EA177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know what that means

>> No.7670847

I have no idea how or where to "short" or whatever that shit you kids talk about is ;_;

>> No.7670869

See >>7660931

>> No.7670871

thank you senpai I will read that and get back to you

>> No.7671925

be safe, low leverage.

>> No.7671970

Australian here.

Are you saying I should buy bitcoin now?

>> No.7672524

this faggot is becoming more annoying then the omega fag, hmm omega dissapears this faggot starts showing up...

regardless you are larp faggot kys

>> No.7672824

Go see >>7662796 for additional advice on shorting. OP you're the man. And burgers you can use BitMEX, just sign up with a proxy. Use this referral link for 10% off fees. Make sure you read my thread to learn how to pay 0 fees. Referral link:

Once you get signed up, don't do anything stupid like open a 100X leverage position. Read about margin trading and then read some more. You can never learn too much. Remember anons, limit orders and stop losses to not lose money.

>> No.7672905
File: 89 KB, 1536x2048, Screenshot_20180215-080917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Eurosharts don't have enough money to move the market either way. Americhads make money in all markets unlike Eurodummies that cry literally everyday as they lose their lunchmoney.

>> No.7672919

Wait I take that back. OP is one of this massive faggots that copies and pastes all my posts to shill his referral.

>> No.7672948

Didn't you faggots lose all your money thinking it was going to go down to 6k again?

>> No.7673041
File: 579 KB, 940x670, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he said, shilling in the thread.
you've been backtraced varg4242

>> No.7673073

Wow, that's cute, are you going to able to finally afford your health insurance with that?

>> No.7673089
File: 275 KB, 521x383, Selection_111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buttmad europoor

>> No.7673158

Autism. I'm honestly impressed.

>> No.7673189
File: 67 KB, 890x559, Bwater shorts feb 14_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dalios is going to fuck Europe, he has just Sold $22 billion of stocks he does not own....
He is expecting to buy them for $11 billion

>> No.7673209

This twists the plot a bit. He comes on /biz/ with Amerimutt shit so the easily fooled eurosharts will align with his message and fall for the affiliate link scam, go to bitmex, and lose all their money. OP is either a pajeet or an Americhad duping eurotards and giving them what they deserve.
At any rate, you eurodummies fucking deserve it. HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.7673226

t. degenerate gambler

>> No.7673229
File: 94 KB, 1000x1000, 1517010445974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks op just bought 100k

>> No.7673270

How did you piece together a 4 day old troll box message to me?
I'm a burger. Do you really think a pajeet could write this well?

>> No.7673383

Tfw he thinks it's hard to afford health insurance in the US

>> No.7673453

You are fucking retarded OP that's not how you do it

>> No.7673470

Why the fuck would I use a margin position in a market this corrective?
Are you fucking braindead?

>> No.7673572

Are you a pussy?

>> No.7673834

by not being a newfag

>> No.7674105

How many referrals do you have?

>> No.7674787

less than 5 active ones.

>> No.7674812

>Euros and others can sign up but US users are banned

Well fucking why?

>> No.7674819

I've had 60 XBT turn over in the last week

>> No.7675318

Because they don't want regulation

>> No.7675479

Because americuck
If you know experience traders that are interested by trading something that moves more than stocks shill them, they have MUCH higher turnover.

>> No.7675669

>hurr durr can't into vpn
Fuck off euroshart

>> No.7675779

Are you retarded? I don't need a fucking VPN, check your lack of privilege.

>> No.7675850

OP europoor faggot who already liquidated himself

>> No.7675858

You stupid fuck, I didn't say you needed one. I was saying apparently you are too fucking retarded to know what one is cuz it's the only thing "standing in the way" between Americhads and bitmex. You should be glad eurofucks don't need one cuz if they did, eurococksucker presence on bmex would be precisely fucking zero as evidenced by your idiotic post. Furthermore, your OP is a fucking disaster and if you are actually following it, you will lose money. Again, typical for euroshitstains.

>> No.7676249

You should have quoted the anon that asked why usa is blocked then, you fucking moron

>> No.7676301

Fuck you faggot. I'll quote whoever the fuck I please. If you euromorons would get a clue we wouldn't even be having this discussion*
*the OP is a shill for bitmex aimed at duping eurocucks onto the exchange to lose their money. Please try to keep up, dumbass.

>> No.7676340

How many referrals have you got with this method?

>> No.7676353

>be retarded like OP
>short bitcoin with leverage
>Get short squeeze'd
>Cry irl and act like a big player on 4chan

>> No.7676446

These bitmex shill threads are getting out of hand btw, mods need to delete this shit.

Remember, if someone goes out of their way to "help" you, youre probably not gonna be the winner at the end of the day. There are no free lunches

>> No.7676626

Cool post but I bet you own no guns and I’m sure as shitbtacjing yoru IP. Best believe when I find yoru gay little crypto ass me and my Russian mob friends are gonna pull your finger nails till you give the pass key. Tell me more about your margin crypto trades big rich no guns faggot.

>> No.7676708
File: 2.65 MB, 512x440, hustise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be american
>sell before going to bed
>buy at 10% lower when wake up

>> No.7677369

So apparently LINK can be shorted, where would that be and has anyone tried?