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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7670420 No.7670420 [Reply] [Original]

2018 price projections for this little guy?

>> No.7670447

DGB is going to hardfork later this spring, which might cause a pump.
Since the coin is actually controlled by an organic team instead of a cabal of chinese miners, the fork won't change the coin and you won't double your wallets.
But not everyone knows that, so you might make bank on retards just hearing "HARD FORK" and buying in.

>> No.7670454

Have the digimarines killed themselves yet?

>> No.7670486
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>says the dude who owns tokens

Digibyte is a solid investment but /biz/ likes to pretend otherwise.

>> No.7670932

I wish I knew anon. DGB are my largest bags. I feel very good about the project.
>Very public face to the coin
>Healthy Blockchain, secure block chain
>roadmap into 2030's

DGB actually tries to solve one of the greatest problems crypto has. Making crpto fucking easy to use in daily life. The fundamental security of the block chain is very much over looked. All the haters. go look at what would happen if one of the mega BTC farms go's down due to natural disaster.- and difficulty takes two weeks to change.

>> No.7671070

I steer away from coins Pajeets put money in. Most definitely a shit coin.

>> No.7671116


>> No.7671169

$2 eoy

>> No.7671743

Coinomi fag here. I've been watching this coin since July, and only has it moved recently in the past month and a half. I am gonna buy several hundred dollars worth next week. Will post screencap.

I predict $1-$2 at least.